Inspired by Pumps and Pushups & Hello Katie Girl: DIY Raw Hem Skirt and Shades of Lilac

I have recently been experiencing a giant void when it comes to inspiration for writing. The girl who can never seem to stop talking has seemingly run out of things to say. So I have been watching more movies and television shows, reading more books and articles and blog posts, hoping with every fiber of my being that something somewhere will strike me and my fingertips will once again dance effortlessly across my keyboard, pouring out an endless stream of meaningful and provocative word sequences.
But it isn’t happening. I’m not sure why. I know that inspiration is everywhere. I can see it and I appreciate it but it still is not giving me that punch of motivation to say something of consequence. I have been wracking my brain in a never ending attempt to stimulate my creativity, but to no avail. Perhaps I am trying too hard instead of just opening myself up to receive whatever revelations the universe might be intending for me. Perhaps there is just too much noise inside my mind right now that my receptors have been short circuited. I am not sure. I am still trying to figure it all out.
I never wanted my blog to be just about fashion and clothing. But there are times when I lean on the style portion of this space to give me something of substance to discuss. And you know what I realized recently, frivolous and vain though it may seem, fashion and style is really very important. For those who may question that statement, the only evidence we need in its favor is that fact that 1 out of every 6 people in the world is employed by some segment of the fashion industry.
That is approximately 1.3 billion people who have jobs that have something to do with fashion. Whether it is in textiles, fashion design, garment production, wholesale and retail sales, or transportation of goods, one-sixth of the world’s population has a job because fashion and clothing are important. The number itself is as staggering as the environmental and economic impact of this industry, but those consequences are for another post. I merely wanted to share that one piece of data to validate for myself that what we wear is pretty important. So I guess sometimes talking or writing about isn’t as frivolous as it may seem.

And while I have been struggling to find inspiration for my words, I have not been at a loss for inspiration when it comes to styling my outfits. Today’s outfit was inspired by two of my favorite bloggers, Brooke of Pumps and Pushups and Katie of Hello Katie Girl.
Back in October, Brooke shared a post, DIY Raw Hem Jeans, where she explained the simple process of taking some scissors to the hem of her jeans. The result was perfection in what she was going for. But in all honesty, I am kind of disaster with a pair of scissors in hand. I can’t cut a straight line even if I had a straight line drawn for me to follow. But I found this adorable lilac corduroy skirt when I was out thrifting last month. I loved the color and the cut of the skirt, but the length was really quite unflattering and not really to my taste. So I remembered Brooke fixing her problem of too long pants with just a pair of scissors. At $3.50 for a Gap skirt, I figured this was my opportunity to give this little DIY project a try. If I completely messed it up, I would be out $3.50 and know never to take scissors to my clothing again.

Here is the process I followed. I put on the skirt and measured where I wanted the hem of the skirt to end. Cutting off 6 inches was just about where I wanted the hem of the skirt, but I was fearful that any fraying after the cut was made could make it too short, so I settled for a 5 inch cut. I turned the skirt inside out and laid it flat on floor marking it every few inches at the 5 inch measurement so I could at least attempt to cut a straight line. And then I cut it. No looking back. As for the fraying, I have not worn the skirt a second time yet, but I did wash and dry it and I only saw a tiny bit of extra fraying. Brooke also had luck with her pants staying in tact. Fingers crossed I can get some wear out of this pretty lilac mini skirt before it falls apart on me!

Enter Katie with her outfit post last month, Lilac Leather Jacket, and she completely caught my eye with this brilliant color combination of lilac, purple, and burgundy. Katie is the most colorful blogger I know and I am always in awe of her ability to combine unexpected colors and hues with the most magnificent results. Honestly, I feel like such an amateur even trying to copy something that Katie has created. But I was immediately sold on this color palette so I went digging in the mess of my closet room and this is what I combined…a light pink turtleneck sweater with flecks of burgundy and eggplant tights. Some shiny black patent oxfords and a black moto jacket completed the outfit with that little bit of Shelbee edge.

I would love to hear your thoughts on the many topics mentioned in this post. For example, am I the only one missing my inspiration and motivation these days? Could it be the season of the year? January is so long and cold and dreary. Have you ever taken scissors to your clothing? What was the result? Better yet, have you ever taken scissors to your own hair? I have. More than once. The result was never good. What do you think of this fun monochromatic color palette in shades of lilac? It does kind of brighten up these dismal winter days. And what about that statistic in the fashion industry? Would you like me to explore that topic in depth? Because I am kind of intrigued and may want to dive into some research on those numbers as well as opine on the universal impact of this enormous industry. Let me know in the comments!

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.
Shop my outfit…
Outfit Details: Sweater-Old Navy (Exact) / Skirt-Thrifted and DIY’ed (Gap) / Jacket and Tights-Old Navy / Shoes-Target / Necklace-DSW / Earrings and Belt-Old

All the purple together looks so good on you and you did a great job cutting the skirt! 🙂 I’ve never been brave enough to take scissors to my clothing, but I have turned a few of the boys pants that they put holes in the knees in into shorts, haha!
Hope that you are having a great week 🙂
Thanks so much, Mica! I need to keep that in mind for the boys’ ripped pants! That is a great idea!
I hate having writer’s block. Sometimes you just need to take a step back for a bit and don’t even try to look for inspiration. Then hopefully it will pop up when you least expect it.
Effortlessly Sophisticated
Jennifer, thanks for sharing the struggle with me! My problem is that all too often when the inspiration does decide to hit, it’s like 2:00 in the morning and then it keeps me wide awake leaving me too tired in the morning to make sense of it! I guess that’s just the way things go sometimes.
So once a year I hate how my hair hangs in my face and yes i do cut it then! And I really should know better! It always, yes always , look hideous afterwards. And then when it’s time to go visit my hairdresser, she just shakes her head. She knows me well… Love the lenght of the skirt! And for someone who hasn’t a lot to say, this is a pretty long post! You’ll get your mojo back!
Thanks, Nancy! I need to follow my own tips for unblocking writer’s block…one of which is to just start writing about anything and it opens the flow! And you need to follow your own tips, it seems, and stop cutting your own hair! LOL. Have a great day, my friend!
December was a month like that for me where I really had to stretch to come up with a blog post. And my post are really not that earth shattering just mostly musings of a mom trying to look cute! I actually did not realize that so many people worked in a fashion/clothing related industry job so that was very interesting. I love what you did with the skirt and I remember reading that post way back. I haven’t visited Brooke’s blog in a while so I will have to head that way.
Thanks so much, Mireille! Seriously, the writing struggle is real sometimes, isn’t it?! I really want to make the time to write an in depth post about the fashion industry. But for now, I am playing catch up from being sick!
I love all of these shades of lilac!! Such a great look and i love all of your similar picks!
xx, Elise
Thanks so much, Elise! I am the girl who always reaches for black so this was a fun change for me!
Vaishali Verma
Wow. Loved that DIY. And this color adds so much life to whole look. Beautiful .
Thanks so much, Vaishali! I was really afraid of chopping the skirt, but I am so pleased with the result.
Kathrine Eldridge
I love how you changed this skirt! The color palette in this look is so pretty. I am also struggling with what to write about lately. I think it’s the dreary weather! Spring can’t come fast enough.
Thank you, Kathrine! You know, I had a lovely conversation last night with a new friend and it sparked a few topics that I want to discuss. Hopefully, I will have the time and mental energy to dive into those soon while the inspiration is hot. But I agree, Spring needs to arrive. And fast!
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
Fun colors!!
Thank you, Tamar!
Bojana Krienke
You pro with the scissors 😆. Sirously that skirt is totally different and I think you were 100% about what would suit you, and the shorter hemline is it! Love this whole look, especially that pop of color from those edgy tights. I have to agree that for me it’s not just about fashion na d clothes, it’s about feeling good. About walking out of my house feeling like I can take charge of the day ahead, even and especially when it’s hard.
Bo, thanks so much for joining the discussion. I laughed out loud at you calling me a pro with scissors! But it worked effectively and efficiently and I didn’t botch it! Clothing and style is absolutely about feeling good for me, too. If I feel like I look cute, then I totally feel ready to conquer the world. I hope you have a lovely weekend, my friend.
Amy Christensen
I absolutely love this outfit. Purple is one of my favorite colors, so this combination of light purple, pink and eggplant is totally awesome. I like that you adjusted the skirt to your liking and now, I think I need to do something similar. I have been looking for a denim skirt at thrift stores, but they are always too long, so maybe this is just what I need to do. I know what you mean about running out of things to say, but I usually just make my fashion posts about the clothes, whether it is talking about colors, fabrics, texture or whatever. So, I think it is okay to not always have a particular topic to talk about and just talk about the clothes. As you say, the fashion thing is pretty important. I mean, we all need to wear clothes at some point or other. Ha, ha. I don’t always read your posts, but every time I do, I appreciate how well you write and how much thought you put into them. Carry on, girlfriend, you are doing great! – Amy
Amy, thank you so much! That is such a wonderful comment! And hey, I don’t expect you to read all my posts. I can’t even get to a fraction of the posts that I would like to read…including yours. There is just not enough time in the day. So we must remain realistic! But I do so appreciate your kind words about my writing. And I agree, sometimes it is okay to talk about the clothing, styling tips. etc. because it clearly is important or the industry would not be the size that it is. I have more research and exploring and thinking to do on that topic. And you absolutely should try this easy scissors trick on a thrifted denim skirt! I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Those tights? One of my favourite colours. You could try putting the skirt in a washing bag before you toss it into the machine. That might waylay the fraying somewhat. This could be my only domestic hint, by the way. (lol) Yes, what is it about fashion? I don’t think I’ll ever do the fashion blogger thing because I don’t have many clothes. But, I’m kind of touching on clothes and such for my new book, because, well, yes, it does seem to matter. To me, at least. You are quite artistic with your clothes, and so that holds my interest.
Ratnamurti, thank you so much for that domestic tip! I do appreciate it. And it may very well be a successful tip. As for the fashion industry, the numbers don’t lie. It is important to a great many people or it wouldn’t be so astronomically large. I need to explore it more. My thoughts are inspired now! Have a great weekend.
Leslie Susan Clingan
What a pretty color palette. I have a burgundy corduroy mini skirt…not too mini, I am 61! Have paired it with pinks and purples. Reminds me a lot of this outfit you are sharing. Love how you created the raw hem!
If you are looking for blogging inspiration, come try a few things my buds and I are doing. Bucket lists!! We just shared our winter bucket list but it isn’t too late to create your list and link up with us. We will share an update on our progress toward our lists on 02.21 and 03.21 and then reveal our spring list on that same date in March. Or, next week, starting writing a sentence a day, and link up with us for that series. Or stepping outside your comfort zone…share something you’ve done that had you stretching beyond your comfort zone. If you are interested, shoot me an email!!
Leslie, thank you so much! First, I love that you are rocking a mini skirt. I don’t care what age we are, if we want to flaunt our legs, then we should be able to flaunt our legs. Second, I will definitely hop on over and check out all your writing prompts! Thanks for the heads up and the invitation. Much appreciated. Have a wonderful weekend.
We all get that, writer’s block. Or lack of motivation (in my case, every day, on my way to work…). And it’s OK. You can even talk about why you think you lack motivation, or not.
But the topic of fashion industry, and the impact is has on the environment, that is definitely an important issue. And something we should all think about. I have changed my shopping habits to some extent in the past few years, for sure. Not solely because of the environmental damage caused by fast fashion, but it was certainly a contributing factor. On the whole, what makes us buy something is an interesting question.
Tiina, thank you so much for addressing that topic. And now I am totally intrigued by your question about what makes us buy something. Ooh, I have some exploring to do! See…now I’m inspired! Have a great weekend.
January is so dreary it’s hard to find inspiration! Go with the flow and your writer’s block will lift! I did the same thing to a pair of jeans after I read Brooke’s post! This is such a pretty color combo! I love your twist on Katie’s look!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks so much, Jill! I had a great conversation last night with a new friend and it inspired at least 3 new topics that I want to write about! See, I just need to interact with more humans. Haha. I love that you followed Brooke’s lead and went scissor wild as well. Fun! Have a great weekend.
Patrick Weseman
Looking very chic. Love the colors that you choose.
Very interesting fact about how many people are employed the fashion world. The thing I look at is the United States addiction to cheap fashion. I did a lesson the other day about the garment industry and how much the Jordan’s these kids are wear would really cost if we paid the workers their true worth.
The interesting thing for me is that I went through a period at the end of 2019 where I was kind of blah and wasn’t out taking pics. I decided to get my dumb butt and take pics again. So I have a ton of content for when I get blah.
Thank you, Patrick! These fashion industry statistics totally fascinate me. And now I am curious…how much would Jordan’s cost if the workers were paid a decent salary? And imagine if we paid educators their worth, too!!! But that might take money away from our politicians who then wouldn’t be able to afford Jordan’s for their kids. Am I right?!
I am glad you got back to taking pictures. I try to build an arsenal of photos, too.
Have a great weekend, my friend.
I am a huge fan of all the purple shades, so love this outfit. Purple seems to be an often overlooked color in fashion. I’m not sure why that is.
As for taking scissors to my clothes, yes I have. But then again, I quilt, crochet, and make jewelry, so not a huge leap. I’d deem your project a success.
I do think there is a lot to be said in regard for other issues taking up space in your brain being an inhibitor for your writing mojo. A family emergency and the time and energy spent exploring new avenues for my health issues shut down my creative mojo for a month, and has only began to reappear sporadically. And winter is rather uninspiring imo.
Great post!
Thanks so much, Michelle! I wish I had your creative talents so I could do more with upcycling clothing, but alas, I doubt I will ever take the time to learn such skills. So I will stick to writing as my creative outlet and hope that these winter doldrums come to an end soon so I can back to writing with ease.
You have fab taste X #anythinggoes
Thanks so much, Sam!
Jacqui Berry
I love this bright and cheery outfit Shelbee. It’s making me think of spring already. x Jacqui
Thanks so much, Jacqui! Spring is very welcome to arrive at any time! I woke up to more snow this morning.
Anna Shirley
This is such a nice color combo you created, Shelbee. And your little DIY project? Fantastic! I’m not good at such things. But to see what you have done, I might be inspired and try something myself too.
Thank you, Anna! I didn’t really do much except take scissors to the skirt! Haha. Now if I actually had to hem it with a sewing machine, what a mess that would be!
I love all these purple/lilac shades together Shelbee. Love your outfit. Thanks so much for sharing your post with us at 3 Reasons Why Mums Gone To Brighton: Creative Mondays Link Up. I hope you can join us tomorrow 🙂
Thank you, Claire! I was super excited about this color combination, too!