Shelbee on the Rags: My Living Room Window Treatments & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up On the Edge #699
Since sharing my living room makeover last April, I have added lots of little details to my decor including the completion of my window treatments. If you recall, I used scarves for the two small windows framing the fireplace and the single window that overlooks my front porch.

For the side triple window, my mother-in-law gave me some old lace curtains that I dyed teal which really brightened up the dark wood blinds.

I liked it all well enough but the bigger windows felt incomplete. Then my mother-in-law gave me two more lace panels so I dyed those and added them to the single window using the scarf as a valance.

Isn’t it so much better with the lace?
For the big triple window, I decided to make a shaggy raggy valance in shades of tan and brown to coordinate with the scarf valances. I am so happy with the final outcome!

Another subtle addition to my living room is that I painted the ceiling beams to match the walls. If you look back at the old photos, you can see that the center of the beams were the same white as the ceiling and now they are a light blue color called Seascape. It was back breaking work painting those beams, but it was totally worth it.

And the newest addition to my living room decor is a most unwanted one. Do you see the brown spot around the ceiling beam on the right that looks like a water stain? It is not a water stain. It is Poria incrassata, otherwise known as dry rot or house-eating fungus. Yep, a mushroom is eating my house.
We had the chimney inspected in the fall and were holding off on the pricey rebuild until spring. Seems we probably should not have waited. Ugh. So we are in the process of figuring out this fix and it is really stressful. Any helpful suggestions are welcome!
Featured Favorites
Reader Favorite: Sally of Within a World of My Own
Fashion Favorite: Di 0f Di-alog
Other Favorite: Pam of A New Lens

You can find my other raggery projects here.
Keeping it raggy,
Joining these Fabulous Link Parties.

Our really looks cozy. I love those colors. Sea colours. That’s a nasty stain. And it’s very bad for your health, so keep on ventilating!
Thanks so much, Nancy! It is my favorite room in the house! And we are taking care of this fungus problem as quickly as possible for lots of reasons!
Your room looks fabulous! I love the colors. Sorry to hear about that stain. I hope you can get all of that taken of very soon. Thank you for hosting this linkup. Have a great weekend! 😊
Stephanie, thanks so much! We are taking all the necessary steps to deal with this ceiling issue right quick! I hope you have a lovely weekend!
First of all, your living room looks amazing! I love the teal and seascape combo. Your window treatments are amazing! (And you’ve given me ideas….) As for dry rot – Yikes! I have no experience with it. I hope you find answers soon.
Thanks so much, Michelle! I am interested in your ideas that were inspired by windows! We need to catch up soon. I have a busy next few days with family visiting for Ralph’s honors band concert today and the total eclipse on Monday. But let’s chat soon. Have a wonderful weekend, my friend!
Life has become busy here too. Ha! But yes, let’s chat soon. I’ll keep it on my radar.
It is on my radar, too!
You’ve created such fantastic and unique window dressing! You should offer this as a service Shelbee. Sorry to hear about the fungus problem and hope you can sort it.
Thanks so much, Gail! I have made a few custom curtain orders for people but I think my raggery aesthetic really only appeals to a very small demographic of bohemian folks. I would love to create unique decor pieces for others but I don’t think there is much of a market for it. At least not where I currently live. But I still enjoy making my rag art for me!
Sally in St Paul
The layered window treatments look so cool, Shelbee! I am very sorry that a mushroom is eating your house in this completely annoying, not at all whimsical, fashion. Best of luck getting that sorted out!
Thank you so much, Sally! Once the mushroom is dealt with and we get the carpet replaced, my living room will be completed. Mostly. We still need new furniture! LOL Have a wonderful weekend, my friend.
It looks great! I think the paint color on the ceiling beams really draws your eye up to that architectural detail.
Thank you, Joanne! Before I painted the beams, every morning I would lie down on the living room floor to do yoga and I would think to myself, “Those beams would look so much better painted. I wish I could wake up tomorrow and have them painted.” After a few weeks of that, I realized if I wanted to wake up tomorrow to painted ceiling beams then I better get painting them. So I did! Ha. I am so happy I did. Have a lovely weekend, my friend!
Your living room refresh turned out beautifully Shelbee! It looks like such a calm and peaceful oasis. I love all of your window treatments. It is so special that you created them all yourself. Thanks so much for the favorite from last week, and for sharing your creativity, and the link up. I hope you have a great weekend!
Thank you so much, Di! It really is an oasis of peace for me! I love being surrounded by all my crazy bohemian stuff. I hope you have a most wonderful weekend as well, my friend!
Marsha Banks
Your living room is so colorful, boho, and inviting, Shelbee! I think the raggery valances are just perfect! And, even though it was a true pain, your beams look so beautiful! I love that you did that. I have always wanted beams in my house, but none of our ceilings work for it. Oh, well…can’t have everything. And, I don’t want your little fungus, either. How awful to know it’s getting worse. You would think the cold would keep it from growing.
Have a wonderful weekend with your family, my friend! And, thank you for the link up!
Thanks so much, Marsha! All the raggery around my house really makes me happy on a daily basis! I painted those darn ceiling beams in my dining room first and we loved the result. Then I was super intimidated to paint the living room ones because the room is twice as large as the dining room. It really was a gigantic pain in the arse but totally worth it. I hope the next people to live here enjoy painting ceilings if they don’t like the color! Haha. My house was built in 1923 and it really has a lot of wonderful little details (like the ceiling beams) to give it extra character. I’ll miss it when we move but I will not miss the wretched weather! And yes, why is the fungus growing in my ceiling like that when it is still so darn cold here?! Ugh.
Enjoy your time with family as well this weekend and be sure to wear your eclipse glasses! LOL
Patrick Weseman
The windows are amazing but the whole living room is so very cool. Love it. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.
Aw, thank you so much, my friend! My living room is very cozy and welcoming…or so I have been told! That makes me very happy.
Lydia C. Lee
Gorgeous colour!
Thanks so much, Lydia!