Inspired by Suzy Turner: Lace Dress Over Jeans

The last Monday of every month is when I post a themed outfit with my beautiful friends of The Fab 40’s. But we are in the process of making some changes within the group and so we have decided to skip this month. We will be back on August 31, more fabulous than ever! In the meantime, I am sharing an outfit that was completely inspired by one of my Fab 40’s friends, Suzy Turner.
Back in April, Suzy shared a post, Grey Hair, Don’t Care: Now is the Time to Seize the Grey. While the focus of her post is about ditching the hair dye and embracing the grey, it was her outfit that really caught my eye. I applaud any woman who decides to ditch the dye, but I am just not personally ready to go for grey. So I will keep dying my hair until I reach the point when I don’t feel like it any more. Perhaps if my hair were as perfectly sprinkled with gorgeous shimmery silver highlights like Suzy’s, I may have a different opinion.

In any event, my post isn’t really about embracing the grey versus coloring it. Although if you want to share your thoughts on that topic in the comments, I would love to hear where you stand on the issue of going grey.
My post is about Suzy and this freaking adorable outfit which combines some of my favorite trends ever…dresses over jeans, dresses with sneakers, denim and lace, feminine and edgy, and all the good things that personal style brings to our moods and the way that it can inspire us.

When I saw this outfit on Suzy, her black lace dress reminded me of a really, really old black lace dress from Target that I wore when I was pregnant with Archie (he’s 9). I loved the dress so much that I also bought it in gray and burgundy. They are not maternity dresses but they were perfect for my maternity belly. I had since thrown them into a bin to be resold or donated and then I saw Suzy’s outfit and I had to go pull all three dresses back out and return them to their spot in my closet. Damn it, Suzy! I need to clean things out of there, not add more!
This is not the first time that I have been inspired by Suzy, but it is the first time I have copied one of her outfits. I am not sure why it took me so long to recreate a Suzy style because she and I are like kindred spirits when it comes to personal taste. It is rather funny, actually, because Suzy and I often create very similar outfits for our Fab 40’s themes.

Not only does Suzy inspire me from a sartorial aspect, but she inspires me on so many other levels as well. She is strong and confident, brilliant with her words, empowering with her messages, funny as hell, and just as quirky as I am. Plus she is a published author and I am always so inspired by her drive and motivation, her work ethic and dedication to her craft.
For those of you who may not be familiar with Suzy, she is a Yorkshire girl but has been living in Portugal since she was 10 years old. She and her handsome husband have been married for 21 years and are the proud parents of 4 fur babies and even prouder aunt and uncle to 5 nephews and 2 nieces. Suzy has worked in various writing capacities as a journalist, assistant editor, features editor, magazine editor, and blogger. She has published 12 novels for young adults, which I regret to say I have not read, but I definitely want to!

If you read Suzy’s About Me page on her blog, you will find many similarities between us, from tattoos to belly button piercings to her love for witchy gothic things and her inability to pare down her shoe and scarf collection. A true fashion addict like myself. We also share a lifelong passionate adoration for the color green.
But more than all that frivolity, I am drawn to Suzy’s personality. She embraces life with such enthusiasm and positivity that one cannot help but feel more motivated after interacting with her. And her level of kindness far exceeds that of the most notoriously kind people.

Suzy has a huge heart that consistently offers tenderness and compassion toward others. She is gracious and thoughtful and ever so supportive of others. In short, Suzy embodies the perfect paradigm of the empowering midlife woman. She sets a wonderful example and I am more than willing to follow her lead. On top of all that, I am so very blessed to count her among my wonderful blogging friends.
If you don’t already follow Suzy’s blog, you can find her at Suzy Turner or on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, Good Reads, Bloglovin’, and LinkedIn.

Who has inspired you this week?
Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.
Shop my look…
Outfit Details: Dress-Target / Jeans-Torrid / Sneakers-Puma (Burlington Coat Factory) / Necklace-Kohl’s / Watch-c/o Jord / Jade Ring and Green Leather Watch Band Bracelet-Gifts from my sister / Dark Green Initial Bracelet and Queen Bracelet-Thrifted

I love the cool look that Suzy has! And indeed her hair colors perfectly grey! I am not ready ever I think, to go grey. Love the dress over jeans look!
Thanks so much, Nancy! I don’t think I will ever be ready to go gray either. I feel like it washes me out anyway. But maybe when I am like 80, I might look silly with jet black hair and then I’ll stop dying it! I hope you have a wonderful week ahead!
Suzy Turner
O.M.G Shelbee!!! Where do I begin?? Firstly, I am so totally honoured to have been featured on your wonderful blog, in such a massive, loving way. I cannot tell you how much this means to me. I truly, truly feel so loved right now! So, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU <3 <3
It's also kind of weird that you have talked about me the way that you have, because throughout the past couple of months I feel myself changing in such wonderful ways. I have totally embraced my inner witch (and my inner child!) and have been drawn to the mystical ways of the world. I'm immersing myself in reading books that make me feel amazing, that promise to take me to the next level and I do feel incredible. I can actually feel the energy in my body get lighter and brighter every day. And reading your post, well I can actually feel my AURA and it's GLOWING right now! You've managed to send me your love through this post and it is just magical. You are such a dear friend, Shelbee, and I really really hope (no…. I KNOW) that we are going to meet one of these days, and that thought really does make me smile.
Thank you so much, my dear friend.
Oh, and I almost forgot to mention that you look absolutely freaking GORGEOUS!! We are two peas in a pod sometimes lol
Massive hugs and lots of love and light,
Suzy xxx
Oh dear Suzy, you just made my aura glow a bit brighter today with this lovely comment! I had been planning this copy cat outfit since I saw that post back in April but then I had to go find the darn dress in the piles of bins of clothing! You know I feel so much lighter these days as well. About a month and half ago, I felt like I was stuck in a vortex of negative energy. I looked straight to the mystical to replace the energy in my house. I smudged my house for like two hours, chanting and praying to the forces of energy to clear the bad out and let the good in. My husband and kids sometimes think I am crazy! But the difference in the energy in my home and in our lives shifted dramatically at that point. So I think this stuff really works. I am also getting to where I want to learn more about all the witchy things! And really just embracing each day as an opportunity to find my joy.
I will be so excited when the day comes that we can meet in person! My word. We are going to talk nonstop, I think.
This was one of my favorite “inspired by” posts to write yet! I am so glad that you enjoyed it! Sending you lots of hugs across the ocean!
This is such a cute look!
Curated by Jennifer
Thanks so much, Jennifer! I hope you have a great week ahead!
You’re one of the few people that looks great in black! (Along with Suzy). It’s very dramatic against your coloring. I did a style steal on Suzy a couple of weeks ago. She is very inspiring – most bloggers are frustrated writers I think.
Thanks so much, Gail! I have tried for years to break away from wearing so much black, but it really is my favorite color to wear. Suzy is so amazing, isn’t she?! And I am definitely a frustrated writer. Haha. I hope you have a fabulous week ahead!
Such a cool outfit, now I am inspired as well 🙂
Thanks so much, Lise! I love that you are inspired by my inspired look! Yay!
Barbara Ann Mojica
Certainly would not have thought of this…I have a blue lace overlay tunic top that will complete this look.
Barbara, thanks for stopping by! I love the look of dresses and tunics over jeans. I have been wearing this combination for probably 30 years (I remember doing it in high school). A blue lace tunic sounds so gorgeous and would look great over jeans. I hope your week is off to a great start!
Jacqui Berry
Well done on your ‘copy’ I love this idea, but haven’t done my ‘Style Steal’ for ages, will have to try harder I think! Jacqui x
Thank you, Jacqui! I love your Style Steal series! It is so much fun to copy when we are inspired and also to highlight our blogger friends! I hope you are well!
All as I can say is WOW! The two of you look fantastic! Plus the fact that I really
think you have got to be related, if I didn’t know better I would say you were sisters.
I love everything black, got to try this look. 🙂
Debbie O
Debbie, thanks so much! Suzy and I are definitely kindred spirits in more ways than one so I guess that would create a physical resemblance as well! She is an amazing human!
OMG what wonderful comments! Thank you so much, Debbie & Shelbee (my kindred sister) <3 <3
Aw, Suzy, you just made me smile so big!
Patrick Weseman
Always stylin there. Looking nice.
Thanks so much, Patrick! I hope you are well, my friend!
You look so cute Shelbee! I love this look on you!
Thanks so much, Lizzie! This is definitely within my comfort zone!
Another great copycat look! I do love Suzy style! Ha ha with the trying to donate clothes: at least you tried.
Thanks so much, Mireille! You should see my dining room right now! I have turned it into a second hand store! Haha. My husband is away for a few weeks so I took the opportunity to inventory my massive wardrobe and start listing things on Poshmark. I will have to write a post about it soon! I hope your week is going well.
Kathrine Eldridge
This is such an adorable look. I love that it’s elegant and cozy at the same time. Your inspiration look is wonderful as well. I might need to copy this too!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! I could totally see you wearing something similar! I hope your week is off to a great start!
A lovely style steal and an even lovelier tribute to Suzy. Now I need to start following her too! 😄 I’ve got a dress paired with leggings upcoming, so why not jeans? Looks great!
Thank you, Michelle! Yes, you will love Suzy’s blog and style, I think! Dresses over jeans are one of my favorite trends!