It’s Raining Cats and Dogs on The Thrifty Six

Nancy chose this fun theme for March which seems oddly appropriate since March brings such strange and unpredictable weather. One might not be very surprised if it did start raining actual cats and dogs. One might also not be very surprised that this theme took me straight down a wordsmith rabbit hole…What are the origins of this odd saying, It’s raining cats and dogs?
It turns out nobody really knows, not even the Library of Congress. But there are lots of theories.
One theory is rooted in Norse mythology. Odin, the god of storms, was often pictured with dogs and wolves which symbolized the wind. Witches, who were believed to ride their brooms during storms with their cats, became signals of heavy rain. Advocates of this theory believe that the phrase “raining cats and dogs” simply means a storm with strong winds and heavy rains.
Another theory suggests that the phrase originates from the Greek term cata doxa which means “contrary to experience or belief.” Raining cata doxa (cats and dogs) just means raining unbelievably hard.
A third theory bases its origins on the old English word catadupe which translates to waterfall. So raining catadupe (cats and dogs) would mean raining waterfalls.
One morbid theory believes that the phrase came about because dead animals would wash up on the streets of 18th century Britain during heavy rainfalls. Yeah, that would be rather disturbing, I think.
A final but false theory proposes that the saying came from cats and dogs falling through thatched roofs during heavy rains. However, a properly constructed thatched roof would be water resistant while also allowing for water run off so it wouldn’t get saturated to the point of collapse. Also, what cats and dogs seek shelter from the rain on top of the roof? That’s just poor survival instinct if that’s where they go during a storm!
Out of all these theories, I honestly think the morbid one about dead animals washing up during heavy storms is probably the most likely one. Which theory do you support? Or maybe you have a different one of your own.

Enough about theories and dead animals, let’s talk about clothes instead!
So here’s how this outfit creation went down. I have lots of cat things and a few dog things in my wardrobe but I was limited to primarily preloved or thrifted items, making this prompt a bit more challenging than if I had access to my entire wardrobe. I knew I would incorporate cats and/or dogs in some way but first I wanted to make sure the main components of my outfit were preloved, thrifted, secondhand, or handed down.
So I started with my old red raincoat. I found this Vera Wang trench at my local Salvation Army thrift store about 7 or 8 years ago and it has remained in constant rotation because it is perfect for rainy spring days. The only preloved cat (or dog) wardrobe item that I own is this silky Zara leopard blouse so naturally I went with that. The rainy theme gave me the idea that my thrifted black sequined leggings might look like raindrops when photographed and I was right! Some other preloved pieces I added were my necklaces and my black furry clutch. The clutch sort of reminds me of dog fur. In fact, I used it to symbolize bear fur when I created a look inspired by Merrida of Brave.
The rest of my outfit was not preloved but I started adding all the cat things that would work with this look including my kitten shoes, my cat hat, and my leopard print scarf.
In the end, I was super pleased with the result. This challenge gave me the opportunity to style both my silky leopard blouse and sequined leggings in a more casual way which definitely suits my lifestyle better. Now I am just waiting for the rain to come and wash away all the darn snow.

Now let’s check out my thrifty friends and their rainy day styles.
The Thrifty Six is a group of international fashion influencers who meet once a month in our little space on the internet to share our thrifty outfits. On the third Monday of every month, we will all share an outfit based on a theme that features preloved wardrobe pieces. Shopping and reselling preloved clothing is so much better for the environment and you can find some of the best fashions in thrift or charity shops. The Thrifty Six are here to inspire you to shop second hand!
The Thrifters:
- Emma of Style Splash
- Grace of Graceful Rags
- Jane of Preloved-Vintage-Handmade
- Jodie of Jodie’s Touch of Style
- Nancy of Nancy’s Fashion Style
- Shelbee of Shelbee on the Edge
Emma of Style Splash

Grace of Graceful Rags

Jane of Preloved-Vintage-Handmade

That’s the T6 theme this month and I’ve taken it very literally…
My glossy red tote bag with a big black cat…
My vintage Ted Baker jumper with a cute French Bulldog…
…and my transparent raincoat to keep me nice and dry.
I’m also having lots of fun with the current transparent trend.”
Jodie of Jodie’s Touch of Style

Nancy of Nancy’s Fashion Style

And Me!

Keeping it on the edge,
Joining these Fabulous Link Parties.
Outfit Details: Coat, Leggings, Blouse, Clutch, and Necklaces-Preloved / Turtleneck-Torrid / Hat-Wona Trading / Mittens-Old Navy / Shoes-T.U.K. / Earrings-Gift from a friend / Socks, Scarf, Umbrella-Old

Anne M Bray
Love the Kitty shoes!
Well, rain washing away the snow would be a whole lot better than dead cats and dogs in the gutters.
Happy first day of Spring!
Thanks, Anne! OMG, I agree that both rain and snow are much better than gutters filled with dead cats and dogs!
jodie filogomo
Dang, I love how you put this outfit together. The cat and dog thing was harder taking into account the thrifted detail. Exactly why I went with the rain instead.
On a totally different subject, look at all of that snow. Phew. I have to admit that I don’t miss that!!
The shoes are so whimsical and fun. OMG, I’m going to keep an eye out for something like those. How cute,
Thanks so much, Jodie! I do love a bit of whimsy especially on a dreary rainy (or snowy) day! I don’t think we are done with the snow around here yet, but the next 10 days look much more springlike on my weather app. As for my kitty shoes, even though I have had them for over a decade, they do still make them because they’re awesome shoes! They come different colors, too. Here’s the link. If you get a pair of kitty shoes, you must let me know!
I think the story about dead animals is most likely. I just like it because it is so typical British. Its always such a surprise to see how everyone interpretate the theme differently . Very creative!
Dead animals washing up in the street is typically British? OMG. I don’t know why that just made me laugh, but it did! This was a really fun theme and I love how all of our outfits are so cheerful for a rainy day!
Such a fun theme! You all did a great job bringing your own style into it too. I love your cat shoes and those sparkle leggings are fabulous.
Thanks so much, Joanne! This was such a fun theme and everyone really brought some cheer to their rainy day looks!
Marsha Banks
Oh, my goodness! What a fun prompt for a fashion challenge! Oh, that Nancy! Your look is fabulous, Shelbee! I would have been completely stumped. And, your sequinned leggings definitely give rainy day vibes! Of course, the first thing I noticed were your kitty cat shoes…love them! You always come up with such whimsical but totally right looks!
Hehehe, thanks so much, Marsha! I just love our little blogging community so much! Y’all make me feel so special and loved and I do so enjoy playing dress up with everyone. I have amassed a small collection of kitty inspired things over the years. I do love my feline friends!
I love this funky, fun outfit. You’re right, the leggings do look like glistening water. The shoes are adorable. And you managed to incorporate so many cute cat inspired pieced – shirt, scarf, and hat. Amazing!
I tend to agree with you that raining “cats and dogs” originated with the morbid situation of dead animals washing up on to the streets.
Thanks so much, Michelle! I love playing these fun little style challenge games with you all! Yesterday I was watching an episode of The UnXplained with William Shatner. It was about strange weather occurrences and it talked about raining fish and frogs! One theory about fish and frog rain is that waterspouts pull them up into the tornado and then dump them down like rain hundreds of miles away. However, scientists are not entirely sure that this is what happens because there is one place where it rains fish at the same time every year. And waterspouts and tornados are not cyclical or predictable like that. Oooh, I just find it all so fascinating!
Ooh! That is weird! I was with the scooped up by a waterspout, but at the same time every year? Fascinating!
I was totally on team waterspout as well until that part! So freaking weird, but I do love weird anomalies.
Leopard, sequins and a cat hat – what could be better? Love your creative interpretation.
Awww, thanks so much, Gail! I think a bit of whimsy goes a long way on a rainy day!
Emma Peach
Those shoes are so cute! Such a great outfit, I love the sequins and leopard print! I thought the phrase “raining cats and dogs” originated from them falling from thatched roofs, but as you say, it would be a crap survival instinct! My mum lives in a house with a thatched roof and they are waterproof when well maintained, although hers is currently home to squirrels and rats – she’s wishing the rain would wash them away as they’re destroying the roof and she’s about to out it on the market! I like the French expression “Il pleut comme vache qui pisse” – it’s raining like a peeing cow! (Maybe that could be a future theme!)
Emma xxx
Aww, thanks so much, Emma! Oh my gosh, I am cracking up at that French expression! I love it! I am also loving that your mum has a thatched roof! We had a squirrel problem last summer when one took up residence in our roof. What a mess that turned out to be when the squirrel revealed that our roof was rotting. If we hadn’t discovered that when we did, we might have experienced indoor rain of all sorts! Haha.
Patrick Weseman
Looking so very cute. Love that the hat and shoes match
Thanks, Patrick! I am a little nerdy like that…wearing matching cat hat and shoes! Jeff wanted me to also wear my kitten mittens for a little extra geekiness but I forgot them!
I want a pair of those cat shoes but those black sequined leggings are to die for. Looking fabulous as always.
Thanks so much, Jamie! Well, the cat shoes are always available at T.U.K.! And the fab leggings are from Express but they were thrifted a few years ago so I have no idea where one would find something similar…probably a quick Google search would turn up some options!
Sequins for the win, always!
Yes, Alexandra! I agree! Thanks so much.