Reiki-ing Leaves & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #300

I tried to be all punny and cute with my title but I think I might have failed. Although Archie is sitting next to me on the couch while I am writing this post and he laughed out loud when I typed it. So maybe my pun was a success after all. I guess it really all depends on your perspective.
Perspective is such an interesting thing, isn’t it? Sometimes we get locked into tunnel vision and simply cannot see or even imagine a different perspective, but there are literally an unlimited number of perspectives in the world. Like our fingerprints, our perspectives are also completely unique to us. Our perspectives will shift and evolve over time as we are effected by our experiences, our successes and our failures, and the growing wisdom that comes with time. I am all for things that prompt me to look deeper at myself and my own perspectives. I am also all for reserving the right to change my mind, my perspective, or my opinion at any time that is suitable to me. If I am presented with new evidence or information or another perspective that forces me to question my own, then I will ask the questions and make the necessary changes. This is the foundation of personal growth so I don’t understand why so many resist it so fervently.
Side note (a result of stoned writing): Recently in the media, I have been seeing a lot of celebrities brought under fire because of dumb shit they did or said when they 14 or 19 or 26 years old. Because they made some ridiculous uneducated statement when they were a ridiculously uneducated adolescent does not mean this person has not grown and evolved with education and life experience over the past 20 years. Why does our culture want to lock us into our childish ideals instead of allowing everyone the time they need to experience personal growth?
Personal growth and perspective go hand in hand in a way, don’t they? One directly effects the other any time there is a shift in either. I have always considered myself a lifelong learner. It is at the core of who am I. If I don’t understand something, I seek to learn more until I do understand it. Different is not wrong and it certainly shouldn’t be frightening. Learning different things and different ways and different ideas simply enhances our own arsenals of knowledge. And it is a fact that the more we know, the more we grow.
As I have been stumbling through this middle part of my life, I have found that immersing myself in new learning adventures as been most beneficial. For example, my most recent journey into the healing world of Reiki has definitely fostered an environment for all around health and well being. Ever since I completed my Level I and II certification, I have been diligently practicing Reiki healing techniques on myself on a daily basis with much more success than I ever expected. I think part of me needed some convincing that Reiki energy really does help in the healing process. And so I got the convincing I needed when every time I approached a personal situation with a self Reiki session, the issue addressed was resolved. Now if I could just direct the Reiki to rake the leaves. I am very blessed, however, to have a husband who raked the leaves after I made a mess of them for these silly photos!

Remember to send us photos of your favorite (or least favorite) workout wear for this month’s Good Buy/Good-Bye Book by November 10! And please share your style and your perspectives in the comments or link party below.
“Each person does see the world in a different way. There is not a single, unifying, objective truth. We’re all limited by our perspective.”
-Siri Hustvedt
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Reader Favorite (Most Clicked): Nancy of Nancy’s Fashion Style

Fashion Favorite: Jennifer of Curated by Jennifer

Keeping it on the edge,
Joining these Fabulous Link Parties.
Outfit Details: Sweater, Leggings, Socks, and Earrrings-Torrid / Tie Dye Tee Shirt Dress-Thrifted / Sandals-Birkenstocks / Hat-Hobby Lobby

Mica Away From The Blue
I love the coordinating and colourful stars! Such a fun and cosy outfit 🙂
Thanks for the link up! Hope you are having a nice start to your week.
Thanks, Mica! The sweater is super cozy, but I don’t really like the spandex feel of these leggings. I prefer my super soft fleece lined ones! I hope you have a fabulous day, my friend.
I agree those leggings do not look comfortable on you, especially when your raking leaves you want to be dressed for the job. It’s been cool here for the last few days and when I want to feel warm and cozy I get out my fleece lined leggings or tights. I also have a fleece lined parka that I wish I wore yesterday.
Have fun.
Thanks, Jamie! I do prefer my fleece lined leggings to all of my other ones. These leggings were fine for a day of household chores. I just don’t really like the feeling of spandex at all! We haven’t had parka weather yet but it’s coming soon!
I agree! I also find it ridiculous when some actors are fired for something they said when they were younger. They were just being stupid and didn’t know better.
Curated by Jennifer
Isn’t it so silly how our culture demands we “grow up” but then when we do grow up, no one cares to know anything about it? I wonder what would happen if we all focused on our own personal growth instead of the rate of growth for others.
I agree with your perspective on life! No-one should be defined by their history we are all entitled to grow and develop. Opinions and our conscience is what makes us human and the ability to change a blessing!
Thanks so much, Pamela! We are a very unforgiving species a times, aren’t we? I think we sometimes forget how blessed we are!
What a fun, funky outfit! And it looks cozy too. I’ve been reading a book called Fast and Slow Thinking. It’s all about the mistakes the brain makes because it’s geared for immediately survival, and most brains are pretty lazy. You can teach a person how to think critically. Some will excel; most won’t. And religious indoctrination actively discourages critical thinking. Consequently, most people don’t like change. It takes effort to put new information into effect. Unless a person actively embraces introspection, critical thinking, philosophy, etc, most change will be resisted. It worked well for our cavemen ancestors. Now? Not so much.
Thanks for this insightful comment, Michelle. I am going to have to check out that book. Coincidentally, I am currently reading a book called Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking which is about how we make split second decisions and how our prejudices and biases work themselves into this process. Super interesting stuff!
Tamar Strauss-Benjamin
I agree, if people show real growth and repentance (if that is needed) we need to move on. Lately it seems like it’s comments celebs are making now that are a bigger worry for me!
Super cute yard work outfit.
Oh yes, there’s that, too, Tamar! The older generation of celebrities who should know better say some very disturbing things, indeed.
Have you come across people that you knew from decades ago, and thinking: they haven’t grown at all? I met a few of those people in the last month and thought it was so weird. They never evolved. No that’s not the right word, they just didn’t grow. Lol. It’s hard to express what i mean. And I’m not stoned! Lol. Lovely photos!
You expressed it perfectly, Nancy! And I think evolve is the exact right word to use there. I have met people who have lived 7, 8, and 9 decades and still hold onto the antiquated beliefs handed down from their parents and grandparents. We have to flow with the times in all things including our perspectives or else we will also become antiquated!
I love a good pun hehe! Your posts are always so insightful and thought-provoking! I think that it’s normal for people to learn from their mistakes. It’s a journey. We’re not all born perfect, after all.
Thanks so much, Lizzie! I agree! We are supposed to learn from our mistakes but then we should focus more on the learning and less on the mistakes!
Patrick Weseman
You do look cute and we do focus more on our personal growth. I am always told that I need to grow up. The funny thing is the people who tell me I need to grow up are the ones who are only focused on material stuff and “Keeping Up With the Jones'” . I always say that you are born an originial, so why die a copy.
Thanks so much, Patrick! I think growing up and growth might be two different things…while I always advocate in favor of personal growth, I don’t think any of us should ever grow up (or out) of our childish wonder and carefree playfulness!
Anne M Bray
I chuckled at your pun. Always love a good word play.
Did the leaves rake easier once you imbued them with reiki energy? Haha.
I’ve been on a big Feng Shui odyssey myself this year. A major thing for FS is decluttering. Still working on it!
Yay! I’m glad I made someone laugh! I didn’t rake the leaves, Jeff did, but I am certain they raked easier! That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. I’ve been on a Feng Shui kick as well and have been making sure to keep our feet and heads out of the toilet! Haha. Also, decluttering. Lots of decluttering. It feels so good!
Anne M Bray
I actually am taking a $$$ 10-month course that has been super helpful.
Here’s Katie’s link – she does a short course in prep for Chinese New Year and also FREE First Fridays Zooms. https://www.katierogersfengshui.com/
Oh fun! I was just scoping out her website! I would love to learn more about all of these Eastern concepts and healing traditions! Now if I could just get myself motivated and structured to start doing the things!
I think it is so hard to be in any sort of spotlight; espcially now when everything ever said or done is recorded, posted on some sort of media to be dragged up over and over again– even years and years later. You look adorable and oh so comfy!
Thanks, Joanne! I agree with you completely. I would never ever want to be a celebrity under the constant scrutiny of he prying media and nosy fans. Ugh. It sounds like a horrible trade off for fame and fortune! I will remain obscure, thank you very much!
Valerie h Hansen
Fun outfit Shelby and I agree on rehashing garbage about something a celebrity said 20 years ago..that’s the wonderful world of “Cancel Culture” We live in….so ridiculous!
Have a lovely week!
Thanks so much, Valerie! I feel like we have always existed in a cancel culture and as long as humans continue to insist that there is only one right way to do things this cancel culture will continue. It is infuriating and ridiculous! I hope you are having a wonderful week.
Cindy Handy
You look adorable (like a teenager) in the leaves!! * My Brandy Macadamia Nut Cranberry Relish is a MUST MAKE for the Holidays! Even people who don’t like cranberry relish like this one. You can make it now and it just gets “boozier” as it sits in the fridge. Have a Blessed and Bountiful Holiday season!
Aw, thanks so much, Cindy! Some days I do feel like teenager! Your cranberry relish sounds amazing! I love cranberry relish and haven’t made it in a few years. I will definitely keep this idea on hand for Thanksgiving this year. We are going to make duck and turkey breast so cranberry relish would be perfect! I hope your holidays are filled with many blessings, my friend.
It’s ridiculous to bring things up like that years later. What’s the point except to stir up a little drama? This is such a cute look! Your leggings are so fun!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Aw, thanks so much, Jill! I think the point is exactly that…to stir up unnecessary drama! I really get fired up when the media gets a hold of photos of celebrities when they were very young children and then want to hold the celebrity accountable for saying something stupid or being somewhere their parents took them when they were like 8 years old! It is so silly! We need to allow people the opportunity to grow and grant them some grace through the process.
Marsha Banks
I think perspective is very important. A person’s perspective is their truth…it’s how they see a situation. I used to argue with my husband all the time about just that. Now, he gets it…I think. As for youthful indiscretions, I think there should be some accountability depending on the circumstances which would need to be pretty dire. I’m glad to hear the Reiki healing is going so well. I do wish you were my next door neighbor!!!! Thanks for the link up! Come visit on the 10th!
Thanks so much, Marsha. I absolutely agree that we should be accountable for all of our actions at every age, but we also need to be more forgiving as a society when people do work to grow and change and become even better versions of themselves. That is where we falter as a society…we give no grace to anyone and everyone deserves it at least a little! I wish we were neighbors, too! I would definitely be sharing the Reiki with you! It has been so beneficial for me so I would love to share it with more people. Bu first I must tackle all the holiday chaos and get myself a Reiki table! I will be working on my 10 on the 10th post today so I can come link up with you tomorrow. Have a fabulous day, my friend.
Laura Bambrick
In reference to your sidenote, I do agree that the media has taken the accountability a bit too far. I think we should also practice forgiveness. We are all human and certainly make mistakes. It’s when the mistakes continue after we should have learned better that it becomes an issue. Anyway, I certainly appreciate a good punny title!
Thanks, Laura! I always think of you when I use a punny title! I agree with all that you have said. We all need to be patient with each other as we grow. And making mistakes is part of growth. But yes, there is a limit to how many times you can make the same mistake before you start pissing people off!
I don’t know why that happens. It’s just downright wrong. We all make mistakes and no should have to feel like they didn’t change after so many years have passed since the incident. It really doesn’t make any sense to me. And how fun are your photos? Love all the leaves and aren’t they the funnest thing to play with. And I cannot forget about your leggings! Super cute. Swooning over all the colorful stars!
Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com
Maureen, thanks so much! Leaves are much more fun to play in than the icy cold snow that will be here soon, that’s for sure! Haha. We really are a strange species, aren’t we? We criticize for people for not changing or growing but then when they do, we refuse to acknowledge it and give proper credit. No wonder so many of us, like myself, are so confused by all the mixed messages we receive!
Your blog posts are always inspiring and make me cheerful. This is another such post. 🙂 Cute and fun outfit too.
I agree with you on perspective and personal growth. We should find out our weaknesses and change the way we think and react if needed. That helps in personal growth. I always try ways to improve myself and keep myself motivated for a positive lifestyle.
Amila, thanks so much for this beautiful comment. I can’t even imagine living a life where I wasn’t trying to grow and learn and improve myself. I have found that with some perspective and gratitude, I can keep myself focused on the positive side of things and that really does make a huge difference in our quality of life! I hope you are having a blessed week, my friend!
Love your star sprinkled outfit, and thanks for sharing your joyful leave play photos! Also, always enjoy your insightful posts. Our society sometimes does seem very hard on people as they change there perspective. Changing our mind a natural part of growth and develoment, and what are we here for if not to evolve?
Thanks so much, Di! I do try to keep things light and fun as often as I can! I believe that one of our life purposes is to learn and grow and evolve. It does strike me as odd that we are so resistant to it as a whole society!
Anita Ojeda
What a fun outfit and photo shoot! I think I’d trust politicians more if they got up and said, “When I was 14, I did some crazy stuff. I swiped candy bars from the corner grocery, I downloaded illegal music, and I used to think men were better than women. I’ve learned a lot since then–and the things I’ve learned will help make me the best candidate.”
Oh my gosh, Anita, I love this comment and I couldn’t agree with you more! Can you imagine if everyone just accepted responsibility for themselves and stopped judging everyone else? Accountable politicians…that is a wonderful fantasy, isn’t it?! Haha.
What a fun outfit! Everyone has the right to grow, and it’s bad to define them by their past.
Thanks so much, Lovely! I agree with you completely!
I think the mess was worth the fun you had!
Thanks, Alexandra! My husband said the same thing!
Fun photos, I’ve always fancied throwing leaves around! You’re right about hpw wrong it is to hold people accountable for views expressed years ago. When I was 18 I briefly supported a different political party. I’d hate to be associated with that! Thanks for linking
Thanks so much, Gail! Oh my goodness, I believed/supported things when I was a teenager and in my early 20s that I would absolutely never ever believe or support now! We are supposed to grow out of our inexperienced and uneducated beliefs as we gain life experience and life education. I hope you get to play in the leaves one day!
Suzy Turner
I love your deep and thoughtful posts, Shelbee. And I couldn’t agree more. We all say shit in our younger years, I would be so embarrassed to be reminded of some of the senseless stuff I might have uttered twenty or thirty years ago lol! My perspective has changed, for sure, as I’ve gotten older and I’m like you…I consider myself to be a lifelong learner too. I’m loving learning all about photography, and social media ‘skills’ at the moment. Life could be so boring if we didn’t strive to teach ourselves new stuff, right?!
I just love that you’re a Reiki teacher (master??) and that you’re healing yourself. You’re totally amazing, my friend!
Huge hugs and lots of love
Suzy xx
Oh Suzy, thank you so much! You are so kind and sweet and funny! I really wish we lived on the same continent! Oh my goodness, I hear you on being embarrassed of our dumb shit from decades past. Can you imagine if we all got stuck there, in those juvenile mindsets, and didn’t get to grow and evolve? It would be a hot mess! But we sure do like to keep people stuck there, don’t we? We are such an incredibly bizarre species! I love that you are learning new things right now…it is supposed to help with menopause brain. But I wonder if anything helps with menopause brain! I am not yet a Reiki Master which is the level I need to teach. I need to be a practitioner for at least 6 months before I can take the master classes. But I will get there soon enough!
Stephanie 139a
Good work on the leaves – and the post’s title 😀
Thanks for sharing with #PoCoLo
Aw, thanks so much, Stephanie! I really appreciate that. I hope you are having a wonderful week!
Emma Peach
I love your star print leggings and sweater! It’s a good job smart phones weren’t around when I was younger because I did and said some really stupid things!
Emma xxx
Thanks so much, Emma! Oh my gosh, haven’t we all said and done some really dumb things in our lives?! Thankfully, we didn’t capture and record it all on phones and cameras!