Inspired By High Latitude Style: Black Plaid, Red Tulle, and A Side of Frostnip with A Link Up On the Edge #76
Did you know that there is a difference between frostbite and frostnip? I did not until I just looked it up on emedicinehealth. During the outdoor photo session for this post, there may have been some slight weather related injuries to myself and my photographer, Amy. And since I am so frozen these days, my brain has been unable to produce meaningful content for you all…so I thought this was a great opportunity to combine a little science lesson with my style post. But I would remiss if I did not send a shout out to my fellow cold weather blogger and science enthusiast, Nicole of High Latitude Style.

I know Nicole can relate to my blogger problems this winter! Everywhere I look around me there is snow, there is ice, there is wind, and you can see your every hot smoky breath on the air. There is also rock salt and sludge ruining every pair of cute shoes I attempt to walk outdoors wearing. But worse then all of that, there is bitter, bitter, bitter cold. Trying to maintain some sense of style through the long cold winter is the utmost challenge. But Nicole manages to get it done in her frigid Alaska climate. So I am determined to follow suit and keep myself stylish as well! But there are prices to pay…and the cost might just be my skin!
*This is a sponsored post. This jacket and earrings were provided to me by Zaful. As always, all thoughts and opinions are entirely my own.
*Jacket: Plus Size Double Breasted Plaid Swing Coat c/o Zaful. Unfortunately, this jacket has sold out in both the black and the red. Shop other black plaid jackets.
*Earrings: Cute Fuzzy Ball Chain Earrings c/o Zaful. Available in 5 colors.
Just yesterday, Amy and I decided to face the cold and photograph my new black plaid jacket from Zaful. Remember my red one…I told you I had to have it in both colors! So after days upon days of -20 degrees, the temperature had eased its way into double digits, albeit very low double digits, so we figured we should take advantage of the warm weather! So we headed off to the local park for some snow covered backdrops to allow my new red skirt to shine!
*Skirt: Pleated Mesh Midi Skirt from Torrid Salmon Run Mall.
*Belt: Lace Corset Stretch Belt from Torrid Salmon Run Mall.
We really did not realize how deep this snow was as we started walking towards the inside of the pavilion. At the moment of realization, I was knee deep and committed, so we just pushed on through, my velvet combat boots suffering the brunt of the damage at this point.
*Boots: Jermesha Flat Boot from Shoe Dazzle. Available in 3 colors.
It looks like we are having a blast out here playing in the snow, doesn’t it? But the fact is this…we did not, it seems, account for the wind chill factor. Within about 15 minutes, we were near tears caused by the painful sensation that was striking our finger tips! What in the holy cold hell was that agony? It was approximately 14 degrees out, I thought frostbite did not occur until well below zero. Boy, was I wrong!
Were we experiencing the beginning symptoms of frostbite? It was a little bit freaky! As we dove back into the heated car, we plunged our hands inside of our gloves and attempted to warm them in front of the blowing vent. But to no avail. The pain persisted…like a dull ache deep within our bones that did not want to subside.
With my curiosity to find out the logistics of frostbite combined with my inspiration from Nicole’s passion for science and the occassional science lessons she shares on High Latitude Style, I promptly began researching the causes, effects, and symptoms of frostbite. I had every intention of sharing some scientific details with you, but I have to be honest, the information about frostbite was making me a bit queasy. You can read it on your own, if you’d like…Frostbite Causes, Stages, Pictures, and Treatments. But I did learn this…we were not suffering from frostbite. Rather we had a bad case of frostnip, which is basically a mild form of frostbite but one that does not permanently damage the skin. Thankfully. It took about 20 minutes or so before our fingers returned to their proper condition.
And in case you were curious, have a look at this frostbite chart! I definitely need to keep this handy and refer to it before I decide to take outdoor photographs!

Once we warmed enough to adequately operate the vehicle, we headed into town for some hot coffee and breakfast. The air seemed a tiny bit less brutal so we snapped a few more shots before heading for shelter.
*Handbag: Torrid Salmon Run Mall.

Finally, despite our determination, we decided to settle on the photos we had and go get warm. I would love to say that I really truly learned my lesson, but then I would probably be lying. I was out there again this morning taking photos! I will not allow this weather to ruin my blogging game! Send me lots of warm energy, please!
Now onto your favorite posts from last week.
Chrissy of Granola and Grace shared the most amazing New Year’s Eve outfit as part of Ada’s huge multi-blogger collaboration to finish out the year! Check out how fabulous Chrissy looks in Camo for NYE & The Holiday Series. Seriously, she and I have such similar tastes in fashion that there is never an outfit Chrissy wears that doesn’t pull at my sartorial heartstrings!

And Ashley of Le Stylo Rouge is also pulling at those same heartstrings with her adorable ensemble in Striped Cardigan + Fur Mules and All the After-Christmas Sales. She is head to toe…simple, cozy, beautiful perfection.

I would love to hear how you are maintaining your style game through these frigid and painfully cold days! Please share in the comments.
Keeping my cool (and trying to stay warm) on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

I’ve been moaning about our UK weather but I think yours is winning hands down in the cold stakes Shelbee! Tell you friend Amy what a fantastic job she has done with these photos. I love the first one! xx
Thanks so much, Laurie! We now have a wind chill warning in effect until Sunday…they are predicting real feel temperatures of -45 degrees! But at this point, cold is cold and we all seem to be freezing! So stay warm, my friend.
Love the red tulle skirt with the black and white Hun. One of my favourite combinations. Thanks for the link-up Shelbee. Jacqui
Thanks so much, Jacqui! It is one of my favorite color combinations, too. I wear all too frequently, I think!
Cheryl Tucker
It seems everyone went from talking about the heat to about the cold! Everyone is looking so cute though in their cold weather gear! You look fabulous and warm! Not get inside and warm up for reals!
Oh my goodness, Cheryl, here is the really funny part…I am totally eating my words. I am absolutely one who complains about the heat. Once it gets over 68 degrees, I am miserable. And just this past summer, I said to a friend that she would never ever hear me complain about the cold because I just don’t mind it and it doesn’t really bother me. Now, thanks to Karma, she delivered me a nice big dose of menopause that is causing me some serious shivers just in time for winter! Combined with the frigid temperatures…I am eating my words…and complaining away! We are supposed to reach -45 this weekend with windchill. That is just inhumane, in my opinion. Thanks so much for stopping by and for the lovely compliment! You keep warm as well, my friend.
You had me at TULLE…love it…love the skirt…love the coat but OH MY the COLD…yikes! This is a very brave and crazy photo shoot…well done! 🙂
Thanks so much, Jeanne! Yeah, I don’t know what the heck we were thinking, but at least it gave me something to write about!
Oh My Goodness Shelbee!!!! You’re so brave venturing out in those severe temperatures. The wind chill factor can make it terribly cold at the moment. I know I can’t last very long at all in it. I must say, your photos are stunning though – what a beautiful outfit. But your poor boots!!!
Suzy xx
Suzy, thanks so much! I really don’t think we realized how quickly we would get so cold! It had been so many days below zero, we assumed our bodies would think above zero was warmer! Hahaha. But it gave me some good stuff to share on the blog! I do love this outfit and I wore it all day…but with a giant heavy wool coat on top! And actually, my boots ended up being fine once they dried. Now we are expecting -45 degrees this weekend, so I definitely will not be venturing out for photographs!
Love seeing you smiling. I really like your coat and skirt.
Aw, thanks so much, Miri! These may not be actual smiles in this post though…I think my face froze that way! Hahaha.
Yikes. I feel like a total wimp because I won’t go outside now that it went into the 30s down here in Florida! I admire your stamina to brave the elements in order to get those great shots of that fabulous coat. And that lovely red skirt is a perfect pop of color against the plaid and the snow! You’re definitely the most stylish frostnipped gal I’ve ever seen.
Theresa, thanks so much! This just totally made me giggle! I am trying my best to stay stylish in this freezing cold hell that I live in! Today, however, I gave up on cute shoes and ended up in my giant cold weather snow boots and down puffer coat. The menopausal hormones are not helping my cause either! I am frozen to the core! But I will persist in bringing my sense of style to the blog as long as can.
Oh it makes my heart happy to see my sweet friend Chrissy as a favorite from last week. Beautiful inside and out, I just love that girl!!!
I also LOVE that tulle skirt of yours and those boots – you must have an enormous closet my friend!
After reading this I realize I need to stop saying it’s freezing here – because it really is freezing there – ha! Honestly, I admire you so much. It’s been in the high 30’s here in the mornings and I can’t bear to take a shower! I’ve worn my pom pom hate for the last 48 hours because I was too lazy to do my hair. You, on the other hand look as if you’re dressed for a fancy event, smiling all the while and you’re practically a human ice pop!You’re my hero Shelbee!
Oh my goodness, Kellyann, this comment is everything! I adore Chrissy so much, too! I am sure she and I would be great friends in real life if we ever had the opportunity to meet in person. And I do have an enormous closet, actually…we moved in the spring and converted the 4th bedroom into my closet. It is a small bedroom, but a bedroom nonetheless…and it is literally overflowing with my things! But it is my space to hoard all of my fashion things…and I love it! You crack me up that you have worn your beanie for 2 days because you didn’t want to do your hair. And I may look all smiley and dressed up in these photos…but I have officially declared this weekend a pajama weekend! I will take a shower, but I plan on staying in jammies or sweatpants all weekend long. It is much to cold to even venture out of the house unless absolutely necessary. At a real feel of -45 degrees, I think we will just snuggle up indoors and try to stay warm! Have a wonderful weekend, my friend, and I hope you get warm soon, too!
nicole at High Latitude Style
Thanks for the feature and the honor!
You are very welcome, Nicole! As soon as I decided to talk about the specifics of frostbite and windchill factors, I immediately thought of you and had to feature you here! I absolutely love that you combine your two passions…fashion and science…on your blog. Thanks for all of your support on my blog and for joining my link ups and also for hosting your fun link up. Have a wonderful weekend and stay warm!
Love that outfit Shelbee!!! the tulle skirt is just beautiful and I love the print of the jacket!
Thank you, Stephanie! I was really happy with how this all came together. And you know my love affair with plaid is not fading! Have a wonderful weekend, my friend.
jodie filogomo
That’s crazy, Shelbee!!
I get so cranky when the weather isn’t great for photos—in fact, I’m such a wimp that we usually reschedule!!!
You look fabulous at least!!
Jodie, thanks so much for the wonderful compliment. The weather is making me quite cranky as well, in all honesty. The cold is brutal, but then all the ice and sludge make it nearly impossible to wear blogger-appropriate footwear! Seriously, the weather is not good for my blogging goals. But I will persist and overcome. I am determined! Have a lovely weekend, my friend.
Michelle Orsi
This coat is such a statement piece! Love
Thanks so much, Michelle! I thought so, too, which is why I had to get it both colors! I feel all sassy and dramatic when I wear it, too!
Thank you so much for sharing, lady! Loving you in red plaid!
Le Stylo Rouge
*red AND plaid, rather! 😉
Ashley, thank you for joining my link ups with your fabulous style! And thanks for the wonderful compliment as well. Have a great weekend.
Whaawaa! And I told you yesterday that it was cold here in the Netherlands too!😂😂😂😂 It is summer here in comparance with the weather at your place! But it makes stunning photos! Especially the one with you knee deep in the snow😁😁😁 what a fantastic skirt and I also love that black coat you are wearing and the bag! The plaid is very nice with that red and black! Have a good weekend love!
Thanks so much, Nancy! It was fun frolicking through the snow…until it became painful! This weekend will be a pajama weekend, however, as it will be entirely too cold to venture outdoors unless necessary! And you know I love a good black, white, and red outfit combination! This is one of my favorites. And I am finally embracing the fuller tulle style skirts which I always stayed away from fearing they added to much volume to my already full figure. But now I am quite loving this style. Have a fabulous weekend, my friend. And stay warm!
Oh my, what a tale! I so wish I could share some of this horrid 75 degree weather we’re suffering with in SoCal. Maybe you need to make a trip to LA soon? You look great despite the cold weather hardships. Kudos to you and Amy. Thanks for the link up and I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Rena, I wish I could come to LA right about now, too! I could certainly use a little warmth and sunshine in my life. This weekend we will be confined indoors due to severely cold windchill factors resulting in real feel temperatures of -45 degrees. So definitely no outdoors photos will be done. I am declaring this a pajama weekend. Thanks for stopping by and for the lovely compliment!
Yikes! Be careful taking those outside photos! It sounds like it’s a good thing I am lazy and just pop right outside my house for them! Love that coat and your beautiful skirt!
Thanks, Laura! There will be no pictures this weekend, for sure. It’s way to cold. But it looks like we will see 30 plus degrees next week, so I will be photographing like crazy so I have a stockpile! Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful and warm weekend.
Laura || Walking in Memphis in High Heels
Oh my gosh, I never knew about Frost Nip, that’s so crazy but I am glad you both were able to get warm in time! I love your outfit and those earrings are so beautiful!
Thanks so much, Laura! I seriously had no idea there were different categories and levels of frostbite/frostnip either. I guess when you live in a frozen tundra, you start to learn these things! Haha. I am nice and warm now inside my house bundled up in warm jammies! Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful weekend.
Nora Gouma
Love your great post, love your outfit as well, thank you for sharing, you look stunning!!!
Thank you so much, Nora! Have a wonderful weekend!
Um stop it! You and Amy are brave, warrior women! You’re going to get the job done. I laughed at the pictures of you in knee deep snow. How crazy is that?!?! If it weren’t for my adventures in Alaska last year, i just would not be able to picture it. But your post brought me back to our hike up Denali. I tried taking pictures but within seconds of my hands being out of the gloves, I felt that same pain. Goodness! And my phone. Please. The phone was so slow and the battery drained in minutes. I had two sets of hand warmers in my gloves and shoes. So cold. Anyway, this post made me happy on so many levels…the memories of Alaska, seeing Nicole, your fabulous TULLE skirt and then seeing you feature me. So fun! Thank you Shelbee, you are the best!!
And so much about this comment just made me supremely happy, Chrissy! I had forgotten that you went to Alaska and met Nicole! And you were paired together for the Bridging the Gap series, which I also forgot even as I was featuring you both in the same post. Alaska is definitely one of the places I would love to visit some day. In fact, at one point before we had kids, my husband requested to be stationed there just so we could experience it for a few years. But once we had kids, we didn’t want to take them that far away from family. Here’s a crazy little known fact…very often soldiers who are stationed at bases in Alaska are sent to Fort Drum, NY, where we are, to do their cold weather training! Ha. We are often colder than Alaska in this part of NY! Thank you so much for all of your support and your amazing inspirations! Have a fabulous weekend.
Dawn Lucy
Bless your heart … how do you gals survive that weather?! And looking so cute too?!!!
Dawn Lucy
Aw, thanks so much, Dawn Lucy! And my answer to that is…I have no idea! I think we just run from warm place to warm place and hope we don’t freeze somewhere in between! Have a great weekend. Enjoy your beautiful sunshine.
I’m loving your red tulle skirt, and the plaid coat! It’s been so hard to take photos with this freezing weather! It was 30 the other day, and felt like spring, so I dragged my husband out to snap a few looks!
Thanks so much, Rachael! I sort fell in love at first sight with this skirt! We are anticipating 30 plus degrees next week so I am planning a whole bunch of photo shoots in case we dip down to sub zeros again! Stay warm, my friend, and have a fabulous weekend.
You look cute and sassy young lady! Hope you’re not freezing your tootsies off.
Thanks so much, Carol! I did completely freeze during this photo shoot, but I am warm now and spending this frigid weekend tucked cozily inside my house!
Karren Haller
I love the look, the coat is great!! Stay warm where ever you are!
Thanks so much, Karren! I am in upstate NY…very far upstate! And it is frigid here this weekend.
The struggle is real this time of year…between the cold and the short days it’s super hard to get pictures in! Happy New Year Shelbee!
So true, Shelly! Thanks so much for stopping by. Wishing you a happy and healthy new year.
Elizabeth Ramsey
Happy New Year to you! You are an amazing trooper to even attempt a photo shoot in this weather and you look incredibly fabulous! I love the red skirt and the setting for your shoot is gorgeous (even if your boots paid the price).
Elizabeth | http://nattygal.com
Thank you so much, Elizabeth! My boots ended up being okay in the end once I brushed them off and let them dry! Have a fabulous weekend, my friend.
Patrick weseman
Looking nice and warm. That is a of snow. Hope you have a wonderful weekend and thanks for hosting.
Thanks so much, Patrick! But nope, not warm at all! Enjoy your sunshine out there on the other coast and have a fabulous weekend.
Girl, are you layering two coats?! I totally get it with these frigid temps. Both coats are fab as is your skirt and OMG so much deep in the snow you are! I think my lips and entire face is an entire frostbite with this cold (as in being sick) that I am fighting. And I loved Chrissy’s outfit head to toe too, so chill, cool, edgy and awesome. I am wearing camo leggings IRL today, too.
Thanks, Ada! Actually, the plaid jacket is more like a lightweight flannel material. Definitely not heavy enough for the cold we are experiencing! I love that you are wearing camo leggings, too. I also have a pair, but today I opted for some polka dot leggings and an oversized sweatshirt…all bundled up and cozy trying to beat the chill! I hope you feel better soon, my friend. As if the weather isn’t bad enough, being sick in it is even worse. Sending lots of positive healing energy your way.
Rosemary Davis
You certainly know how to make cold look good!
Rosemary, thank you so much! It may look good, but oh my, it doesn’t feel all that great!
Cheryl Shops
Shelbee, I love this series of outfits inspired by your favorite bloggers! I think you and Nicole both look fabulous in your cold-weather looks! Stay warm—it sounds positively chilly outside!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Cheryl, thanks so much! I love when the inspiration strikes to feature another amazing blogger! And I never really know when that inspiration will hit, but when it does, I just go with it! I am trying to stay warm…it’s a difficult task!
Robin LaMonte
Happy New Year!
You are adorable in your outfit but yes, it’s too cold in New York to be without a parka!
I am so happy you copied Nicole’s look for your blog post, she’s a wonderful fierce sister!
Stay warm and inside!!
Don’t get frostbite!!!
Robin, thanks so much for stopping by and offering me such “warm” words of encouragement! I am all bundled up in cozy clothes with no plans of leaving my house until Monday! Have a wonderful weekend, my fierce friend!
Lanae Bond
You are brave to go out in the snow and take your pictures! I am waiting until the temps go up. I love your look especially your pleated skirt!
Thank you so much, Lanae! I don’t know if brave is the word…perhaps silly might be better! Haha. But I was desperate as I had no photos in storage for blog posts. Have a fabulous weekend and stay warm!
Lisa Richardson
Good grief and Bless your heart. I can’t believe y’all powered through those frigid temps. That stone arch though! Gorgeous pictures were the result of your labor of love. Please tell me it didn’t ruin your velvet boots? That would just be too sad. Enjoy your weekend and stay warm!!!
Thanks so much, Lisa! There are so many gorgeous spots for pictures at my local park where this stone arch is located. I do a lot of photos around this park. And no, my boots were not ruined! Thankfully! Once they were were brushed off and dried, they were fine. Have a great weekend!
Deborah Stinedurf
You already know that I love this outfit so I won’t go on and on! Actually I do know the difference between frostnip/frostbite because on Wednesday and Thursday I did Science lessons on it (without the totally gruesome details) with my kids so that they would know not to go outside to play if school was cancelled Friday due to cold (which it was). Crazy how fast it happens, right? That’s why I’ve bit the bullet and started taking shots in the cafeteria after school…the lighting is actually not too bad. 🙂
Thanks so much, Debbie! I kind of figured this was outfit that you would be loving! It totally reminded me of you as I was putting it on! That’s so funny that you gave a lesson on the difference between frostnip and frostbite. And the details are quite grotesque, aren’t they? Some of the images I was coming across were literally turning my stomach! And yesterday, I was forced to take photos in front of my Christmas tree…2 weeks after Christmas! Oh well. It is the winter blogger struggle. I hope all your kids stayed inside during this cold spell. Have a great weekend and stay warm, my friend!
Daenel T.
Totally digging the outfit – I mean, seriously, that skirt is such a wow piece. And that coat is definitely an eye catcher.
I’m so over the cold weather. I’m a sweater weather girl.
Daenel, thank you so much! I did feel super wow in this skirt! I also am over this cold weather. I think this week we may actually reach 40 degrees and I am so excited. But still it’s going to be a long cold winter, I think. Have a great weekend and stay warm!
Paula @Sincerely, Paula
Hi Shelbee! Thanks for hosting and Happy New Year! Love the outfit and the backdrop. This cold has been horrendous. We were only able to play out one day last week, but have been indoors mostly indoors going on two weeks. When it hurts just to run from house to car I’ve had enough!
Thanks so much, Paula! I hear you on the cold. My kids and myself are getting quite stir crazy! I fear it is going to be long cold winter. I hope you are having a lovely weekend and staying warm!
What a beautiful skirt Shelbee, I love red 🙂
Thanks for sharing at Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop, hope to see you tomorrow 🙂
Thanks so much, Claire! This is my first red skirt and I am absolutely loving it! Have a great night and I will be definitely be over to link up in the morning!
Your jacket looks so cool and unique! I love how you styled this look!
Thank you so much, Leelo! This was definitely a fun outfit to wear as well. Have a wonderful week!
How do you do it? Stay so stylish and chic in freezing weather?? Kudos to you for this marvelous outfit, and for your fortitude. We were griping when it hit 40 degrees : > Thanks for linking up, xox
Thanks so much, Patti! I guess when it’s as cold as it is here, the only to do is get dressed up and sit around inside looking pretty (of course, after we take photos in the freezing cold)! Have a great week, my friend.
That pop of red in the snow!!
Thanks so much, Tamar! I was quite pleased with the outcome!
I love your jacket and with the red skirt is a true fashion statement. love your look.. first time here too jeejej..ty for sharing..
Jazmin, thank you so much for stopping by and for the lovely compliment! I was quite pleased with how this outfit came together although it took a few different tries to get it just right! Have a fabulous day!
What an amazing outfit and it works perfectly with the backdrop! Fabulous! I can’t wait to pop over to Nicole’s blog. I’m just getting back into it and trying to catch up. Thanks for hosting the linkup. Linkup with Fashion Informant if you’d like this week!
Sherry, thank you so much! I will hop over now and check it out! I will add your link up to my Fabulous Link Ups page as well. I look forward to getting to know you know! Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.