My Instagram Husband & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #48
Do you have an Instagram Husband? I know I sure do. And man, do I appreciate him! While I have some great friends who very frequently volunteer to take my photos for the blog, it is my husband who falls victim to all the craziness that happens behind the scenes in this blogger’s life.
*This is a sponsored post. All thoughts and opinions are entirely my own.
Take for example this dress which was provided to me in exchange for a blog post. On the day I wanted to photograph this dress, I didn’t realize how completely disgusting the weather was when I got dressed. But I was already dressed and therefore determined to take pictures. But first, I had to change my shoes to some rugged combat boots before we braved the slushy, messy snow. Then I dragged my husband outside with me.
*Dress: Flare Long Sleeve Velvet Skater Cocktail Dress c/o DressLily. Do check out their amazing Cyber Monday Sale going on right now.
After a few pictures in the neighbor’s yard, I decided I didn’t like the background or standing in the snow. So I insisted we shoot photos in the middle of the road. Being interrupted every two minutes by passing cars proved this another ridiculous idea. Not to mention, the sky was so gray and dreary which was making the lighting a terrible problem. As I scolded my husband for not capturing decent photos (because, of course, he can control the weather), I decided we needed to try photos indoors.
*Cape: Fort Drum Exchange (a few years old).
*Watch: Frankie Series in Ebony & Gold c/o Jord Watches.
*Bracelet: Layered Life Tree 8 Shape Bracelet c/o DressLily.
In two plus years of blogging, I have never successfully taken decent photos inside my house. I don’t know why I thought this time would be different! Especially with terrible light outside and no where really inside that was not a cluttered mess of kids’ toys and school papers. The best I could muster up was using the dining room curtains as a backdrop.
This indoor photo shoot was no easy task. First we had to move the dining room table to allow enough distance between myself and the camera. Once we pushed the table against the far wall, there still was not adequate space. So onto the table my husband climbed, mumbling under his breath, “I really am an Instagram husband, just like that video.” Standing at six feet tall, however, he could not stand or really even sit on the table without knocking his head off the ceiling light. Therefore, he had to lie down on his back, on his belly, and every which way in order to achieve a semi-workable camera angle. As I watched him rolling around on the dining room table, I could not help but laugh…and fall in love with him all over again.
*Belt: Reversible Obi Blet c/o Chico’s. No longer available. Similar styles here.
Now if only I had switched the camera onto my husband so you could all see him in action as an Instagram Husband! But he may not have been too happy with me if I had done that.
*Boots: Bed|Stu (from many years ago). Similar style here and here.
And when all was said and done, the lighting was so terrible that even adjusting the brightness and color settings could not fix it. I had considered deleting all the photos and starting over another day. But then it seemed so appropriate for a #SpreadTheKindness Link Up to share with you how much my husband does behind the scenes.
On that note, I need to send a huge shout out, a thank you filled with so much appreciation, and all of my love to my wonderful husband! For he is the best Instagram Husband out there, in my humble opinion. Thank you, my darling, for putting up with me and my blogger shenanigans. I am so grateful for you.
I apologize for the poor quality of my photographs in this post. It was not my husband’s fault!
Tell me, do you have an Instagram Husband (or wife or significant other)? What are some of the crazy things they have done for the sake of your blog or Instagram account?
And now your favorite posts from last week.
Mary Leigh of Live Well Play Together shared her post What Mama Wore: Fall Style Staples + JORD Watch Review. I am loving the simplicity of her outfit. You can never gone wrong with black and denim and a splash of leopard. Mary Leigh also chose a beautiful Jord watch to showcase here. If you want one of these gorgeous wood watches for yourself, just click here and enter your email address. You will receive a fabulous discount code in your inbox.

And Liz of Lizzie in Lace shared her post Black & White Ruffled Dress. While we rarely see Liz wearing black, my goodness, she does looks amazing in it! I absolutely adore this dress!

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

First of all, what a terrible weather over there!
What our men have to endulge with us right! I let mine stand in the rain while I go stand somewhere where it’s dry! Lovely dress! Velvet surprised me very much, I thought I didn’t like it but I do!
Nancy, thanks for stopping by! Yes, this is winter where I live. We have about 2 weeks of fall, then snow for 6 months! Although the snow is all melted now, there is more in the forecast next week. Poor Gerben…you make him stand in the rain! Hahaha.
Your husband is no doubt a keeper and amazeballs in love with you (and rightfully so since you rock!). I like the indoor shots! This dress is so flattering on you, honestly you look great in everything!
Aw, Kellyann, you are too sweet! And not everything looks great on me, for real. I just don’t take pictures of the not so great stuff! And yes, my husband is quite amazing! Thanks so much.
Michele Morin
Your husband is awesome. And I do love those boots. 🙂
He definitely is my most perfect match, Michele! Thanks so much for stopping by!
Julie N
Oh my goodness, what a funny story! Regardless, that dress looks lovely on you! The color works so well with your skin tones. I try to get my husband to take photos for me, and he will. However, the bulk of them have me moving my mouth trying to tell him what to do. He’s not that great at zooming in or getting the correct distance, so often, pickings are slim! Thanks for hosting and have a great week!
Julie, thanks for stopping by and commenting! My husband starts snapping away like crazy so most of my photos are of me moving or talking, too! And my talking face is ridiculous. So definitely slim pickings here, too. But I make him take over 100 pictures each time so I hopefully get something good out of it. So funny.
Kathrine Eldridge
You are so lucky to have an Instagram husband! My hubby rarely helps me because he wants to shoot his way. Lol! Love this velvet dress. Thanks so much for the link up!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! Oh no, your husband needs to recognize that you’re the boss lady when it comes to your blog photos! Am I right? Thank you you for stopping by and commenting.
Tiina L
What an amazing husband you have! Well, mine takes my blog photos, too… And the weather, that’s really a blogger’s number one enemy, isn’t it? I can relate to that, standing in the slush, trying not to catch a cold…
Thanks so much, Tiina, for stopping by! Your pictures always look great so your husband must be doing something right! Our husband rock, don’t they?
Nikki Gwin
The picture in my mind of your husband rolling around on the dining room table makes me laugh. I picture the sexy seductress in a evening gown trying to seduce the audience in some old movie … and then I think of a husband probably in old jeans and boots and ratty t shirt and I just laugh some more!
🙂 gwingal
Nikki, you hit that image directly on the head! So funny! It was not sexy at all, but it was really stinking adorable! Thanks so much for reading!
Shelbee, LOL 😂 I’ve got one too and while I don’t think that he’s ever had to do the gymnastics you’ve described, I know that he gets frustrated with our creative differences. Despite your struggles, I think that your photos look great and I especially like the ones where you’re standing in the street. Also, the combat boots was a stroke of genius even if you hadn’t intended to pair them with the dress originally. Thanks for sharing your delightful story and for the link up.
Rena, thank you so much for this thoughtful comment! My husband rarely questions my creativity, so when he does have an idea, I generally humor him! It was all his idea of the “panty drop” in that one post way back when! Hahaha. I do like the way the combat boots turned out with this dress, creating a subtle goth vibe and taking me back to my sartorial roots of high school!
Shelbee you look absolutely gorgeous… regardless of the dodgy light and bad weather! And that dress is BEAUTIFUL! Definitely my kind of dress 🙂
Suzy xx
Suzy, thank you so much! I do love this dress. I will try to style it again and photograph it in better light one of these days! Have a wonderful week.
jodie filogomo
This is my husband’s favorite You Tube—he tells everyone about it because it’s so true.
And aren’t we so lucky?? Mine is a saint too—it’s never as easy as we think!! Ha ha!
We are so lucky, Jodie! Amazing husbands come along but once in a lifetime! I love that your husband appreciates this video, too! My husband and I laughed so hard when we saw it. Thanks so much for stopping by.
I can relate. What we do for a good picture. I do much better taking my own pictures. I am just more comfortable. I put my camera on a tripod. I like to drive around and find a pretty spot but don’t you know I will be alone for a few minutes setting up and someone will come. Why does that always happen? I am not comfortable yet letting people seeing what I am doing so I usually drive to another location. I know silly
Kim, you are braver than me! I cannot take my own pictures with the tripod and remote unless I am hiding in my yard somewhere. And then I run in the house if the neighbors come out! I am much braver in public with a photographer even if they are just using my cell phone to take the pictures. One of these days, I will venture out with my tripod and remote to a public place…when I get the nerve. Your pictures are always great, too. Thanks for stopping by and have a fabulous week.
Suzanne Smith
Hi Shelbee! The weather this time of year can be challenging for photos and my house is also no excellent for photography because it’s dark! I do hire a photographer, but there are times when I just need spur of the moment and my husband has no choice but to be the photographer. In fact, he is coming home today at lunch to take pictures! Thanks always, for your sense of humor and honesty! I enjoy your blog!
Suzanne, thank you so much for this wonderful comment! I often implore my husband when he is available to take photos. Then I have two great friends who also get behind the camera quite often. I suppose they fit the definition of Instagram Husbands as well according to the website. Your photos are always spectacular, so you are doing something right, for sure!
Patrick Weseman
Wow, that looks like some bad weather there. We don’t get snow in the SF Bay Area. Great look. Love the boots with everything.
Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful week.
Thanks for stopping by, Patrick! I always loved the snow until the past few years. Now I could really do without it. San Francisco is calling to me!
jess jannenga
Shelbee, your hubby does a good job! my hubby takes my photos too and he has alot of patience! your hubby does quite well! Love the sable colored dress on you and it looks great with the obi belt. i have only taken photos i think once inside, those are tough to get.
Have a great day!
jess xx
Thanks so much, Jess! Your husband does great, too. Your photos are always amazing. Indoor photos are the worst, aren’t they? There is never the right lighting. Thank you for for stopping by! Have a fabulous week.
Oh, Shelbee! You made my day! Thank you so much for the feature. And aren’t husbands amazing? I know mine would rather be watching basketball but he still takes my photos 🙂 I totally understand your frustration though. There have been many times when the lighting was not quite right or when the photos just didn’t turn out. I think you look great!
Thanks so much, Liz! Your photos are always amazing. We do have fantastic husbands, don’t we?! It was my pleasure to feature you. This was one of my favorite looks on you ever!
Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
My poor husband takes all of my photos, too! Bless him! lol! I LOVE those rugged boots with this dress, even tho I know you wore them because of the weather conditions. I just love velvet dresses right now, I have a dark green one I need to get out again from last year. The sleeves and that bow tie choker are perfect!
Carrie, thanks so much! I really was kind of digging the boots with the dress, too. Although they were not what I had originally envisioned. Husbands who take photos are the best kind, aren’t they?! I look forward to seeing your green velvet dress!
my hubby is not an instagram hubby. he makes afuss about photo taking. so i do it all
You do a great job, Stephanie! But you need to get the husband on the #InstagramHusband bandwagon! He will learn to love the role. Thanks so much for stopping by.
My husband is totally an IG husband! He does pretty much all my outfit photography! Love the color of this dress on you!
Well, your husband does a great job, Becky! Your photos are always so adorable. Thanks so much for stopping by!
Oh my poor husband is totally an Instagram husband too! Although he sometimes goes on strike by taking 20 photos in as many seconds and then handing my phone back to me. I’ve found that a timer is a good substitute… but he is sure a good sport most of the time!
I love that dress and hearing about your struggle to get the right picture, I so relate!
Oh my goodness, Kelsey, my husband pulls that little trick on me when he is not feeling in the mood for pictures! But when he is in the mood, we have so much fun! Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your story. And thanks for the lovely compliment as well.
Love this dress, it is so pretty. And yes, I have an Insta husband too 🙂
Thanks so much, Nailil! And don’t our #InstagramHusbands rock?!
LOL the Instagram husband video is toooo funny & so relatable! I have an Instagram fiance 🙂
Michelle, thanks for stopping by! My husband and I laugh so hard at that video. Well, your photos are always fabulous so your fiance is doing his job!
Cheryl Shops
I have an Instagram boyfriend, but close enough! 😉 Seriously, I don’t know what I’d do without him! You are very lucky to have yours, and I think he does a great job!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Cheryl, thanks so much for stopping by! And yes, an Instagram Boyfriend is just as great. Without mine, my pictures would be boring and always in my back yard! Hahaha.
That dress is amazing on you and so flattering! Taking photos in the snow or inside can be so hard, but you got some good ones!
Laura, thank you so much! I guess I have seen worse photos out there…and definitely worse ones on my own blog from way back in the beginning, too! Thanks for stopping by and for the lovely compliment.
Nicole Green
Aren’t indoor photos so frustrating? They never turn out the way I imagine in my head haha.
Yes, indeed, Nicole! I hate indoor photos. The light is never right or there is just too much clutter in the background! Oh, blogger issues! Thanks so much for stopping by. I hope you are having a lovely week so far.
You are so lucky dear, It’s really a pleasure to have such husband. I love your interesting article. I have missed some posts but will be regular…hehe. You look stunning in this outfit. What stole my heart is your dress and boots. Love this look <3 Kisses <3
Rakhshanda, thank you so much for this wonderful comment! I really am lucky that my husband is so supportive and can be very silly with me, too! Blogger life is quite a fun ride, for sure!
Cheryl Tucker
How fun Shelbee! I love your photos but can relate to the icky weather. My Instahusband is my tripod. Actually my tripod is a my buddy! Ha ha! I am in a nice climate for a while but will be heading back to the snow soon!
Thanks so much, Cheryl! Not only the snow but the gray skies ruin photos, too! Leave it to the weather to put a damper on blogger life. I do use my tripod and remote as well, but I just never get the same quality photos as when someone else takes them for me. Enjoy the nice climate while you can! Thank you for stopping by and have a wonderful day.
You are a very fortunate lady to have such a wonderful husband. And, I can’t believe you have so much snow, LOVE your boots!!!
Cherie, thanks so much! I am quite fortunate and filled with so much gratitude every day for all the blessings in my life. Have you ever checked out Bed|Stu shoes? They are one of my favorite brands…all of their shoes and boots feature a very rustic distressed vibe. And they are so comfortable! Thank you for stopping by. Have a fabulous day!
Emma Peach
Your husband is such a good sport! My husband takes my photos too and often stands in the cold in short sleeves and slippers! Poor lighting at this time of year is a real pain. My husband sometimes suggests doing indoor photos but like you, I have a house littered with toys and general crap. Blogger problems!
Emma xxx
Thanks so much, Emma! What would we do without our Instagram Husbands?! This time of year is terrible for photos…maybe it’s high time I clear a spot indoors just for blogging photos! Hahaha. As if that would ever happen. Have a fabulous day, my friend.
This. Was. So. Great! 😉 Those supportive hubbies are wonderful, aren’t they?
Thanks so much, Chrissy! I am so glad you enjoyed the post. And yes, the husbands who stand behind our every crazy blogger idea are amazing!
Ohh, your husband is precious, Shelbee! I also have an Instagram hubby. It is so funny to call them like that, isn’t it? :-)) I love your dress. The color is so pretty. And your wooden watch is a wonderful idea for a Christmas gift!
Aw, Miri, thank you so much for this wonderful comment! It is a funny thing to call our husbands, isn’t it? But I suppose it’s meant to make us laugh! Thanks for stopping by and have a fantastic day!
Tamar Strauss-Benjamin
Cute dress! You have a great IG husband (:
Thanks so much, Tamar! And yes, I do, indeed! Have a fantastic day!
Oh I like the all white backdrop with this dress… and it’s soooo nice for him to assist you in taking photos. I am all on my own !
Thanks so much, Lorena! It is nice to have help with taking photos. I never get good ones on my own!
Linda Cassidy
but I adore the boots with that dress it totally works. He is a good man that husband of yours
Thank you so much, Linda! I really did get a good one! Have a wonderful week.
That’s really sweet that he take your pictures! My hubby offers, but it always ends up in a fight so I just do it myself…. 🙂
Thanks so much, Ruth! I’m sorry you end up in a fight when hubby tries to take your pictures. Boo on him! If he just followed your directions, it would be fine, doesn’t he know that? Hahahaha. Lately, my husband has been traveling for a work a lot so I have been on my own for picture taking anyway. If it’s any consolation, your photos are always magnificent, so it’s best to leave well enough alone! Have a great week.