Road Tripping & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #161

I am back from the best road trip ever. I was hoping to be refreshed and rejuvenated upon returning to the realities of my life as a mom and wife in the North Country, but honestly, I am exhausted and a tiny bit overwhelmed as I try to catch up on all the things that I had pushed aside so I could just enjoy life and living. While I may be a bit road weary, I am definitely inspired and have approximately 19,357 things racing around in my brain that I want to write about, describe, analyze, and philosophize. But all in due time. First I must get myself organized and back to all the mundane things that are the foundation of this crazy beautiful life.
It may take some time for me to get back to my regular schedule and start chipping away at the long list of things that I would like to accomplish, so in the meantime, do let me share a less than brief overview of my 10 day road trip.
I did not take very many pictures during my travels. I did this on purpose. I wanted to be in the moment. In all of the moments. All too often taking pictures triggers me into thinking about various writing topics and in an instant the entire thing becomes more like work than vacation. So I will share the few pictures that I did take (as well as a few that I swiped from Becca’s Facebook page) and the rest of my stories I will articulate later based solely on my memories. Those are the best kind of stories anyway, in my opinion. Even if they sometimes get a little skewed or embellished, it is the way we remember things that is the most important. Often more important than the way they may have actually happened. Until then, I will leave you with a synopsis of my 10 days on the road.
I began last Thursday by driving to Pennsylvania where I spent the night at my sister’s house babysitting her 3 lovely grandchildren. We did a good deed by attempting to wash the Vaseline out of her 4 year old granddaughter’s hair. This kid will give y’all a run for your money. Have you ever tried to get Vaseline out of a child’s hair…in the kitchen sink…with Dawn dish soap? This is definitely a story for future family gatherings.

After a terrible night’s sleep of approximately 3 hours of slumber interrupted by my own nerves, I was up at 4:45 a.m. and on the road by 5:30. I stopped in Roanoke, Virginia, at noon and had lunch with some very dear friends from my childhood. It was wonderful to catch up with them and it was also the perfect breaking point for lunch on an all day drive.
I was back on the road by 1:30 p.m. to finish the final 4 1/2 hours of driving to visit my friend Becca in Cullowhee, North Carolina. I arrived at her house at exactly 6:00 p.m. just before the sun began to set (thankfully because night driving is not conducive for these old eyes). Becca’s house sits atop a beautiful mountain peak that you can only get to by driving up the steepest hill ever. It’s like an 89 degree angle that makes you feel like your car is going to tip nose over tail and send you tumbling to your death. But once you get to the top, it is the most serene place I have ever inhabited.
We first planned to make jambalaya for dinner and enjoy the fruity Pennsylvania wine that I brought upon Becca’s request. Then we decided we were going to head into town to watch a funk band play at a local drinking establishment. But the effort required on my part to take a shower to wash away the travel scum (how do we get so gross just from sitting in a car all day, I’ll never understand) was just too much and we opted instead to stay in and have a true Galentine’s night of girl bonding. And yeah, that night will definitely go down as one of my most memorable nights ever. More on that another time.

Due to a large amount of caffeine and other caffeine type products to keep me awake for 12 hours of driving, I could not fall asleep despite the intense level of exhaustion that I was feeling. Eventually, I stopped fighting against it and just enjoyed my time with Becca. We headed into Asheville the following night…on no sleep…to see Billy Strings and Umphrey’s McGee. Another amazing experience and it was only day 2 of my trip!

Day 3, Sunday, Becca and I drove the Blue Ridge Parkway and headed to Gatlinburg, Tennessee, for the day. What a cute little tourist town! We spent the day just strolling in and out of shops. We did a moonshine tasting at Ole Smoky Distillery and then enjoyed dinner at No Way Jose’s Cantina. We returned home that night with full bellies and tired feet and settled in to watch The Joker.

Monday morning was my departure date to meet up with Carson in Asheville. I first stopped at Izzy’s Coffee Shop in West Asheville for a few hours by myself to catch up a tiny bit on blog comments and emails before beginning this next part of my trip. Carson met me there around lunchtime and we spent the rest of the day just sort of floating around Asheville. Tuesday brought us much of the same thing. Coffee, lunch, dinner, hanging out and catching up.
On Wednesday, I headed out for the day by myself with my first stop being the River Arts District and Foundation Studios where Becky of Pink Cheetah Vintage houses her vintage clothing collection in partnership with Noreen. I do not have adequate words to express how incredibly cool these two women are! Noreen took me on a tour of the entire studio which houses dozens of artists who all work in different mediums and genres. And that is just one building in this expansive arts district. Again, I did not take very many pictures because pictures cannot do it justice. But every single building is covered in the most amazing graffiti art that just fuels your inspiration in the purest of ways.

I then indulged myself with a Thai chicken taco, chipotle cheese grits, and a margarita at White Duck Taco Shop in the River Arts District followed by a few hours of strolling around downtown Asheville. I purchased a few used books in Downtown Books & News as well as a new book from Malaprop’s Bookstore. I then stumbled upon a really cool shop, The Open Door Boutique, where I found this adorable new hat and made an amazing connection with the shop owner, David. We spent over an hour in intense and meaningful spiritual conversation that resulted in an impromptu walk in Montford Park on Friday before I headed out of town. I now have another wonderful new friend to hang out with when I visit Asheville!

I kept the remainder of the evening pretty low key and then spent Thursday afternoon cruising around Asheville with Carson in the snow. I thought I had escaped the white stuff, but alas, Mother Nature had other plans for me. But snow in North Carolina is much different from snow in northern New York. We spent about an hour and a half in the coolest barber shop in Asheville sharing stories and beverages and then headed off to Wedge Brewery for some phenomenal microbrews that got me way more intoxicated than I had anticipated.

About an hour after arriving at Wedge, Becca met up with us and we continued on to the Thursday night bluegrass jam at Jack of the Wood. I had attended this bluegrass jam when I visited Asheville in July and it was super cool that one of the artists, Krista Tortora, who was performing that night remembered me! She promptly came over and gave me a big hug saying how great it was to see me again. You see, this makes the draw to Asheville that much stronger for me.
Friday morning was my time to start the journey back home. I was unable to attend the Fireside Collective show in Richmond, Virginia, on Friday night as planned, but it all worked out for the best because I got to catch up with another friend in Virginia for the night before heading on to Pennsylvania to pick up my boys. I got on the road Saturday morning for the 6 hour drive to Gramma’s to see my babies whom I missed very much. We scored a pickle pizza from La Napoli III & O.I.P. in Weatherly, Pennsylvania, and it was even better than I had imagined! If you are a fan of pickles, you really need to try this.

Sunday morning we began our trip home where we enjoyed some delicious chocolate treats that I scored on the 50% off Valentine’s Day candy sale at Dollar General! Post Valentine’s Day might very well be my favorite time of the year. I mean, who doesn’t love half price chocolate?

And now here I sit on Monday evening, still in my pajamas, drafting this post for the morning. I hope the details have not bored you all to death. But those are the highlights of my most amazing 10 day road trip. I am sure I will be ready for the next road trip in about 60 days! What have you been up to lately?
And now your featured favorites from two weeks ago.
Reader Favorite (Most Clicked)
Laurie of Vanity and Me shared her wonderfully stylish post, Wardrobe staples SS2020 to mix and match, where she shows some gorgeous wardrobe pieces and offers different ways to style them.

My Favorite Fashion Post
Shauna of Lipgloss and Lace shared her post, A Passion for Fashion. Not only does this monochromatic black look create the most stunning silhouette with the beautiful feather details but Shauna’s message is one that rings very near and dear to my heart.

My Favorite Non-Fashion Post
Jill of Doused in Pink shared a post that is so my jam, Easy Random Acts of Kindness Ideas. Yes indeed! Go check out Jill’s list of 30 wonderful ideas to #SpreadTheKindness every day!

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.

Dee | Grammy's Grid
Thanks so much for hosting! I’m linking up with a short story challenge BLURRED VISION (BARN PHOTO PROMPT) and a quote BUTTERFLIES ARE…
Thanks so much, Dee! I will be sure to check it out!
It sounds like a wonderful road trip. You did so many cool things! I’m always up for trying new foods and that pickle pizza sounds amazing! Thank you so much for the feature!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks so much, Jill! If you can find a pickle pizza near you, I highly recommend it. Just be sure to have some ranch dip on the side!
Kathrine Eldridge
So glad you enjoyed your time away! I have always wanted to go to Asheville. That cat is too cute! Thanks for the link up!
Thanks so much, Mireille! If you ever get the chance to visit Asheville, I am sure you will love it! It is such a creative and colorful place.
Sounds like a fun busy road trip and now you need a vacation from your vacation. Take your time getting back into your routine!
It was so much fun, Mireille! And I definitely need a vacation now to recover from all the fun!
Kellyann Rohr
I am so glad you had such a fantastic time! It is so good for the soul to be free and enjoy yourself with people you love! I am dying over all the vaseline – did it ever come out? Ahhh kids!!!
Thanks so much, Kellyann! It really was good for my soul…especially since my little one is giving us a hell of a time this morning getting ready for school. Grrr. As for the Vaseline, we washed her hair twice with Dawn after her mother washed it three times with baking soda and it was still super greasy. I imagine by now it has come out!
You are so sweet, thank you for the feature! And I’m so happy to hear that you love fashion as much as I do. Seems like we share a special bond to it! 🙂 Sounds like you had the best trip too. We all need those kind of amazing trips!
Thanks so much, Shauna! We definitely share a passion for fashion! For as long as I can remember I have been obsessed with self expression through clothing (and writing)!
Looks like lots of wonderful memories made! Great pictures! The kitty looks so peaceful, I can never resist a cute cat photo 🙂
Vaseline in the hair sounds like fun LOL, my daughter when she was very small smeared butter all over herself, which was probably similar but I bet Vaseline was much harder to get out.
We drove through Gatlinburg last summer on our way home from Myrtle Beach, it was soooo busy, but looked like so much fun! So much to do! So glad you had a wonderful time! I too always feel like I need another vacation after vacation, isn’t it funny!
Ellibelle’s Corner
Thanks so much, Ellie! And OMG butter smeared all over. I am sure that was equally messy! There is a story from my childhood that I apparently got into a jar of honey and had it all in my hair. If you get the chance to stop in Gatlinburg, there are some really cool shops there. It is a very touristy place though, for sure. I am just trying to get back in the groove of life again!
jess jannenga
Wow! I am impressed with all that you did! You are a girl on the go! I love visting Asheville, the artsiness and the music, not to mention food. I never had moonshine, I better get on the ball! Weve been to the River Arts District pretty neat! I am just amazed you drive all yourself! I also love the Blue Ridge mountains, we often drive there when the weather is nice- the Parkway is great. So glad you had a grea ttime! The pizza looks yummy, but substitute pickles for mushrooms ( for me).
take it easy
jess xx
Jess, thanks so much! You know, I really love the solo drive. It is when I do my best thinking. Or I jam out to some great music or catch up on podcasts. The solitude is welcomed when I live in a house overrun by boys! And I am starting to get little stops in place along the way so I can break up the drive some. Twelve hours in one day was a little rough! I plan on coming back in the summer so we will definitely make plans to get together!
Jacqui Berry
What an amazing trip Shelbee! for me in the UK it’s just like watching a film, many thanks for the insight Hun. Jacqui
Aw, thanks so much, Jacqui! It really was a fabulous time. I am glad that I could paint an enjoyable picture for your reading pleasure!
Patrick Weseman
Looks like an epic trip. Very nice. I bet a fun good time was had. So very and you look great also. Thanks for hosting and welcome back. Have a great week.
Thanks so much, Patrick! It was definitely a trip of epic proportions! I can’t wait to do it again…after I recover from this one!
Looks like you had a lot of fun!
Effortlessly Sophisticated
I did have the time of my life! Thanks, Jennifer!
Terri Gardner
Sounds like you have a great time. Asheville is on my bucket list of places to go. I think there might be great vintage shops there. Also, the Biltmore is near there. I have a friend there now and she has tickets for the Downton Abbey display-so jealous!
Thanks, Terri! It really was an amazing trip. Asheville is so creative and colorful. There are a ton of vintage shops there. I visited a few but I didn’t find anything that I had to have. I have not been to the Biltmore yet, but I am sure I will get there at some point. If you ever do go, I would love to hear your experience.
Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
I haven’t been on a road trip in ages, but wow… 10 days?! That is amazing. If I could plan out a 10 day road trip, I know I’d be wanting to visit a lot of new to me places. I agree, sometimes when you are busy photographing every moment, you aren’t living in the moment. It is hard to find a happy medium for that, but I try to take a quick photo and then I put my phone away when it is something I really want to enjoy in the moment. Welcome back!
Thanks so much, Carrie! I did spend a bulk of the 10 days in North Carolina but I was fortunate enough to have places to stop for the night along the way to break up the driving. I am growing to love these road trips more and more with each one that I take. But it is always nice to get back home and enjoy my own bed! Now I just need to get back on track.
Rosemary Davis
This sounds like an amazing road trip! So many exciting things to do and happening!
That pickle pizza is something else!
Thank you for hosting!
Thank you, Rosemary! It really was an amazing trip. It seems like every time I travel to NC, it gets better with each trip.
Lovely to be featured. Thanks so much Shelbee xx
Thanks so much, Laurie! It was my pleasure.
I’ve never had a pickle pizza before. Sounds salty. What kind of sauce goes into that? Oh and that cat is adorable! I wish I weren’t allergic.
Alice, thanks for reading! The pickle pizza actually was not very salty at all. It had a white sauce and then I dipped it in ranch sauce as well which really elevated the flavor. I am also a bit allergic to cats but not so much that I can’t be around them.
Yesssss!!! It was the best to c u!!!!! Can’t wait for your return and more hang time! That pickle pizza looks good lolol!!!
Oh my god, it was beyond description how much fun I had! And I cannot wait to hang out more this summer! I will keep you posted!
Christina Morley
Looks like a fun road trip and I love the iconic cars! I bet those chocolate cars were a hit with your boys. Thanks for hosting!
Thanks so much, Tina! It was such an amazing trip! I will cherish the memories for a long time…at least until the next trip!
So glad you got away for a fun time! But I totally get it!! Coming back is always a challenge to catch up!!
Thanks so much, Sherry! I totally chilled all day my first day back and now today I have been scrambling like a lunatic! But it is nice to be back in the comforts of my own home.
Laura Bambrick
The pickle pizza looks interesting! I have never tried that on pizza and I’ve tried a few unique items. Sounds like you had a very memorable road trip!
Thank you, Laura! I do love unique pizza toppings myself but I think the pickles may be my favorite!
Lauren Renee Sparks
You were missed! I had decided today to send you a message and check on you and then here you are! And that pickle pizza looks interesting!
Lauren, you are so sweet! Thank you so much. I just took a little blogging break to go road tripping! And the pickle pizza is amazing!
That looks like the best road trip ever! I actually drove to Pennsylvania on Thursday too! What a coincidence! And I want to go to Gatlinburg soooooo bad! Jealous!
Thanks, Nicole! It was such an amazing trip! Gatlinburg is such a cool place. I hope you get to visit it soon! And that is very cool that you drove to Pennsylvania as well.
Sounds like a wonderful road trip! Glad you enjoyed it! I love the idea of not taking too many pictures and instead living in the moment! Hope you have a great rest of your week!
Thanks so much, Katie! It really was a wonderful time! Now I am spending this week trying to catch up on everything.
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
Sounds like a wonderful time away!!
It really was, Tamar! Thanks for reading about it!
jodie filogomo
I do love being in the moment. But then I look back and wish for some photos too. It’s such a hard balance.
What a wonderful time Shelbee!!
Thanks so much, Jodie! I totally get that…I hope I don’t regret not taking a lot of pictures. Some things though…pictures don’t even do them justice!
Dee | Grammy's Grid
Looks like you had a great time!! Thanks so much for linking up with me at my #UnlimitedMonthlyLinkParty 9, open February 1 to 26.
Thanks, Dee! I did have the most amazing time.
Cheryl Shops
Shelbee, looks like you had an amazing trip, and I think that’s awesome that you didn’t take a lot of photos because you wanted to be present (I’ve found the best vacations are the ones where I accidentally don’t take a lot of photos). But can we talk more about this pickle pizza?! I don’t know whether to be intrigued or grossed out (leaning toward intrigued)!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Thanks so much, Cheryl! It was really nice to put the phone away and not worry about taking pictures so I could just enjoy the moments. And the pickle pizza is not at all gross. Dipped in some ranch dressing and it was the most amazing thing ever!
So fun! And yes, exhausting! But that pickle pizza has my mouth watering!
Thanks so much, Vicky! You really need to try the pickle pizza if it has your mouth watering! Be sure to dip it in ranch dressing, too!
So happy to hear that you had a great trip and nice break 🙂 Looks like you had a lot of fun!
Thanks so much, Lizzie! I definitely needed it. I hope you get the chance for some down time as well. I know you have had a lot going on. Sending lots of positive thoughts your way!
Looks like you’ve been having a great time. Love both them cars. both my all-time favourites 🙂 Thanks for sharing your post with us at Street Art Chesterfield And An Over 40 Outfit Post: Creative Mondays.
Thank you, Claire! I had an amazing trip. I should have gone into the car museum!
Welcome back Shelbee! Sounds like a much needed getaway! I am so glad you were able to disconnect and just be in the moment. It really does a body good! Amazing at how something so simple can bring us at peace and just enjoy what’s around us. Coming back from vacation is always hard so I hope that you are slowly getting back into the swing of things. In the meantime, happy Wednesday!
Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com
Maureen, thank you so much! It was a really amazing trip. nd now transitioning back to a regular schedule is made even more challenging by a snow day today!
Wow, Shelbee! What a road trip. Sounds like so much fun. We visited West Asheville for the first time last month and loved it! All the murals on the buildings and the cute little coffee shops. Never heard of pickle pizza before but now I may have to give it a try! It looks yummy!
Laurie, thanks for stopping by! Isn’t Asheville such a vibrant and colorful place?! I couldn’t get over all the wonderful coffee shops either. I went to a different one every single day that I was there! Definitely give pickle pizza a try. Just be sure to dip it in ranch dressing!
Your grand niece doesn’t look a bit sorry about the Vasoline in her hair. LOL! What a wonderful trip! I enjoyed seeing pics of you and your friends – but totally get why you didn’t take a lot of photos. I am the same way. Taking photos takes me out of the moment. Also? Glad you’re back!
Thanks so much, Michelle! My niece definitely had no remorse for her actions. She rarely does! It was such an amazing trip, too. I am glad that I lived in the moments and just enjoyed it!
Ruth Josey
What a wonderful trip, Shelbee, and I love that you were able to meet new friends along the way! Such a beautiful place to be taking the trip, too. When I was growing up I lived in South Carolina (about an hour away from the NC/SC border) and many of our family trips and our summer camp was spend in North Carolina. I love the Blue Ridge range and wish I’d spent more time in Asheville (did Biltmore, of course, and it was amazing). What wonderful places you found and I think it’s wonderful that you’re perfectly happy with yourself as your companion on your road trips. It’s a great way to catch up on podcasts, downloaded books and just your own thoughts. Pickle pizza? Hmmm. It looks amazing and I love jalapenos and green olives on mine, so maybe….. I’m so glad you had a fabulous time and of course you came back tired – what a full adventure!
Ruth, thank you so very much for this wonderful comment. You know, I have yet to visit the Biltmore, but I am sure I will at some point. I am trying to visit NC at least twice a year if possible. I just love it there so much, I keep getting pulled back. I like olives and jalapeños, too. I bet they are fantastic on pizza!
Sounds like a really fun trip! it’s great you could make the most of your time and see and do so much! 🙂
Hope that you had a lovely weekend 🙂
Thanks so much for joining the #WeekdayWearLinkup! A new link up is live on my blog now, I’d love you to join again.
Thanks so much, Mica! It was an amazing trip, for sure. We spent the weekend snowed in so it was nice and relaxing! I hope your week is off to a great start.
Chrissy Rowden
Girl, is there anywhere you didn’t stop on your adventurous outing! Loved the shots of the elk and mountains. I bet that was peaceful. I can imagine you were exhausted when you got back. I hope you’re able to catch up. I’m in the same place of “catching up”. I got so busy with events and activities that even simple things like paying bills, getting blog pics, and cleaning the house feel overwhelming. But hey, I am plugging away! Sending you cyber hugs my friend. :J)
Thanks, Chrissy! Oh my word, I had the best time exploring! My only regret is not stopping at more places on the drive there, but I am so bad at night driving that I have to beat the day and get to my destination quickly! And now that I am home, we had an unexpected 4 day weekend with 3 feet of snow and now I am so, so sick. I am off to the doctor today to hopefully find some relief before I get set even further back. Keep on plugging away, my friend!