Inspired by Nancy’s Fashion Style and Kathrine Eldridge Wardrobe Stylist: Leopard Print and a Musical Rabbit Hole

I know. I know. I just shared an outfit last week that was also inspired by my dear friend Nancy of Nancy’s Fashion Style. But I didn’t have anything prepared for this week and I have had these photos sitting around since the beginning of February. The outfit itself wasn’t actually inspired by Nancy. I created it all on my own. But then I remembered the way Nancy had styled a similar leopard dress back in December in her post, How Leopard Print and Faux Fur Works Together, and thought it might be fun to put the two outfits side by side.
The juxtaposition of these two independently created outfits illustrates how two different women from completely different parts of the world can find similar items and create outfits that are personally suitable to them. So while my outfit was not directly copied from Nancy, there must have been some residual memory of inspiration lingering in my subconscious that led me to create a very similar look with my leopard dress.

And while Nancy had an impact on my outfit in this post, Kathrine of Kathrine Eldridge Wardrobe Stylist had a direct effect on the remaining content of this post. I know. I know. My post from two weeks ago featured an outfit that was clearly inspired by Kathrine. While there is no sartorial inspiration from Kathrine here, there is a tremendous musical inspiration that began with her post, Flute Recordings, where she shared just that…recordings of her own personal flute playing.
Not being much of a musician myself, I have a tremendous respect for those who have been blessed with musical talents. And the flute, in particular, leaves me in awe. Mostly because when I was in 5th grade, every student had to choose an instrument to take home from music class and learn it. I chose the French horn and my best friend, Beth, chose the flute. The first day that we brought our instruments home, Beth and I set up shop in the laundry room at my house and excitedly got out our new instruments to give them a try. We sat in that laundry room for about an hour, blowing as hard as we could, in every which way, into these newly introduced instruments that were supposed to create pleasing sounds when one blows into them. Neither of us ever made a sound come out. We were left out of breath, dizzy, and immensely disappointed. I think we both gave up on music right then and there and decided that perhaps we were better off just listening to others make music.
This was sometime around 1985, so approximately 35 years ago, and I never really thought much about it since. I certainly never picked up an instrument again after that except for one semester in college when I took piano lessons as an elective. I got a true “A for effort” in that class, but was emphatically informed by my instructor that I “have no rhythm whatsoever and would be best served to not continue piano lessons into a second semester.”

Now let’s fast forward to a few weeks ago when I took the time to listen to Kathrine’s flute recordings. I wasn’t really sure what to expect. Would I enjoy it or would it be completely lost on this girl who has no rhythm and can’t make a sound come out of any wind or brass instrument? Clearly, I enjoyed it or I wouldn’t be drafting this post right now. But not only did I enjoy it, I was immensely moved and inspired by it. I also found the energy of the flute to be the most relaxing sound I think I have ever heard. And I quickly found myself deep within rabbit holes of the musical sort.
What began with Kathrine’s short flute recordings quickly led me to an entirely new world of music. I started by searching YouTube for classical flute music to play while I am working or just relaxing. I am no stranger to classical music as it has long been my choice when looking for background sounds while I work. I find it very difficult to write while playing music with lyrics. I get very distracted by the words, so I often turn to music that is either very light on lyrics or has no lyrics at all. While I was enjoying the classic flute playlists that I found, they were not much different from most of the other classical music that I have been listening to for decades. So I delved further into flute sounds and deeper into the rabbit hole.
Next I found myself completely sucked into the sounds of Native American flute playing. If you have never listened to this genre of music and are in need of a spiritual experience, I highly recommend that you give it a try. Not only is the music the most beautifully orchestrated combination of the sounds of Earth and Nature and the Universe, but these mesmerizing harmonies and melodies are created by the union of amazing handmade instruments and the breath of the men manipulating them. While merely listening to the music will transport you spiritually, watching these men create the sounds is an entirely different experience. It is mesmerizing, to say the least. If you get the opportunity, I recommend this video of The Choctaw Spirit. I also got the same sense of spiritual connection and transportation when listening to and watching R. Carlos Nakei.

But the Native American flute experience was just the first level of the rabbit hole. You know how YouTube likes to recommend videos based on your listening history? Well, this is where I next discovered Estas Tonne. Mr. Tonne is a Russian born, self-proclaimed modern day troubadour who is a master of his guitar strings and his craft. While he identifies with no particular country, he has traveled the world sharing his gift and acquiring multiple musical influences from all of the cultures in which he immerses himself. His sound is a combination of classical structure, Flamenco techniques, and Gypsy roots with underlying characteristics that are drawn from Latin and Electronic Soundscapes. And it is most definitely reminiscent of a magic carpet ride.
His live performance in Zurich from March of 2019 took me on the most mystical journey through some dream of self-discovery and transcendence. I literally could feel every note in the deepest recesses of my soul. In the 25 minute run time of the video, I felt frightened then safe, hated then loved, broken then healed, lost then saved. I smiled, I felt energized, I wept, I felt anxious, I felt relieved, I felt alive. It was a nearly indescribable experience watching this man become one with his guitar as he granted me permission to join him on his metaphysical trip to I know not where.
But wherever he took me, he continues to take me there because I can’t stop listening. And now I wonder how much further into the rabbit hole I can go and what musical wonders I will discover there. If it hadn’t been for Kathrine sharing her flute performances, I never would have known about this divine world of music that can move me beyond anything I have ever experienced before.

Clothing and music are both very powerful things. We all need them. Both are forms of self expression and both have the ability to make us feel good about ourselves as well as connect us to others. As communal beings who struggle with our purpose here, we find inspiration and motivation and healing and self expression in the arts of fashion and music. So I want to take this moment to thank both Nancy and Kathrine and every other person who presents me with these opportunities for self-growth and discovery, for introducing me to new things that I may have never otherwise tried, and for expanding my horizons and making my life that much fuller.
In a leopard dress, down the rabbit hole I went. And I couldn’t be more grateful.
Have you experienced anything new lately?
Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.
Shop my look…
Outfit Details: Dress and Tights-Torrid / Turtleneck Shirt and Gloves-Target / Scarf and Snakeskin Clutch-Old Navy / Jacket-The Bon Ton / Boots-Steve Madden / Hat-Charlotte Russe / Necklace-Good Life Gift Shop / Earrings-Old

Well this must be my lucky week, however I am sick as a dog,! Thanks! As a child I had to play the flute and I hated it. Luckely our dog ate it! Lol! Leopard never goes out of style, does it!
Oh no, Nancy! I am so sorry to hear that you are sick. I am finally better so I will send you lots of healthy healing energy, my friend. And I just laughed out loud that your dog ate your flute and you were happy about it! My word, that is a funny story. Get well soon!
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
Love that print! You wear those bold patterns so well!
Aw, thanks so much, Tamar! I hope you have a fantastic day!
I played the violin for 4 years and was kicked out when I failed my 3rd year twice lol! I do have fond memories of my 5 years of going to the conservatory or music school in France.
This is a great outfit! Love your choice of scarf with it.
Thanks so much, Mireille! Surely you must have had some talent with the flute if you went for 5 years! Can you still play a little?
Patrick Weseman
Looking very nice. Love the combat boots and tights combo, very nice.
I am a big fan of music done by clarinets, like you I had to play something in the fourth and fifth grade and I chose the clarinet and was horrible at it. The only thing it has done 40 years, it make me notice songs that use it. I guess it did do something for me.
Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful Thursday and I will listen to that flute player.
Thanks for sharing your musical history, Patrick! I suppose as long as our exposure to music at a young age gives us a certain appreciation for the art, that is a great thing! I am going to find some clarinet music now to listen to while I work!
I’m always a fan of leopard print! And isn’t crazy how we see or hear one thing and then we go down this rabbit hole on the internet!
Effortlessly Sophisticated
Thanks, Jennifer! The rabbit holes that exist online are so amazing and totally endless!
Amy Christensen
Great outfit, Shelbee. Your take on Nancy’s style is perfect and completely you. I love that leopard print dress, the boots and the moto jacket. Fantastic! I love Native American flute and like you, I like to have just music without any lyrics playing in the back ground. Things like the music for Lord of the Rings, some Celtic and Irish tunes, guitar in just about any form…I love it all and it really helps me to focus. Have a great weekend! – Amy
Amy, thanks so much! I remember back in high school doing an experiment to see the effects of music on the brain. We had these puzzle, brain teaser type exercises to do and we somehow determined that we were able to solve problems quicker and easier with relaxing music playing compared to heavier, stressful sounds or no music at all. It was kind of fascinating. So I have always used music while doing any work that requires lots of thinking. I like guitar music very much as well!
Love this outfit – particularly with the boots – just up my street. Katherine’s flute playing is beautiful. I have recently been listening to cello playing of Bach pieces on YouTube – very calming, you should check it out. I love the deep, soulful sound of a cello. I did have a giggle at you and your friend trying desperately to make your instruments work without any success – sorry, but I can relate as my brother had a trumpet that I could never get to make a sound. And as for Nancy and her flute-eating dog, too much 🙂 Lise
Lise, thanks so much! I will definitely check out some Bach played on the cello! I am sure I will love it. My friend Beth from all those years ago, she and I still laugh about when we couldn’t make sounds come out of our instruments. And I laughed so loud at Nancy’s flute-eating dog as well!
Kathrine Eldridge
I love that I inspired you to listen to more flute music. The fact that it brought you to native American flute music is even more amazing. I recently did a piece called Winter Spirits that is inspired my native American music! Music really can soothe the soul. Thanks for sharing my post again and you look amazing in this leopard look! Let me know if you want me to send you the recording of Winter Spirits. XO
Thank you, Kathrine! I would love to hear your Winter Spirits piece! Please do send it to me! I have been listening to this type of music every day and night since I went down the rabbit hole! And I have been getting the best sleep when I fall asleep with it playing in my ears. It is so relaxing and takes me to the coolest dream places. I cannot thank you enough for leading me there!
jodie filogomo
They do say that music is amazingly powerful. I loved reading this Shelbee,
Thanks so much, Jodie! Music really has the power to connect us and take us on amazing journeys!
Very cute outfit! I really like the…, I’m not sure what to call it…., granulation aka smaller size of the spots.
The flute makes a sound so different from the other instruments. And while I know this is almost totally in the opposite direction of where you went with the flute music, but I’ve always been fascinated by the flute in rock music, like Jethro Tull. What an amazing mix!
Thanks so much, Michelle! I am gonna have to go to listen to some Jethro Tull now!
Nicole of High Latitude Style
That leopard slip dress is a great find. Love how you winterized it for upstate New York. So chic. I can’t wait to see you wearing this dress in summer.
Thanks so much, Nicole! I bought this dress in the summer and never wore until it got cold out! I am all about finding creative ways to winterize warm weather clothing.
Claire Justine
Great look Shelbee, love your dress and need your boots. Love them. Thanks for joining us today. #MotivationalMonday
Claire, thanks so much! These boots are so old! I bought them to wear with my wedding dress over 10 years ago.