It’s All in the Details & Ageless Style Link Up

Can I just tell you how excited I was when Debbie of Fashion Fairy Dust reached out to me last month and invited me to join her and the other fabulous ladies of Ageless Style for March’s link up? I did a little happy dance…in my head mostly because I’m not much of a dancer. But I definitely smiled a great giant grin of elation and promptly accepted the invitation with enthusiasm.

For those of you who may be unfamiliar with the Ageless Style Link Up, it is a monthly blogger collaboration series with a link up where nine of the most stylish and amazing bloggers come together to showcase their own individual interpretation of a chosen theme. Each month, the blogger responsible for choosing the theme also gets to invite a tenth blogger to join as a guest. And Debbie chose me! Thanks, my friend. I am so honored!

Debbie chose the theme “It’s All in the Details” and stated that I should start with a very basic outfit (whatever that means to me) and make it special with all the little details…accessories, shoes, handbags, jewelry. Her rules. My interpretation. Be sure to keep scrolling to find links to the other 9 ladies and their blogs. You definitely need to see how each of them has interpreted this theme.

Basic to me includes black, white, and denim. And what is more basic than a white button shirt and jeans? So that was my starting point. My favorite white button down oversized boyfriend shirt paired with jeans. But I couldn’t go with just any ordinary jeans because it is all in the details, after all. So I opted for my only pair of step hem jeans…cropped with a raw hem to show off some ankle. And to show off some fabulous shoes! Basic black pumps? Well, yeah. But with beautiful floral embroidery. I scored these stunners for under $8 on Target clearance about a month ago.

And you all know how I love my pearls. So of course, when challenged to spice up a basic outfit with details, I had no choice but to heap on all the pearls that I own! A little two-toned handbag in shades of red and a burgundy belt were the perfect compliments to the flowers on my shoes.

I was not digging the fit of my jeans all that much and I do love layers, so a longline black vest added some depth and drama to my now not-so-basic outfit. Add on a classic tan trench coat for even more depth and multiple layers and basic never looked so appealing to me! You all know that I am in no way basic…but I think I can do basic as long as I have all my extra little details! This was a super fun challenge and so amazing to join all of these magnificent women today. Be sure to hop around for lots more styling inspiration. And join the link party at the end!

Have you ever considered all the amazing things you can do to change a basic outfit into something fabulous just by adding different accessories? You may not believe this…but I am very literally a jeans and tee shirt kind of girl. Except I never just wear jeans and a tee shirt. I usually have a dramatic kimono or statement necklace with it and nearly always wear shoes that scream for your attention. So maybe now is a good time for you to give it a go…grab the most basic pieces from your wardrobe and make them fabulous with the details! The only thing fairly new in my outfit is the shoes. Everything else is at least a few years old.  So I am sure you have all the makings inside your own closet to look and feel magnificent!

Daenel ~ Living Outside the Stacks blog, instagram, pinterest, twitter

Debbie ~ Fashion Fairy Dust bloglovin, blog, instagram, pinterest, facebook, twitter

Jennie ~ A Pocketful of Polka Dots blog, instagram, facebook, pinterest, twitter, bloglovin

Jodie ~ Jodie’s Touch of Style blog, facebook, instagram, pinterest, bloglovin, twitter

Jonet ~ Fabulously Chic Over 50 blog, facebook, , instagram, pinterest, twitter

Kellyann ~ This Blonde’s Shopping Bag blog, instagram, bloglovin, twitter

Lisa ~ Coast to Coast blog, facebook, instagram, twitter, pinterest

Paula ~ Dimples on my What blog, facebook, pinterest, instagram, twitter

Shelly ~ The Queen in Between blog, instagram, bloglovin, pinterest, facebook

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

I am so excited to go see all the other not-so-basic outfits! Happy styling, my friends.

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

I am a midlife woman, wife, and stay-at-home mother of 2 boys and 2 cats. I have a passion for helping other women feel fabulous in the midst of this crazy, beautiful life.


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Shelbee on the Edge