Little Red Riding Hoodless & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #248

I have always loved the drama of a red cape. There is something special, powerful, nostalgic, mysterious, innocent yet devious, sexy, and magical about a garment of this sort. A red cape can conjure up visions of magicians, vampires, superheroes, royals, or a young girl being stalked by a wolf in the woods. You know who I mean, of course, Little Red Riding Hood from the 17th century fairy tale.
Have you ever read the original versions of some of our most beloved fairy tales? Many of them are very dark and incredibly creepy and super morbid, originally drafted in order to educate children through a perspective of fear. But the stories get twisted and changed as each new generation makes an old message relevant to themselves. We adapt new versions for television and movies in ways that appeal to the current culture and along the way the original works tend to fade into obscurity. And then each of us creates our very own unique versions of these age old fairy tales by combining bits and pieces from all the different ways we have heard the stories told.
As our culture shifts and changes moving further away from the time when these stories were first penned, we tend to hold onto the virtues of the past as a safety net while we venture into the unknown future. Not only does the past provide us with some sort of security, our desire to make old things new continues to push us into the future, creating a balance between the past, the present, and the future. Fairy tales help us tie it all together. We take the old, we recreate it to better suit us in the present, and then we use it as a means to push us forward.

Generations of academics have interpreted and unraveled the words of these original works trying to find meaning beneath the surface, meaning that may be even more devious than originally thought. After the academics have dissected the works, the artists come along with their variable creative interpretations that add layers of depth and understanding about the contemporary human experience. And before you know it, an innocent fairy tale girl who gets eaten by a wolf and then sliced out of the creature by a woodcutter comes to represent sex and innocence, power and weakness, and all sorts of other complicated re-interpretations of a tale meant to scare children from venturing into the woods alone.
I have to be honest, I still would not be all that comfortable venturing into the woods alone as an adult in the 21st century, so perhaps the messages of 17th century fairy tales have much more relevance than we even realized.
Whether or the not the story is relevant, I know that my red cape is. I have had this hoodless red cape for at least a decade and it makes its way into my wardrobe rotation every single year, sometimes multiple times. In fact, I last styled in April over a black bodycon dress with red boots. The first time I shared my red cape on my blog was in 2015 paired with leopard and stripes.
I do love a bold bright shade of red with leopard print and so I stuck with that combination with this cute leopard print baby doll dress that I picked up on Old Navy clearance earlier this year. Sticking with a more innocent Little Red Riding Hoodless (my cape has no hood as you can see) look, I wore white tights with my new black patent Mary Janes from Torrid clearance. A pom pom beret to keep my head all toasty and warm and off to the woods I went…but not alone. Jeff was there to take the pictures. And it was a paved path through the woods with houses and civilization very much in view. No Big Bad Wolf chasing me and my grandmother has been dead for many years so she doesn’t need me bringing her baskets of baked goods!

Do you have a favorite garment that conjures up fairy tale or magical images?
Featured Favorites
Reader Favorite (Most Clicked): Suzy of The Grey Brunette

Fashion Favorite: Michelle of My Bijou Life

Keeping it on the edge,
Joining these Fabulous Link Parties.
Outfit Details: Dress-Old Navy / Shoes and Belt-Torrid / Hat-Charlotte Russe / Cape, Tights, Earrings, Necklace, and Brooch-Old

Kathrine Eldridge
I love the mix of leopard and red with this look Shelbee! I need to find a garment that makes me feel like I’m in a fairy tale. Maybe SJP’s paris dress from SATC? Lol! THanks for the link up Shelbee!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! OMG, SJP’s Paris dress is the thing of fashion dreams! I want to lie on the big fancy bed with the big fancy dress all billowed around me, too! Great pick and imagery to conjure!
that red cape is such a fun pop of colour with the leopard dress 🙂
I grew up with the woodcutter in the Little Red Riding Hood story but when my son dressed up as the wood cutter for a school event I couldn’t find any books with a woodcutter in it! I was so sure the story had it! i sent him anyway without the matching book as it was too late by then to come up with a new costume, haha!
Thanks for the link up!
Hope that you are having a good week 🙂
Thanks so much, Mica! These stories definitely change over time as we shift culturally. I have a funny satire book called Politically Correct Bedtime Stories that takes a bunch of these old classic tales and rewrites them with a modern day PC twist on them. It is pretty entertaining!
This post – love it!! My favorite fairytale is Alice in Wonderland – the Johnny Depp adaptation (movie). I do feel like you when you say that most fairytales started off as incredibly scary or strange and they’ve been remodeled to fit with the times they are remade it. I love the dark nature of the latest Alice 🙂
Thanks for your link party, please stop over when you have a chance. https://birthofafashionblogger.blogspot.com/2021/11/photo-dump-lets-play-catch-up.html
Chanda, thanks so much! I do love Alice in Wonderland and all of its creepy connotations. I should do an Alice inspired outfit. Actually, now I kind of want to do a whole fairy tale inspired series of outfit posts! I hope you have a fabulous week!
Michele Morin
Capes are so warm and cozy and lovely! One of my sons got me a cape.for Christmas last year.
They really are lovely, Michele! They are a unique addition to any wardrobe, too. I love that your son chose a cape as your gift!
I love this fairy tale inspired look! Red and leopard pair so well together! Your cape is fabulous!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks so much, Jill!
Bojana Krienke
What a beautiful and lush setting you found for these photos. Love, love, love!!! Intrestingly, next week we are going to begin exploring some of these old fairy tails, not the scary versions, but rather the more recent versions of the Three Little Pigs, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Little Red Riding Hood and end with the various versions of The Gingerbread Man. Your little red cape is absoulltely adorable. I always love them on people and if you live in realitively mild cllimate I think they are a perfect layering piece in the spring and fall! Have a great week ahead.
Thanks so much, Bo! I love that you are revisiting these old fairy tales. They keep us grounded in the past but allow us to manipulate them for our modern day purposes. I love that there are so many different versions that have manifested over time as well. It really keeps things interesting and relevant! And as much as I do love capes, my climate allows for them for about 4 weeks a year…then it is just too cold.
What a fun cape! I have photo of me as a 4 year old, dressed up as roodkapje, as we nam her here. With a red cape of course.
Thanks, Nancy! I love the Dutch name for Red Riding Hood! It translates to red cape, correct? I would love to see this photo of 4 year old Nancy Roodkapje!
Suzy Turner
I read it as Hoodles LOL and I assumed it was a new brand!!!! he he he I can be a bit dim sometimes LOL!
I love the outfit, and the HOODLESS little red riding hood cape — the outfit looks completely different without it too. Gorgeous!
As for fairytales, I adore them, as you probably already knew! I love it when they’re made into movies for adults, really dark and creepy that scare the scrap out of everyone lol!! There was one with Sigourney Weaver, Snow White: A Tale of Terror. It was awesome. Mind you, I don’t like it when they’re too gory though!
Suzy xx
P.S Thanks for the feature! Delighted to have been the most clicked!
Haha, thanks so much, Suzy! Sorry to confuse you with that hoodled up word! I love the darker side of fairy tales as well. We loved the show Once Upon a Time! I don’t like it too gory or too scary either. Just a little hint of the macabre will do for me. Have you read any of the books by Gregory Maguire…he wrote Wicked and a whole bunch of other twisted back stories to minor fairy tale characters? I really enjoyed them. I hope your week is off to a great start!
It’s a lovely cape. It will look so pretty in the snow!
Thanks so much, Amy! As many times I have worn this cape, I don’t think I have ever photographed it in the snow. I will have to do that this year!
Suzy Turner
I’ve just googled Gregory Maguire and will certainly add some of his books to my TBR list, Shelbee! I loved Once Upon a Time too, although I didn’t watch the last one or two seasons because I preferred the earlier ones.
Suzy xxx
I have read all of his fairy tale books and I think you will love them! I struggled through the last two seasons of Once Upon a Time as well. It started getting really hard to follow and the story just got stupid by the end!
Such a clever title! I really like the look of it open and draped over your shoulders. So pretty! But I love the functionality of it. I have a couple cozies that only go down to my elbows, and being able to pull my arms in when they are cold is awesome.
Thank you, Alexandra! I do love the look of a cape, but they aren’t very practical if it is too cold. I am always freezing and kind of like sleeves to keep me warm as well! But an extra layer over the shoulders is great for a chilly person like me! And you can’t beat the dramatic effect of a cape either. Have a fabulous day, my friend!
Marsha Banks
When I was in undergrad, I had to take Children’s Literature. It was a requirement for elementary education majors. The professor was an odd guy who could never look you in the eye. I honestly thought I might have a hickey or something the first time I talked to him. But, he was a fabulous teacher! Anyway, the sexual implications were startling for most of those fairy tales. I, personally, thought someone just needed something to write about! I do think the early fairy tales were intended as object lessons and to scare kids into submission.
You really should just wear red all of the time! With your hair and coloring, you just sing! Love the Mary Janes…they look such fun!
Marsha, thanks so much! Red is definitely my second favorite color to wear (after green)! I honestly never knew how great red was on me until I started blogging and taking photos of myself. The first time I photographed myself wearing red, I was like, ‘Woah. I need to wear red more often!”
I never took a fairy tale class in college although with my English major I am surprised that such a class wasn’t offered. It would be so interesting. I love diving into the twisted hidden meanings of ancient texts. And yes, there is tons of sexual overture in so many of our beloved children’s tales. Always meant to create a fear based lesson though! Hmmmm, now I wonder how effective lessons based in fear really are…
Jessica A Jannenga
Oh yes, the Grimm Fairy Tales can be just that! But I do remember hearing some of them and don’t remember my reaction. Little red riding hood is a classic. I love the cape, I really would like one as I think they look so chic! Red is one of my favorite colors and this looks wonderful with the dress. I love the mary janes giving the little red vibe. Neat pictures in the woods too! I like to walk in the woods but usually have company! 🙂
Have a great week!
jess xx
Thanks so much, Jess! I don’t remember my reaction to these fairy tales when I was a child, but I have read and studied them a bit in adulthood and there is some really creepy stuff in the original tales. I think you would rock a red cape, my friend! It is such a great completer piece especially this time of year.
What a nice surprise! I am so honored to have been the fashion favorite. This is an adorable outfit, Shelbee! I love the cape! I’ve been toying with the idea of making a cape. And now I am inspired once again! Good discussion on how grim those old fairytales are. Hansel and Gretel comes comes to mind. And yet, I know that at some point I heard all of those scary old stories when I was a kid.
Thanks, Michelle! You should definitely make a cape! It will be the perfect outerwear for fall in Asheville! Hansel and Gretel always comes to mind when I think of the more gruesome fairy tales! Some of these tales are real creepy stuff!
I grew up reading the Grimm’s Brothers Fairy Tales in German, I remember some were scarier than others but I always enjoyed reading them. It’s no wonder though that I’m such a scaredy cat LOL.
Great look! Perfect for a walk in the forest!
Thanks, Ellie! See, the fairy tales worked…they scared you straight into adulthood! Haha.
Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
What a cute idea for an outfit, that red really pops out from the leopard print dress! I love the tights and black shoes, too! I was just looking at your post title and I’ve always added in the number of each of my link ups, too and I swear we have both been doing link ups for quite some time to be in the hundreds!
Thank you, Carrie! I love the contrast and the vibe of white tights with shiny black shoes! We have been hosting these link parties for quite a long time. About 5 years for me!
Fun look especially with those Maryjanes. Capes of all sorts are iconic whether it’s a red one that brings to mind a fairytale or a black one the conjures images of dark energy like a sorcerer or vampire. Functionally, they do work well with tops/dresses that have showier/statement sleeves that would be hidden or crushed under a conventional outer garment.
Thank you, Rena! Capes really are iconic and add the best kind of drama to an outfit. I kind of want a long velvet one in some jewel tone but I fear that may look a bit too costumey! Eh. Who cares? Maybe I will shop for one anyway!
Super cute Shelbee. Watch out for the woolf! xx
Hahaha, Laurie! Thanks so much!
Patrick Weseman
Looking so very nice there. The perfect Lil’ Red Ridin Hood.
It is so sad that we have to be so PC these days, there is some value in those old fairy tales and the value is morals and that is something that is being lost in today’s world. A lot of people would rather be right at any cost than be nice wth morals.
Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.
Thanks, Patrick! I think we have probably been required to maintain some level of political correctness since before that was even a phrase! And yes, there is so much value in the old stories about morals and doing the right thing. It is too bad that more people don’t learn from these childhood messages. I hope your week is gong well!
Christina Morley
Oh, I love that red cape! You wear it so well. Yes, it definitely has a Red Riding Hood vibe. I have read several cool retellings of that story. One of them is a steampunk series by Melanie Karsak. Wishing you a great week!
Tina, thanks so much! A steampunk version of Little Red Riding Hood sounds like an incredibly unique and interesting take on the story! Fun.
Sim @ Sim's Life
That red cape is absolutely gorgeous! Perfect for the autumn too to throw on and keep you warm! Sim x
Thanks so much, Sim! I really want to photograph this red cape with a snowy background soon as well. I think it will transition from fall to winter nicely as long as it doesn’t get too unbearably cold!
Jacqui Berry
Fairy tale dressing is a good idea Shelbee. Nice outfit too. Jacqui x
Thanks so much, Jacqui! Fairy tale dressing is super fun!
I love your outfit! I too do not feel comfortable walking in the woods alone and often wonder what I’ll do in a few years when all my boys are done hiking with me.
Thanks, Joanne! The woods are a scary place! I went hiking a few months ago by myself in the middle of the day on a two mile paved trail around a tiny island in the middle of the river and I was completely freaked out being alone! As much as I enjoy walking in nature, it is an activity that I definitely prefer to do with company.
A cape always brings the drama, you’re right- but in RED? Yes, yes, yes! You are rocking it.
You’ve got me wanting to hunt in the back of my coat closet- I know I have some capes (and maybe some blazer capes? Somewhere?) that need some play this season!
Le Stylo Rouge
Thank you, Ashley! I think the only other capes I have are all black so this red one really stands out in my wardrobe as a favorite. I would love to see you style a gorgeous blazer cape! How fun.
Love the red cape! Fairy tales are definitely fascinating to study and analyze!
Thanks so much, Katie! I find it fascinating that these stories maintain relevance throughout so many generations of readers!
The cape is beautiful, and I love the red and leopard combo!
Thanks so much, Lovely! Red is the perfect accent color for so many different prints!
This is so cute!!
Curated By Jennifer
Thanks so much, Jennifer! I felt super cute wearing it!
Pamela Graham
Such a cute outfit and love the idea of a long velvet cape in jewel colors sounds lush.
I think politically correct often goes too far and the fairy tales I grew up with didn’t do any of us any harm! Plus the oh so innocent childrens books that are now banned because of various connotations – I often think that innocence is deliberately snatched away once a different interpretation is put on a story.
Thanks so much, Pamela! Political correctness is a really weird concept, isn’t it? Especially when we start critiquing really old things from a more contemporary politically correct perspective. To me, that is quite like comparing apples to oranges and I will never quite understand how we can erase history because it doesn’t fit the current narrative. You can’t change the facts or our history and these are the very things that make us who we are as individuals as well as collectively as a species. Innocence is very easy to snatch away these days, that is for damn sure!
Cheryl Shops
I was obsessed with Little Red Riding Hood when I was little, mostly because I wanted a fabulous red cape. The 5-year-old version of me (as well as the current one) fully approves of this look!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Thanks so much, Cheryl! Do you have a fabulous red cape now? If not, you should!
Love your version of Little Red Riding Hood, Shelbee! I think the Mary Janes AND the cape may have inspired you, but no matter, I love your discussion of fairy tales. They really are quite dark and deep but we read them joyously to our kids!! Lol! Just like Disney movies, there has to be a villain, right? Lol! Thanks for the interesting and unexpected read and outfit.
xx Darlene
Thanks so much, Darlene! This was a fun little post to write. You know how I like to add something interesting to read. I’m not just another cute outfit! Hahaha. I hope you are having a fabulous week, my friend.
Laura Bambrick
That cape is an amazing piece to have in your wardrobe! It’s so perfect with your leopard dress!
Thanks so much, Laura! I am glad that I have held onto for all these years!
I really prefer the original stories rather than the romantic versions. I’ve also dug the winter tights out the back of the cupboard, but I’m wearing them under trousers and jeans to keep warm.
Thanks for linking with #pocolo
Thanks, Suzanne! The original stories are always the best ones in my opinion. Because they are the real stories as they were meant to be told. Then people being people have to intervene in other people’s stuff and change it around so it is more suitable to themselves. So silly!c
lauren Sparks
I love the whole look!
Thanks so much, Lauren!
Lucy Bertoldi
Oh my goodness you look so adorable!! And I’m like you, I just love animal print with a deep colour- so good!
Aw, thanks so much. Lucy! Animal print with a bold bright color is always so good, isn’t it?!
Anita Ojeda
I love the red cape! I have all kinds of capes in my costume box (I once directed a play–Treasure Islamd–where capes seemed fitting so I made a whole bunch of them 😆). I’ve never considered wearing them–but why not?! Especially the one lined in red satin.
Thanks so much, Anita! Oh my goodness, you have a whole treasure trove of capes and you are NOT wearing them?! Well, I hope you do consider wearing them now! I would love to see the red satin lined one!