Reminder: The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book-Graphic Tees & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #108

It is that time again to share some of your favorite and least favorite items for February’s Good Buy/Good-Bye Book. This month we are featuring graphic tees. I love a good graphic tee, but it really has to speak to me in order for me to add it to my collection. For example, I love my Wonder Woman tees (I have three), but you’ll never catch me wearing any other type of superhero on my top. Just not my thing. I also am a fan of vintage (or vintage inspired) band tees, but it has to be a band that I actually enjoy, otherwise I feel too much like a poser. Statements of empowerment and inspiration also make me giddy as well as clever and sarcastic messages on my clothing. However, you will not ever find me wearing a shirt that has vulgar, rude, or mean graphics. But if the message is spreading love and kindness, then give me all the tee shirts!
In just 10 days, Nancy and I will be posting the twelfth edition of The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book and we would love for you all to join us! The theme for February is Graphic Tees! Any type of graphic top will do. Long sleeve tees, short sleeve tees, tank tops, sweatshirts, sweaters, even a jacket with a message can be submitted. So won’t you find your favorite graphic clothing (or your least favorite) and send us some photos for a feature in the February Good Buy/Good-Bye Book!
What is The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book?
It is a monthly series that Nancy and I will both publish on our blogs on the 15th of each month. Anyone who would like to participate and be featured can send us their photos with a short description explaining if the item was a Good Buy or one that you will be saying Good-Bye to. We will give you the theme for the next month in each post. Photos will be due to us by the 10th of the month. So please join us for February by sending us some photos of your favorite (or least favorite) Graphic Tees with a brief description as to why you love or hate them!

You can choose yourself whether you want to show a Good Buy (which is an item you are really exited about) or a Good-Bye (which is an item you are going to say good-bye to). We will keep purchasing Bad Buys every now and then for a variety of reasons…it was so cheap, you were in a hurry and really wanted (needed) to buy something, it fit almost quite right. But, of course, we also have those purchases that can make us so very happy. A piece of clothing or accessory that you have had for years and that you also wear a lot. Or something you bought on a holiday and every time you wear it you get that nostalgic holiday feeling back. Every month you can choose which item you want to submit. A Good Buy or a Good-Bye. We will provide the theme for each month. Photos should be submitted to us by the 10th of the month with a few sentences explaining why it is a Good Buy or Good-Bye.
Now I leave you with some graphic tee inspiration as well as a photo journey back in time to the begging of my blog. I didn’t even realize how many graphic tees I own until I went searching.
Vintage Soul

Use Your Power to Empower

Bah Humpug

Go Army Beat Navy

Let Light Shine


My Coffee Needs Coffee

Wonder Woman


Wonder Woman

Boss Lady

My Coffee Needs Coffee

Def Leppard

Raising the Future

Oogie’s Ice Cream

Feel the Love

Wonder Woman

43 Years Bold

Little Black Tee

43 Years Bold

Strong Like Me

Sincerely Yours, The Breakfast Club

Wonder Woman

The Golden Girls

How Do You Get to Neverland?

The Perfect Life

Penn State

Oh Say Can You See

Stay Sassy

Stay Sassy

Philosophy of the Heart

Always and Forever and Always

I hope you enjoyed that little walk back in time to the beginning of my blog when I was still using a selfie stick in my bedroom! What are your favorite graphic tees?
The next edition of The Good Bye/Good-Buy Book featuring Graphic Tees will be on the 15th of February. So please send us your photos soon! You can email your photo submissions with a brief description to shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com or to nancybaten@upcmail.nl We are very excited and hope you will be joining us in the fun!
And now your featured favorites from last week’s link party.
Julie of This Main Line Life shared her post, Valentine’s Day Gifts for the Guy in Your Life. Not only does Julie share some great gift ideas, but she keeps it real after 20 years of marriage. Such a wonderful post!

Regan of Nifty 50 and Fabulous shared her post, Permission to Hibernate, engaging in a helpful and inspiring conversation about Seasonal Affective Disorder. Definitely worth reading especially if you are severely affected by the winter blues.

*By adding a link, you are giving Shelbee on the Edge permission to share your photos as a featured favorite on my blog. I will always provide direct links back to your page.
Keeping it on the edge,
*By joining The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book, you agree to receive a monthly email reminder.
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

Kellyann Rohr
Oh my gosh, you have the very best collection of graphic tees and how fun to look back at all the ways you’ve styled them! I also love seeing your hair as it has changed styles. That short hair looks great on you, really showcases your pretty face! Last year I needed a Def Leppard tee to wear to the concert and couldn’t find one to save my life! I love yours. Great job sweet friend!
Kellyann, thank you so much! I was cringing as I was looking at the older photos! Isn’t it funny how critical we are of ourselves? I did like my short but it was so very difficult to maintain. And I found my Def Leppard tee shirt at Charlotte Russe of all places! I am super excited to showcase all of our graphic tees. You have so many wonderful ones as well. Have a great day, my friend!
Tamar Strauss-Benjamin
You have some great teas! Love the HAPPY one!
Thank you, Tamar! If it has a positive message, then I want it!
Kathrine Eldridge
You can really rock a graphic tee Shelbee! Thanks so much for the link up.
Thanks so much, Kathrine! I do love a good graphic tee! Have a great day.
Maria | passion fruit, paws and peonies
You really do haha!! So many and so many great ones. You rock a graphic tee Shelbee xx
Thanks so much, Maria! Clearly, I do love graphic tees! Have a great day, my friend.
Julie | This Main Line Life
Oh, thanks so much for the feature. I love graphic tees, they’re so much fun. I want one (that I saw over on Northwest Mt Living) that says “This Wine Makes Me Awesome.” Ha.
Julie, that graphic tee sounds perfect! Thanks for stopping by and for inspiring us every week! Have a fabulous day.
Anne M Bray
WOW! What a fun scroll backwards in time! I must do the same!
I have SO. MANY. graphic TEES. (Thanks, but no thanks in part to Severo. Band Tees, venue tees, etc, etc). Thinking of making a quilt out of them. Some don’t fit any more, but cannot part with them — memories, you know. Sigh. I’m Sisyphus with this decluttering thing.
Thanks, Anne! I love tee shirt quilts! It is such a great way to memorialize those memories. Oh decluttering…that is a bad word in my book. I prefer to shut the door on the clutter and pretend it’s not there!
Anne M Bray
Ha, we like ALL THE THINGS, right?
Unfortunately, I can’t shut a door on it because I’m in a clutter VORTEX!
Oh well, so it goes.
I do like ALL THE THINGS! My closet room is a clutter vortex. I am so afraid to even begin the cleaning out process. But seriously, I’m gonna die in there one of these days under an avalanche of sweaters and shoe boxes! It is a true safety hazard.
Anne M Bray
Haha. Why do The Things always aim for our heads?
To teach us a lesson in moderation, I think.
These are great photos of you! The shirts are adorable.
Thank you for hosting us each week – it is always fun.
Thanks so much, Mimi! It was fun going all the way back into the early posts of my blog. It definitely had me chuckling a little. Have a fantastic day!
jacqui berry
Wow I think you’ve got more graphic tees than I have handbags! I really need to up my game Shelbee as I’ve still only got one tee shirt with writing on! Thanks for sharing and hosting. Jacqui Mummabstylish
Thanks, Jacqui! You definitely need to add some more graphic tees to your wardrobe! They are so great with so many different styling options! They don’t even have to be styled casually.
jacqui berry
Thanks for adding to my #linkup Shelbee. J x
Thank you, Jacqui!
jodie filogomo
It is amazing how there are SO many great graphic tees. And to think I turned my nose up at them for so long ….just call me silly!!
Jodie, I was the same way. I didn’t have any graphic tees for a long time because I thought they were kind of stupid! Then once I started finding ones with good, positive, happy messages, I have amassed quite the collection! Thanks for stopping by, my friend, and have a wonderful day!
Suzy Turner
Gosh look at you with the short hair!! You really do suit it too. And you have such a fab selection of graphic tees, Shelbee. I must say, one of my absolute fave photos of you is the Wonder Woman tee with the plaid shirt. You look particularly stunning in that one <3
Suzy xxx
Suzy, thanks so much! I have had this crazy relationship with my hair for my whole life. I cut it super short and as soon as I do it, I start growing it out again. Then I will very abruptly cut it all off again and start the whole process over. This is actually the longest period of time that I have kept it long. I like short hair but I find it harder to maintain with coloring and such.
Suzy Turner
Shelbee, we are SO alike! I do the same thing! I’m going for a bit of a bob at the moment, longer at the front and short at the back. But it is starting to drive me crazy because it’s so thick so I might end up just going short again lol! Luckily, I don’t have to worry about colouring or anything because I stopped dyeing my hair about seven or eight years ago… it’s SO much easier to deal with, and I love my many silver strands
The most difficult part of the growing out process is those awkward stages. God, I hate those! I am not quite ready yet to go gray. Plus I don’t have all the pretty silver strands like you do which are super striking against your dark hair. My hair is naturally not this dark…it is more of a mousy brown and so when the grays take over, it is just kind of drab on me. Oh, the struggle!
Suzy Turner
I sympathise with you, Shelbee! I guess I’m one of the lucky ones
Hugs, my friend
Suzy xx
Thanks! It is what it is. I don’t get too upset about it!
Gail Hanlon
What an amazing selection of graphic tees. You wear them so well, they’re an extension of your personality. I only have 2, both black.
Thank you, Gail! You are so right, the perfect graphic tee is absolutely ann extension of one’s personality!
Lisa Richardson
Well, it’s official…YOU are the QUEEN of graphic tees. I have like one. LOL If I wore them as well as you do, I’d have a drawer/closet full. You + graphic tees = awesome!!!XO
Thanks so much, Lisa! It is sort of like an addiction, once you find a few you like, you can’t stop!
You probably have the best graphic tee collection of anyone I know! SO many good ones! Loved seeing them all in action!
Aw, thanks so much, Liz! That is probably only about half of all my graphic tees, too!
Jessica A Jannenga
So many cute tees! oh my! I love the skull one with the words, and the stay sassy! I forgot you had shorter hair! It looks great both ways! I want one with Doggy momma Wine Lover on it! Me to a T!
You look darling in this outfits
jess xx
Thank you, Jess! I do love that Neverland tee shirt, too. I wear that one quite often as well. And you definitely need a graphic tee that says “Doggy Momma Wine Lover”!
Anna at Muttonstyle
I do think a graphic T is a wardrobe essential. I mentioned it on my most worn items video of 2018. Last year I went out to lunch and found myself wearing the same T as my 27 year old son in law. It’s iconic and ageless. None of this can’t wear a graphic tee after 30 for me, or you . Do join Muttonstyle Monday link up
Anna, thanks for stopping by! That is fantastic that you and your son in law were wearing the same graphic tee…proving that style is ageless and genderless as well! Have a fabulous day.
so many cute looks! I love graphic tees! Stay warm girl! xx
Tianna, thanks so much! It is finally warming up a little bit, thank goodness. Have a fantastic day!
Wow! You have an incredible collection of graphic tees! I don’t think i can even start to pick a favorite! They are all fabulous!
Thank you, Laura! I definitely have my favorites…as evidenced by their frequent appearance in outfit photos! Have a great day!
Cheryl Shops
You have quite the collection of graphic tees, Shelbee! I think my favorite is the one that says “my coffee needs coffee”—so true!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Thanks, Cheryl! That is one of my favorite ones, too. I wear it quite often!
Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
I have just started to get into graphic tees, but I am WOW’ed by your collection and how amazingly you style them!!
Thank you, Carrie! Graphic tees are a lot of fun, aren’t they? Once you get the graphic tee bug, there’s no stopping it!
Lauren Sparks
So much fun! I especially love the wonder woman/ long kimono combo. laurensparks.net
Thank you so much, Lauren! That is one of my favorite outfits ever, I think! Have a great day.
Okay! Lady you have graphic tee issue :):) but who cares because I love them all. I mean if we like something we have to get them all. I would really be sad to let go of Saturday sweater like really or strong like me it would kill me :).
I love this serie you and Nancy did. It is really nice and I enjoyed your collection
Thank you so much, Rama! I have an issue with anything fashion related…too many graphic tees, too many scarves, too many shoes, too much jewelry, too many sweaters, too many jeans, and the list goes on forever. I hope you can join us this month with some of your favorite graphic tees!
Susan Marinelli
Graphic tees!!! Yay! Closet rooms and clutter!! Hair!! All subjects near and dear to my cluttered little heart. I have an entire bureau devoted solely to graphic tees and graphic tanks. I love them, but not the Gildan ones, because their necks are too restrictive. All others have wormed their way into my bureau. I finally gave up and just took over the entire third floor of my house. Half of the floor is my bed/sitting room and the other half is my closet room.
Of course I did this two months ago, and I am still organizing. But it’s all good. Now at least, I have room to organize. As far as hair goes, yours is wonderful Shelbee, whether it be short or long, and I really liked looking at the photos of your hair short. I also quite like your Fourth of July tee. You look fabulous in red.
Susan, thank you so very much. If I had a third floor in my house, I would probably upgrade from a closet room to a closet floor! But I am sure it would remain just as cluttered because I just keep adding things without removing things. I need to get better about this. By the way, I also dislike Gildan tees. Much too restrictive and the fabric is too stiff. Have a fantastic day, my friend!
The black skirt and the plaid skirt with the side split and button detail—hot!! Loving the Boss Lady tee and all the multi-strand pearls—I adore a load of pearls. So cute with short hair!!!
The black skirt and the plaid skirt with the side split and button detail—hot!! Loving the Boss Lady tee and all the multi-strand pearls—I adore a load of pearls. So cute with short hair!!! Still loving the white boots, too.
Becky, thank you so very much! I do feel pretty sassy in those skirts! Now if we could get some weather around here that is more suited for such skirts, I could style them again! Have a great day, my friend.
I need to add some graphic tees to my wardrobe! I don’t really think I have any. I do have a couple graphic sweatshirts but that is it. I will be in the lookout for some that inspire or speak to me and that Will fit my budget. You have quite the collection!!
Mireille, thanks for stopping by! I do like graphic sweatshirts and sweaters, too. Anything with a positive message really will do. And there are lots you can find for really cheap prices. I find a lot of mine on clearance racks. Have a fantastic day!
Patrick Weseman
Looking so wonderful in those graphic Tee’s. Very nice. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.
Thank you, Patrick! You should join The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book this month with some of your graphic tees! I know you have an entire collection as well!
Darlene A Messinger
What a cool collection of graphic tees! And such a fun way to capture your blogging journey! It was a really fun post.
I was walking through Target today and saw a Wonder Woman tee-shirt and thought of you!! Haha!
Have a great week,
xx Darlene
Darlene, thanks so much! It was fun for me to go back and see all the older photos from my blog as well. And you just gave me a great big smile that you thought of me when you saw a Wonder Woman tee! I do aspire to be Wonder Woman! Haha. Have a fabulous day, my friend.
You are so cute! Love all of these graphic tees! I need to get the HAPPY one.
xo, Joling
Joling, thanks so much! A graphic tee with a happy message definitely helps boost one’s mood!
Shelbee, wow, you have such the collection! I love graphic tees too! There is so many and I don’t see my obsession ending any time soon.
Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com
Thanks for stopping by, Maureen! There are so many fabulous graphic tees out there. I have such a hard time resisting them…clearly…as evidenced by many I have! Have a wonderful day, my friend!
Emma Peach
Wow, you have lots of graphic tees! Yay for Wonder Woman, I loved her as a child (still do actually!). And Def Leppard are a great band! I’ve never seen them in concert though…I really need to go to one of their gigs!
Emma xxx
Thanks, Emma! I think Def Leppard is the only band tee I own! And I have never seen them in concert either. I actually have not attended very many concerts because the crowds freak me out. If it is a small venue, then I love it! Maybe the next one I do go to, I should get myself a new band tee!
Graphic tees are so fun. I love the ARMY one
Xx, Nailil
Thank you, Nailil! I used to have a bunch of Army ones, then I gained weight and they no longer fit. Boo.
Karren Haller
I actually have a couple of graphic T-shirts, they just happen to be favorite colors and sayings, plus they are glitzy!
Thanks for sharing on #omhgff each week, love all your photos!!
Thanks so much, Karren! You should submit a photo or two of your graphic tees to be featured in The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book this month!
I am a huge fan of graphic tees but Shelbee you are the master of graphic tees! Your collection is amazing. I am loving the way you style them, from super causal to a bit dressy with pencil skirts!! You are so giving me inspo to wear mine soon.
Thanks so much, Mel! I do love a graphic tee paired with a pencil skirt or a tulle skirt. So cute!
Claire Justine
You have some great clothes Shelbee, love all your outfits
Thanks so much for sharing your post with us at Creative Mondays. Have a great valentine’s day and I hope you can join us tomorrow
Thank you so much, Claire! I do love clothes and have accumulated quite a massive wardrobe! I have been having technical problems lately and haven’t been able to link up anywhere! Grrr….I will try again this weekend!