Reindeer Dress for an Early Christmas & Link Up On the Edge #224

Happy Friday, y’all! I am so late getting to this post because this week has just been an overwhelming cyclone of holiday activities. As you are all are probably finishing up your last minute things with a week left until Christmas, I will preparing our Christmas Eve dinner tonight to celebrate this weekend.
You see, Army life has trained us that all holidays have a season and none have to be celebrated on the actual designated calendar day. Generally, we are the ones who have to travel to visit family on the holidays, but this year the travel restrictions and the out of pocket costs for travel related Covid testing for four people to leave and return to the state of New York have simply made it impossible for us to make the four hour drive into the next state. (I do find it odd, however, that I could drive five and half hours into a Covid hotbed like New York City with no restrictions whatsoever, but rural Pennsylvania is off limits.)
But that’s neither here nor there, we are all in this same situation together. So rather than pay for four tests to travel, we have split the cost for two travel Covid tests for my in-laws to come visit and see their grandchildren for Christmas. The drive is the same in either direction, but two tests are cheaper than four!
My in-laws arrived on Tuesday afternoon and the whirlwind of Christmas activities began with food planning and baking and wrapping presents like a madwoman whose deadline got bumped up a week (because it did)! Last Sunday, I was working at lightning speed, writing and scheduling my blog posts for the week so I could relax and enjoy the holiday family fun. But then I never got around to writing today’s post. So I woke up at 5:00 a.m. to get typing before it’s time to start shaking my bootie all around the kitchen!

Let me recap the past few days for you…Tuesday morning, we diligently got to virtual schoolwork so everything would be finished by the time the grandparents arrived. They arrived in the late afternoon and we sat around drinking hot tea and catching up since we saw them last in the summer for our Weekend in the Finger Lakes. We ordered pizza and calzone for dinner because I wanted to do the meal planning with my mother in law.
Wednesday also had virtual school work that needed to be done before anything else and we never got to much meal planning on Tuesday night, so Wednesday’s dinner we bought all the fixings for a sandwich buffet and kept things simple. I did teach my mother in law how to make my mom’s rice pudding because it isn’t the holidays without mom’s rice pudding. The whole batch is already gone.
Thursday the kids attend school in person so this was my opportunity to get all the presents wrapped and spend some serious time in the kitchen with Gramma. We made four different batches of Christmas Crack (i.e. Saltine Toffee Cookies). If you have never had these cookies, you need to. They are super easy and you can do so many different things with them. We made one batch that was topped with chocolate and peanut butter chips and crushed walnuts. Two batches were topped with plain chocolate and one has crushed peppermint candy canes on top (this one tastes like Christmas) while the other has crushed fruit flavored candy canes. And then we made a batch that used pretzel crisps in place of the Saltines, topped with salted caramel chips and sprinkled with sea salt. This last one…OH MY HEAVENS…the most amazing thing ever. But I think I need to try it with the pretzel flip side crackers instead of pretzel crisps as they got all stuck to the pan.

For dinner last night, I stood in front of the stove for two hours frying up batch after batch of potato latkes. My entire house still smells like a greasy diner, but so worth it! Jeff made Bev Goldberg’s hamburger meatloaf with some ground venison that my father in law brought for us. He layers the meatloaf with cheese and onion rings in the middle and it is a brilliant twist on traditional meatloaf. My husband has been kicking ass in the kitchen lately! My mother in law also made this pretty pink jello and marshmallow mold dessert which won’t be ready for consumption until tonight. Then late last night after dinner, Gramma took to the kitchen again with the boys and made some peanut butter and chocolate brownies.
Today for breakfast, we are going to reheat the potato latkes and top them with over easy eggs. OMG, I cannot wait! For tonight’s Christmas Eve dinner, fried ravioli is on the menu so I will be spending another two hours tonight hovering over the fry pan to get those beauties on the table. We will also have a massive pile of shrimp cocktail, smoked salmon and cream cheese, and some other side dishes that I haven’t quite figured out yet. I also need to prep a French Toast Strata for tomorrow morning’s Christmas breakfast. After all the morning festivities, I will take to the kitchen again to prepare a plethora of football snack foods like potato skins, baked brie with apples and cranberry sauce, and lots of leftovers, too! We will settle in for some Saturday football games and relax, relax, relax.
Then in laws head back to Pennsylvania on Sunday with their (hopefully) negative Covid tests in hand. And then as the week of actual Christmas begins while you all will probably frazzled beyond words, I will be relaxing in the aftermath of the holiday joy and enjoying all the leftover food and other goodies.

Last month, I finally styled this adorable reindeer dress from Rosegal. I got this dress last fall and it did not fit properly. But I have lost over 15 pounds since then and was so happy to be able to wear it! Isn’t it perfect for the holidays?
What are your holiday plans this year? I know we have all had to make many adjustments to our regular ways of celebrating. But that doesn’t mean we can’t appreciate every little joyful moment that we do get to have!
I will be back on Monday with the fabulous ladies of The Thrifty Six with some really amazing holiday outfit inspiration…all preloved, of course!
Wishing you all a very happy, healthy, and safe holiday season!

Featured Favorites
Reader Favorite (Most Clicked)
Ella of Little Bit of Life shared her post, Friday Favorites, featuring some of the most adorable and festive photos as she counts down the days until Christmas. Does she not have the most wonderfully contagious smile?

Fashion Favorite
Katie of Hello Katie Girl shared her post, Casual Friday. The brightly colored stripes of Katie’s sweater remind me of my Gumball II inspired outfit from Style Imitating Art. I just want all the happy colors right now! Katie always shares vibrant outfits that make me smile and this outfit is no exception.

Non-Fashion Favorite
Ratnamurti of You are Unique shared her post, What I Do in My Life. She is such a fascinating and inspiring woman and reading about her path and the journey she has traveled so far in this life was so interesting. As she always does, Ratnamurti has challenged me to think about the deeper meaning and purpose of things.

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.
Shop my look…

Kellyann Rohr
What a busy woman you are! The food all sounds amazing and I am so happy your in laws are there and you get to celebrate with them.
So, are people posted at the state line to check test results? I’m being honest here, I don’t understand how that works. It also sounds kind of scary the way this is being handled (I’m thinking are we on the brink of what happened in The Handmaid’s Tale?). Oh goodness, so much to absorb.
You are looking fashionably festive in your dress too – it is so unique! Love how you styled it!
Enjoy your Christmas!!!
Kellyann, thanks so much, my friend! I am right there with you that the state of things right now is very, very creepy indeed. I have no idea how they are checking this stuff, but they certainly have instilled enough fear in people to make sure they are following regulations and carrying all the necessary documents in case you are stopped (Hello, Nazi Germany). In all honesty, I am completely opposed to all of the ridiculous testing and I wasn’t going to travel at all because I simply am not going to go pay these ridiculous amounts of money for this nonsense. While there are millions of unemployed people right now and homelessness is on the rise from this pandemic, I am not willing to keep funding the bullshit! Sorry, my rant is over. I know my opinion is quite unpopular and so I generally just remain silent on the issue, stay at home where I am safe from ridicule, and follow the rules if I have to leave my house. It is too much to absorb and process! Bleck! So I will just be over here cooking like a madwoman and feeding my feelings! Haha
Kathrine Eldridge
All of these food descriptions are making me hungry! Potato latkes are my jam! So glad you are spending time with family and loving this fun holiday look! Can I steal your boot collection? Every week you have an amazing pair. Thanks for the link up!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! If the descriptions made you that hungry, then I’m glad that I didn’t take any photos to share! You would really be in a pickle of cravings then! Haha. And I do love my statement boots. I have a very large collection!
Sounds like a wonderful time with family and oh yum, it all sounds delicious! Glad you all figured out a way to get together. That dress is such a good one for the season: I am not one for overt Christmas sweaters but this is a nice tonedown holiday dress: I love the colors and how the V is at the waist: I really really like it! And you jewelry is just perfect with it! I hope you wear this one day this week or next!
Thanks so much, Mireille! We are having a blast this week just hanging out at home and doing holiday things! I never used to like overt holiday clothing at all until I had kids and they love how goofy I am, so I just embrace it all now. But I do like that the dress has reindeer so I can wear it all winter long not just Christmas. So I think prefer seasonal motifs as opposed to specific holiday prints. I hope you have a wonderful weekend, my friend.
This dress looks really warm!
Curated By Jennifer
Thanks, Jennifer! It actually is kind of lightweight for a winter dress. I had to add some layers to keep warm!
It sounds like you have had such a wonderful week with your family! All of the food you made sounds amazing! I haven’t made those saltine toffees in ages and might need to make them this weekend. Love your cute reindeer dress and I’m dying over those boots! Have a wonderful weekend!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks so much, Jill! We are enjoying the time together, for sure. It is the first time I have been social outside of Jeff and the boys since August! If you make the toffee cookies, you’ll have to let me know of any variations you try. My favorite ever was crushed blueberry candy canes. They tasted like chocolate covered blueberries. But we have checked about 5 different stores and cannot find blueberry candy canes! I hope you have an amazing weekend.
Amy Johnson
First of all, I LOVE the reindeer dress. That is so cute! And I love how you styled the dress with the cute boots and tights. Second, aren’t the Covid rules just maddening sometimes? They make no sense at all with what is restricted and what is not. I agree with you about driving state to state. We live in a very rural area but if someone from a large metropolitan area comes here, they have to quarantine for two weeks when they return home. It’s ridiculous. And I had no idea one had to pay for Covid tests. I thought they were free. Are they very expensive?
Amy, thank you so much! This was such a fun outfit to wear. It made me feel so festive and happy! And yes, the restrictions are so contradictory. We live in a very rural place as well but because we are in the state of New York, we can travel anywhere within the state without restrictions, but we can’t cross the state border into rural Pennsylvania. What we learned about Covid testing for travel is that insurance will not cover it for the sole purpose of traveling. Insurance will only pay if you are symptomatic. Prices are ranging between $65-80 per test in my area. We had called around to a few testing sites to make sure that my in-laws could be tested within the 72 hour timeline (which also makes no sense to me). They paid $75 per test. So $150 total just to drive 4 hours to visit us for 5 days. But it would have cost us $300 to test 4 of us to do the same thing in reverse. I suppose if these travel testing rules were put into place to deter travel, it certainly works. Not too many people are willing to just toss that kind of money away for no reason. Who even gets that money? The government I suspect. Or big pharm. It is certainly not going to help anyone who really needs help! Ooh…I’m an ornery one, aren’t I?! haha I hope you have a fabulous weekend!
Abby Kate
This dress is just so cute!! It is so festive! I hope you have a wonderful day! Thanks so much for hosting! This is my first time linking up. and I can’t wait for next time!
Abby, thank you so much! I am so glad that you are joining the party! I also host link parties every Tuesday so feel free to stop by and link up any time. I look forward to checking out your blog! Have a wonderful weekend and a very happy holiday!
Lauren Renee Sparks
This might be my favorite ensemble of yours ever! (Probably because I’m the holiday dork.) I love everything about it and you look fantastic. I hope your family is healthy and safe and you enjoy the rest of the holidays!
Lauren, thanks so much! Your holiday dorkiness is starting to inspire me to get in the festive and fun spirit! Thank you for always shining your beautiful light into the world with abundance! I hope you are enjoying all the things you love this holiday season!
Sounds like busy times, but so glad your in-laws could visit! All the food sounds delicious. I’ve never made Christmas crack before, have to see what it’s all about. I plan on baking some more this weekend. The holidays always end up here before we know it! Still need to wrap every single gift I purchased.
Fabulous outfit! Love the print and colors! And gorgeous boots too!
Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Ellibelle’s Corner
Ellie, thanks so much, my friend! Christmas Crack is one of the easiest to make, too. Super fast with minimal ingredients. Archie asked me why we call them Christmas Crack though and I had to explain about the additive properties of crack and why one should never embark on trying the real stuff. He fell into a fit of giggles when he understood the little play on words for our most addictive Christmas cookies. I hope you have a wonderful weekend! And Happy Holidays to you and your family as well.
I LOVE that reindeer dress so much! And with the green suede booties? YES!
The whole outfit looks adorable on you! Congrats on the 15 lbs– especially during a pandemic!
Happy Friday!
Niky @ The House on Silverado
Niky, thanks so much! I am so happy that this dress fits me finally! There is a bit of magic in intermittent fasting so I am hoping not to gain too much back over the next few weeks of holiday overindulgence! I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Oh my gosh, Shelbee, what a whirlwind of activity! It sounds like you all had a delicious good time! I’m glad you got to get together with some of your family for the (pre) holidays. Your reindeer dress is the best, and perfect for the season. I love the unusual design and ruffled hem and your. Hope you have a peaceful and restful week.
Di, thank you so much! I was so excited that this fun dress finally fit! I am taking a little break right now from kitchen duties, but getting back to it soon. Have a wonderful weekend.
Patrick Weseman
The food sounds amazing, what time is dinner-LOL.
I can understand about all the restrictions and the testing. Yesterday, the city of San Francisco imposed a mandatory COVID quarantine for travelers outside the Bay Area. Basically, it says if you live in the nine-county Bay Area you can travel to San Francisco but it is discouraged. If you live outside the Bay Area and travel to San Francisco, you must quarantine for 10 days. It is getting crazier.
Anyway, you look super fab and I hope that you have a wonderful time with your family.
Thank you so much, Patrick! Wow, that is crazy stuff. And now your stuck there and can’t make it to New York in time for dinner tonight! I hope you have a great weekend, my friend!
Loving all the holiday food going on this week! Sounds totally yummy!! Happy you were still able to have family over and enjoy the bounding time. And as for that dress… its honestly the cutest and the green eyeliner topped it off perfectly.
Thanks so much, Mel! I am really loving this dress and green is my fave color ever so I had to go all out with it! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Love this sweater dress with your green boots! I hope you enjoy your Christmas festivities this year with your family. Thanks for featuring me in today’s post and have a great weekend!
Thanks so much, Katie! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
I love you style! And those booties are so stinking cute! I need some new ones; I wear things until their dead and my husband officially pronounced my only current pair of booties officially done. So I pitched them and may have to look into a pair of these!
Melanie, thank you so much! I do love my velvet boots! I have so many different pairs in different colors. But they are not too great for walking! LOL. I can’t wait to see what new boots you end up with. Have a fabulous weekend!
Jacqui Berry
As i said on IG I love this outfit – these colours look perfect together and one I will try again. Jacqui x
Thanks so much, Jacqui! I am really liking these colors together, too. If not for the dress combining them, I doubt I would have ever thought of this color combo, but I will definitely try it again. I hope you have a fantastic weekend!
I am not usually a huge fan of holiday clothing, but I adore that dress! So freaking cute – especially with the green booties. Your holiday cooking sounds so delicious! I’m glad you’re having such a great time with your in-laws.
We are right there with you as far as holidays not needing to be observed on a specific date. I worked in a hospital lab for 10 years, and sick people do not get the day off from their illnesses on holidays. I worked lots of Christmases. And then when I married Dan, he was an airline pilot (as was his father before him) and strangely enough in usual years people want to travel for the holidays. LOL! Usually, my elder step-daughter and her SO come to Vegas for the holidays and we do touristy things. But that’s not happening this year.
Thanks so much, Michelle! I used to never like holiday themed clothing either…until I had kids and started blogging. Those two things have inspired more to be a bit silly with my kitschy clothing sometimes! As for celebrating holidays on specific dates, we literally never do! Since Jeff has been the Army our entire relationship, he has been very far away from home for 7 out of our 10 anniversaries. This January will be our 11th anniversary and the first one we get to spend together in a really long time! But we never let it get us down, we just celebrate whenever we can! And the same is true of every other holiday. I think when you don’t attach religious meaning to certain holidays and focus more on together time with family, it makes it a whole lot easier to embrace our non-traditional ways! I hope you have an amazing weekend!
First of all, Shelbee, that dress is adorable and your whole outfit is SOOOO cute on you! Green suede booties? You’ve got them all, my friend! Great photos, too! Your holiday celebration sounds wonderful. There is nothing quite like cooking together and designing traditional menus, is there? And you are right that holidays are about the time together, not the date. I am making those Saltine Toffee Cookies for sure!! They look so darn good!
Relax, refresh, and enjoy the next week.
xx Darlene
Thank you so much, Darlene! I felt really amazing wearing this outfit! I actually went out shopping a bit the day I wore this (that rarely happens these days…my venturing into public places like stores) and so many people stopped me to compliment my outfit and my boots! It definitely cheered me up! I hope you are enjoying your weekend, my friend!
Cheryl Shops
Ugh, Covid restrictions are really bumming me out, plus I feel like everything is really arbitrary and not being communicated in a clear way. We ended up canceling our plans to drive south to LA (another COVID hotspot, so probably a good idea TBH), then canceling our Plan B to go to Sonoma because now everything is shut down there too. We’re just ordering fancy takeout for Christmas Eve and that’s that. Thank u next, 2020—I’m ready for 2021!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
I feel the frustration, Cheryl! The way the rules keep changing and getting lost in translation, I literally am too afraid to go anywhere for fear I might break a rule that I never even understood or knew about in the first place! I stay away from social media because expressing one’s opinion on any of this is a big fat no-no as well. So I keep my mouth quiet and hide away. Perhaps one day, hopefully soon, we can all reemerge into a better time. I hope you have a fabulous Christmas Eve with your fancy takeout!
Lucy Bertoldi
Shelbee, you look so festive and adorable! Loving this green on you- especially those green velvet booties! And it doesn’t mater when you celebrate as long as you can get together – and I’m so happy you can at least do that! xx
Lucy, thank you so very much! These green velvet booties are a long time favorite of mine! We are definitely enjoying the holiday festivities this weekend. I hope you are having a great weekend as well!
Laura Bambrick
If I only make one kind of Christmas cookies for the rest of my life, it would be saltine toffee! I normally make 6 batches between Thanksgiving and Christmas. This year was only 3 batches, but now my family is having a free for all! Haha! I line my pan with foil before putting down the crackers. Maybe if you tried that with the pretzels it would be easier to lift them up? I just life up the foil and peel it away and then break it up. Love your reindeer dress! I hope your celebrations go well!
Laura, thank you so much! I have considered foil to make it easier. It doesn’t stick to the foil at all? That is always my fear…that you will end up with tiny little bits of foil stuck to the toffee! Do you spray the foil? I usually just spray the pan very generously and even with the regular saltine recipe, sometimes they stick. Other times they don’t! I have made 6 batches of these cookies since Thanksgiving as well and the kids just devour them. But they are so easy to make and my go-to holiday cookies as well. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Way to adjust Mama! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas this weekend! I’m so glad it worked out that you get to enjoy the time with your in-laws. Merry Christmas Shelbee! I’ve really enjoyed getting to know you in the blogging world this year!
Marielle, thank you so very much! I have really enjoyed getting to know you as well! Wishing you and your family a blessed Christmas!
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
Have a delicious and stylish time all together!
Thanks so much, Tamar! Enjoy your weekend!
Jessica A Jannenga
The reindeer dress is perfect for the Holidays and looks wonderful on you! I LOVE those green velvet booties with those tights! It sounds like you had a lovely time with grandma and your family. Had me laughing at Christmas Crack! now those do sound good! Our version of Christmas Crack was Buckeyes- chocolate peanut butter balls my mom made. Potato Latkes sounds so good now, we make potato pancakes . I ve desperaely wanted perogies for Christmas Eve, not alot of European food here in Charlotte.
Merry Christmas Shelbee!
jess xx
Thanks so much, Jess! I really love this outfit, too! It makes me smile. We had a wonderful five days of holiday festivities. I am full and probably have gained 5 pounds! I do love Buckeyes, too, but I have never made them myself. But I grew up making homemade pirogies! You should definitely make some for Christmas Eve! I hope you have a fabulous week, my friend.
This reindeer dress is super cute! I really love your boots too!
Life is a Shoe
Thanks so much, Celyn! I hope you have a wonderful week!
Gosh you had a busy weekend! I hope it was fun and delicious! Have a great week!
Thanks, Nancy! I was a very busy little Christmas elf, for sure. Somehow I managed not to gain 10 pounds! I hope you have a fabulous Christmas, my friend!
Barbara De Mul
Hey! What a quaint and beautiful river town you live in! very outdoorsy (or so it looks) I scrolled up and down several times to see where you found this dress! (I like it much more than the Amazon options below; so if you want to donate it after x-mas, here’s a taker:):)
Happy holidays!
Aw, Barbara, thanks so much! I got this dress from Rosegal or Dresslily. I can’t remember which place and the tag isn’t helping me much! I just checked both of their websites and it doesn’t look like they carry it any more. It is from last year so I’m not surprised that I can’t find it now. I will definitely keep you in mind if I decide that I am done with it! But not yet. I finally lost enough weight for it to fit me and I want to wear it more! And yes, I do live in a little river town which is also very near Lake Ontario. There are so many beautiful nature places here. I hope you have a wonderful holiday!
Sheila (of Ephemera)
Oh my gosh, you’re allowed to have family over?? We are not allowed to see anyone, no family, no friends, no one – it’s going to be a quiet Christmas in my house. I’ll be making a roast beef, with roasted potatoes, carrots and probably cauliflower (possibly also canned corn niblets, lol, puttin’ on the Ritz over here!). plus gravy and some buns. I was briefly tempted to try a Yorkshire pudding like my mom made when I was a kid, but we’ll see how lazy I feel come the day.
I love your dress, and CONGRATS on getting down those 15 lbs, Shelbee! That is a big deal! I have lost about 10 lbs in the past 2 months, as I have weaned myself off all treats (only allowed on holidays and once in a while on a weekend), since chocolate is my downfall.
Hang in there! Have (safe) fun with your family!
Thanks so much, Sheila! I am so unclear on our Covid restrictions. Nothing makes any sense to me any more! But I think we are allowed one other household to mix with ours with no more than 10 people. And since both of my in-laws are retired and live alone (so technically they would be two more households since they are divorced and live separately), it was really not an issue. But they did have to get the travel testing done just in case. (Both were negative when they left our house.) Your Christmas menu sounds amazing! I need to stop eating all the Christmas cookies soon or those 15 pounds are going to find me again! Sweets and chocolate are also my downfall…especially when I’m smoking the pot!
OMG Shelbee those boots! I can’t stop looking at them. Now I’m going to be going crazy trying to find a similar pair. They look fab with the reindeer dress!
Bit envious of your Christmas plans and bustle. At short notice Christmas in London was cancelled so it will just be me and Mr Mutton and a giant turkey. Still, it’s a lot worse for many others so we will make the best of it. Thanks for linking at #WowOnWednesday today and all your support during the rest of the year. Merry Christmas!
Gail, thanks so much, my friend! I linked a few pairs of really cute green boots from Amazon at the bottom. And now I want more green boots! I am so sorry that your Christmas has been canceled, but like you said, there are so many in worse situations right now. So I am just grateful to have a warm and loving home and enough food to keep me fat all winter long. I hope you and Mr. Mutton enjoy the quiet holiday at home with your giant turkey! Thank you for all of your support as well! Merry Christmas! May 2021 be so much better.