Jumping on the Shacket Wagon & Link Up On the Edge #230

As much as I love all things style related because it is my primary outlet for creative expression, I am rather slow to jump on the new trend wagon. I have a tendency to admire something from afar, styled to perfection on others, for quite a long while before I will attempt the newest fad in fashion for myself.
While I am absolutely a compulsive shopper and always have been, there are just certain things that I need to contemplate and consider before adding to my closet. I never like to spend a lot of money on clothing because I enjoy having limitless options to play dress up. I am not big into luxury brands at all and I am not thrilled with the environmental consequences of fast fashion either. So it leaves me kind of stuck in the middle. Yep, that’s where I spend most of my life stuck in the middle and outside the boxes!
Anyway, I keep seeing many of my favorite bloggers styling this new trend, the shacket. A combination of a shirt and a jacket. I think these used to be called simply “shirt jackets” sort of like “shirt dresses” (should these be called “shesses”?) but we humans seem to be getting too lazy to use our words so we shorten them into these strange sounding hybrid terms. I am pretty certain that shirt style jackets have been around for as long as I have been purchasing my own clothing, but the shacket is the newest, trendiest thing in the world of fashion blogging right now. Along with the scrawl…a hybrid of a scarf and a shawl. I think these used to be called oversized scarves, but apparently oversized scarves is a mouthful and now we have scrawls.

I do hope you are picking up on my very tongue-in-cheek tone here. It is all in good fun! Being the wordsmith that I am, I have a sincere appreciation for getting playful and silly with the creation of new words. I mean, I make up my own hybrid words frequently. For example, my cloffice is a hybrid closet office but “closet office” is rather tedious on the lips and so “cloffice” is a much better sound for lazy human mouths!
I digress, nothing unusual about that, but let’s get back to the business of the shacket.
Most of the shackets that I have seen styled have been in adorable plaid prints with interesting color combinations. I am digging the look, but I also have a coat and jacket collection that no longer fits in my cloffice and had to be partially moved into a dresser. Yes, I had to neatly fold and store all of my lighter weight jackets in an empty dresser that sits in my living room, too big to make its way up the old narrow winding staircase to the bedroom. It was a dresser that housed toys until a recent clean out and now it is a jacket dresser…a “jesser” perhaps?

Anyway, I didn’t want to spend too much money trying out this shacket trend, so I headed to the thrift store in search of a preloved shacket. I did not find any plaid ones but I stumbled upon this olive green corduroy shacket by Chadwick’s. It is a wide whale corduroy and the back of the shacket has the cutest little pleated detail giving it a bit of swinginess which I love. See, there I go making up new words again…swinginess is one that I think I will use often.
I have been on a bit of a corduroy kick lately, too, so that was another plus to this new shacket. I decided to stick with a corduroy theme and style a double corduroy outfit. I rescued this tan corduroy dress from my resell pile and I am glad I did because it was the perfect color to pair with the darker olive and I think it’s a cute dress. It is from Old Navy and is at least 10 years old, maybe even 15. With a smaller corduroy it created a lovely contrast with the larger corduroy of the shacket.
I loved the double corduroy look but I have to tell you that corduroy sticks to corduroy and so getting in and out of my shacket was rather cumbersome. But I can deal with cumbersome for the sake of a creative styling idea.

A long while back, I shared 4 Ways to Try a Trend without Breaking the Bank, and I definitely left out thrift shopping as one of those ways. So consider thrifting as a fifth way to try a new trend without going over budget.
How do you approach the newest trends in fashion? Do you jump right in or do you wait it out a bit?

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Abby of That’s Life For Ya shared her post, Friday Favorites-1.22.21 + Happy Birthday Kate! Just read that introduction sentence out loud. You can’t do it without a huge smile coming over your face! And that’s exactly what you get when you visit Abby’s blog…smiles for days!

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Lucy of Confessions of a Montreal Styling Diva shared her post, Fabulous Friday’s Link-up – Faux Fur Styling Challenge! You all know I am a sucker for faux fur, heck, I’m a sucker for most things that make a bold statement, and Lucy’s faux fur trimmings with this amazing dress just took my breath away! So freaking fabulous.
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Mel of Mom with Style shared her post, Achieving #closetgoals with Limited Space. This is a seriously amazing closet. Don’t get me wrong, I really like my closet room, but check out Mel’s shoe wall! I want a shoe wall!

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fun Link Parties.
Outfit Details: Shacket-Thrifted (Chadwick’s) / Dress-Old Navy / Turtleneck-Target / Tights-c/o Sheertex / Socks-Torrid / Hat-My Grnadmother’s / Boots, Gloves, and Earrings-Old

Kellyann Rohr
Thrifting is a great way to try out a new trend and I love your shacket! Ha, you are right there are some crazy words we create when it suits us! And in all that snow I bet that corduroy kept you warm.
On another note, isn’t that Abby something else? I shared her on my blog today as one of my favorites. I can’t even imagine having my act together as much as she does at her age!
Have a great weekend my friend!
Thank you, Kellyann! The made up words might bring me just as much joy as the clothing does! I have a notebook that Jeff and I have been keeping since we were first dating and we write down all of the silly words and phrases that we have made up over the years. The notebook is called “The Mictionary” because it is filled with my own definitions and is a hybrid of dictionary (obviously) and my childhood nickname Micki. Haha. I am such a dork! And yes, Abby and Ella are both so amazing. I really get out a kick out of both girls and love that they have joined this community! It is great to have their fresh perspective. Have a wonderful weekend!
Ha ha, cloffice sounds great! I’m like you, often on the last wagon with trends. I have to get used too it, it has to grow on me so to say. I like the color of your shacket! And that snow! Have a great weekend!
Thanks so much, Nancy! The way trends come and go and cycle back around is helpful because sometimes I don’t even jump on a trend until it’s second time around! I hope you have a wonderful weekend, my friend.
You always score the best finds when you thrift! I love your corduroy shacket and this entire outfit! This has to be one of my favorite looks on you! Have a wonderful weekend!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Aw, thanks so much, Jill! I do love hunting in the thrift shops! My sister is an avid thrifter as well and we just made plans last night for her to visit in a few weeks for my husband’s retirement ceremony. We have also planned a entire day of thrifting together! I am so excited! Have a wonderful weekend, my friend.
Kathrine Eldridge
Love the color of your shacket and the layers in this look! The boots are perfect with it. Thanks so much for the link up Shelbee!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! I was definitely cozy and warm in my double corduroy! Have a fabulous weekend.
Deborah Stinedurf
Agreed…”shackets” are nothing new. My dad wore them until the day he died, my husband has several he wore to work & I have several that are actually heavier weight men’s shirts that I’ve owned for years. That’s fashion though, things come and things go which is one of the reasons I always just wear whatever I happen to be in the mood for! You look amazing as always my friend…have a super fab weekend!
Thanks so much, Debbie! Since I tend to hold onto everything in my closet, I generally always have something that is considered a “current trend” even it is a million years old! Fashion is funny like that but we love it all, don’t we?! And so I will continue wearing whatever the heck I want! As quickly as fashion changes, I think it also stays kind of the same for many years at a time. If you look back on fashions from the 16th century vs the 19th century, there really is not too much difference. Similarly, I don’t think there is too much difference from 1920 to 2020. Obviously newer trends have come into play since 1920, but you can wear a 1920’s outfit today and still look current and fashionable. Oh it all just fascinates me so very much! Have a wonderful weekend, my friend.
I definitely hold back quite a bit before jumping into new fashion trends. It’s not that I don’t want to be trendy but I usually don’t see quite how a new trend will fit into my closet until I’ve contemplated them for quite some time. I do want to thank you for mentioning Chadwick’s though; I used to shop their catalog all the time and had rather forgotten about them!
Joanne, thanks so much for stopping by! I think it makes sense to wait on a trend to decide if it is something that will work for you and fit into your wardrobe and lifestyle. Plus the trends always cycle back around. I tend to jump on them when they come back around rather than when I first see them. I have found a few really cool pieces from Chadwick’s at my local thrift shops. This corduroy paisley dress was also a thrifted piece and is Chadwick’s. They have some really cute stuff if you check their website. And their retail prices aren’t bad, but of course thrifting is better!
Amy Johnson
You always find the most interesting places to photograph! Love the shaket! Thanks for the party.
Thank you, Amy! This is the front gate to a local cemetery! I didn’t want to be in the cemetery, but the entranceway is so pretty, I had to stop for photos! Have a wonderful weekend!
I should try a thrift store for a shacket! I like the trend but I’m not usually don’t buy them.
Curated By Jennifer
Jennifer, you should absolutely check out some thrift shops or resale websites! Hopefully you find one you like for a reasonable price. I think I paid $5.99 for this one. Have a great weekend!
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
Rock it! Love the greens and those boots
Thanks so much, Tamar! Have a fabulous weekend!
I must admit I am not a fan of the word “shacket” and this might be the only time I’m ever writing it out LOL. And definitely remember seeing these types of jackets before too.
That said, this jacket was a fabulous find! Love the color and you’ve styled it so perfectly!
Ellibelle’s Corner
Ellie, you just made me laugh out loud! I am not a fan of that word either. It is very harsh and unpleasant sounding to me. And my cozy corduroy jacket is neither of those things so I agree we should continue to call them shirt jackets! Have a wonderful weekend, my friend.
Thank you very much for hosting Shelbee.
Thanks so much for joining us, Naush! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Love the whole toasty warm feeling of your outfit, and the harmonious neutral color scheme! You look so well integrated into the environment that you choose for this post. I have noticed the resurgence of the shirt jacket/shacket this season, especially the style revival of vintage plaid ones. This corduroy one is a great thrift shop find! I try a new trend right away if I really like it, and can see how to integrate it into my wardrobe. Otherwise, I’m slower to adapt a whole new silhouette. Have a great weekend and thanks for the linkup!
Di, thanks so much! I really liked the neutrals together as well, but I found that I blended in a bit too much with the background! I usually get dressed with no idea of where I will take photographs. This is the entranceway to a cemetery and I really liked the big gates! I find that as trends recycle through the years, I usually already own something old that is suddenly a new trend again! I hope you have a fabulous weekend.
Lucy Bertoldi
Hey my friend! Thanks so much for featuring me- you’re so sweet!! As for the shacket- I’ve always called it a shirt jacket too. Yours are so cute! YOu look good in everything. I have to give these another try as I don’t style them up often. Hve a great weekend xx
Thanks so much, Lucy! The hybrid words really make me laugh. And I don’t really look good in everything, I only share the things that look good! With the occasional bad outfit as well because that’s just real life!
I loved learning all these new words! I totally agree shacket, isn’t what I thought this would be called. Every time I say it out loud, part of me feels like I’m saying it wrong! Shesses seems wayyyy easier. I do love your shacket you found. I am actually in the hunt for another one that isn’t plaid. This olive one is perfect!
Thank you so much for your feature babe,
Mel, thanks so much! I really get a kick out of the new hybrid words, too. Although shacket is really weird to me. It does sound wrong in some way. Haha. We should definitely try to roll out the word shesses and see if it sticks! Have a fabulous weekend.
LOVING the shacket trend! The look is so cute
XX Angelica
Thanks so much, Angelica! Have a great weekend!
Love this shacket and how you styled it! I haven’t tried this trend yet but it looks like a wonderful way to add layers to your look in the fall and winter months. Hope you have a great weekend, Shelbee!
Katie, thank you so much! I have some other cute ideas in mind for this piece. I can totally see you rocking a super bright plaid shacket!
Yes, corduroy! Now that’s a textile that needs more attention. I agree with your approach to trying a trend that you’re unsure of and want to avoid a huge investment. Look for it a thrift store. I’ve done that on several occasions. As for shackets, I haven’t gotten onto that train yet. I’m more of a barncoat gal. And once more, I’m really liking how you’re playing with the sizes and layouts of your photos. I hope that you have a great weekend.
Thanks so much, Rena! I really am having a moment with corduroy. I have added quite a few corduroy pieces to my wardrobe in the past year and a half, some thrifted, some new. I do love the textile but it often seems hard to find. Thrifting is definitely the way to go for me! And I am really having fun playing around with sizing of photos. I think it makes the posts a bit easier to read on a computer screen this way. It still appears the same old way on mobile screens though. I guess you can’t really change that too much for small screen viewing. I hope you have a fabulous weekend!
It’s always a good strategy to try a new style with an inexpensive item. Your shacket is really pretty. I’m a big fan of corduroy, but living in this mild climate, I don’t have any. So I admire it on others. Cool outfit too, btw!
Thanks so much, Michelle! As much as I love plaid (which I know you do not), I did like that this shacket was solid. The swingy pleated back also appealed me by adding a more feminine edge to a masculine style. I am having a serious moment with corduroy lately. I don’t know why. I think I go in phases with this fabric or maybe I have loved it all along but it is just not always readily available in stores. I hope you have a wonderful weekend! And thanks again for the chat the other night. It was very refreshing and reviving to have face to face conversation!
I LOVE those boots! Living in Florida we don’t get to enjoy cute outfits like this. But lately its been chilly enough to pull off some mid calf boots with some leggings and a light long sleeve shirt. Hey.. I will take what I can get right!
Thanks so much, Natalie! I have had these boots for longer than I can even remember! They definitely predate my husband and I have known him for over 12 years. I like boots way too much to ever live in a warm climate! I hope you experience a bit of cooler weather to style your favorites cold weather footwear. Have a lovely weekend!
Cheryl Shops
I think thrifting was the way to go on the shacket—yours fits you perfectly. I ordered a shacket online that was comically huge on me, then I tried another one that made me feel like a lumberjack. I am having trouble with this trend, but hoping the third time is the charm!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Thank you, Cheryl! I just giggled a little at your description of “comically huge”! I can picture you drowning in an oversized shacket! I usually give things three tries as well before giving it up as a lost cause. I hope the third shacket works for you!
Patrick Weseman
Looking very nice. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful weekend.
Thank you, Patrick, for stopping by and joining us! I hope your weekend is wonderful as well!
SUCH a gorgeous background, Shelbee! You always find the prettiest snowy spots 🙂 I grabbed my first shacket too last month. I wasn’t sure if I was going to jump on the trend, but glad I did! You look so cute!
Thanks so much, Shauna! I was definitely liking the trend on others but unsure if I would like it for me, but this swingy corduroy jacket really suits my style! The background for these photos is the entranceway to a cemetery. I thought it was so pretty when we drove past that I shouted at my husband to quickly pull over for photos! I hope you have a lovely weekend, my friend.
Laura Bambrick
I like this green corduroy version! I just got a shacket too and was surprised by how much I like it! They are so cozy!
Thanks so much, Laura! I think I will enjoy this jacket much more in the fall and spring. But I might try it paired with just leggings and a tunic as an extra layer to wear indoors. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
jess jannenga
Pretty pictures! I love these neutrals, especialy olive on you, such a great color. Love those high knit socks, I need some! I want a chunkier pair of combats and like the high ones you are wearing too. My mom and I were talking about the Shaket the other day, and she said, “The what?” we had a good laugh! Kind of like all of the dog breeds out there that have been combined over the years, chiwini ( Chihuahua and wiener dog) was a funny one the other day!
Have a great weekend my friend!
jess xx
Thanks so much, Jess! I do love olive green. Well, any shade of green really! I just got a really cute pair of chunky combat boots that are about mid calf height. Now if it would warm up a bit, I could get to styling and photographing again. It has been so cold here that I can’t bear it outside! And I totally just laughed out loud at chiwini! What a funny name. But I bet they are really cute hybrid pups! Going to Google to see now! I hope you are enjoying the weekend, my friend.
Keep styling outside the box and choosing clothes with swinginess, my friend! Lol! I’m all over the place in jumping in at times and watching from afar in terms of new trends. I had to laugh at the new word “shacket,” too. I do believe I’ve worn them through the years with just a basic name. Lol!
xx Darlene
Thanks so much, Darlene! I will keep on doing what I do. If I tried to dress “inside the box” I would feel so totally uncomfortable that I would likely change right away! Haha. It is fun to try the new things though and see if we can fit them into our personal style!
It’s good you were able to find this in the opshop! 🙂 I don’t like this trend at all but life would be boring if we all liked the same things! Just reminds me of borrowing your boyfriend’s shirt or jacket in high school, as it’s so oversized, haha! Yours looks so cosy and cosy in the olive though!
Hope that you are having a good weekend 🙂 Another hot one here, we had to leave the park as it was just too warm!
Mica, thanks so much! I agree with you completely that if we all liked and wore the same trends it would be rather boring! I am like you and can definitely appreciate trends on other people even if I don’t like them for myself. The plaid shackets really are like borrowing your boyfriend’s oversized flannel shirt! And while you are running indoors to cool off, we have been staying indoors because it has become painfully cold outside! I am really quite ready for spring to arrive! Enjoy the rest of the weekend, my friend.
Sheila (of Ephemera)
Thanks so much for the link-up, Shelbee! I heard “shacket” not too long ago and was all like, “Whu?? That’s just a thick shirt worn as a jacket.” I remember all the lumber shirts from the grunge era – I guess those would be shackets now. Funny how we have to come up with a new word!
Love your corduroy outfit, and adore those lace-up boots!
Oh my word, Sheila, I just laughed out loud! That is precisely the same thing that went through my head when I first read about the shacket trend! Haha. It still feels funny saying the word and I think I may stick with the term shirt jacket instead!
I don’t have any corduroy in my closet anymore. Used to have the cutest short skirt, wonder why I gave it away!
Oooh, corduroy skirts are so cute, Mireille! I have a few cute ones that I thrifted last year. I have actually been finding a lot of corduroy things on thrifting trips. It is a fun fabric but one that I feel doesn’t get all that much attention! Thanks for stopping by, my friend. I hope you are having a wonderful week.