Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and All That Jazz
I have been absent from blogging the past two week due to illness, laziness, and holiday deployment depression. I always love the holidays and I still do, but there is a bitter sweetness this year. I want my kids to enjoy their Christmas and I absolutely love showering my loved ones with gifts, but I sort want it all to be over because that brings us a few weeks closer to J.’s return home from deployment.
I hate that we are celebrating the major holidays without J. My kids are driving me crazy. I can’t wait for the Daddy to return home of relieve me of some of my parental duties…in particular, the playing and wrestling with the boys. I am old and broken and don’t do well rolling around on the floor with 90 pounds of kids jumping on me! That’s what daddies are for, in my opinion!
Anyway, I’m trying to keep it positive for the holidays so I will stop all the whining! But I am going to break from blogging until the New Year perhaps even until my soldier comes home. With all of my travel plans and all around funk that I have been in, this is my time to just relax and prepare for my husband’s homecoming. And I may be able to establish a better blogging schedule once my family is complete again and we have a “normal” routine. Until then, I will try to post my outfit of the day pictures on my Instagram. Check me out there if you can!
With that I will share with you my ugly Christmas sweater which I picked up for $12 from my local Wal-Mart. What do you think: Ugly or Adorable?

Wishing you all a Very merry Christmas, a blessed New Year, and all that jazz from the edge,

Jaymie Ashcraft
Adorable!!! Merry Christmas and I hope the weeks go by quickly for you.
Wow another great post! I’m really enjoying this site. Thumbs up! Keep’em coming.