Shelbee on the Rags: Découpage Denise (DeDe)
In an effort to use all of the scrap material that results from my rag curtains, I have been trying to find creative ways to repurpose even the tiniest bits of leftover fabrics. I have found découpage to be a wonderful solution and another cathartic and relaxing way for me to make my raggery art.
All I need is a big jar of Mod Podge, a brush, my rag scraps, and something to glue them to. My first attempt at découpage was the makeover I gave to an old mannequin. She turned out so fabulous that people began to covet her. I call her Patchwork Shelbee.
Next I découpaged an old sewing table that belonged to my mother. I sanded down all the wood, glued bits of fabric scraps in coordinating colors to the flat surfaces, and switched out the drawer pulls. Now I have a really cute bohemian style table that matches my cloffice rag curtain, “Aqua Allure”.
When I delivered the “Bohemian Ragsody” rag curtain to my friend Denise in her shop, Solitary Consignment, she was one of the people who expressed a great interest in Patchwork Shelbee. Not willing to part with Patchwork Shelbee, I offered to découpage another mannequin for Denise if she provided me with the mannequin.
So she gave me a plastic body form to work with and I simply cannot get over how darn adorable she turned out! First I covered her all up with bits of fabrics. Then I used some old broken jewelry to embellish her with pearly buttons and a choker. Finally I made her a little skirt with strips of rag fabrics. I call her “Découpage Denise”, DeDe for short.

And her she is in her permanent home.

I can’t not smile when I look at her! Does she have that same effect on you?
If you are interested in my other raggery projects, you can see them all here.
Keeping it on the rags,
Joining these Fabulous Link Parties.

Marsha Banks
Découpage Denise just may be my favorite raggery project of them all, Shelbee! She’s so colorful…love the way she mixes and matches prints and patterns…and the jewelry! She is a fashionista, that’s for sure! And, yes, I am smiling as I write this because she just makes me happy!
Awwwww, thanks so much, Marsha! I think DeDe is my favorite, too! She is so very colorful and positive and charming. I am so glad that she is making people smile!
Patrick Weseman
Wow, that is so very cool. Love it.
Thanks, my friend!
OMG! Decoupage Denise is amazing!
Thank you so much, Michelle! I think so, too, but I am kind of biased!