Perseverance Has Landed & Link Up On the Edge #233

Yesterday the Perseverance successfully landed on Mars! And I might just be the most ridiculous person in the eyes of my children. I made the kids sit in the living room with me as I watched the live commentary from NASA and I was getting so mad at them for their lack of appreciation of this monumental event.
You might already know that I am a complete space geek. I love this stuff! It is so mind boggling to me how humans have learned to navigate outer space with such precision that we can launch a Rover into the atmosphere seven months ago, follow its 293 million mile journey, and then land it in the exact place that was intended right near (or in?) the Jezero Crater. I am so excited what kind of discoveries will result from the Perseverance expedition.
And by some act of serendipity, or maybe it was synchronicity, but probably it was both of those phenomena working together, I was not tracking yesterday’s big space event, but I had just photographed my new NASA tee shirt that Archie had given me for Christmas and was going to share this outfit today anyway. Then the NASA update popped up on my computer screen as I was about to begin writing my post.

I decided to hold off on writing my post until I watched the entire event and now I am scrambling at the last minute to finish my work before dinnertime! But I couldn’t miss it. I had to watch.
As they were counting down the Rover’s entry into Mars’ atmosphere, I got chills all up and down my spine. I might have been as excited as all of the NASA folks! And I cannot lie, but when they confirmed that the Rover landed successfully exactly where it was supposed to, I cried. Yes, I did. Shamelessly and proudly, I wept joyful tears for the good news on my television screen. It’s been a really long while since I cried those kind of tears and I really liked the feeling!

I am going to leave it at that because I am not an astronaut and I do not possess any of the appropriate vocabulary to explain anything about space exploration. The only semi-intelligent commentary that I can make is that it freaking fascinates me. If you want actual real details about the landing of he Perseverance, you are going to have do some quick research for yourself.
Did anyone else watch the live NASA coverage of this event? What are your thoughts about this expedition?

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Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.
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Outfit Details: Coat and Tee-Old Navy / Cardigan-Gap / Jeans-Torrid / Boots-Shoe Dazzle / Moon Necklace-Happiness Boutique / Earrings, Hat, Socks, and Gloves-Old

I saw it on the news, amazing isn’t it. What if they find life there!! You found the perfect outfit to celebrate! Great coat and tee! Enjoy your weekend!
Thanks so much, Nancy! It is so exciting. I believe the purpose of this mission is to find microorganisms that may be preserved in the crater and river beds. It is so crazy if they are going to bring martian microbes back to earth. A little scary, too, but the whole world is scary anyway so why not learn some science in the midst of the crazy! Ha. Have a great weekend, my friend.
I get that about NASA. As a tour guide, I used to visit Cape Canaveral almost every other Friday and I just couldn’t get enough of it! Many of their simulations brought tears to my eyes so let alone witnessing the real landing!
P.S: thanks for all the info on the numerous style prompts out there. They are indeed so much fun … they would make anyone want to start a blog:)
Barbara, thanks for sharing about your Cape Canaveral weekends! That sounds so amazing! I am trying to recall if I have ever been there. I am thinking maybe when I was really young, like around 5 years old, we were there. I have a very vague recollection of it.
The style prompts are the only thing that get me dressed right now so I am finding them tremendously beneficial! Hopefully you can join us for some of them! And if you ever get to where you want to start a blog, let me know and I will help you the best I can!
Have a great weekend!
Kellyann Rohr
I missed the event yesterday, I actually completely forgot as I got so busy with the day and don’t have the tv on. I’ll have to watch today and see it – sounds amazing and I am so happy to hear something positive coming from the news for a change. An event like that has to make us proud of our country! How cool that you had already planned to wear your NASA tee and even cooler that your son chose that for you!
Thanks so much, Kellyann! I really only turn the tv on these days if there is something positive going to be on! The whole event made me feel proud to be an American and a human again! I am sure you can find the recorded footage. It was just the NASA team commenting on the progress of the Rover’s entry and landing. You couldn’t see anything other than their faces but that was cool to watch, too. They went from super nervous to so excited to utter relief. It gave me all the feels! Archie has the same tee shirt, we got them to match each other, but then he didn’t want to do photos with me, the little bugger!
Look fabulous Shelbee and I really like the new editing format xx
Thanks so much, Laurie! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
I didn’t know that NASA was landing anything on Mars. I do love learning about space and science though and drag my boys to ALL the science museums where we read up on what they have found/ discovered so far. I love watching the recorded feeds of footage even if I don’t always know what I’m looking at.
Joanne, this is one space event that I wasn’t really tracking either. Although I do recall when they launched it in July but I had completely forgotten about it. I am so glad that it popped up in my news feed so I didn’t miss it. I am glued to the tv for events like this in the same way that many people glue to the tv for presidential addresses and such. And then I act like a child, jumping on the couch all excited! Haha. It just makes me so excited to see this kind of incredible progress in humanity. Despite all the bad in the world, there are people who just keep going and making progress and advancing us as a species and I am so grateful for those amazing people! I hope you have a wonderful weekend, my friend!
Kathrine Eldridge
I heard about it and saw that excitement at NASA when it landed. I think it’s pretty amazing! Love that you had this tee to wear and how you styled it with the houndstooth coat and red pants. Thanks for link up my friend!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! It was a really exciting event in human history! I am anxiously anticipating what they will find. I hope you have an amazing weekend!
I watched it on the news and it is pretty fascinating how this can be done! I love how you styled your NASA tee! Such a cute look! Have a great weekend!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks, Jill! It was so exciting to be a part of this even if it was just watching it on tv from my couch! Have a great weekend.
I really love the houndstooth and red together!
Curated By Jennifer
Thanks so much, Jennifer! Have a wonderful weekend.
I did not watch it but I did here of it. It is pretty amazing how such things are possible isn’t it. Kind of when I start thinking about science and medicine and the things that are possible nowadays.
It was really so interesting to watch, Mireille. They knew right down to the second when it would land and were counting down the decelerating speed as well as the distance from the surface of Mars. The technology is just amazing. I hope you have a lovely weekend!
I freaking love how excited you got about the landing of Perseverance. Had I known about it, I would have been super excited too. But I’m ashamed to say that I had absolutely no idea it was happening. Since Covid (and Trump), I stopped reading the news. I found it all way too depressing that I just didn’t watch or read anything related to the rest of the world (or this country!). I’m really quite embarrassed to admit it, to be honest but I have no clue what’s happening in the world right now. I did ask Michael to tell me if anything major happens but he seems to forget. I think perhaps it’s time I started watching again LOL. Especially now that Trump is no longer the leader of the US!!!
You look fabulous, by the way. And I adore your NASA tee. I still haven’t worn mine on the blog. Perhaps we can still do a joint feature?!
Hugs hugs
Suzy xxx
Thanks so much, Suzy! It was really cool to watch it happening live. So many emotions! But I totally understand where you are coming from. I don’t read much news either and generally rely on Jeff to inform me of the things that I need to know…which at this point, I am determining that I really only need to know about 1% of what’s going on! And yes, we definitely need to do a joint post with NASA tees! I think I want to get a different one anyway. This is a men’s tee shirt and it really does not fit me well. I was pulling and tugging and adjusting it all day. Let’s chat more about it!
This would have been interesting to watch live, but I didn’t know about it until I read about it later on the news.
And what a great coincidence that you had this outfit planned for today! Love these red jeans with the zipper pocket details and hounds tooth coat! I’m not one to wear graphic tees but really loving this complete outfit!
Ellibelle’s Corner
Ellie, thanks so much! It was really exciting to watch live. I found myself clapping and cheering with them and then I got so overwhelmed the tears just came! I was experiencing some pretty cool emotions for a few minutes…the kind that don’t come often during this isolation period we are in. I was excited by this NASA tee but it’s a men’s and it didn’t fit me well. I felt like I was adjusting it all day long. Oh well. Maybe I’ll get a new one! Have a great weekend!
Cute outfit to wear for this post in celebration of the moon landing! Love your color combination and that the tee was a gift from your son. I watched the footage on the news, it was so nice to hear something positive amidst all the bad news. Stay warm and have a good weekend!
Thanks so much, Di! I am so glad that you got to watch a little of the news coverage. It really is monumental what they are doing there right now. My son has the same exact tee and he promised he would twin with me but then he changed his mind. Little bugger! I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
It was so exciting!!
Yay! I am so glad that you witnessed it, too, Tamar!
Bettye L Rainwater
I. WILL. NOT. SAY That’s Out of This World I. WILL. NOT.
Honestly, I didn’t know this was happening. Now that some world events have calmed down a bit, I’ve returned to living under my rock.
The last time I watched a space thing was in the late 80s when I watched the Challenger….that was enough for me.
Oh god, here’s how my brain works…I left for a moment to google “space stuff happening now” so I could share some intelligent thoughts here and ended up chatting with a fellow on a Korean dating app. WHAT SORCERY IS THIS, INTERNET?? A leads to B to C to 17 to Squirrel?? ?? Huh ?? Anyway, I better leave before who knows what.
O.M.G. Bettye, I just laughed so hard I nearly had an accident! I have been enjoying life under my rock lately. It is very peaceful here. By the way, the very first house I ever purchased was located on Under Rock Road where I literally lived under a rock. And now I realize that sentence made it sound like I have purchased lots of houses. I have not. I have purchased 3 and sold 2. Hopefully, I will never have to deal any of that ever again. I hope the fellow on the Korean dating app was lovely and kind and entertaining! I wonder if it is internet sorcery or merely the workings of the universe? Hmmm…food for thought. I wonder if google knows!
jess jannenga
Wasn’t it amazing news? I loved hearing that too! I think it was great you had the kids watch. Love the tee and how you pulled the red black and white into your look! Great coat and boots too. I did a field trip with a middle school group I had and we went to a Nasa simiulation event. It was really cool! I have good memories.
Have a great weekend!
jess xx
Thanks so much, Jess! It was really exciting stuff. It just blows my mind how they do what they do and how far we have gone in such a short timeline in human history. My kids weren’t thrilled to watch it because it was mostly just commentary. I think if there was actual video footage of the landing, they would have watched. That would have be crazy cool if they had that kind of technology! I hope you have a wonderful weekend, too!
Looking fab, Shelbee!! It’s so amazing to watch a landmark aspect of history. Bet your boys will always remember this. And it is also so amazing to be featured on your blog!!!!!! Thank you!!! I shall be grinning ridiculously all day……
Thanks so much, Ratnamurti! I love the posts that you share. I can relate so closely to every word you write as if I have written the words myself. That speaks very strongly to me! So I really do appreciate when you share your thoughts. Thanks for being awesome!
The perfect outfit for the event!! I’m currently taking a Remote Sensing class where we learn about satellites and aerial photography, and we spent the other day talking about Perseverance. It is mind boggling what scientists have figured out how to do! So cool!!
Miles of smiles,
Thanks so much, Grace! That class sounds so fascinating! Seriously, where were all these super interesting classes when I was in college?! I guess all this technology did not exist 25 years ago. OMG, I just realized that this year will be my 25th college reunion. Now how the heck did that happen?! Have a fabulous weekend, my friend!
I’m so happy you were able to catch it, Shelbee! I’m not very knowledgeable about space events, but thought it was super neat and a big accomplishment. I missed it though as far as watching it, but I bet it was phenomenal! Love this outfit, my friend, you look beautiful as always! 🙂
Wishing you the brightest weekend ahead, and hope you’re staying warm and cozy. I’m ready for spring!
Make Life Marvelous
Thanks so much, Ashley! Yeah, I definitely am not well versed in space travel, but I do love to follow along with the progress they are making! And I am very into star gazing and looking for the planets when they come into view. So I do keep up with it a little bit. It’s fun and so fascinating! I hope you have a wonderful weekend as well, my friend!
Lauren Renee Sparks
My husband and I have been watching Astronaut shows – Away on Netflix and For all Mankind on Apple+
Lauren Renee Sparks
Don’t know what happened on that comment. Astronaut shows have me loving your NASA t-shirt.
Haha, I found both comments! Here is the second one! Silly technology. It takes us to Mars but messes us up at home!
Oooh, those sound fun, Lauren! I need to check them out! Thanks for sharing.
Anita Ojeda
What a darling outfit! I was Facetimeing with our grandson this morning (he’s four), and he told me all about the landing…as well as a plethora of facts and information I didn’t know before. He can name the dwarf planets. I just recently learned what a dwarf planet is! He kept talking about Jagwon 2 (is that a thing?–maybe you know more and could help a poor granny out 😉 ).
Aw, thanks so much, Anita! Your grandson knows much more than I do! I do follow the big events and things like when planets are visible or the International Space Station is passing within sight, but I can’t name any dwarf planets except Pluto! Recently, my 4th grader was on a zoom lesson learning about our solar system and his teacher was talking about Pluto being a planet. He was getting so angry and kept telling me, “Mom, Pluto is not a planet and she keeps saying it is.” So I told him to raise his hand and politely explain that to his teacher. She started laughing and said the current NY state lesson plan on our solar system is from 2004 when Pluto was still considered a planet. Hopefully that little background can help you to impress your grandson! But he sounds like he might already know the history of Pluto’s planet status.
Cheryl Shops
That’s very exciting news about NASA and Mars—I’ve been following the story on NPR every morning! I hope they do find life on Mars 😉
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Cheryl, I love that you are following it, too! I think this mission they are searching for evidence that life did exist at one point and then they will be able to tell if the planet can sustain life again. So weird and so fascinating! I can’t wait to see what comes from this expedition! Have a fabulous weekend.
Amy Johnson
What a fun outfit for the occasion!
Thanks so much, Amy! Have a great weekend!
This is definitely the perfect outfit for the occasion! It’s so cool that you had your kids watch the Perseverance landing on Mars. Hopefully they will appreciate it later in life! Have a wonderful weekend!
Thanks so much, Katie! Oh, I hope my kids appreciate it some day! They kept snidely remarking that nobody cares about this event as we were watching it. And I kept yelling at them that the people on the tv screen from NASA cared a whole lot about what was happening and so did I so they better sit quietly and pay attention for 7 minutes! Haha. I hope you have a lovely weekend, my friend.
What a fun tee! I like the red jeans with it and it’s so fun that the outfit post lined up with the big space news! 🙂 I haven’t been following any of it but it is interesting what we can do with science! 🙂
Hope that you are having a good weekend!
Thanks so much, Mica! I got Archie the same tee but he wouldn’t wear it with me for photos. Booo on him. I haven’t always been this excited about space exploration. It is kind of a newer fascination for me in adulthood. I think I can appreciate how monumental it is now. It is really cool to watch how far we can go with it!
Mariann Yip
Such a lovely outfit and sweater! Thanks for sharing! Keep smiling 🙂
Thanks so much, Mariann! I hope you have a lovely weekend.
Laura Bambrick
Just the way you describe it makes me want to go back and watch the video! Technology is so amazing! I am interested to see what discoveries are made! What a fun coincidence with your cute tee!
Thanks so much, Laura! You definitely should watch at least the last 7 minutes of terror as the Perseverance entered Mars’ atmosphere and then landed safely. The human emotions really suck you into the intensity of it all, too. It was a really cool experience for me to witness this event.
Lucy Bertoldi
I didn’t see! Wish I did!
Lucy, I am sure you can find the footage easily if you want to watch that last 7 minutes of terror as the Perseverance entered Mars’ atmosphere and then safely landed in its proper place. It really is so fascinating and so was observing the emotions of the NASA engineers through the whole process.
I love your excitement over Perseverence! I did not stay glued to the news about it, but Dan kept me posted. It really is amazing. I need to refocus my attention on these truly awesome events. I’ve been so wound up for the last 4 years, that now that the Cheetoh is not blasting his vile racism and misogyny into the airwaves everyday, I’ve kind of fallen apart. But I digress…. I remember being so excited when the Voyagers were launched in 1977 & ‘78 to study Jupiter and Mars. I was 13. (And I’m betting you weren’t even born yet. 😄) And it was an interminable wait for them to get to their destinations, although it was actually pretty fast at @ 2 years. And now they are leaving the solar system and still communicating.
Very cool outfit too! Nice gift from Archie. He obviously knows his mom.
Thanks so much, Michelle! You know I avoid the news and television as well…about 95% of the time…and rely on Jeff to keep me informed of what’s going on. But the space stuff is one of my favorite things and it gives me the opportunity to see way beyond these four walls of my house which I never leave! Actually, my house has a lot more than four walls, but you know what I mean! Haha. I would have been about 3 or 4 years old when the Voyager launched so I don’t have any recollection of that event, but I bet at 13 it was so amazing to witness that great stride in space exploration. I was just about that age when we watched the Challenger launch on a tiny little television set in my 6th grade classroom. And even that with its horrific outcome isn’t too clear in my memory.
Archie is such a sweet kid and he does have a knack for gift giving! I got him the same shirt!
What a great coincidence! Archie’s gift of that cool tee was prescient (my new word–lol!)! It’s so cute and so perfect for Thursday’s landing. The perfect outfit for this occasion! I was out and about and had to pull into a parking lot so I could watch it on my phone!! I thought it was amazing. So incredible how they “stuck” the landing, too! I can’t wait to see all the pictures and finds that come from it. I share your incredulity, my friend!
xx Darlene
Thanks so much, Darlene! That is such a great word, prescient! I love that you pulled your car over to watch the landing event! Isn’t it so crazy how they can navigate this thing 293 million miles and land it exactly where they wanted to? I mean, what kind of math and engineering skills does something like that require? It just blows my mind! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend!
Grace Liang
I did not watch the event Shelbee but it is fascinating! Thank you for sharing this in your post.
Thanks so much, Grace! It really is such amazing stuff!
Val Hansen
LOve your Nasa Outfit Shelbee and now your kids will be even smarter cuz you made them watch, good momma! I cant force mine anymore..they are grown and out of the house..lol
Very cute LOOK!
Thanks so much, Valerie! I mean I kind of forced them to watch it while they kept very rudely telling me nobody cares (with their faces buried in their iPads). Until I was screaming at them that I care and the NASA folks on the tv care a whole lot and they better start appreciating how monumental an event this was that we were able to witness. Effective parenting, right? Haha. I don’t think they cared about me yelling either but maybe it will still stick with them once they are old enough to get it. Kids. Sheesh. I hope you are having a lovely weekend!
We watched it too! It was really amazing to see. Impressive really and I am still at awe at how far we’ve come in terms of exploration and technology. And how fun that you were wearing your NASA shirt on the same day?! That’s really a cool coincidence Shelbee and one for the books. I hope you are having a great weekend so far!
Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com
Thanks so much, Maureen! It completely fascinates how far we have come in such a short period of time. I mean, the first launch into space was only 64 years ago and now we are getting deeper and deeper into Mars exploration and talking about commercial space travel. It is so crazy! The progress made just in our lifetime is astounding to me! And I love to witness it in action. I hope you are having a great weekend!
Patrick Weseman
Looking so very causal and chic.
I didn’t watch it live (had to teach) but I went to the NASA channel and watched it when I was done. I am a huge space geek also. One of the coolest things I did was (I might have told you ) going over to Ames Research Center in Mountain View (about 20 minutes from my house) and doing some stuff for technology for the blind/visually impaired about ten years ago during the summer. I actually got to work with Mae C. Jemison who was the first female African-American in space. The whole thing was cool. These mental giants actually listened to a dufus like me about how some improvements in everyday tech for blind/visually impaired people. Not a bad deal.
Hope your weekend is going good.
Thanks so much, Patrick! It was a really amazing thing to watch even if you didn’t catch it live. I think you did mention working with Mae C. Jemison in another space geek post that I shared but you didn’t share as much detail…that is an incredibly cool experience! And clearly you are not a doofus because you had valuable insight to offer that they needed to make improvements on the technology for the visually impaired. That makes you pretty badass, in my opinion!
I loooooooooooooooooooove those boots!!!!!!
Thanks so much, Natalie! They are the Clarendon Mid Calf Combat Boot from Shoe Dazzle and are still available in most sizes! They are really comfortable and I love the chunky sole for all the snow!
Lisa notes
I live in “Rocket City” (Huntsville, AL) so we’re all about space things too. 🙂 I was glued to the screen too for the Mars landing. Such an incredible feat! It really blows my mind that such things are even possible, even though my husband’s company is the one who launched the rocket last year for the mission. lol. It takes SUCH a lot of minds and hands to do this.
Have you watched the Challenger mini-series on Netflix? I started watching it last night but it’s so sad. 🙁 My dad worked for both NASA and Morton Thiokol and I remember how devastated he was after Challenger. I’d never seen him so depressed as that season of his life.
Oh my gosh, Lisa! Wow! Wow! Wow! How cool that you grew up immersed in space talk! It really is so mind blowing how many people must be involved in working together to accomplish these things. If only the rest of the world could follow suit on that kind of team work! I cannot even imagine the emotions your father must have had to process in the immediate aftermath of the Challenger tragedy. I have not watched the Netflix series and I don’t think I really can. Just re-watching footage of that day recently turned me into a bubbling brook of tears. It’s too sad for me!
Sheila (of Ephemera)
My mom watched it and gushed over the excitement – I caught up later online. It led to me finding out that she’d watched the moon landing, which I had NO IDEA, so that was really cool. How fortuitous that you had your NASA shirt on!
Have you seen the Netflix series “7 Days Out”? It’s about major events (like a Dior fashion show, or the Westminster Dog Show) and all the planning that goes into them. One of the episodes is about the end of the Cassini mission at NASA, where they crashed Cassini into Saturn’s atmosphere. It was so cool – I think you would enjoy it.
Thanks again for the linky party! 🙂
Thanks so much, Sheila! I love that your mom was all gushing over the Mars landing! And how freaking cool is it that she watched the first moon landing! I have not heard of that Netflix series before but it does sound fascinating! I will definitely look into it.