Inspired by Vintage Style Files: Parasol Trend

I can often be complicated. But I am easy to please. My brain can go traveling on complex railways without a driver. Sometimes, I enjoy letting go of the wheel and allowing it to wander at its own whim. Other times, I can turn into a raging control freak. I wax and wane between two opposite poles and very seldom settle somewhere in the middle. I am a dichotomy of contradictory thoughts and emotions. Shifting and changing with every tide, my mood depending on the haphazard collection of trinkets that may wash up on the shore.

The paradox of life, of humanness, reigns strong inside of me. I ponder and think and create new philosophies that may actually be quite old. I spend hours in contemplation over things that I have no control over. Yet I am not trying to control them. I am merely attempting to surrender to what is. I pay attention to the minute details as I gaze at the big picture. And I wonder if it is to any avail. Is there a purpose in some of it? In all of it? In none of it?

Can we continue blissfully on without a purpose? Is it instinct to crave purpose? Is the most important instinct mere survival? Is it bad to seek joy and happiness? Are those things reserved only for the purest of souls? Can we find the greatest joys in the simplest things?

Well, that is an awkward opening for a post inspired by parasols. But this new parasol has made me exponentially happy. Literally and indisputably happy. The purest form of joy derived from the smallest pleasure. Yes, I can be complicated and I can be consumed by esoteric thought processes more frequently than I should. Those sessions of profound reflection and silent reverie all too often leave me exactly where I am. No better, no worse, just here, still searching. But at least now I have a parasol.

Every once in a while some trifling inconsequential thing comes along that is altogether insignificant in relation to the grand purpose of all things. Yet, it unwittingly and condescendingly flings joy into the face of even the most callous of stoics. It brings a happiness and purity that laughs in the ear of all the torment that the world bestows upon us. While it may seem unimportant, perhaps it carries inside of it a power that is beyond the understanding of the wisest thinkers of our time. Perhaps it is the teeny, tiny seemingly worthless things that actually have the greatest worth.

My little parasol. It has brought me much joy. It makes me smile at its mere appearance. It’s sunburst of bright colors, embroidered details, shaggy fringe, and shimmery pieces represent a world of ambiguity. It is meant to protect me from the sun. The glorious bright sunshine that can wreak havoc on our delicate skin. It will not, however, protect me from the rain. The rain will laugh as it penetrates the surface of my darling parasol and leaves dampness running down my face. But we all know you cannot appreciate one without the other. The sun and the rain are necessary counterparts in a universe filled with contradiction and opposition. We need a parasol and an umbrella to protect us from the harsh elements. There is never one single answer that will cover every problem.

I first saw my parasol when Theresa of Vintage Style Files shared a post about the Parasol Trend-How to Shun the Sun in Vintage Style. It was love at first sight and I bought it within minutes of meeting it. I could not be more pleased with my impulsive purchase. It wasn’t even something that I knew I needed. Or wanted. But it seems apparent now that I both needed and wanted this pretty little contrivance to accessorize all of my outdoor play clothes.

Do you know Theresa? She is a vintage fashion passionista who is an expert in fashion from days of yore. She brings these trends forward into the modern day with an eclectic combination of contemporary and nostalgic style. Not only is she fabulously glamorous, but Theresa is a rare gem who shines bright in the blogosphere with her zest for living life to the fullest. She is always kind and thoughtful and offers a fascinating variety of topics on her blog. Do go over and introduce yourself. You are sure to become fast friends as she will invite you along on a whimsical journey into the past. It is so pretty there.

If you want to learn more about parasols and vintage fashion, definitely go read Theresa’s post. If you just want to purchase a beautiful parasol of your own, I will provide some links below. Theresa also shared some links on her post. There is a mighty brilliant array of parasol styles available online that you could possibly obtain one to go with every outfit in your wardrobe. But there is no need to be greedy and frivolous in our spending, I will be content with my one kaleidoscopic sunshade to go with all things even mismatched things. For there is always beauty to be found in discord.

Do you get excited over the little things in life? Can you find the beauty in all the chaos?
Keeping it on the edge,
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Shelbee, I can’t thank you enough for your kind words and recommendation. And I’m completely flattered that my blog post inspired you to acquire that utterly fabulous whimsical little parasol. It is perfect for that adorable boho outfit. I can picture you wearing it at one of your music festivals.
As far as the little things in life, I think that’s part of why I love vintage so much. All the exquisite little details in the clothing and accessories, details you don’t often see in contemporary ready to wear anymore. I find them fascinating, It is definitely the little things that bring joy, a welcome respite from the trials and tribulations of being human.
Many Hugs
Theresa, thank you so much for inspiring me in so many ways! I am always so drawn to people’s individual and unique passions. And your passion for vintage has completely drawn me in. I agree with you completely that those details in vintage clothing have gotten lost in contemporary fashion and I absolutely love that you pay attention to that and that it brings you so much joy! I do not want to be a greedy little parasol brat, but I really do want some more parasols in different styles. I am particularly liking the vintage lace ones except I don’t dress much in vintage wear…I wonder if I could style a vintage lace parasol with a modern boho look. Something for me to try out next summer during festival season! And that crochet one you shared is absolutely stunning, but it was way out of my budget! Keep shining your light and sharing your joy with the world, my friend!
Grace Liang
Such a fun look! I always get so excited to read your new blog posts! 🙂
Grace, thank you so much! That really means the world to me!
Shelbee, a Victorian style lace parasol would totally work with a bohemian look. And, I agree that the crocheted umbrella is fabulous. There are many tutorials on line for crocheting your own. I’d love to give it a try one of these days. It’s basically mastering how to make a big doily and stretching over a frame. Just think of all the different colors you could make them in!
Theresa, thanks so much for your input on this! I may have to get a lace parasol for next festival season then! I have no idea how to crochet, however. But if I did, I would totally make myself an amazing crocheted parasol.
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
Such a pretty look and parasail!
Thanks so much, Tamar!
Ruth Josey
What a gorgeous little parasol! I’ve been seeing more of those in bloggers’ photos and I just love the way they enhance the photos. Yours has wonderful Boho touches ….I’m thinking I’m going to need one, too! Your whole look is just gorgeous – love that color on you and those boots! And I think I’m going to be wearing more of my knit hats this winter. Thanks so much for the inspiration and you’re right – the small things sometimes are the most important. I guess that’s why they say that the best things come in small packages.
Ruth, thanks so much! I want to get a cute little lace parasol for next summer, I think. I do love the whimsical boho vibe of them. I can’t wait to start wearing heavier knit hats, too, once the weather cools down. Fall is almost here! Another tiny little thing to appreciate…the change of seasons!
Alicia OBrien
I am one of those people that take joy from the simple things in life! #openslather
It is the best way, isn’t it, Alicia? If we spend too much time searching for the big things, we miss out completely on all the wonderful little things. Right now, I am thoroughly enjoying the sounds of a thunderstorm outside while I drink my morning coffee and do my blogging things! I couldn’t be more content right in this moment.
You inspire me to be more bold with my outfit choices. I have been a little reserved these past few months! haha… You look great with your red lace dress + boots + of course the parasol!
Sarah, thanks so much! I am flattered that you find my outfits inspiring! Sometimes, I fall into a rut of boring clothes and then I swing to the opposite extreme and start getting really bold. It helps me get out of a style rut when I fall into one.
Jessica A Jannenga
Love the red lace and how its emulated in your parasol. So sweet! I have thought about purpose, and struggled a bit, when I was dealing with my disease at first, having to quit my teaching job. There are days I think I should have more purpose than what I am doing, and not quite sure how to go about it. Nice post! I always enjoy a bit of philosophical thought Shelbee!
Have a great day!
jess xx
thanks for linking!
Jess, thank you so much! The last few days have had me reevaluating my purpose a bit, too. I am been trying to stay in tune with the universe and connected to the opportunities it presents to me. Sometimes, these opportunities are easy to miss and I feel like I really need to pay attention. I also am recognizing that while the universe gives me what I need, there are times when it isn’t about me at all. Sometimes what I have to offer is what someone else needs and being able to recognize the calling for that is a bit difficult. It’s a big giant game of give and take and I have to be conscientious to avoid becoming selfish, I think. I don’t know if that makes any sense! But it did in my head! Anyway, you absolutely have purpose even if you are in a spot where you are unable to define what that is.
What a fun little red lace dress, and the parasol is such a cute accessory! 🙂
Thank you so much for joining the #weekdayWearLinkUp 🙂
Thanks so much, Mica! I hope your week is off to a great start!