My Bluegrass Summer & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #131

It seems that maybe I have caught the bluegrass bug. Or just a festival bug in general. It just so happens that I have been stalking bluegrass festivals in my area in the hopes that I can see my favorite band perform live. I described my first experience seeing Fireside Collective perform a few weeks ago and now that I have had that experience, I want more. All of the time.

On a whim, I decided to attend the Busy Bird Bluegrass Festival in Berkshire, New York, this past Saturday. The location was just about two hours from my house and I was hesitant about driving by myself and then having to make my way back home in the dark. I invited a few friends to come along, but all of my invitations were declined. Rather than sit around and wait for others (I think people die from boredom doing that), I decided to just go it alone. All truth being told though, I was a little intimidated about showing up a festival like this all by myself not knowing a single person except for the band members.

However, I am a strong believer that in order to conquer one’s fears, we must face them directly. And so I packed up a cooler and some extra clothing as well as a pillow and a blanket in case I wanted to wait until daylight to drive back home. And off I went. It was a gorgeous day on Saturday. Mildly sunny with a gentle breeze. Jeff was taking the kids to Pennsylvania for the week and I called him from the car expressing my slight nervousness. All he said was, “You will be fine. You make friends easier than any person I have ever met. Just go and be you and have a great time.” Since he may possibly know me better than I know myself, I listened to him and as usual he was right.

I arrived at the venue around 3:30 p.m. just in time for an hour long break in the performances. As I pulled in to pay my admission, the women at the entrance asked if I would be spending the night. I told them I was traveling alone and I wasn’t sure what the heck I was doing. But if I had to spend the night, I would be sleeping in my car. They were so amazingly kind. They expressed their concern about my solo travels and said they would feel more comfortable if I just committed right then and there to sleep over. Then they parked my car right in their back yard in the closest proximity possible to their home so I would feel secure sleeping out there. I was blown away by the level of hospitality offered. And I will certainly attend this festival again next year.

Oh the people you meet when traveling alone. It is what fuels me. The first folks I met were Lynn and her husband (his name is escaping me right now) and her mother-in-law, Mickey. The husband had just retired just a few weeks ago and they are avid bluegrass fans attending festivals all around the northeast. We sat at a picnic table and chatted for over an hour. Much laughter was had as I slowly sipped my first beer of the day. At 4:30 the music was beginning again, so I grabbed my blanket and found a spot right in front of the stage. It was perfect. I loaded on some sunscreen (because you know, I am making pale skin the in thing) and bug spray (because I get bitten more than human being should ever have to suffer).

Side note: Speaking of bug spray…I have never found one that actually kept the bugs off of me. Ever. But I was told that the Shaklee Basic H2® Organic Super Cleaning Concentrate makes a wonderfully effective insect repellent. So I put some in a spray bottle, diluted it with water, and spritzed it all over myself. I am seriously shocked and pleasantly surprised to tell you that not only was I never bitten but I didn’t even notice a single mosquito or gnat or fly come near me all day or all night.

Okay, back to the festival. The guys of Fireside Collective arrived sometime around 6:00 p.m. so we had time to catch up before their set at 9:00 p.m. As they finished setting up their merchandise table, they needed to go eat some dinner. So I offered to keep an eye on the table so they could relax. And here is where my favorite magical moment of the day happened. A stunning young woman came up behind me and said she needed to also set up her band’s merchandise. Her energy was so light and happy and positive and empowering and infectious from the very first words we exchanged. I began helping her get the table organized to display both sets of band merchandise and of course, we got to talking. As I always do, I handed her my business card. She looked down at it and read it. Her jaw dropped slightly as she said aloud, “Shelbee on the Edge?” Then she looked up at me and said, “Are you freaking kidding me? You’re Shelbee on the Edge? You are seriously one of my favorite bloggers! I read your blog on the road all the time.”

Okay, can I tell you, I nearly fell over. But I stayed on my feet. I thought perhaps she was joking with me to make me feel good! When I realized she was being 100% genuine and sincere, I cried a little. For real. Tears came out. She told me that as a woman in an all male band, she is always searching the internet for empowering and inspiring women while she is on the road. And that is how she found me. What?! We screamed like teenagers and hugged and jumped up and down for a minute before we composed ourselves. Then she gave me the most wonderful gift…this bracelet that says, “Stand your ground, you sturdy tree.” A message that I quite need at this point in my life as I am contemplating some serious transitions right now. (More on that later).

Let me introduce you to this fascinating woman. Her name is Libby and she is the vocalist and fiddle player for Jakobs Ferry Stragglers. Based out of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, this group delivers a super high energy and wickedly entertaining progressive bluegrass sound that pulls you in and doesn’t allow you to stray. The dynamic among the band members is enthralling to watch and Libby’s voice is so rich and profuse as it goes from sexy to sweet, delicate and soft to briny and deep with the utmost of ease. Her vocals sort of get picked up on the wind as the sound is carried out over the crowd and sprinkled down in sublime doses of ethereal alchemy of sorts. Find them and go see them! You will not be disappointed. I will most definitely be seeing Jakobs Ferry Stragglers again! Most likely at Hickory Fest in Wellsboro, Pennsylvania on the weekend of August 16-18. Fireside Collective will be performing as well.

Libby is also an incredibly talented painter as she worked her creative brushstrokes throughout the day capturing the festival vibes in her watercolor image of the stage and the abundant crowd at the Busy Bird Bluegrass Festival. When I snapped this photo, her piece was not yet completed, but now I really need to see the finished depiction. I am certain it is even more breathtaking than the unfinished painting.

The final performance of the evening was Fireside Collective and I would be a failed writer if I didn’t describe to you what happens when they get on stage. Maybe I am a failed writer because I am struggling to find the adequate words to describe the shift in energy that occurs. It is sort of like divine intervention. The dynamic among these five men is bewitching. Once the music starts, they are so inside of it that you sort of feel like you are watching some secret sorcery that is not intended for regular human eyes to witness.

Throughout the entire day at this festival, I watched as the all the spectators sat in their lounge chairs and on their blankets and casually enjoyed the day filled with the heart warming sounds of bluegrass music. But then suddenly, this somewhat sedentary crowd took to its feet all at once. Fireside Collective had apparently breathed life into their very souls. But not just humdrum life, more of a transcendent mystical breath of vitality. Something deep inside the spirit of all was awakened and they simply could not get enough of it. You don’t want to look away. In fact, you kind of can’t. You get so pulled into the sound and the intensity of the magical amalgam of instrumentation and lyrical mastery that it is nearly impossible to pull yourself out of it. So it is best to just surrender and enjoy the ride. At one point, I turned to look at the few folks who were still sitting down and watching and I was met with a sea of mesmerized faces. Not only do you not want to miss a moment of the magic, but you can’t even pull yourself away if you try.

But then I had to pull myself away. Nearing the end of their set and onto their very emphatically demanded encore, I noticed a huge line forming at the merchandise table. So off I went to handle all that. That experience was equally satisfying as it solidified my very own first person perspective. I was fearful that perhaps my perspective was skewed by a groupie-band-crush kind of objectivity (Yes, I am starting to feel a bit like a groupie!) But that is not the case at all. What I am telling you is really the effect that this group has on people when they perform live. As the crowd lined up to purchase CDs, I heard things like, “My God, they are spectacular,” and “I have never heard anything like them and I have been following the bluegrass circuit for a long time.” Also, “In my opinion, they are ranking right up there if not above Yonder Mountain as far as live performances go.” “That was magical.” “Amazing.” “Where are they playing next? I need to see them again.” And on and on it went. I can also attest to this bit of inside information…they are quite possibly the kindest, most grateful and humble human beings I have ever met. That on top of creating an amazingly unique and other worldly sound contributes to a divinely celestial musical experience.

So tell me, have you been enjoying your summer as much as I have? If you haven’t, you need to get on that! Life is short. Live it!

And now your featured favorites from last week.
Monica of Jersey Girl, Texan Heart shared an exciting announcement in her post, I’m a Rebellia Ambassador! This brand sounds absolutely wonderful and a perfect fit for Monica. I am super happy for this opportunity for her. And doesn’t she look amazing in this dress?

Cheryl of Cheryl Shops shared two beautiful summer outfits in her post, What to Wear in Boston in Summer. Cheryl was attending a friend’s wedding and opted for two brightly colorful dresses for the weekend festivities. Do go check out the other dress in her post. It is so cute!

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.

Oh I know exactly what a festival can do to you!! And what a great supporting guy Jeff is! I am so happy for you that you have him in your life!!
Aw, Nancy, thank you so much! I just saw you Instagram post about your festival weekend! I cannot wait to read it! Hopping over now!
Kellyann Rohr
Wow, what an experience Shelbee! I would have been nervous attending alone too and probably talked myself out of it but then I’d have missed out! I am so proud of you and in awe of you but your husband is right you make friends so easily. Even though I have never met you IRL I thought as I was reading, oh yeah, she’ll make friends instantly. But how cool that Libby reads your blog! Now that was divine intervention.
Love your festival style too and the whole experience sounds magical!
Thank you so much, Kellyann! This is such a wonderfully sweet comment. I very easily could have talked myself out of going, but I kept telling myself to just do it. It is the only way to get past those fears. And like I said, sitting around waiting for everyone else to have fun is just silly! So I am glad that I went and I would do it again in a heartbeat. But I will always have some nerves at the beginning of such adventures, I’m sure. I hope you have the most amazing week, my friend!
Tamar Strauss-Benjamin
Such a cute look and what a fun time!
Thanks so much, Tamar! I feel like it has taken me 45 years to figure how to have this kind of fun!
Julie | This Main Line Life
Good for you, going on your own since nobody could make it that weekend. Sounds like a good time. That was a perfect outfit for it.
Thanks so much, Julie! It was definitely a little intimidating at first, but I will go alone without hesitation from now on!
Michele Morin
So great that you make friends effortlessly! I’m not surprised.
Aw, thanks so much, Michele! Have a fantastic day!
Kathrine Eldridge
What an incredible experience all around! I love bluegrass music. So happy for you that you got to meet this devoted follower and musician. Divine intervention is the best! Love your festival look.
Thanks so much, Kathrine! You should definitely check out these two bands if you are a bluegrass fan!
Wowza, I’m impressed but not surprised! Shelbee I love that you look for adventure and that you look cute doing it! 😉 Time for me to set up an adventure, right? I’m just drowning in boys over here!
Chrissy, thanks so much, my friend! Life is so short that it is high time that I start having some amazing adventures! You definitely need to set up an adventure for yourself soon, too. I know that drowning in boys feeling all too well.
What a fun experience! There is a lil bluegrass concert happening this weekend in my lil town under the train tracks. Might have to head there!
Thanks so much, Mireille! You should definitely go check out the bluegrass festival! I am certain it will be a fun and uplifting time!
jodie filogomo
What a fabulous time….and how sweet they were concerned about you traveling alone.
But the coolest is meeting the blog follower….that hasn’t happened to me yet, but I would LOVE it!!
As for the bug bites…OMG, I’ll have to try that because I always get bit. Me, but not my hubby (so not fair)
Thanks so much, Jodie! The whole experience was just super cool and so rewarding. I am so glad I went for it! So definitely let me know if you need help ordering any Shaklee products! I couldn’t believe how effective that was as bug repellent. However, I did venture into the woods yesterday for a photo shoot and the black flies attacked me like crazy. I did spritz myself down but it didn’t seem to repel those nasty black flies. They got both me and Jeff pretty badly. Did you know that people with O blood type get bitten by mosquitoes much more frequently than any other blood type? Isn’t that crazy?! This article is pretty interesting…https://time.com/3311624/why-mosquitoes-bite/. Have a fantastic day, my friend! I hope the bugs stay away!
the real cie
This sounds like a wonderful time. I honestly enjoy doing things like this on my own. I’m not exactly a social butterfly, and with all my health problems I’m rather a pain in the rear as a travel companion. Best no-one should have to put up with me, I think!
Oh my goodness, Cie, you crack me up! I hate bothering travel companions with my very frequent bathroom stops! When I travel alone, I just stop whenever I want and as frequently as I’d like with no pressure. It is quite relaxing! Thanks for reading, my friend. I hope you have a wonderful day!
Thank you so much for featuring me in this post! You are too sweet! How crazy is that, that she reads your blog. That just goes to show what a small world we live in haha. I used to go to festivals all the time, I recently saw that Warped Tour (ok, don’t judge, I used to go when it was real music, not this pop stuff from today’s time lol) had the best line up back in Jersey. I was so sad that I couldn’t go because some of my favorite bands were playing, because they were what Warped Tour used to be. I’m hoping they come to Florida eventually. Love this look, it’s the perfect festival look!
Monica, thanks so much, my friend! You know I don’t judge anyone on anything! You like what you like and that’s cool. Maybe I will make my way to Florida one of these days and we can find a festival to go to! How much fun would we have?! I don’t know if they would be ready for Shelbee on the Edge and Jersey Girl, Texan Heart though! Haha.
OMG, haha can you imagine?! You know you are always welcome. I’ve told you this a bunch of times, but I have two guest rooms from you to choose from when you stay 🙂 and you have your own bathroom and privacy since the guest rooms are on the completely opposite side of the house.
Yes, yes, I can imagine! Oh the fun we would have! Thanks so much for the open offer. I am going to take you up on it one of these days!
Patrick Weseman
So very cool. I loved Bluegrass music and festivals. You need to come out here to the Hardly Strictly Bluegrass Festival October 4-6, held in Golden Gate Park. It draws all the top names last year I saw Lindsey Buckingham, Mavis Staples and Alison Krauss among others and that was just on Friday. Ani Difranco, Del McCoury Band, Emmylou Harris, Graham Nash, Los Lobos, Patty Griffin and Tim O’Brien played during the weekend last year. The best part of it is the price, it is free.
You are dressed perfect and you always need a blanket at one of these things.
Patrick, thanks so much! Oh, I would love to make my way out there for any kind of festival! But that one sounds perfectly fitting for me right now. I don’t think it is in my budget this fall, but maybe next year! I definitely am trying to plan a trip to the west coast soon. I will certainly keep you posted! Have the most wonderful day, my friend.
What an amazing experience! You are so brave to go to the festival alone but you definitely seem like you make friends easily! And how fun that you got to meet one of your readers! Also loving your festival style!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks so much, Jill! It really was amazing! I have met so many really fascinating people by traveling alone. I think when we travel with other people, we isolate ourselves to our groups. So in an effort to branch out and broaden my connections, traveling alone is the way to go even if it is a bit intimidating. It was the coolest thing ever to meet Libby! What a high that gave me!
I’ve never gone to a music festival before. It looks like you had so much fun! I love that you were confident enough to go by yourself and had a great time!
Laura, thanks for reading! Festivals are so much fun! I highly recommend that you attend one. Most of them are family and kid friendly, too, although I opt to go enjoy my time without the kids! But I think next summer I will start taking the kids to a few. They are just a great, fun, friendly, feel good experience.
Edwige Amaizo
Such a great experience! Thanks for sharing with us! you look amazing!
Edwige | http/?www.hypnozglam.com
Thanks so much, Edwige! I am definitely finding a groove for myself writing music reviews! Have a fabulous day.
this concert sounds like such a blast! I love how you described the community as being so welcoming 🙂 that sounds so great! Enjoy your summer!
Thanks so much, Tianna! It was a blast, for sure! I love meeting new people and of course, hearing new music! I highly recommend that everyone attend at least one music festival this summer! Have a fabulous day, my friend.
Cheryl Shops
Shelbee, you are so fearless, I am constantly amazed by you. I want to say that I could never go to a music festival alone, but then you make it seem so easy! People truly are kind. And speaking of which, thank you for featuring me—I’m so flattered!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Cheryl, thank you so much! I hope that my little acts of bravery can inspire you to do something out of your comfort zone, too! And it was my pleasure to feature you, my friend! Have a fantastic day!
Suzy Turner
Shelbee, when I first opened this post to read, I just had to sit and stare at your first photo. It is truly mesmerising – just like you, my friend.
You continue to amaze me with your brave attitude to life. I just love that you drove two hours alone to go to the festival, even though the idea of returning in the dark frightened you a little. You are so brave and I must agree with your husband. You do make friends easier than anyone else I know too lol. I welled up reading about Libby – that must have been the most incredible moment of your blogging life so far! It’s just totally awesome how she found you!
Huge hugs, my dear friend.
Suzy xxxx
Suzy, my friend, you just made me well up with this comment! Thank you so much. It’s funny how sometimes I feel so brave and other times I just feel like a big scaredy cat! But I do try to push through my fears as often as I can. I find myself standing face to face with so many fears lately that the only way really to get past them is straight through them, I suppose. But there are so many more that I need to conquer as well. I am a work in progress, that’s for sure. All I really want to do is live my very best life and inspire and empower others to do the same. I hope I am succeeding just a little bit. Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for validating that for me! Love you much!
And yes, that moment with Libby was truly amazing!
Jean | Delightful Repast
Shelbee, this post drew me right into your experience. I wasn’t reading about your fabulous day, I was *there*! What a marvelous example of how it pays to force ourselves out of our comfort zones once in a while. And I’m right there with you on “making pale skin the in thing” (would love to see those self-tanners just go away forever). Glad for the tip about Basic H as an insect repellent! Here to #SpreadTheKindness!
Jean, thank you so very much for this lovely comment! I do try to write in such a way that I can take you on the journey with me! Now if I only I could make a living with my words! Lol. I want to write more about more things and experiences and the people I meet along the way. It is all just so fascinating and fulfilling. I appreciate your support so much and I hope that I am inspiring others to venture out of their own comfort zones, too! Let me know if you need assistance in ordering any Shaklee products. I am happy to help!
Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
You pulled this look off so well! 🙂 I just love it! The braids with that adorable hat are so perfect and I love the long kimono and the colors.
Thanks so much, Carrie! I think this style is how I am most comfortable!
Lauren Sparks
A celebrity siting of you! How fun!!! I think I’m too old for music festivals now, though. laurensparks.net`
Thanks, Lauren! It was so cool that to be recognized! I don’t think there is an age limit on music festivals though! I was hanging out with a woman in her 80’s and she was having a blast.
Anna Shirley
Wow! That is a fantastic story. You are famous! I’m glad you had such a great experience. I haven’t been to a music festival for ages. Thank you for your inspiration.
Thanks so much, Anna! I did feel a little bit famous. Haha. I am ready for more music festivals now that I have caught the bug!
Alicia OBrien
Good on you for going on your own! Love music festivals like this, so many talented people in one place makes for a fabulous experience. Love that bluegrass sound x #openslather
Thanks so much, Alicia! Check back tomorrow for another musical review!
Claire Justine
I have never been to a festival before. Looks like lots of fun 🙂 Thanks for sharing at The Wednesday Blog Hop a few weeks ago.
Thank you, Claire! Festivals are so much fun! The community of people who attend them are so welcoming and friendly. I am going to another one this weekend.