Radical Ralphie Turns Ten & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up On the Edge #645
My second born child has reached that double digit milestone birthday of a decade and I feel like it has left my head spinning a little bit wondering how ten years could have zipped by so quickly. In just a few short months, he will complete his 4th grade year and move onto middle school. Middle school ages are so weird for everyone involved, aren’t they? It is the age when puberty begins its long slow torment on pre-teens and their parents. And I am unlucky enough to be right in the midst of menopausal chaos just as my children are entering the most hormonally volatile stage of their young lives. Much luck to my husband as he attempts to navigate this era of hormonal turmoil!
Anyway, March 21 was Radical Ralphie’s birthday. Unfortunately, he ended up with some kind of viral crud (which I have subsequently caught his week) and was sent home from school at 9:00 a.m. on his birthday. He didn’t even get to share his birthday treat with his classmates. Thankfully, his substitute teacher that day saved his treats for the following day when both Ralph and his teacher returned to school.
This year he requested an “experience” birthday party so he invited two friends and we loaded up in the car on Saturday for the one hour drive to Destiny USA in Syracuse, New York, where we visited WonderWorks, an interactive, educational amusement park complete with a three story high ropes course. After WonderWorks, we grabbed some lunch at Jimmy Buffet’s Margaritaville and then made our tired way home for another fabulous cake from our favorite local bakery, EuropeCakes.

Back at Home

We had a great time and it was a super easy birthday party to plan and required no clean up. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
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Looks like a great day! And what a fabulous birthday cake he got! Is he going at 10 years old to muddle school then? Such a change for kids right? Have a great weekend!
Thanks, Nancy! It was a fabulous cake! Yes, he will go into 5th grade in September when he is 10. Our school district actually has 5th and 6th grade in an “intermediate” school and 7th and 8th are in the middle school on the same campus. I don’t remember much from when I was 10 and making the transition to a new school except I was always lost in the hallways! I hope you have a lovely weekend as well, my friend.
Amy Johnson
Looks like he had a fun birthday! Thanks for the party!
He really did, Amy! Thanks so much. Have a wonderful weekend!
Anne M Bray
Oh my goodness! They’re both double digits now!
HBD Ralphie!
We are officially a double digit household! Haha. Compared to when you first met my boys, their senses of humor and personalities have evolved so much. I think you would get an even bigger kick out of them now!
Happy birthday to Ralphie! A milestone birthday! That cake looks fantastic, and it appears that everyone had a great time. Thanks for sharing this special day. Hope you have a good weekend!
Thanks so much, Di! We all had a wonderful time, so much that my older son wants the same for his birthday next month!
That looks like such a fabulous birthday!! Everyone looks like they had a lot of fun and that cake is both adorable and looks so delicious.
Thanks, Joanne! It was so much fun and super easy from a planning perspective!
Emma Peach
Happy Birthday Ralphie! The climbing looks fun! Isobel went to a climbing wall with a friend for his birthday and loved it – apparently she was up that wall like a rat up a drainpipe! So of course now she wants to go every week…they get more expensive the older they get!
Emma xxx
Thanks so much, Emma! Oh my gosh, they do just keep getting more expensive the older they get! His iPad completely died two days before his birthday so he got a new one for his gift from us. That ended up costing about $500 with all the setup fees and stuff. That is so awesome that Isobel loves the climbing stuff, too. It is definitely not for me!
So glad he’s feeling better! Happiest Birthday wishes to him 🙂
Thanks so much, Alexandra!
Laura Bambrick
Happy Birthday to your son! I’m sorry he wasn’t feeling well but it looks like he ended up having still having a fun birthday celebration. The cake looks and sounds so good!
Thanks so much, Laura! Oh my goodness, the sickness just keeps cycling through my house! I need for the spring weather to hurry up and arrive! I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
OMG! I can’t believe how much he has grown. It looks like he and his friends had a wonderful day. What fun! The cake is amazing.
Michelle, he has seriously sprouted up so much in just the past few months. In fact, I measured them both at Christmas and then again a few weeks ago and both boys grew a little over an inch in just 3 months. Time to buy more clothing for them!
Laura Pederson
Thanks so much for featuring our “Household Happies!” post! We so appreciate it!
Looks like Wonder Park was an awesome location for your double digit birthday boy! And that cake… oh my! How delicious!
Laura, thanks so much! Wonder Park was so much fun that my older son requested the same for his birthday next month. Thanks so much for joining my link party. It was my pleasure to feature your fun post!
Patrick Weseman
Thanks for hosting and Happy Birthday to him. Looks like a wonderful time was had and that cake looks good.
Thanks, Patrick! We had so much fun that we are going to do it again in May for Archie’s birthday!
Marsha Banks
Happy birthday, Ralphie! What an amazing place to celebrate a birthday! I would be the same as you, though, with my feet firmly on the ground. I hope that cake was as good as it looks! Amazing!!!
Hehe, thanks so much, my friend! We are planning on doing it again for Archie’s birthday next month. And yes, Miss Monica’s cakes are always as good as they look!
Aw happy birthday to him! It looks like you all had a blast celebrating!! Thaank you for the feature too <3
Thanks so much, Lizzie! We had so much fun that Archie wants to do the same for his birthday!