Running on Empty & Link Up On the Edge #118

I had big goals today. Again. And my energy level did not meet my ambition level. Again. And I have tons of work that needs to get done. Again. And there are not enough hours in the day. Again. And I know that my little sob story here is not unique or strange or different. It is the world we all live in and the cycles we all pass through. So you can relate, I’m sure. So bear with me whilst I continue on my whiny way…
I have much to write that needs writing. Topics of great importance to me that are becoming clearer in my head and prime for articulation. But again, the time has run out. And I am so stinking tired. I sat down at the computer with the intention of sharing the current goings-on in my life that have inspired me to write certain things, specific things, important things. But I was realistic in my goal-setting, knowing full well that my brain may be too tired to actually write anything of substance. So I had a back up plan. If I simply could not write with depth and meaning, I would share an adorable new outfit recently gifted to me from Ethyl Clothing. I set my back up plan into motion and by the time I finished editing the outfit photos, my tank was empty. Emptier than I think I have ever experienced. Like “stranded on the highway at midnight with the gas light on puttering to a stop 50 miles from the next exit with no street lights or cell phone signal or GPS” kind of empty. Yep. That sums it up pretty accurately. And I didn’t have a back up plan to my back up plan.
So I quickly improvised. And here is my improvisation…an outfit that is totally Fall appropriate for most women and most autumn occasions…Thanksgiving, Black Friday shopping, coffee with friends, a walk in the woods, apple picking, pumpkin picking, or raking leaves. For me, right now, I would probably just take a nap in this cozy outfit, too tired to even take off my boots. But at least I’ll feel pretty while I sleep! And hopefully, it has inspired to just a bit.
Anyway, there you have it…Shelbee on empty. And lots of stuff coming to the blog…
- A review of my Ethyl Clothing outfit.
- A review of some gorgeous pieces from the Foxcroft Collection (I was the lucky winner of Dawn Lucy’s Foxcroft Shopping Spree giveaway! Thanks so much, Dawn and Foxcroft! That definitely cheered me up!)
- I will be joining some amazing blogger friends over the next two months for Ada’s huge holiday blogger collaboration series.
- The Good Buy/Good Bye Book that I co-host with Nancy is coming in 2 weeks. The theme for November is Boots, so send us your photos soon!
- Your Own Twist Link Up that I co-host with Monica is also coming in 2 weeks. The theme for November is High Boots. So be sure to link your posts featuring your favorite tall boots for fall.
- And of course, the things that I need to write that I continue alluding to but never delivering! Next week. It is coming next week. I swear.
And in case you missed my recent collaborations which have kept me on my toes and quite busy lately, check them out below.
- I am one of the newest members of the Fab 40’s. You can read our most recent styling adventure here…The Fab 40’s Went Goth.
- I have joined 7 fabulously fashionable bloggers to show that style does not have an age limit. Check out our second post here…The Magnificent 8 Are Distressed.
- And Susan is still going strong writing articles for me for my Tuesday #SpreadTheKindness Link Up posts. Man, am I grateful for awesome friends like her!
And I think I have other blogger obligations and collaborations and such coming up soon as well, but my head is spinning right now so I can’t even comprehend my own calendar! Time for me to get some rest now so I can get back to my own high standards! Until then, stay fabulous, my friends! And get some rest before your tank runs empty!
Here are your favorite posts from last week’s link up.
Kim of Fierce Fashion shared her post, Reflections: A House & A Toxic Relationship.

Tiina of Elegance Revisited shared her post, Nordgreen: Nordic Design & Nordic Values.

Suzanne of Ask Suzanne Bell shared her post, Elevate Your Wardrobe With One (or 5!) of These Fab Pieces.

If you have any time management tips or any other words of inspiration for me, I would love for you to share them in the comments. I’ll take any help I can get right now!
Taking a nap on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

Kellyann Rohr
Hang in there my friend! While you are running on empty you still put an outfit together like nobody’s business! I’d wear this in a heartbeat – perfect for Thanksgiving and fall!
Thank you so much, Kellyann! I didn’t have the energy to put the outfit details so I completely ignored that part of blogging! Ha. Have a great weekend, my friend.
Carol Tsacoyeanes
Great post Shelbee. Again!
Thanks so much, Carol! Have a great weekend!
Kathrine Eldridge
Love this fall look and looking forward to all these exciting things on your blog!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! Have a fantastic weekend!
Maria | passion fruit, paws and peonies
Remember you’ll never get today back again. Remember the important stuff, and don’t stress the small stuff. You are doing amazing but you don’t want to break Shelbee. No-one will judge you – life is crazy! Sod it all and put your feet up for 10 minutes and have a cup of tea and breath (my very English advise) haha xx Maria
Well, Maria, that is the best English advice I have heard all day! And no, I certainly do not want to break Shelbee. And sod it all is such a great attitude for me to take right about now! And you don’t even know how very relevant these words are right now…”you’ll never get today back again.” A greater truth has never been spoken. Thank you for the perspective!
Julie | This Main Line Life
I totally have those days too. You just can’t do it all and it’s got to be so tough for you to keep up with blogging and working. Give yourself a break and take a rest and recoup day. Love that scarf, btw.
Julie, thanks so much! I am working on a planned day of rest. Apparently, I have reached that point where I must schedule rest time! Have a great weekend!
when I am running on empty, I look it. Boy do I! But you never do, Shelbee. I think the more tired you get the better you look. Lucky girl! Hang in there Shelbee, good things are coming.
Oh my word, Susan! I think it’s only because I have shed a few pounds in the past few months with all the running! However, I did need to lose a few pounds, so it is all a good thing! And make up is magical, my friend! Hahaha. Thanks so much for your kind words.
I hear you! Time keeps getting away from me too! Loving this cozy fall look!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks so much, Jill! I guess it is something we all chase after…more time! I would take that over most things. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Tiina L
I feel for you. And I can relate to every word. We all have those days (or weeks, whatever). There’s just too much to do, and it seems never-ending. And you really need a clear head and a relaxed mind to be creative and start new projects. But first you have to do this and that and god knows what… Isn’t it weird how things just sort of pile up, never mind how much you try to plan beforehand? I’ve been so busy with work recently that I’m seriously thinking one day my brain will just explode, and I’m finding it really hard to be nice and friendly when people ask me really stupid questions at work… But it will get easier in a few weeks.
Thanks for the feature! And BTW, you manage to look very relaxed and happy in the pictures.
Tiina, thanks so much for sharing your experience with me. It is comforting to know that I am not alone in taking on too much and getting completely overwhelmed. So many of us do it and still get through. But I guess it does eventually start to take a toll on our minds and bodies. I can totally relate to the feeling that my brain may explode! But it hasn’t yet, so I suspect it probably will not. Ha. Hang in there, my friend, and try to maintain some sense of calm. I hope you enjoy your weekend!
Hang in there. I think we all understand. This week I drafted a couple of posts and didn’t have the energy to complete them, either. Thanks for the shoutout, yours was the only place I linked up, because it’s so hard for me to share personal feelings/stories and I felt most comfortable here. That says something about your openness.
Wow, Kim, this comment seriously just made my eyes well up. Thank you so much for having that type of confidence in me. Remaining true and genuine and real in a world that gets so absorbed with the fake is a trying task indeed. Staying the course can be a challenge. But I do my best to persevere…as you do as well. So you hang in there as well. As all things do, these trying times will pass and you will be so much better because of them in the end. Sending you lots of hugs!
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
Your outfit makes me want to do all the fall things! Have a great weekend!
Yes! To all of the fall things! I do love this season…now if it would just stop raining where I live! Have a great weekend, Tamar!
I feel ya, girl. It can be so difficult juggling multiple jobs, blogging, family life, and finding some semblance of personal time. Hang in there and take care of yourself. Great fall look and I just love the colors of your scarf!
Jennie, thank you so much! As tired as I am, I don’t think I could be much happier! I enjoy the grind and keeping busy. I really only just wish there was more time to do all things I want to do. Or maybe just a little boost in my energy…I have new multivitamins on the way…maybe that will make a difference! I wish you a very lovely weekend, my friend.
jodie filogomo
Sending you all sorts of love and hugs, Shelbee. You are always so supportive of everyone else, but you have to take care of you first!!
Jodie, thank you, thank you, thank you! For everything you do and say. You are such an amazing friend and I appreciate your support so very much! But how does one change the way one is? I am a giver, not a taker! But I also give a lot to myself…I definitely have a selfish streak…I guess I just need to let it out more often! Haha. Have a great weekend!
Patrick Weseman
It has been a chore for me to do anything towards my blog lately also. Sometimes I feel like why bother but then I see others writing their posts and then I figure why not. Some days, I just want to lay on my couch like in my favorite yoga position “The Dead Dog” and watch something that doesn’t make me think but then I decide not to because I don’t want to kill the one or two brain cells I have left.
Anyway, sending you positive thoughts and I hope that you have a wonderful weekend.
Oh my God, Patrick, I adore you! And I hear you and know exactly what you mean! The Dead Dog position may be the only yoga position I am familiar with…and there are days when I do just what you described. Eventually the tired really catches up to me and I end up sleeping an entire day away. And I don’t even care because it feels so freaking good! Please don’t kill those last few brain cells, my friend, you need them to keep on blogging!
Rachael Thomas
I’ve been running on empty for the past month, so I understand how you feel! I hope your tank fills up soon. Also, I’m loving this fall look! Such a great scarf and the love the lace up detailing on your boots.
Thanks so much, Rachael! I know you have been burning your candle at both ends as well. And I sit and read and wonder how you do it all! Then I realize that we are all doing it all…pushing straight forward through our exhaustion. But yet, we all still have enough to give in support of others. So thank you for that. I appreciate it so very much! I hope you have a lovely weekend.
Tina von Tinaspinkfriday
Shelbee you look amazing. Younger and younger from post to post. 🙂
Thanks so much, Tina! Aging gracefully, I suppose!
Hi Shelbee! Thank you so much for the shout out and share on your website, what fun 🙂 Now, hang in there my friend-and know it is ok to rest, we are all still here on the other side. You have a TON going on, and this is your body saying it’s time to rest. So rest up in that beautiful fall outfit you put together. You are right, I love that look for everything fall; shopping, eating, visiting with friends, playing with kiddos – it’s a look you can take anywhere
Enjoy your weekend, the rest will be there for you to attack…when you are ready!
Suzanne, thank you so much for these wonderful words! It is so easy to lose perspective when you get caught up in the grind, isn’t it? I definitely take time to unwind and enjoy every second of it! I think what bothers me most is losing blogging time since I started working outside of the home…because I do love blogging…everything about it. It is my passion and brings me so much joy. So I hate to be forced to take breaks from it, but it is the first thing that I must break from when I feel overwhelmed. I will be resting this weekend, for sure. I hope you have a wonderful weekend as well.
Cheryl Shops
Be kind to yourself, Shelbee—I feel like there are never enough hours in the day, either, so I ask myself, “Is it ok if I do this tomorrow?” And the answer is almost always yes. Hang in there!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
I hear you, Cheryl! I definitely can let things go until tomorrow, but them tomorrow runs out of time, too! And before you know it, I feel overwhelmed. Then I get a few easy days when I can catch up and I feel right back to normal again. It is a vicious cycle, isn’t it? Thanks so much for your kind words and all of your support! You rock.
Sometimes we just have those weeks, I’ve been having quite a few of them lately too…on the bright side, you look great!
Thank you so much, Michelle! I feel like I have had quite a few consecutive weeks from hell myself! I keep just waiting for a break in it and the break never seems to come. Thankfully I have Sunday and Monday off and should be able to relax and gather my thoughts! Hang in there, my friend, we’ve got this! Have a lovely weekend.
Hang in there! I know exactly where you’re coming from and it’s okay to need a break. I feel like I’ve been all over the place this year and I’ve suffered from major burnout, which is so hard to recover from but I’ve realized that taking care of yourself is so so important. I admire you because you always seem to be on top of it and are so consistent, but don’t forget to take time for yourself 😉 Enjoy the weekend <3
Liz, thank you so much! It is so comforting to know that I am not the only one who gets overwhelmed and suffers from burn out. It is funny because some days I just feel like I’m doing what needs to be done and I don’t think I’m special in any way. After all, lots of people do even more than I do and seem to do it effortlessly. But then I realize that I am probably doing way more than most and need to give myself credit and a big old proud pat on the back! You should do the same for yourself. And then we should both take a nice long nap. Ha. I really appreciate all of your support and kind words, my friend. Have a great weekend.
I hope you are able to take some time this weekend and recharge a bit! I know what it is like to feel like you’ve completely run out of energy! You need to take care of yourself first, but I think as women we often leave ourselves till last.
Laura, thanks so much for your kind and supportive words. I think we definitely tend to put ourselves last until we are ready to drop! I am hoping to get a little rest this weekend. And I hope you have a lovely weekend as well.
Dawn Lucy
Oh Girl … I hear you loud & clear. Sometimes you just need to give yourself a break and a rest. Yesterday when I came home from work my husband said “oh dear, you look broken!” …. haha … just so tired after a couple of extra long school days. Anyway my point is just that I can relate and our health & spirit is always top priority.
Much love
Dawn Lucy
Dawn Lucy, thanks so much! Don’t let yourself get broken either! I have to work this morning, then I am relaxing for the rest of the weekend! I told my husband this morning that I wasn’t getting out of bed tomorrow! Have a fantastic restful weekend, my friend.
Bettye L Rainwater
Shelbee, I feel your Not Enough Time in the Day Pain! I’m right there with’ya! When I’m in the thick of that, no option sounds good – continuing through is just more of the same…and take a little break might feel good in the moment, but when the moment’s over, now you’re even more behind than you were before. I’m envying Dawn Lucy above whose husband noticed and acknowledged her struggle with his “you look broken” comment – sometimes we just need someone to KNOW we’re struggling. Or a hug. Or something.
So, while obviously I don’t know all that’s going on, I’m acknowledging your struggle, and sending a virtual hug.
And I hope the thing that needs to come along and help push you through to the other side, does so soon! For both of us, ha ha!
Bettye, thank you so much for your kind words and your virtual hug. I am sending one right back to you! Yesterday, I took the entire afternoon and evening and relaxed with a house full of friends (if a house full of people can actually be relaxing) and today I do feel much calmer. But now I do have a ton of stuff to catch up all the while other life things are really inhibiting me once again. I guess I will just take baby steps until each thing gets done. And I will wax and wane through the feelings of overwhelm that lead to calm that lead back to overwhelm. It is one of the crazy cycles of life, I guess. And tomorrow the week begins again! Hang in there, my friend. We’ve got this. And what doesn’t get done probably didn’t really NEED doing anyway!
I feel you! It is hard to multitask when we have so many responsibilities but heh is not great we at least do what we love which is blogging. away from that your look is so cute and you nailed it. It is well put together and timeless.
Thank you so much, Rama! I do love blogging and it makes me sad sometimes that it is the first thing that I slack on when I get overwhelmed with other things.
I can relate Shelbee. Sorry I don’t have magic potion or secret way to make time or get more energy so I will just say hang in there! It just seems like there is always something to do no matter what day it is or time. Even in our sleep, we are probably dreaming of doing something! 😱 Funny enough, my hubby wanted to chat the other day and I was like “wait a minute I am working on something” and he was like you are always doing something! Yes and that’s exactly how it feels most of the time. I love this outfit you featured. It is very casual, comfy yet so chic. Perfect Fall essentials and those boots are my favorite. I hope you had a chance to rest this weekend and that this week is a lot nicer to you. Sending you my biggest hugs and wishing you a wonderful Tuesday!
Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com
Thank you so much, Maureen! The weekend definitely allowed me some relaxation…not much rest though! I found myself constantly going. However, yesterday I was in my jammies at 4:00 p.m. and didn’t much care. I am ready to conquer this week now! I hope you find some time for yourself as well. Self-care is not an option, right?
Oh dear, friend, you better slow down and take it easy. It is not a good idea to run on so little a fuel. I do love that pretty sweater and beautiful plaid scarf . This is the perfect autumn outfit.
I hope you have a wonderful week.
Elle, thank you so much, my friend! I did manage to get some relaxation in this weekend and feel quite rejuvenated already. But now daylight savings and this miserable never ending rain are putting a damper on my energy and mood!
Shelbee I can so relate! I have so many thoughts and ideas running through my mind and some have even managed to make it out into notes on paper but none congealed enough to live on a blog page yet. Hang in there momma. This is a perfect outfit for fall so at least you have that together!!
Shelly, thank you so much! I have notebooks filled with lists of blog topic ideas not to mention all the stuff I text to myself! Now if we could just get all out in a clear and concise manner. But when the muse strikes, brilliance abounds, doesn’t it? I hope you find your muse soon as well!
Jessica A Jannenga
Well, I like your cozy sweater and plaid scarf. A pretty and bundled look 🙂 I have things on a to do list and just do what I can. Just try to do what you can and, just give yourself a break too. I look forward to hearing your other topics for discussion on your blog.
thanks for linking!
jess xx
Jess, thanks so much for your kind compliments and words of advice. I have definitely calmed down some and feel much more relaxed…even heading into the holidays, which is a little weird, but I’m not arguing!
Girl, you have as much in your plate (if not more) as I do, blog-wise too. Many collaborations and linkups. I love this Fall Outfit with all the layers. Perfect for all those occasions you mentioned.
Thanks so much, Ada! I do have a ton of collaborations going on right now! But somehow I am getting it all done and I am feeling quite calm today. So I am embracing the calm and editing photos with a vodka drink in hand on this lazy Sunday afternoon.