My Random Holiday Truths & Link Up On the Edge #74

If you are a regular reader here, then you know one of the qualities of my personality that I take great pride in is that I am open and honest in all things while at the same time remaining sincere and kind. With the year 2017 coming to an end, I wanted to take an opportunity to share with you some of my deepest random truths…with regard to the holidays, to blogging, and to life in general.

*This is a sponsored post. This coat was provided to me for purposes of this blog post. All thoughts and opinions are entirely my own.

*Coat: Plus Size Faux Fur Hooded Button Up Dress Coat c/o Rosegal (Also available in purple).

On the Holidays

1. I love the festive feel that surrounds us when people get in the holiday spirit. Holiday decorations surround us every where we go and children get super excited for Christmas morning. Families come together and enjoy precious time visiting and celebrating.  It just gives me all the feels.  But there is part of me that also cannot wait for it to be over.

2. I hate the commercialism of Christmas. I am just as guilty as the next person when it comes to over-spending at the holidays wanting to make it special for everyone. Over the years, I have lost touch with the reality of this holiday, so this year I have pulled back tremendously. While my kids will still have gifts under the Christmas tree, everything else has been done minimally and frugally. There is no adult in my life including myself who should have hurt feelings over not receiving some unnecessary over-priced present. I am a very giving and generous person and I would rather provide gifts throughout the year to people who actually need things.

3. While society pushes generosity and kindness during the holiday season, I prefer to always be generous and kind. I like to sprinkle the world over with kind gestures every chance I get. The holidays do not inspire me to do this any more or any less than any other time of year.

4. My children, ages 4 and 6, completely understand that Mommy and Daddy purchase all of their Christmas presents from the store. It did not sit easy on my heart to allow them to believe that all of the gifts that appear on Christmas morning are from some magical elf who for some inexplicable reason does not visit every child. While they still think Santa exists, they believe that he merely visits our house after they are asleep, has a snack, and helps us move the presents that Mommy wrapped from the basement to underneath the tree.  (Keeping them out of the basement in the meantime is a challenge all its own!)

5. We are not church-goers and have never been. I do display my mother’s nativity every year for no other reason than because it holds sentimental value. My children are aware of the story of Jesus’s birth and have been exposed to many different religious beliefs. For me, religion is a very personal decision and I will allow my children to explore their options and make their own religious choices when they are old enough to comprehend what it all means. In the meantime, I will teach them to be kind, loving, caring, hard-working individuals.

*Boots: Faux Patent Leather Ankle Boots from Forever 21.

On Blogging

1. My blogging journey began as a hobby and a creative outlet. It has turned into my passion. I have been told so many times, if you continue to do what you love for the right reasons and dedicate your heart and soul to it because you feel like it is your mission, eventually rewards will abound. While I have not made much financial progress with my blog to date, the rewards have already be more than I could have imagined. So I am going to just keep doing what I do and we will see where this road leads me.

2. I do receive products for free to share on my blog. This is a lot of fun for a person who absolutely loves all things fashion. But it is also a lot of work. I do get to choose the items that brands send me, so they are always pieces that I would wear. In fact, I find many of my gifted items become favorites and are on constant rotation in my wardrobe.  This red coat is sure to become one of those favorites!

3. Very recently, I have started receiving minimal payments for certain blog posts. Some of these posts are in the form of wish lists and others are marked as contributed content. While I do prefer to write my own content because that keeps authenticity involved in what I do, I also have to make some money to support the costs involved in running a blog. However, I do retain all editorial control over any content on my blog. So I will never publish something that will make you think, “What in the world is she doing?” However, I will always let you know where my ideas are coming from by noting if a post is contributed content, sponsored, guest posted, or featuring gifted items.

4. When I am inspired by someone whether it is another blogger or a local business, I feel compelled to write about it. Writing (and fashion, of course) is how I best express myself which is one of the primary reasons I do what I do. My Inspired By posts and #SpreadTheKindness features are never requested by the party who is featured. That is all me, doing what I love to do, and spreading kindness with genuine reviews of fabulous people and businesses. Often times, the subjects of these posts are not even aware that I am featuring them until I have already published the post.

On Life

1. Some of what I write about or what I say or what I believe may appear to be hypocritical at times. But you know what, we are all hypocrites. It is the nature of human beings. I will not judge your hypocrisy if you will not judge mine. I also reserve the right to change my mind, my beliefs, and my opinions at any given moment. Another quality of human nature. We are not static beings. Nor should we be.

2. The best place to find a helping hand is at the end of your own arm. Yes, as people, we do need community. It is never a bad idea to ask for help when you need it. But at the end of the day, when everyone has gone their own way, you have only yourself to rely on. And if you can’t motivate yourself or find your own passion and happiness inside your own heart, then you are going to be lost. Be your own light and you will shine brighter than ever.

3. I believe in truth and honesty with all of my heart. I am real and authentic and genuine. Sometimes harsh, but always caring and kind. I will not give an unsolicited opinion or advice. But if you ask for it, you are going to receive an unfiltered, unabashed, unapologetic response from my own perspective. However, while I believe in truth and honesty, there are times and situations that necessitate less than truth. Which comes back to the hypocrisy of human beings. It is what we are. No apologies are necessary.

4. Every person has a story. Every person has a journey. Every person travels their own road at their own pace and will arrive at certain destinations in their own time. This is not for anyone else to dictate. I try my very hardest to meet people right where they are in their journey with acceptance and love and kindness and a helping hand or word of advice if they ask for it. That is what I have to offer in this life and I am grateful that I have a voice of experience within me to share with others.

So you all know by now (because I just said it up above somewhere) that writing is my method of self-expresion. And as such, I could go on and on revealing my random truths. But at this point in the post, I have already surpassed 1,400 words and that’s just too many for one post. So I am going to end here wishing you all the happiest of days to end the year and the most precious blessings in the new year to come.

And now your favorite posts from last week.

Nailil of Thirty Minus One just celebrated a blogiversary in her post Velvet Wrap Dress + One Year Blog Anniversary. Does’t she look magnificent in her magenta velvet dress? Happy One Year Anniversary, Nailil! Thanks so much for what you do and for always inspiring us!

Nailil of Thirty Minus One

Jodie, Nancy, and Charlotte of Jodie’s Touch of Style joined forces with Eve of The World According to Eve and her mom Sheela of Sheela Writes to show us outfits Inspired by Dylan Sanders from Charlie’s Angels. For real, all five of these ladies can rock some serious Charlie’s Angels vibes!

Jodie, Nancy, and Charlotte of Jodie’s Touch of Style

It's Friday which means we are on the edge of the week and it's time for a link up!

Please link up your favorite posts showcasing your style, fashion, accessories, DIY projects, recipes, photographs, artwork, advice, or inspiration. 

Please feel free to link up to 5 separate posts.  Link to your specific post not to your blog home page.

Please visit and comment on at least as many other links as you have linked up (for example, if you add one link, please visit at least one other link and post a comment; if you add 5 links, please visit at least 5 other links and post comments).

Please also add a link back to my page and follow me on Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, and/or Bloglovin'.

Make sense?  It's all in fairness and in an effort to spread the love, share the love, and feel the love!  Because we all want to feel the love...especially at the edge of a tough week!

Now get linking!  And have a fabulous weekend!

*By adding a link, you are giving Shelbee on the Edge permission to share your photos as a featured favorite on my blog.  I will always provide direct links back to your page.

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Do you have any random holiday truths to share?

I plan on posting throughout the holiday week, so if you are hanging around in blogland at all, I would love for you to hop on over and see what’s going on in my world.  In fact, this outfit without the coat will be appearing soon in some wonderful family photos we just had done by the super creative and talented Sarissa Melissa Photography.

Keeping it on the edge,


Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

I am a midlife woman, wife, and stay-at-home mother of 2 boys and 2 cats. I have a passion for helping other women feel fabulous in the midst of this crazy, beautiful life.


  • jodie filogomo

    It’s such a fabulous surprise to see my moms & I featured on your link up, Shelbee!!! Thank you so much for your kindness and honesty!! Lord knows we need more of that in every day!!!
    PS…this red coat is the bomb. I was just wearing mine today that used to be my mom’s!! I wear it throughout the winter, but it’s so much fun at the holidays!!


      Jodie, you and your moms are so awesome! I just commented on your post that I think you have been the most featured from my link ups this year! I am not surprised because you ladies rock. Thank you for your kindness and continued support. I am proud to call you my blogging friend! Happy Holidays to all of you!


  • Laurie

    Same Shelbee. Just seeing where this road will take me. This little blog that started out as a challenge to myself has taken over my life! I’m loving every minute though. You have done so well Shelbee, be proud lady!
    Have a fantastic Christmas xx

  • Nancy

    That s what I like about you! You are genuine. What you see is what you get! And I love those kind a people the best! I wish you a fabulous Christmas my dear blogging friend!😘😘😘😘

  • Theresa

    I’m with you on the commercialization of Christmas, Shelbee. Quite a while ago my husband and I decided we would not exchange gifts anymore. We’ve also done this with all the adult relatives. We prefer to simplify and de-stress the whole holiday experience, focusing on quality time spent together with loved ones, which I feel is what really makes the holiday season meaningful.

    That red coat is stunning. Love the way you paired it with the white boots. You looks so festive. And I could see this coat working with so many different outfits. I’ll bet you get tons of wear out of it.

    Have a wonderful Christmas


      Theresa, that makes me feel so at ease to know that I am not alone in my attempt to de-commercialize this holiday. I am looking forward to time with family and I really don’t need gifts. I have the gift of life and gratitude, so what more could a person want at this time of year. Thank you for your kind compliment as well about my new coat. I definitely have a lot planned for this pretty number! I wish you a very merry Christmas and many blessings in the New Year!


  • Jennie

    This coat is so bright and merry for the holidays! I really like the color, fit, and faux fur trim. It looks perfect with your white boots. I really enjoyed reading what you guys have shared with your son about Santa – great idea! Have a very Merry Chrismas with your loved ones, Shelbee!


      Jennie, thank you so much! Now if I could only find a coat just like this with polka dots! Now wouldn’t that be something amazing? I appreciate your comment about my Santa truths as well. Merry Christmas to you, my friend!


  • Maureen

    Great post Shelbee! Love the red coat. It looks beautiful on you! Perfect for the cooler winter weather. I enjoy the holiday season for the same reason you do – the feeling and being together with those you love. I do feel like this is one of the few times people make an effort to get together and as of late I have been feeling a little bit more disappointed and dismayed. While I know we have different life styles, struggles and challenges, I feel like people don’t take the time to say hello and by that I mean people I have called friends. So the holidays have become more of a struggle and not so much of how it was – joyous and fun. I do agree with less gift giving. I feel like the holidays have become so commercialized with gift giving it’s hard to appreciate what you do have. Don’t get me wrong I love to shop but that doesn’t mean something has to come home with me. At the end of the day, the gift I can give the best is to be a good person, friend, daughter, wife, mom. To be present in people’s lives and like you, to always be kind. To always listen and to always be able to give hugs freely. Happy holidays my friend. Have a great time with your family tomorrow!


      Maureen, I love this comment so much. Thank you for sharing this much of yourself with me. Being a military family, I totally understand what it is like to be away from family and friends. Fortunately, we are close enough to travel home for holidays with little expense, but all the tiny special occasions in between major holidays can be challenging being so far from home. As a military family, we make our own families with the friends we meet at each new duty station. But then, like you said, schedules are different and some people can travel during the holidays like we do and others are just too far from home. I guess the trick is to appreciate what we do have and make the best of it all. I wish you the merriest Christmas and many blessings in the new year. I am grateful to be able to call you friend and look forward to getting to know you more in the next year.


  • Lisa Richardson

    We are kindred spirits in many ways. Oh that red coat. Katie had one when she was about 2 almost identical to it and I just loved it. I actually saved it so maybe a grand will wear it one day. Have the Merriest Christmas Shelbee!!! XO


      Lisa, I love that we are kindred spirits on opposite coasts! It is so wonderful to feel connected to people so far away. This blogging journey has made that more possible than ever. This coat does very much remind me of a young girl’s coat and you definitely need to hang on to your daughters for granddaughters to wear someday. Thank you so much for all of your support throughout this past year. I look forward to getting to know you even better in the upcoming year! Merry Christmas and many blessings to you, my friend.


  • Melissa

    Your personally is why I love reading your post! You always have thoughts very similar to mine, so its super easy to relate!! This coat is prefect for winter. Red is such a great statement and adds character to any outfit.
    I wish a great holiday,


  • Cheryl Tucker

    I could cut and paste this post into my blog and it would almost exactly reflect my thoughts and feelings. I raised my sons the same and they are fine. I however am one who finds nothing much about the holidays makes me feel good. The opposite really. I’m not asking anyone to feel sorry for me its just truth. I try to get into the spirit but it all seems so sad and silly to me and try as I might I can’t see the since in it. I do love the sparkly lights and trees but other than that, I am just ready for it to be over so we can all go on with life. I do love to wish everyone else a happy season (I’m not a total Grinch)! So happy holidays to you and your family doll! I can’t wait to see what the new year brings for us all!


      Cheryl, this comment makes me very happy! I am not a bah-humbug Grinch either. I love sending well wishes out into the universe all the time. But the all the craziness of the holiday really does just seem silly. I love time with family and friends and if it takes the holiday to make that happen, then I do appreciate that aspect of it all. On that note, I also appreciate all of your support throughout the year and I am very excited to see what the new year brings. I also wish you and your family happy holidays and many blessings in the new year!


  • Nailil

    Shelbee – first thanks for the feature, Xx!! 🙂 I can’t believe it has been a year already. I can’t say I have been linking up that long but have loved discovering your blog and linking since. Also, those booties are so cute – I haven’t jumped on the white booties trend but you have me thinking I should… Happy Holidays!


      Nailil, thanks so much for stopping by! It is my pleasure to feature my fabulous blogger friends. I absolutely love your blog and I am so happy that you started linking up with me! I was hesitant about the white bootie trend myself, but then I realized how versatile and completely adorable they are, I had to take the plunge! Now I have two different pairs.

      Happy holidays to you and many blessings in the new year.



      Rena, thank you so much! I am honored to call you friend and you will always hold a special place in my heart as my very first real life blogger friend! I am always inspired by your style and your insightful posts. I hope you had a lovely Chanukah. Wishing you many blessings in the New Year as well!


  • Lorena

    Spectacular coat ! you look so polished.
    Like you I am saddened by the hectic approach we’ve been doing the holidays with. Its so bad here that instead of enjoying them I just want it to be over.


      Lorena, thank you so much for that kind compliment! And now that Christmas is over, I feel much more relaxed and just want to get back to my regularly scheduled events! I appreciate all of your support this year and wish you a very happy and healthy new year.


  • Laura

    Trying to decide what I love more – the coat or the shoes…both look amazing and are even more perfect paired together!

    Black Coffee Beautiful

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Shelbee on the Edge