Moving Snow & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up On the Edge #733
Snow season is here and it is abundant. A lake effect snow warning has been issued for my town from this morning through Monday night. I live right in the center of the white area on the map above. Some forecasts are predicting snowfall totals of 71 inches for Watertown. Yes, you read that correctly. Seventy-one inches. That would be nearly six feet (5.91667 feet to be exact). One hundred and eighty centimeters (1.8034 meters).

In case it isn’t obvious, that is a lot of snow to move around. I don’t understand why people use the term “snow removal”. There is no removing. It is only moving it from one giant pile to another until you can’t throw the snow any higher. You know what you get when you move six feet of snow on top of six feet snow?
You get a lot of freaking snow. Snow that I will be moving around for the next few days. If I go missing, it’s probably because my shoulders ache too much from all the shoveling action and I’m lying limp in front of the fireplace. It might also be because we got buried and the power went out. Who knows what could happen. We have survived snowstorms of this magnitude before so I am not that concerned. I am definitely grateful that my body is healthy and able because it is about to get a weekend-long workout!
Stay warm, y’all!
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Keeping it on the edge,

Esme Slabbert
Love your reader favorite.
Hello and thank you so much for hosting. Happy Friday and weekend
My entries this week are 12+13
Hope you will join SSPS https://esmesalon.com/tag/seniorsalonpitstop
Thanks so much, Esme! I hope you have a lovely weekend!
OMG Shelby, your town is right in the center of the bull’s-eye! I don’t think I have ever seen that much snow. I know you and your family are prepared for it, living in a very snowy area, but still! Whenever more than a few inches are predicted here, everyone panics and the grocery stores are wiped clean of essentials. Stay safe and warm!
Thanks, Di! We are right in the center of the mess! People definitely don’t panic here and clear the grocery shelves. Once the snow stops, they have it cleaned up so quickly that it isn’t necessary to grocery-panic. We have experienced snow in these extreme amounts before and have never been trapped at home for more than 48 hours and I always have more than enough food for two days. We have food, firewood, family, and friends so we will be fine!
Haha, oh you know that it sounds so horrible to me! We had snow last Friday, I woke up in a white world. And when I say white world, I mean 1cm of snow that disappeared around noon. And hole Holland is out of control, trains won’t drive, cuts on the motorways and cities, accidents! I can’t even imagine so much snow here. Well, I wish you a good shuffle weekend. And thank you very much for the feature!
Hahaha, thanks so much, Nancy! There are many places in the United States that shut down for a tiny bit of snow as well. We are under a state of emergency though for this storm! It has stopped for a bit this morning with the worst of it coming tonight and tomorrow.
Anne M Bray
Yikes! Good luck!
Thanks for the feature!
Thanks, my friend!
Melynda Brown
We are in a cold snap here in East Texas, but thankfully no snow! Haing lived in two snow states, I have to be honest and say, I don’t miss it….so pretty, but yikes the “snow removal” never ends! How nice of you to feature my Cheddar Cheese Drop Biscuits, I sure appreciate it! Take care, and stay warm!
Thanks so much, Melynda! I have enjoyed the snow living in this wintery place. But after 11 years of it, I am quite done with it. I don’t think I will miss it when we move away from here. I hope you have a lovely weekend!
Your True Self
Hi, Shelbee – Wishing you the best so that the snowstorm doesn’t make you and your family uncomfortable. We’re expecting 21 inches by Monday, which we aren’t pleased about but it can always be worse, can’t it? At least it starting looking beautiful when the snow started today. Yesterday, on Thanksgiving Day, the trees were just all bare and black in the greyness of the atmosphere. Take care – Angie, http://www.yourtrueselfblog.com
Thanks so much, Angie! Twenty-one inches is a lot of snow, too! Although that amount probably wouldn’t phase us at all. Haha. The snow covered trees really are beautiful, aren’t they? The snow itself is stunning…until I have to move it around! LOL
Marsha Banks
Wow!!! That is a lot of snow! Hopefully, you, Jeff, Archie and Ralphie will be able to just snuggle in and move the snow around in little bits at a time. We had snow today (Friday), and it’s that drifty stuff that ices up the roads. I read on Facebook (the only place to get news, right) that the roads around here are really icy. We know how to drive in snow here in Indiana, but I don’t think any Hoosier could (or should) drive in that kind of snow. Thanks for the link up, my friend! Stay warm, and don’t move too much snow at one time!
Thanks so much, Marsha! Jeff and I have gone out to move snow three times already. There is a short break in the snow this morning with th worst of it coming tonight and tomorrow. They have issued travel bans in certain areas and I think a state of emergency has already been declared. Thankfully, it isn’t too terribly cold so being outside to move the snow around isn’t all that terrible. I have three extra kids at my house this week and they are all loving it!
You have to be resilient I think to survive that kind of weather, there is much we could learn from you over here. Two or three inches of snow and everyone panics, schools close, railways come to a standstill and it’s a dire situation! Don’t disappear Shelbee, I hope you and your family stay safe through the worst weather conditions.
with love Pamela
Aww, thanks so much, Pamela! We have a little break in the snow this morning but it is due to pick up again with a vengeance later today through Monday. We will be okay. We have lots of food and firewood and we are surrounded by friends and family. It’s all we really need to survive a few super snowy days!
Gail Is This Mutton
That is a lot of snow to move around! No wonder you get fed up with it. We can go for a few years with hardly any snow in London. It’s started early this year in Scotland so we may get some. Hope you’re having a good weekend.
Thanks, Gail! Actually, it is turning out to be not as much snow as predicted. We are still measuring in feet but more like 2 or 3 instead of 6. Happy weekend to you as well!
Patrick Weseman
Sending you some serious prayers and positive thoughts. WOW, that is a lot of snow. I will complain about the rain here. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.
Thanks, Patrick! It is finally over. I think we ended up with around 5 feet of snow. They didn’t even cancel school today! I have to say that I do prefer the snow over the rain though. The rain really makes me feel down.