Inspired by Jersey Girl, Texan Heart: Gearhead Gal

If you have been visiting my blog for any length of time then I am certain that you are already familiar with my badass blogging buddy Monica of Jersey Girl, Texan Heart. She and I host a monthly link party, Your Own Twist, where we invite you all to create an outfit around a chosen theme to showcase just how versatile and fun personal style can be.
While you may know Monica from visiting my blog, you may not know all the great stuff about this fascinating and inspiring woman. Born and raised a Jersey girl, she spent a short time in Texas and fell in love with that great state. Hence the name of her blog. However, she recently relocated to Florida with her soon-to-be husband Joe (a Halloween wedding is planned…so exciting!). They have 2 canine babies, Zero and Lily, and run two small businesses: an auto body shop, Pho3nix Auto, and a CBD shop, Pho3nix Health CBD.

On top of running her blog and helping with the two family owned businesses, Monica has also launched a photography business, MEJ Photography, specializing in basically any photography needs that you may have. She also has a YouTube channel where she discusses her passions like anti-MLM commentary as well as topics on true crime. She is enthusiastic and very expressive as she joyfully talks about the things that really pique her interest. And I have never met a better sense of humor as I have seen in Monica. Seriously, this girl can laugh and it is that genuine heartfelt kind of laugh that can fill a room with joy.
“The person who can bring the spirit of laughter into a room is indeed blessed.”
Bennett Cerf
You may already be impressed by the list of credentials I have shared about Monica. I adore every single aspect about this intriguing human, but the part that really inspires me is her enthusiasm for all things cars. Not only does Monica know a hell of a lot about cars, she helps in the auto shop, and she is even a contributing writer to a magazine called, A Girls Guide to Cars. Because her fervent passion for cars is so very intriguing to me, I totally fell in love with her kick ass gearhead gal outfit that she featured in her post, I got a plague doctor mask & a Linkup. (You have to visit the post to see the plague doctor mask though. It is pretty freaking fantastic so I encourage you to go have a look.)

Why am I so inspired by a woman who is knowledgeable about cars? Because all I know about cars is how to drive one…and I am barely any good at that! I don’t even know how to change a flat tire (shame on me). My kids and husband play this car identification game whenever we drive anywhere. They call out the makes and models of various sports and other luxury cars. I can’t play because I can’t identify makes and models of cars without literally walking up to a vehicle and reading what it is. And half the time, I am still wrong!
But I was so inspired by Monica’s cool look that I had to recreate it. And I wanted to look like maybe I know what I am doing when it comes to motor vehicles. You know, sometimes you gotta fake it ’til you make it. I don’t have any auto themed tee shirts, but I did have this cute orange Harley Davidson tank top that I had thrifted a long time ago. My husband once had a Harley and then kids came along and life happened and Harley is no more. But we can still relish in our fond memories of times gone by. And that is how this outfit came to be.

If you do not already follow Monica, you can find her on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube.
Have you ever been inspired by someone simply because they possess a talent that you do not? I am always inspired by those who can do what I cannot. Rather than feelings of jealousy, I just become very interested in learning more about a person’s passions. I think I have mastered the gearhead gal look, now I need to learn all the things! Monica, teach me!

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.
Shop my look…
Outfit Details: Top-Harley Davidson (Thrifted) / Shorts-Torrid / Belt-BedStu / Sneakers-Converse / Stockings and Jewelry-Old

Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
Love the combination of the fishnets and the orange tank!
Thanks so much, Tamar! I felt fun in this outfit!
Loving the fishnets!!
Curated by Jennifer
Thanks so much, Jennifer! Have a fabulous day.
Pamela Graham
That outfit is perfect for you both – just love that girl Monica!
Pamela x
Thanks so much, Pamela! Monica and I often have a lot of similarities in our styles, but still different and unique to ourselves so it is always fun to work with her!
Monica sounds like a cool girl! And a very cool look! I love cars, but can’t change a tire either!!
Thanks, Nancy! Monica is a very cool girl, indeed! I cannot tell you how relieved I am to learn that I am not the only woman here who cannot change a tire.
Can’t change a tire either, lol! You rock this look! I enjoy Monica’s style because it is so different than my own.
Gah, that makes me feel so much better, Mireille! But you can build a freaking fire pit! So you totally rock. Thanks for stopping by. I hope you have a wonderful day.
Patrick Weseman
Looking like a true Motorcycle Mama there. Very nice look.
Thanks, Patrick! This was a fun outfit to wear!
Shelbee, I love this style steal! You look fabulous! And I really enjoy Monica’s blog.
My husband has an encyclopedic mind for cars and motorcycles. Since first meeting him 4 1/2 years ago, I have picked up a few things from him, but I just don’t have the visual acuity to pick out the small details that would clue me into the type of vehicle something is – other than the name. LOL! So I can relate.
Thanks so much, Michelle! My husband has an encyclopedic mind for all sorts of world history, war history, and sports history. And those things I can’t remember either! Haha. But, you know, the best partnerships play on one another’s different strengths, right? I bet your husband can’t applique an elephant or make a pair of beautiful beaded earrings just like my husband needs to me to proofread and edit anything of substance that he may have to write. And by proofread and edit, I mean I have to write the whole thing myself, then proofread and edit it! Haha.