Making Connections & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #88
Recently, I talked about making transitions and how the experience has been exhausting and energizing and everything in between. Granted it has been less than 3 weeks ago that I have ventured back into the work force, but in that short period of time I have made so many amazing connections! I have to tell you this, in case you weren’t already aware…the world is filled with spectacular, beautiful, kind, inspiring people. They are quite literally everywhere around us. I have encountered them in all three places of my employ and pretty much everywhere else I go lately. People with rich and lively stories, interesting and empowering histories, brilliant and fascinating backgrounds. And for some reason, the universe has placed them all directly in my path. I am not sure why. But I sure do appreciate it.
Perhaps all of this light and goodness has been placed before me to do what I do best with it…share it. To let others know that if we remain open to new connections, we will be presented with opportunities at every turn to engage with human beings who will enrich our lives. From new people that I work with to the customers whom I assist to the chance encounter with a woman at the bagel bin in the grocery store. Or even in the Price Chopper bathroom, for that matter. Connections can be formed in the places we never think to look. That’s why we have to keep our eyes and our hearts open.
This summer presented me with the challenge of saying a lot of good-byes, cutting many losses, and making a lot of changes. All of this forced me into a transition that I thought I was not prepared for. I questioned it. I rebelled against it. I dug my heels in and steadfastly refused to budge. Until I could no longer. And when I was pushed, I found myself right smack in the middle of something truly amazing. Transition.
Transition is usually presented with such a negative connotation. It is scary. It is hard. It is inevitable. It happens to us all, time and again, throughout our entire lives. Yet, it is so uncomfortable that we fight against it every step of the way. We try every attempt to avoid it. And we don’t realize until we are in it just how amazing it can be. Transition turns our lives upside down and on our heads. It shakes us to the core and rattles our very souls. It makes us question everything we believed, thought, idealized, prioritized, and cherished. It changes us. In one way or another. For good or for bad. It changes us in ways we never thought possible. Perspective, perception, priorities, beliefs, and opinions. It all shifts in some way. And on the other side of transition, we meet the new person we have become because of it.
As we grow into that new person, we suddenly approach life in a completely different way. Open to new adventures and new connections. Ones that we may have closed ourselves off to now seem exciting and within our grasp. As I have been traveling this little detour on my journey, this side street of transition, I am finding myself so pleased that I rerouted. Because the people I am meeting along the way are simply luminous. If I find myself hesitating as I turn a corner into the shadows, I inevitably discover some new bright light illuminating the way for me. And these bright lights keep appearing in the form of vibrant empowering women, placed before me for some purpose that I have not quite figured out how to articulate. But yet I am fully aware that there is a purpose, an important one, and its meaning and the timing of it are not lost on me.
There is no way I could name all of the women who have inspired me recently, so I am not going to try. Actually, I did try and I quit because the list was growing ridiculously long! But the list encompasses women whom I have met very recently and a few whom I have known for a while but have grown very close to in the past few weeks or months. They are bright, inspiring, empowering, kind, generous, giving, beautiful women who shine so bright in their own individual ways that it is quite blinding. I am grateful to have crossed paths with each and every one of them. I just hope they continue to light the way around them for others to feel their uplifting power.
To these women, I say thank you. Thank you for being you. For shining bright. For leading by example. For being true and honest and genuine. For being happy and exuberant and unique and inspiring. For helping to light the way on my own journey. I am blessed to know each of you whether it be longstanding or for just a brief moment in time. You have affected me more than you probably will ever know. And for that I am eternally grateful.
Have you met people on your own journey, even if it was just for a fleeting moment, who have inspired you beyond words? Has your life ever been flooded with so much goodness and light all at once that it overwhelms you with gratitude and a tremendous sense of peace and blissful existence? I would love to hear your stories!
And now the featured favorites from last week.
Michele of Living Our Days shared her post, How is Your Reading Impacting Your Life? As a passionate lover of words and a literary fan, I absolutely loved this post. If you are as fascinated and inspired as I am by the power of words and the creativity required to string together series of words to form brilliant images or if you just really enjoy reading, you will find so much value in Michele’s post.

Rebecca of Rebecca Tries Trousers shared the cutest thrift store find in her post, Poppies. To see what an amazing buy she got, head on over and check out her post. Such a great dress, Rebecca!

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

Maria | passion fruit, paws and peonies
I have met (or come across) so many supportive and incredible women since starting my blog. But I can remember others too from when I was a young mum – their kindhearted advise has stayed with me to this day. Wonderful, warm-hearted post Shelbee xx
Maria, thank you so much for sharing this. I have met so many amazing people through blogging, through school and kid stuff and through working now. We really are surrounded by fabulous people. It’s just we have to give each other permission to share our fabulousness!
Kellyann Rohr
Always inspiring Shelbee and a great reminder that there are wonderful people out there! For me I have to remind myself not to hold back. For example, I was at the check out at TJMaxx and a woman at the register next to me was wearing a cool kimono and wild looking cowboy boots – I noticed it and at first just kept it to myself but then I thought, no, she needed to hear me say I think she looks fabulous. So I told her and she thanked me profusely and then the cashiers all started complimenting one another and their customers! Ha, I thought how true it is that it only takes a spark to get a fire going!
Kellyann, I love this story! I do the same thing…I see someone fabulous and I hesitate. We shouldn’t hesitate, we should just deliver the compliment. It really does spark the fire of kindness! Thank you for being so awesome and such a great friend!
I tried to leave a comment and got an error message. Not sure if it showed up or not! 🙁
Oh no, Laurie! This comment showed up, but I don’t see another one. Thanks for attempting! I don’t know what happened.
Michele Morin
I’m so happy to be sharing Karen’s great book here with reading friends.
Thanks, Shelbee, for featuring the post!
Thank you, Michele, for always inspiring us with what you share! Have a fantastic day!
looking beautiful, keep making your wonderful connections and spreading your kindness
Thank you so much, Paul! I really appreciate that. Have a wonderful day!
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
It can be hard, but choosing kind is the way to be!
I agree, I agree, I agree! Thanks so much, Tamar! Have a wonderful day.
Kathrine Eldridge
I feel you on all the transitioning at our age. It’s a lot but makes us stronger. Love this cozy chic look and thanks for the link up!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! It really is a crazy time of life, this midlife ride. But so many amazing things come out of it, too. Have a fabulous day!
Christine Rowden
Shelbee, I love that you were able to meet all those fabulous ladies. And I know they loved meeting you! I’m very grateful to have found your blog and “met” you. Of course, I’m digging that outfit from the red hat, to the leather jacket…the distressed jeans with cool tights showing through – yes! love it!
Chrissy, thank you so much for everything! Your wonderful comments and your beautiful friendship. I am so glad to have “met” you as well!
This is so relatable, but you wrote about it more thoroughly and eloquently than I feel I can rn… I’ve just been blown bowled over by the many amazing women I’ve had the opportunity to connect with in the past few years. I love love love the black lace under the ripped jeans! Transitions can be awkward or uncomfortable, but that’s where you make the space to grow and move forward.
Becky, thanks so much! It is so validating to know that what I share is relatable. It definitely keeps me inspired to continue sharing. I am constantly amazed at how many amazing people are around us every day. We really just need to open our souls in order to see it all. And then it really can start to flood you!
Your pictures have me ready for fall! And your words inspire me to do better. I fight against jealousy so much that I am not as quick as you are to acknowledge and lift up other amazing women. Thanks for being a good example today. laurensparks.net
Lauren, thank you so much for you very kind words! I am so ready for fall, too. The fact that you can acknowledge your struggle with jealousy is a huge step in the right direction. I think a great way to overcome it is to deliver unsolicited compliments to random strangers…a compliment on the exact thing that may be triggering your feelings of jealousy. You may just find that this one small action will inspire you enough to do what it is that you have been yearning to do! Thank you so much for being real, open, and honest!
Patrick Weseman
The last two months has been a transition for me. I left a job after almost 22 years and got a new one. My new one is such a breath air for me. I am socializing more with people (shit, I am even eating salad everyday with the teaching staff of my new school which is big news because usually I tend to eat alone (because at my old place I didn’t want to deal with other and over my the course of my life I was in the salad reserves- once a month and two weeks in the summer) and don’t even think about my old job, the people there and the drama there. At first I was a little scared but people are so supportive of me at my new place.
Great pictures of you and what a wonderful place to take a pictures.
Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.
Patrick, I have been wondering how your new job has been going! Thank you so much for sharing. I am so glad that you are now in an environment that is more fulfilling for you and much less stressful. It is funny that the older we get, the harder it gets to make friends. But we have more confidence in ourselves, so that should make it easier, shouldn’t it? In any event, I am so happy that you are now surrounded by supportive people and eating salad, too! I need to eat more salad, so I have been taking them for lunch as well. Stay awesome, my friend!
This is a beautiful post Shelbee. I’m glad you’ve met so many wonderful and inspiring people!
Pumps and Push-Ups
Brooke, thank you so much! It seems that I meet at least one new inspiring beautiful person every single day. And it makes my heart smile!
I love your focus on connections during transition. That is what makes it all seem doable. We’re going through some transitions ourselves lately and it is tough, but it is important to remember that you are not at it alone.
Also, I really love the stockings under your jeans, what a clever look.
Hi Amanda, thanks so much for your stopping by! I was just thinking of you recently as I popped by your blog to see if you were still on a blogging break to work on your book. I see that there is new post that I will head over to read shortly. Transition is always hard, but necessary. And it is comforting to know that we are all faced with it over and over again throughout our lives. Making the best of it is all we can do! I hope your transition is going smoothly and that you are able to find some growth and peace in it.
Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
Can I say you are the master at layering? 🙂 I just love those turn jeans with a little hint of feminine lace underneath! That red hat is super cute against the black layers.
Thanks so much, Carrie! I do love layering and am so ready for the cooler weather so I can try some more creative layering techniques!
Cheryl Shops
I’ve found that I tend to remember women who’ve inspired and supported me—particularly in my career—not in the moment but down the road, like when I look back on things. For my blog, it tends to be a little more in the moment, like “I want to be more like her!” I feel like this is not the most articulate comment, but long story short, I love being inspired and supported by other women, and I hope I do the same for others too!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Cheryl, this is a lovely, perfectly articulated comment on the topic at hand! I also love being inspired as well as inspiring others. It just makes everyone’s life that much richer. We are communal beings so it makes sense that we thrive on great communities of people. Thanks so much for stopping by and always inspiring us!
Shelbee – I read your blog every day while I have my coffee. Don’t comment much because it’s while I’m on that first cup of coffee and while I can read, I can’t put together a coherent sentence at that time! That red hat makes your outfit! So glad you are enjoying your new jobs.
Thanks so much, Cathy! I am the same as you. I make my blogging rounds early in the morning at like 5 am with my first cup of coffee. I read it all, but often cannot find the words to comment! So I totally understand. Thanks for all of your support, my friend.
Loving that red hat Shelbee! You are such a thoughtful person, thank you for your post. XO
Thanks so much, Cherie! I do like to make connections as much as I enjoy helping others make meaningful connections as well. We all have unique and interesting stories to share with one another.
I love your fall look! You always find a way to inject a fun edgy vibe! And you rock it every time!
Aw, Laura, that is so sweet! I do like a little edge in everything I do! Thanks so much!
indah Nuria
Thank you for the great reminder dear…and I love your look!
Indah, thank you for the lovely comment and for stopping by!
Lisa Richardson
Transition can be hard, but it can also stretch us, help us grow and make us more adaptable. I know particularly for our kids the moves forced them to embrace (or at least accept) change. It was really good for our son who is pretty rigid (but in a sweet way 😉 Congrats on the new job. I’m so out of the loop right now. I need to keep my little self at home for a while and catch up on blogland. I keep traveling and have one more trip then I’m home for a while. I don’t know where you took these pictures, but they are charming. Such a beautiful place for photos. Happy hump day friend! XO
Thanks so much, Lisa! I agree with you completely that transitions do keep us flexible. I think Army life has helped my kids to be super flexible. They are the most easy going, go-with-the-flow kids I have ever met. And we haven’t even moved that much. But also, my husband and I are very go-with-the-flow kind of people, too, so I guess the kids come by it naturally. I am out of the blogland loop myself lately as I just haven’t had time with this new working girl schedule! But I will figure out a new schedule of sorts to keep on doing what I do. Enjoy your final trip, then get some rest at home, my friend.
Emma Peach
I really believe that kindness is contagious and everything comes back to us, good or bad! I love what you’re wearing here, the red hat is fab!
Emma xxx
Emma, thanks so much! And I agree completely about the circle of kindness! Have a fantastic day.
I have met many amazing women since I started my blog and I continue to meet many more. I am inspired by them and I am grateful for their time in my life. I haven’t quite written all my thoughts down on this topic but I recently had to close doors on some friendships and while it was hard to do I knew it was because I needed to make room for new friendships that I have today. I love the leggings peeking through your distressed jeans. It’s fun and unique! This look is perfect for the upcoming season which I can’t tell you how excited I am!
Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com
Maureen, thank you for sharing this about your friendship journey. I was just talking to a new friend yesterday about how I had to dissolve some old friendships as well for the same purpose. Some of the old friendships were bringing too much negativity and I found myself exhausted from it. So it was time to move on and make room for the positive influences instead. I am so glad to have met you on my blogging journey as you are one of those friends who shines light and positivity all around you.
I am super excited for fall weather which should be arriving here in NY the end of next week! For this week, however, it will still feel like summer. Have a great day!
Karren Haller
I love this look on your Shelbee, you seem to have so much fun sharing fashions.
Thanks for the linkup and for stopping by my new fashion linkup!
Have a wonderful week!
Thanks so much, Karren! I do have fun with fashion. I figure we have to get dressed every day, why not make it fun?!
Cathy Kennedy
Thanks for joining my not-so-Wordless Wednesday linky party. I’m not sure if my post qualifies for your link up so I won’t add mine just yet. You’re very photogenic. I wish I was more relaxed in front of the camera but I’m not and it shows through. I guess we all have problems with change. The transition can be rocky, especially if you enter it kicking the whole way but when we allow ourselves to embrace the change then things usually smooth out. Here’s hoping your journey continues to get better and that your path is met with the right friends to help you along the way. Blessings to you!
Cathy, thanks so much for your kind words! I have to be honest, I am not comfortable in front of the camera either. But I have pushed through my discomfort to where I tolerate it for the sake of my blog. And I even find some pictures of myself that I actually like! I think we are all our own worst critics, for sure. And I agree that if we accept the transitions rather than fight them, they go much more smoothly and offer greater rewards in the end.
Absolutely link up any post you want! I don’t have any stipulations at all. Anything goes here on the edge…except negativity. Ha. I don’t like negativity! I also have a new link up that just went live today which you can link anything to as well. Have a great weekend, my friend!
Love your outfit Shelbee. Love the black lace tights with ripped jeans. Thanks for linking up to The Wednesday Blog Hop. Hope you can join me tomorrow 🙂
Thank you, Claire! I cannot wait for the weather to cool so I can try some more fun layering ideas! I hope your weekend has been great. See you tomorrow!