Inspired by Graceful Rags: Preloved Style in a Checked Shirt

Why is getting dressed becoming more and more challenging with each week that passes spent in lockdown mode? It really is quite the struggle to get myself motivated to create interesting outfits and smile happily for the camera when all I really want to do is cuddle up in my jammies, pull a blanket over my head, and sleep until spring. The winter blues are a very real thing for me and many others, but this winter seems to be even lousier than winters past.
With no where to go and no one to see, I am trying to prevent myself from disappearing into obscurity. Although disappearing into nothingness sounds kind of nice sometimes, I guess it really isn’t an option for more than a day or two. Eventually one must emerge from hibernation and start living again. Even if it means living under strict regulations as a prisoner in my own home. That is very much what I feel like these days…imprisoned in my own home. But at least it’s my home where I am locked up with my favorite people.
The downside, however, to being locked up with your favorite people is that too much time together with nothing to do can very quickly turn them into your least favorite people! I am kidding, of course. But the reality of our life right now is just that…too much time with the same 3 people and no time at all with anyone else can lead to some frustrations. I know I am not the easiest person to live with, so I do try to be patient and understanding of everyone else in my home.

I think if I just had one place to go a few times a month to interact with humans that are not my immediate family, I would fare much better. But alas, no such opportunity exists at this time. So I will live vicariously through my blogging pals who actually do get to interact with other humans. Like my friend Grace of Graceful Rags!
Grace hails from Boise, Idaho, but is currently attending the University of Denver for her junior year with the hopes of graduating a bit ahead of schedule in November with a degree in Criminology and Geography. I have to say that I really enjoy reading about Grace’s academic and social schedules while she is at university living her best life. Plus college styles always inspire me. In particular, Grace’s college style!
Two years ago, Grace joined our Magnificent 8 group which collaborates on a quarterly basis to share ageless style. We are a group of fashion bloggers ranging in age from 20’s to 80’s so we can showcase how any woman of any age or body type can wear any fabulous style they choose. And when Nancy and I kicked off our Thrifty Six group in September, Grace was enthusiastically ready to join us in sharing preloved styles every month.

It was one of our Thrifty Six posts that has inspired my outfit today. Back in October, our theme was “Check” Out Our Preloved Style with the focus on thrifted pieces that are checkered or tartan or any other sort of plaid patterns. Grace headed off to the thrift shop and found an adorable men’s plaid shirt that she wore belted over skinny jeans. I absolutely loved the idea of donning an oversized men’s shirt and making it feminine and sassy in the most stylish of ways.

So on a recent thrifting adventure of my own, I found an oversized men’s flannel shirt for $1.50 that would do the trick nicely. When I first saw Grace’s outfit, I immediately thought how cute this top would be styled as a dress. But only if the shirt is long enough to do so.
I stand just under 5’7″ which is kind of tall, so finding the correct length in a men’s shirt to cover my private parts would be a challenge. The shirt I found was a men’s X-Large Tall which gave me enough room and length to make something work sans pants. The shirt is long enough to prevent indecency if I wear it without belting it. However, once the belt was added, I did need a little extra length somehow. So I reached for one of my handy dandy lace extenders. Pairing my shirt dress with opaque tights, over the knee socks, and tall boots also helped with keeping my outfit from showing too much of the things that aren’t to be seen. I suppose I could have just styled it with skinny jeans the way Grace did. That would have eliminated the potential of all sorts of outfit malfunctions!

I had to add some extra layers because it’s winter now. And frankly, I was freezing half to death in the layers I did wear. As much as I enjoyed this outfit and felt rather sassy in it, I think it is an outfit to be saved for warmer weather perhaps in late spring and early fall. Probably another reason I should have worn jeans like Grace. They would have been much warmer, for sure.
Let me get back to Grace…if you don’t already know her, you should! She is one intriguing young woman and she inspires me in so many ways. Her dedication to learning at a higher level and the way she approaches her college courses reminds me so very much of myself at that stage of my life. Grace has an insatiable hunger for gaining knowledge in as many different areas as she can. I really enjoy reading her posts about her current course loads. Apparently, universities offer way more interesting classes than were made available during my generation.
Grace has taken fascinating courses on Sustainability and Society, Death and Dying in Hindu Traditions, Violence in Society, and Introduction to Geographic Information Systems. It is all very interesting and makes me miss being in a classroom and absorbing all the knowledge that I can. You can read more about Grace’s classes in her Fall Quarter in Review post.

So, you know, Grace is super smart. And she is so very pretty as well. And kind and generous and caring and friendly. It is apparent from her blog that her family and friends are so very important to her. She has keen eye for fashion and works magic with the written word. She is unafraid to try new things regardless of the outcome just for the sake of experience. She is wise beyond her years and exhibits incredible dedication to her blog and basically any other endeavor that she pursues. And she seems to pursue everything with an unmatched enthusiasm. That is such a attractive quality!
Grace is the perfect role model for women of any age as she walks through these early years of adulthood, thriving during a crazy pandemic, never losing sight of what is important. She always maintains an optimistic attitude as she adapts to the changes that are being thrown at us at such a violent rate of speed that it leaves my head spinning. I feel like a turtle stuck on my back half the time while Grace (and I suspect many other younger people) have no problem jumping right back into the game despite all the obstacles.
I feel like there is a misconception that young people do not have enough experience to inspire or influence generations of people ahead of them. But I can say with the utmost certainty that young people absolutely can inspire the older generations. As I read the things that Grace writes and admire her personal style choices, I absolutely am inspired…inspired to be true to myself even though I am more than twice her age. Rock on, my sweet friend, you are going to go far in this crazy world!

If you don’t already follow Graceful Rags, you can find Grace on Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram. Go forth and be inspired!
Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.

Shop my look…
Outfit Details: Shirt, Tights, Gloves-Thrifted / Lace extender and Mini bag-c/o / Jacket-Torrid / Socks-Amazon / Boots-Cato / Earrings-Good Life Gift Shop / Necklace and Belt-Old

Gosh all that snow makes me shiver. But it does look very good on the photos! I know exactly what you mean by irritations. But it’s me and not Gerben, I am just not that patience. Ah well, they get used to it….lol
Thanks, Nancy! I do like the snow for photos but it gets super annoying after a while! I think that is something I may never get used to! Haha.
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
Love this look! That jacket and shirt dress combo – love!
Thanks so much, Tamar! This was fun to create!
There were a few weeks in lockdown where I was definitely lazy at getting dressed and doing my makeup. I let myself be lazy and then I started getting ready again and it felt so good! Maybe takes a few weeks off of not getting properly dressed and then re-start up again?
Curated By Jennifer
That is a great suggestion, Jennifer! I did have a chunks of time this past year where I couldn’t be bothered with outfits or photographs and you are so right that getting back to it is rejuvenating! I hope you have a great day!
I got cold again looking at the snow but it sure looks prettier than the bare trees in my pictures i took today for an upcoming blog post! I was freezing changing shoes and top layers in 34 ° gloomy weather. Grace is one of my favorite bloggers, she ranks in my book with Jodie! I also find her school classes super interesting and I love her pictures and style too.
Mireille, thanks so much! Oh the bare trees in winter really are a drag sometimes! That is one reason I do enjoy my snow covered backgrounds! So far this winter has been rather mild with daily high temperatures ranging from high 20s to mid 30s. It is cold, but generally by January our temperatures have settled consistently in the teens and single digits and more often than I’d like negative temperatures. And I just love all of you in this fun blogging community! So many amazing people with amazing personalities and beautiful stories and experiences to share. This community has been my lifeline this year!
Jacqui Berry
You wear it well Shelbee, I rather like the slip underneath. It works so well. Jacqui x
Thanks so much, Jacqui! It was really fun to style this outfit!
Cheryl Tucker
You look so fabulous Shelbee! I know what you mean though. We have had to take social distancing very seriously because my husband is high risk. I sometimes can’t believe how long I have stayed home. Going to the walmart drive through is now an exciting event for me. I think sometimes I would hug anyone standing still if I could. I don’t have any desire to buy clothes. I am just a sweat pants kind of girl most days.
But I have high hopes, yes high hopes. Things will get better and we will be a better world for all we are going through. I just know it.
Hang in there and we can zoom anytime doll!
Cheryl, thank you so much, my friend! It has been a stressful year for all of us in so many ways. I don’t have much desire to buy clothes these days either but I do enjoy an hour escape occasionally to visit the thrift shop to just poke around at my leisure. But after an hour, I am ready to flee to the safety of my home before anyone tries to talk to me! The struggle is real. I hope that you and your husband have remained healthy and safe throughout the year. I am going to piggyback on your optimism for a bit until mine returns! I have been fighting that ole battle against pessimism much more frequently these days. And it is not in my character to be that way so it makes me really uncomfortable. We have to emerge into a better world! And I am all for a zoom meet up!
Sheila (of Ephemera)
This is such a cute look, Shelbee! I am a fan of mini-skirts, and do these tricks too (high boots, lace slip underneath), as well as dark/opaque tights (fleece-lined are to die for!) to visually fill in that thigh section. I think you look awesome in this – so confident! That is a very cool jacket – love the ruffle peplum.
I checked out Grace’s blog, and she is so awesome!
I miss my “me” time of going out and thrifting for a full day – can’t be out that long now, and the thrifts have taken away their change rooms, so I’m less likely to try things on. It’s just me and my husband, and 2-3 people I see at work, and I really miss other people – I’m used to managing an office of 250 people! I’m so grateful to have blogging and our audience and readers and commenters. It’s helped me more than I can express in this past year.
Sheila, thank you so much, my friend! This was a fun outfit to create! I was adding lots of little styling tricks. Grace really is an inspiring young woman! I just adore her. As for the thrifts with the changing rooms closed, that is so annoying. My favorite thrift shop now has a 15 day return policy because you can’t use the changing room. You can try them on at home and then return them. Which is weird to me, but it’s better than not being able to try them on at all or return them. I am sure you are probably experiencing much more shell shock than I going from a work environment of 250 to 3. I actually went from working at home alone all day long to having 3 other people here! And this blogging community has been my lifeline for the past 10 months! It has kept me connected and has given me something to do. You all are the people who I interact with most frequently and I appreciate that more than I can express. Have a fabulous weekend!
Patrick Weseman
Looking like the perfect fashion model. So very sweet. Love the look and the background of the photos. So very nice.
Thanks so much, Patrick! You are too kind! A model I am not…but I do have fun playing make believe!
Anita Ojeda
I’m glad you can see past someone’s age or ‘generation’ and see how inspiring they are! My daughter, who is in her 20s, inspires me all the time! I love seeing how you pull together outfits–don’t stop or stay in bed all day long! I’m a pretty basic dresser (it makes life easier for me), but I enjoy other people’s creativity!
Anita, thank you so much for that! I have always connected to people’s personalities and passions regardless of their age. I have had friends less than half my age and more than twice my age with never even a thought really about how many years they have lived. I definitely feel like that has opened my mind and my heart to many new and fascinating things that one may not be able to experience by limiting their friend groups to age brackets! Young people today are navigating a world that is so foreign to me and I applaud their tenacity and their enthusiasm as they work on making this world a better place. And now I feel like such an old person saying that! Haha. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Really cute outfit and beautiful pics! Loving the legwarmer idea, so cute!
XX Angelica
Angelica, thank you so much! This was fun to create!
Your pictures make life in lockdown easier to cope with. I always look forward to them!
Thank you so much, my friend! So nice to see you visiting here as well! Much appreciated!
Barbara De Mul
I totally get your comment about the January funk in your previous post. But then again, snow and the woods and great thrift stores (we have a lack of the first and the latter) seem so invigorating to me! so, enjoy:)
Thanks so much, Barbara! I do find solace and joy in those places…snow, woods, and thrift shops!
While you may be struggling to create outfits, you definitely nailed it with this one. I love it! Cute and sassy! The lace extender was the perfect addition. It added much to the overall look. And I enjoy Grace’s blog.
I understand your winter blues. I used to struggle with it when I lived in KS. While winter is still not my favorite – shorter days still suck – our cool, dry, mostly sunny days are tolerable. I’m not having too much trouble creating outfits, but, I don’t have much of anything to say lately. Also, I am cautiously optimistic about the vaccine. While the roll out seems slow and glitchy, there is light at the end. of the tunnel.
I’m going to avoid the topic of yesterday’s shit show at the Capitol. That would result it in a long cuss-ridden dissertation.
Thanks so much, Michelle! This was a super fun outfit to create! I am also struggling with things to say these days. I guess since we mostly share experiences when we write or talk, it can be difficult when our experiences include only sitting at home all day every day! And yes, while this vaccine offers hope to this situation, the glitches are too many for my liking! The shit show at the Capitol has left me heartbroken and frightened. And I am so grateful that I live in a very rural location, off the beaten path, far away from too many people and too much chaos. I used to dislike it here…now I appreciate it so much for what it offers! We must keep our optimism and hope going strong no matter how difficult that is becoming!
What a great take on Grace’s look! That’s a cool idea to use lace extenders!
Thanks so much, Lovely! These lace extenders come in handy for all sorts of outfits!
Great outfit, I really love the whole belted look! And such beautiful snow photos!
Life is a Shoe
Thanks so much, Celyn! I feel like belts are like a forgotten accessory that can really change an outfit!
Loving the color scheme of this outfit and the layers.
Such amazing backdrops Michelle ! Specially for me living in a city that sits in front it the ocean and next to a tropical rainforest, you are courageous to go out in that weather – but the pictures are totally worth it.
I stepped aside from blogging but did take pictures which I am slowly uploading.
Thanks so much, Lorena! It is so nice to hear from you! I hope you had a lovely holiday season. I do like the snow in my background for photos, but it does get tiresome after a few months! I hope you have a very happy and healthy new year, my friend.