Inspired by Style Elixir: Metallic Print Dress & Link Up On the Edge #151

This is a rare occasion when I am writing a post that features the outfit I wore on the exact day that I am writing the post. Usually, I take outfit photos and edit them and then they sit in a stored file for about 2-4 weeks before they ever appear on my blog or social media. But on Tuesday, I saw Lauren of Style Elixir wearing the prettiest black maxi dress with gold metallic dots. It immediately reminded me of this shorter dress I recently snagged off the Kohl’s clearance rack for somewhere close to $10. My dress has gold stars rather than dots, but it was very similar in style to Lauren’s dress.

So on Wednesday (yesterday), I decided I should take my new dress out for a little fun. It ended up not being the funnest of days. Not really even close to fun at all. And I nearly died of heat in the layers of black tulle on this hottest day of the season so far. Although, it is not so hot for those of you who are accustomed to heat. But for this Northern cold weather gal, 85 degrees is just too darn sultry. All that aside, at least I showed up for the day with all the mystic drama I could muster. And then it went downhill from there.

But before I start digging into my giant serving of cry baby soup (don’t worry, I’ll share it with you in a few minutes), I want to introduce you all to Lauren in case you don’t already know her. Lauren has been the creator of the blog Style Elixir since 2012 where she shares her love of all things fashion, beauty, health, fitness, food, and travel. If you are looking for any kind of life inspiration, I highly recommend stopping by Style Elixir where you will find something for sure to uplift and motivate you to start living your very best life right now. Not only is there so much inspiration to be found at Style Elixir, but Lauren has the kindest of hearts and is ever so willing to answer any questions you may have. Do go say hello to her! You can also find Lauren on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Bloglovin’.

One quick bit about the outfit inspiration…I absolutely love that Lauren chose tan gladiator sandals to pair with her black and gold dress. I feel like black shoes are so expected these days and it can get sort of boring. Tan is a little less expected and keeps things interesting. I wanted to wear tall gladiator sandals to balance the proportion of the short dress, but when I put on my tan ones something just wasn’t quite right. So I went for the boring, predictable black ones instead. They just worked better. Have you ever had that happen? You can’t quite identify what is wrong with the picture, but something isn’t right? When that happens, I just keep changing things out until it feels and looks right to me. Voila…outfit recreation…Shelbee-style.

Now…are you ready for some piping hot cry baby soup? It has a little pepper and maybe some sweat and probably a few tears in the essential ingredients to maintain the proper flavor. It doesn’t always go down easy, but sometimes it is the perfect elixir for a perfectly vexatious day. (You see what I did there, right?) Anyway, long story short…the kids walked to school by themselves yesterday. The last day of school and they begged to walk the two blocks with their friends and not have mom and dad tagging along (so it begins… the fight for independence). For the first time all year, we allowed it. We also allowed them to wear flip flops for the first time all year. Off they went. And off we went to the park to take these photos. We had 30 photos snapped in quick succession (we generally take about 120) when my phone rang. It was the school nurse informing me that Ralph fell on the walk to school and was pretty banged up on his elbow and knee. Of course he fell. I let him walk alone in flip flops. Why would he not fall and hurt himself? But he was fine, that’s not why she was calling. She patched him up and sent him back to class. Upon reentering his classroom, the vomit started spewing! For some reason (which seems totally unrelated to the falling incident at this point), my child started vomiting everywhere and couldn’t stop. By the time we arrived in the nurse’s office approximately 4.5 minutes after receiving the phone call, the poor child was sitting on the toilet, vomit all over the bathroom floor, with his head resting uncomfortably on the rim of the trash can. And the day just sort of entered a spiral of suck from that point forward. But now it is done. All is well. I am home in my jammies with my cry baby soup and a glass of wine sharing the nonsense of it all with you.

Needless to say, I am one tired momma. And I am so ready for a vacation. Timing is everything and my vacation starts on Sunday. So I am posting my Friday link up a day early so I can get to the more important business of packing. Also I am not sure yet if I will be posting at all during my vacation. I may if I am so inspired. But I am not holding myself to it. So if you don’t hear from me again until the second week of July, do not worry about me. Just know that I am relaxing and enjoying life in Asheville, North Carolina, with some very dear friends. I will have lots to share once I have allowed my life’s energy source to be revitalized! In the meantime, remember to enter the $500 Country Outfitter Giveaway before time runs out! And join the link party, too.

Until next time, peace out, my friends! Much love to you all!
Your featured favorites from last week’s link party.
Kileen of Cute and Little shared her post, A Day at Blueberry Hill Farms. What a super fun post and the photos of Kileen’s beautiful family will surely bring a smile to your face!

Lizzie of Lizzie in Lace shared her post, The Perfect Feminine White Lace Top. Staying true to her perfectly feminine style, Lizzie is showcasing the prettiest lace top. And as always, her accessories are so completely on point.

Taking a break from the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.

Oh my, you have a hard time without Jeff being around this time! Where are you going to in your vacation? I think I missed that one! Enjoy, relax, enjoy and relax more!
Thanks, Nancy! Jeff just got home on Saturday night so he was here to assist with this incident. Although I still ended up taking Ralph to work with me until Jeff could get out of work and pick him up. I am going to Asheville, North Carolina, next week for 5 days but will be away for a total of 8 days with other stops. I am so excited to get away!
Kellyann Rohr
First of all,how cool that you just got that dress and it is so similar to Lauren’s! You look great in the dress Shelbee!
Bless your heart (and of course your son’s), what a day. Your vacation can’t come soon enough – enjoy every minute!
Thank you so much, Kellyann! The little guy was much better by the end of the day. It was so strange! But still vacation can’t come quick enough!
Tamar Strauss-Benjamin
Love that dress!! And poor little man starting summer sick!
Thanks so much, Tamar! By the end of the day, he was totally fine! So weird.
Kathrine Eldridge
Love the inspiration look and how you interpreted it your own way!! The belt it fabulous with your dress. I hope you enjoy your vacation and take time to relax my friend. Thanks for the link up!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! Have a wonderful weekend!
Those gladiator sandals are very cool. Look great with the dress – better than tan I think. Enjoy your vacay!
Thanks so much, Gail! Have a great weekend!
jodie filogomo
Have a fabulous time on your vacation….rest is exactly what we need from time to time!!
Thanks so much, Jodie! And I just did outfit photos this morning which will be perfect for a 4th of July post! So you might be seeing something from me during the week…if I can get it done and scheduled before I leave!
That dress was only $10?! Whaaaat?? What a great find! I love how you belted it!
Thank you, Laura! It looks cute unbelted, too, but sometimes all the volume and layers don’t photograph as well. Belting is like magic!
Jacqui Berry
Enjoy your holiday Shelbee, I’m sure you will Hun, the dress is so trendy – love the tulle, still having got anything like that yet! Thanks for sharing and hosting. Jacqui Mummabstylish
Thanks so much, Jacqui! Oh, you would look so cute in some layers of tulle!
Nicole of High Latitude Style
This dress is stunning and so edgy. Great styling. The necklaces are such big statement pieces, Great layering. Enjoy your vacation. It will give you new ideas and sharpen the edges. LOL.
Thanks so much, Nicole! I like that…it will sharpen the edges! I am going to have to use that phrase somewhere down the line! Have a great weekend.
Lauren Sparks
So fun! laurensparks.net
Thanks so much, Lauren! Have a great weekend.
Marilee J. Gramith
Poor Ralphie!! Struck down before he even got a small taste of independence! He must have been so embarrassed to be barfing all over the last day of school. 🙁
Those gladiators really add a sexy edge to your metallic dotty dress. Will you take it on your vacation?? 🙂
Aw, Jude, thanks so much! Ralph was ralphing everywhere! Poor kid was so pale and sick when I got there that I don’t he really cared too much about anything to be embarrassed.
I don’t think I will take this dress with me to North Carolina. It is supposed to be near 90 degrees the entire week and I was too hot in all the tulle layers!
Have a great weekend, my friend.
Posting and wearing an outfit on the same day – very impressive! I have never been able to pull that off! Enjoy your vacation and time off!!
Thanks so much, Angela! I think it is definitely a first for me, too! Have a great weekend.
Robin LaMonte
I am so sorry your son got banged up walking to school in his flip flops.
I tend to trip in them, no wonder!
I am glad you gave him the chance to walk to school on his own though. It’s hard to know when to let our children try things on their own without us standing behind them watching for their safety.
I take 10 photos and can’t believe you take 120! How long does that take?
Enjoy your vacation sweetie!
Aw, thanks so much, Robin! I totally trip in flip flops, too! It is hard to give them their independence even when I crave for them to be less dependent on me. Such an oxymoron of parenting! And we snap photos quickly…it usually takes about 15 minutes!
Oh, what a day! I hope your son is feeling better! That dress is so pretty and looks great on you and I love it belted! Enjoy every minute of your vacation!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks so much, Jill! The little is right back to his defiant energetic self! Have a great weekend.
Julie | This Main Line Life
Ha, that’s a cute little dress… heat exaustion and all.
Hehe, thanks, Julie! Have a great weekend!
Patrick Weseman
Looking so very nice. Love how the colors all go to together there. Very cool.
Have fun Ashville, too bad that the Tourists (the minor league team in Ashville) are not playing this weekend. That would have been a fun time out. Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful time.
Thanks so much, Patrick! It looks like there will be thunderstorms every day that I am in Asheville, so I guess a game would be no fun anyway! Have a great weekend!
Deborah Stinedurf
You look amazing…like a dark gothic wood nymph…I love it! And you also sound like you need a vacation, so enjoy the time off my friend. I hope your boy is feeling better!
Thanks so much, Debbie! I am so ready to relax and enjoy my vacation! And I will probably get some posts scheduled before I leave so you might hear something from me while I’m gone! Have a great weekend.
Grace Liang ULS
This outfit is unique and chic. Enjoy your vacation!!
Please stop by at http://www.colorandgrace.com every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for linkup parties! Hope to see you there!
Grace Liang
Thank you so much, Grace! Have a great weekend!
Yikes, sounds like you and your poor guy had a rough day. Glad that is over and you can move on to the packing and getting ready for next week. I can hardly wait!
I really enjoyed seeing your take on Lauren’s look. Very Cool interpretation! I do the same thing with my shoes until they feel right. 😉
Enjoy your weekend!
Thanks so much, Jennie! Gah…I have no idea what to pack! I am a certified over packer, too. I guess it’s a good thing that I am driving because I can bring as much as I want! I am so excited, too. Today is packing day and I hit the road tomorrow for the trip to Pennsylvania. See you in a few days!
Such a cute party dress! I love the extra sparkle it has.
Sorry to hear your kid got so sick though, it’s always so hard when they are unwell.
Hope that you have a great weekend! 🙂
Thanks so much, Mica! He is feeling much better now and all is right in my world again! ave a wonderful weekend.
Alicia O'Brien
I like that dress! Enjoy your time out mumma, sounds like it’s coming at the right time xx
The girls have one more week before two weeks of school holidays, I can have a break from early morning organisation.
Thanks so much, Alicia! Oh, breaks from the early morning routine are the best! I am not much for sleeping late really, but I plan on it this week! Enjoy your upcoming reprieve as well, my friend.
Emma Peach
Poor Ralph, I hope he’s feeling better now. My daughter fell off her scooter on the way to school last week (luckily I was with her).She face planted the ground in dramatic fashion and cut her knee and hand up. They always find something to fall over don’t they? I love this entire outfit Shelbee! The dress is gorgeous and the gladiator sandals look fabulous with it. Hope you’re enjoying your vacation!
Emma xxx
Thanks so much, Emma! And that is terrible about your daughter falling, too. I don’t know how they are always tripping and falling over themselves, but yet they seem to do it with great frequency! Ralph is much better. And I hope your sweet girl is as well.