What Lies Within: Peacocks, Spirit Animals, and The Tarot Cafe with #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #38
You know that old adage never judge a book by its cover? It is a truth universally acknowledged but quite often forgotten in practice. Without my waxing very philosophical in this post, I am going to show you why this saying is so important for the survival of kindness among the human race.
*This post is sponsored by Zaful. All thoughts and opinions are entirely my own.
Cape: Chiffon Peacock Design Festival Long Hooded Cape ($11.49) c/o Zaful.
There’s a cafe in my small town. It’s called The Tarot Cafe.
As one approaches the entrance of this unique and mysterious coffee house, you are met with a seemingly dark and mystical feeling seeping directly into the hallway of the historic Franklin Building in downtown Watertown, New York.
But don’t be fooled by it’s esoteric quality. Because what lies within is an entirely different thing. Owner Seth Hill emits light that permeates all darkness. He is a successful business owner who practices psychic readings. He is an experienced fire magician and he makes one hell of a cup of coffee. All of his potions at The Tarot Cafe are Seth’s original recipes with many organic extracts that he produces himself from local grown products.

Not only is Seth a successful entrepreneur, but he is a dedicated, caring, bright, and well rounded human being. He is currently quite passionate about learning ASL, helping people find their inner strength and peace, and injecting kindness and light all around him. I spent over two hours just chatting with Seth. We discussed topics such as spirit animals, the importance of kindness in our culture, mental health and how we can help others get to a place of healing and inner peace. I do this through writing and through my blog. Seth does this through tarot readings, an amazingly genuine smile, a heart of the brightest gold, and really good coffee.
Have a look inside The Tarot Cafe…

Spirit Animals
People who believe in spirit animals view them as spiritual beings who offer love, healing, and support in difficult times. When I asked Seth to explain the idea of spirit animals to me, he first informed me that the Fox is his truest spirit animal. I have long referred to the Fox as my spirit animal so I felt an immediate connection with Seth. He explained to me that when finding our spirit animal, it is up to us decide which animal we feel the most connected to. Our spirit animals can change throughout our lives depending on how we relate to their qualities and what we need as we are faced with certain challenges throughout our lives.
The Fox as My Spirit Animal
The Peacock as My Current Spirit Animal
The peacock is very suited to my current place in life. And I just happened to have recently received this peacock cape from Zaful. I have to tell you…this was probably the most fun I have ever had during a photo shoot. Thanks to Amy for making me hike two miles through the Chaumont Barrens Preserve while wearing a bodycon dress. But hey, if a peacock can do it, so can I!
Peacocks represent the integrity and beauty that we can achieve when we exhibit our true colors. All of them. Even the ones that we hide beneath the surface. We shouldn’t show every aspect of ourselves to every person all of the time. Keeping secrets. That is the mystery and intrigue of human beings. That is the beauty of what lies within. You never know what you’re going to get. You never know when the peacock is going to display its train in all of its amazing beauty.
What lies within you that you don’t expose to just anyone? Do you keep those secrets sacred only to be revealed to the most special people in your life? Have you discovered your spirit animal?
And in case you were wondering…as a blogger who puts it all out there…always raw, always real…I, too, have secrets. But now is not the time for my secrets to be revealed…now is the time for me to disappear.
If anyone local to Watertown, New York, is looking for a great cup of coffee with an extraordinary experience, you must try The Tarot Cafe. Seth is also offering Tarot 101 workshops for beginners who are interested in learning the art of psychic readings. Keep an open mind, my friends. You may find me at one of these workshops.
And now onto your favorite posts from last week’s link up.
Sarah of Foxy’s Domestic Side shared an adorable end of summer outfit in Stripes and Floral.

And Kristina of The Kontemporary shared her casual styling of these fabulous grid pants in Monday Musings #15: How to Embrace Fall.

Keeping secrets on the edge,
Linking up with These Fabulous Link Ups.

Deborah Stinedurf
What a totally cool place! And that cape is fabulous!
Thanks so much, Debbie! The walk was absolutely gorgeous…next time, however, I’m not wearing a dress for the hike! Hahaha.
My daughter is big on the Tarot cards Shelbee. She loves anything spiritual. Me I’m a little more skeptical, but I find it very interesting xx
I also find it very interesting, Laurie. After talking to Seth about it, his approach to it is a means of opening a discussion…very similar to talk therapy…just another way to get the conversation going. That I find super interesting and I never would have thought of it that way on my own. So I guess it’s a good thing that I kept an open mind! Thanks so much for stopping by and have a wonderful day.
Kathrine Eldridge
What a cool and fun post! Love your new cape and thanks for sharing this cafe. Need to figure out what my spirit animal is. Thanks for the link up!
Thank you, Kathrine! There are a whole bunch of quizzes online that are just fun and silly on finding your spirit animal (Just Google search “find your spirit animal”). There is a guide for finding your spirit animal here. I haven’t tried this method. I just tune into an animal I love and go with it! Thanks for stopping by and have a magnificent day.
How interesting Shelbee, I wonder what I would be! You look fabulous in this dress by the way!… x Jacqui
Thanks so much, Jacqui! There are some quizzes you can find online that will tell you your spirit animal. This one says my spirit animal is a butterfly (which is funny because I am wearing a butterfly kimono while I just took the quiz). This one says my spirit animal is the bear. And this one says my spirit animal is part Lion, Tiger, Leopard, and Snow Leopard. It’s just fun stuff to read on personality! Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful day!
I went to a little store in the UK last week called The Witchcraft. I bought a little broomstick and it’s now on my toilet! Very nice story and pictures Shelbee!
Thanks, Nancy! I want a little broomstick for my toilet now, too! The Witchcraft sounds like a charming little shop, too. Thank you for stopping by and have a wonderful day.
Such a cool cafe! Love the character of the place.
That dress is magnificent on you and your peacock cape is awesome!
Kellyann, thanks so much for stopping by! The Tarot Cafe definitely overflows with character. It is so unique and Seth is just the most interesting and joyful person. This peacock cape was a challenge to style, but I think I rose to the challenge, for sure. Have a fabulous day, my friend.
indah nuria Savitri
That peacock cape looks great on you indeed! And I love the Tarot Cafe..so sleek 🙂
Thank you, Indah! This was really fun to style and I love how I could connect it to the Tarot Cafe, which is definitely a very cool place! Have a great day!
Anna Shirley
Very interesting place. It’s good to touch some spiritual things or at least to open minded and explore something new.
I agree completely, Anna! Keeping your mind open to spiritual awakening can bring really great things into your life. Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful day.
The Tarot Cafe looks like such a cool place to hang out! Your peacock cape is gorgeous! Love your styling!
Doused in Pink
Thank you, Jill! I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to pull off this cape, but I rose to the challenge! And it was perfectly suited for this blog post.
Love this post!!! I want to eat there–what a cool place! XO Susan http://www.themidlifefashionista.com
Susan, thanks so much! It really is such a cool place to hang out in! I hope you have a fabulous day.
What a lovely place Shelbee, love your peacock cape 🙂 Thanks for hosting.
Thanks so much, Claire! And thank you for stopping by and joining us! Have a wonderful day.
Cheryl Tuckerr
This is a fun post. I love to visit places like this because it reminds us that our differences are what make us special. We shouldn’t walk away when we encounter something different but rather embrace it and learn more. Be open and accepting. I love your cape and your photos are beautiful!
Cheryl, thank you so much for this lovely comment! I tend to be way more open minded than the general population, that’s for sure, and I do love to discover new places, new people, new philosophies. People fascinate me and I do love uncovering their individual stories. We all have a story, after all, don’t we? Thanks for stopping by and have the most wonderful day!
jodie filogomo
That cape is fabulous Shelbee!! I think we all judge before we learn, but we shouldn’t. No matter what whether it’s age, race or sex or the name of a shop!!
Thanks so much, Jodie! I absolutely agree. In fact, as hard as I try not to judge, I catch myself doing it all the time! It is in our nature. But I always have such a fantastic awakening when I catch myself! Thanks for stopping by, my friend. Have a fabulous day.
Suzanne Smith
Really fun post! I would love to visit the Tarot Cafe someday!
Thanks so much, Suzanne! It is a very cool place to visit. I want to have a psychic reading done one day, too. Just because I never have before! And experiencing life to its fullest requires being open minded and trying all the things! Have a fabulous day!
Lynda Hardy
I thoroughly enjoyed this whole post! I <3 peacocks and their imagery so much and my 'dream job' (that is, light fantasy) is owning a space for Tarot and other forms of divination that also nourishes through food. How neat that you have this in your local area!
Wow, Lynda, that is so awesome that something similar is your dream job! I love the concept of this cafe and it such a cool place to hang out in. The vibe is so positive in there and we need that in this world for sure! Thanks so much for stopping by and have the most fabulous day.
Amy Christensen
There are a lot of interesting coffee places out there. We just had one open up around the corner from us called the Dragon’s Roost. I haven’t been yet, but it is sort of a gaming and coffee joint. That cape is fab. What a unique piece. – Amy
Thanks so much, Amy! Ooh, that sounds like a fun little shop for gamers. I love when people combine their passions to create unique establishments! I hope you are having a fantastic day.
Chrissy Rowden
I can envision some fascinating conversation flowing out of this shop! Two hours may not be enough! 😉 Also, I love that you are visiting all the local shops in your community! Such a great and interesting idea. Oh, and that cape is fabulous Shelbee.
Chrissy, it was quite the interesting conversation that was happening the day I visited The Tarot Cafe! And thanks so much for this wonderful comment. I am so grateful that you appreciate my little stories about my local community. It’s a lot of fun to visit all these places and then surprise them with a fun blog post! I hope you are having a marvelous day, my friend.
What a wonderful place! I’ve always been into everything magical – so that cafe sounds exactly like my cup of tea (or should I say coffee!). If I am ever in your neck of the woods, I’d love to check it out, Shelbee 😀
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the cape… it’s beautiful. And so are you in it <3
Suzy xx
Suzy Turner at Yogadocious
Suzy, thank you for this amazing comment! And if you are ever in my neck of the woods, I will buy you a cup of coffee at The Tarot Cafe!
Shelbee, great post and as usual, an interesting subject matter to ponder. I adore your creativity regarding the cape and the photos. The dress is a winner on you. Thanks for the amusement and for hosting.
Rena, thank you so much, dear friend! This cape was one of those pieces that caused me to ponder! Ha. I was like “What the heck am I gonna do with this?” I only chose it because there was not much available in my size and I do love a good style challenge! This was a challenge, for sure, but I am so happy with what I created. Thank you so much for your always wonderful and thoughtful comments!
I love that statement making cape! The cafe looks like such a fun place to visit!
Thank you, Laura! It was so fun to style this cape and then tie into the whole vibe of The Tarot Cafe! Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful week.
Sarah @ Foxy's Domestic Side
OH my gosh, you are too cute. I particularily love the one of you on the rocks. Looks like you had a blast with your new cape, and that coffee house is pretty amazing. Such a hidden gem. Thanks for the feature, so sweet of you!
Thank you, Sarah! Oh, we were definitely having a blast with these photos! I think the rocks made us laugh the most as I was striking some pretty risqué poses up there! Then I couldn’t get down. It was quite a sight, for sure. Hahaha. Thank you for linking up and inspiring us all! I hope you are having a fantastic week.
Nikki Gwin
What a cool photo shoot! I love the setting. And I am fascinated by peacocks. I vaguely remember my Uncle Henry, who was also my grandfather, having peacocks on his farm. I remember hearing them in the mornings as I stood outside waiting for the school bus.
🙂 gwingal
Thanks so much, Nikki! You grew up with access to peacocks on a farm? How cool is that?! They really are such fascinating creatures. It was fun to “be a peacock” for a day! Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful day.
This scarf/wrap is so cool.
Thanks so much, Nicole! It was super fun to style.
Patrick Weseman
Interesting cafe, something I would like to check out. To be honest, I don’t expose much to people. I am not interested in the drama and everything. I have been working where I work for 21 years (going to leave soon by choice as there is way too much drama and B.S. going on) and someone who has been there for about ten years was shocked to hear that I have two grown children. I pretty much do my job and keep to myself (which scares the you know what out of supervision-they think that I am the Unabomber in training) but to a PERSON I will expose myself in I feel that you are genuine and you want to develop a friendship based on respect and kindness. The funny thing is that only two people I work with know that I blog and they are people I actually seek out and talk to you.
Sorry for being so long, the topic today is something I have been dealing with lately- work supervision has been getting on me for my so-called anti social ways again and as I tell them I don’t want my stuff all around social media and on the work news wire, they don’t understand that. Anyway, thanks for hosting and have a wonderful week.
Patrick, thank you for sharing your story here! I am glad that you feel comfortable enough to air your concerns in the blogging community. But I am guessing, based on my own experience, that the blogging community (at least the one that I circle in) is much more supportive of people’s individuality and uniqueness than people in the “real” world. You show a lot through your blog and if that’s where you are comfortable, I don’t see how that is of concern to anyone at your workplace. I hear you on the drama! I run as fast as I can when it see it approaching me. Which is probably why don’t have a job other than blogging! Ha. I don’t tolerate drama well at all. I am sorry that you have to deal with the BS after 21 years although I hear that from a lot of veterans in the workplace. It seems the longer you are at a place, the more they expect to partake in their nonsense. I am glad you are able to leave the situation on your own accord! Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a great week.
Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
What a unique coffee house, I would definitely stop in there! I also just love local coffee houses and I like the Tarot twist to it. That peacock cape is so gorgeous and unique. I love the colors on it and you have some great photos of you wearing it!
I am a huge fan of coffee houses, too, being of the Friends generation! We don’t have any other in town except for the chain ones like Panera and Dunkin’ Donuts. So it was really nice to see something so unique. Thanks so much, Carrie, for stopping by today and sharing your comment! These photos were so much fun to take. We laughed the whole way!
oh YAY! I don’t know you had a Tuesday Linkup! This is a great one too, spreading ALL of the love!!
Hi Chanda! I am glad that you found my Tuesday link up! It is all about #SpreadingTheKindness! I am glad you could join us! Thanks so much for stopping by and have a fabulous day, my friend.
jess jannenga
Shelbee, no wonder you are addicted to kimonos! you have such pretty ones! Love the colors and peacock design. this sounds like a cool place to hang out, very relaxing. i enjoy reading the businesses that are around you that you write about. i don’t know what my spirit animal is, perhaps a dog. id have to learn more about it! you look great in the black bodycon.. love that as a base for your outfit.
Have a great day!
jess xx
Jess, thank you so much! I am so glad that you enjoy reading about businesses in my community. It so fun for me to visit places around town and find a way to tie an outfit into the post! Plus, I love spreading the kindness by sharing information about these businesses. It is the local small businesses that help these little communities thrive. So it is my way of thanking them for their hard work and offering my support. I appreciate the validation from you reassuring me that it makes for a good read! And isn’t this peacock cape the craziest thing?! I actually struggled a bit with styling it until I finally settled on the black bodycon dress. I was trying to be more creative but then realized that the creativity on this one was in simplicity. Thanks so much for the wonderful comment. And I would bet with your strong connection to your adorable pups that the dog is probably your spirit animal!
Theresa Campbell
That peacock cape is dreamy! The woodland was the perfect backdrop for showing it off. And that Tarot Cafe looks very intriguing. Will have to stop there on one of my road trips.
I think my spirit animal is a horse. I’ve had a very strong to connection to them my whole life. They even appear in my dreams quite a bit, especially during times of turmoil and transition. And in my dreams the horse always offers me advice!
Theresa, thank you so much for this amazing comment! And I would think that your spirit animal is the horse, too. That is one great way of knowing your spirit animal. One that you feel connected to and especially if they appear as advice-givers in your dream state. That is super cool! I love that you shared that with me. If you ever trip to Watertown, NY, I will meet you for a cup of coffee at The Tarot Cafe!
oh wow! This cape look so cool! I love how you styled it!
Leelo, thanks so much! I was really unsure of what I was going to do with this cape. But I am loving the results!
Caitlin | Beauty & Colour
Loving that cape Shelbee!
Beauty & Colour | Vegan Lifestyle Blog
Thanks so much, Caitlin! It was really fun to style it.
Lydia C. Lee
Cool cape. We went to a monastry and a peacock had his tail flared. It was very cool!
Thanks, Lydia! That sounds like a very cool experience to see a real peacock in all its beauty! Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.
You are making me wonder what my spirit animal is..
There are lots of cute little quizzes online, Lorena! Just Google search “find my spirit animal” and whole list will pop up. Thanks so much for stopping by and have a fantastic day.
I never tried taro reading!
I have not either, Rania! But I want to now. Thanks for stopping by and have a fabulous weekend.
Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style.
Thanks, Nicole!
I absolutely LOVE that peacock cape!
Thanks so much, Molly! It is a little bit crazy and a lot of fun!
Julie Nix
What a fun look!! Such a great post! We have a little coffee house that we love going to, as well. The people are always so friendly! Have a great weekend!
Julie, thank you so much! This was super fun to style and photograph and I am always so excited to find a great pleace for coffee! Have a fabulous weekend.
Emma Peach
Such a stunning cape! I love peacock print. Whenever I see a peacock I always look for any feathers that have fallen off so I can keep them! Not sure what my spirit animal is, maybe a cat because I like my own company and love sleeping in the sun!
Emma xxx
Thank you so much, Emma! I wasn’t sure I could pull off this cape, but I am quite pleased with my results! A cat is a very good spirit animal, I think. And I love your rationale for thinking yours is a cat. That’s fantastic! Thanks so much for stopping by and have a wonderful day.