Inspired by Fashion Fairy Dust & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #78
I know. I know. Another kimono. But I have to tell you a story. You already know that my favorite summer outfit formula is a kimono and jean shorts. But I bet you didn’t know that this outfit combination paired with booties has been inspired by my dear friend Debbie of Fashion Fairy Dust. About a week and a half ago, she shared this amazing kimono outfit with booties on Instagram. Now I have seen shorts and booties styled together before and I always love it, but Debbie’s vibe is so my jam that I literally gasped with delight when I saw this outfit. And it stuck in my head and I have worn a similar combination a few times since I first spotted hers. Check out my festival look that is a similar combination also inspired by Debbie.

In keeping with my tradition of being always honest, I will admit that it ended up taking me until today to actually go read Debbie’s post that features this brilliant outfit, Western Ankle Boots & Kimono: Peace On The Other Side. And in true Debbie-fashion, she delivers a punch with her meaningful and inspiring message. It seems like she and I often coincide in current life events and experiences and I know for certain that given the opportunity to meet in real life, Debbie and I would be fast friends. I encourage you to not just look at her pretty clothes, but read her posts and really see the beautiful woman who wears those pretty clothes. Like me, Debbie always keeps it real, honest, authentic, raw, and genuine without shame or apology. I admire her beyond what any words can express. With that being said…here is my take on Debbie’s kimono & ankle boots outfit.
*This is not a sponsored post.
*Kimono: Torrid. Similar here.
And like Debbie, I have recently experienced a situation in my life that shook me to my core and completely altered the way I view certain things and I how approach them and handle them. This was the point when I realized what I thought was a strength was actually a weakness. So Debbie’s words sort of flashed off the screen at me like a bolt of lightning…
“I’m talking about one of those pivotal moments or periods of time in your life journey when an experience(s) or perhaps an event has altered your views so much that it changes you down to your very soul. I’m there right now…That is one of the gifts of age…self-awareness.”
…and I was like, “Hey, I was just there, my friend. Only one month ago. Standing right where you are.” So choosing Debbie as my inspiration for this post suddenly went worlds beyond just a really cool outfit.
Self-awareness is an amazing thing. It is an awakening of sorts. Like emerging from a coma of unconscious oblivion. At first, the fog begins to clear gradually. Then it comes at you in sudden waves of clarity. It is startling, confusing, scary, and so freaking enlightening that it is difficult to describe with mere human language. The feeling is immense and almost other-wordly as you become more and more aware of who you are, what you need, what you stand for, and what you will and will not tolerate. And then the most incredible strength descends upon you making you feel quite invincible. I defer to Debbie on this…is that an accurate description?
And as you journey through this process of self-awareness, you do question your own sanity at times…so I ask you all now, if this has ever happened to you, won’t you please validate me? Because I do believe we all need that kind of validation and that is why it is so important that we share these experiences with one another. And this is exactly the reason that I continue writing this blog. And exactly the reason that Debbie shares her stories, too.
Please keep sharing your experiences on your blogs and in the comments. This is how communities of support are created. And we all need a safe place like that to feel validated, encouraged, and empowered. And keep #SpreadingTheKindness, my friends.
Now on to the featured favorites from last week.
Elsie of Polished Whimsy shared her post, Starting Fresh: Summer Date Night Outfit. She looks absolutely amazing in this super chic and sexy little black dress. I am such a huge fan of fish net socks with heels, too. Pop on over and check out Elsie’s blog for tons of style inspiration and if you are dating in the current day and age, she has some great tips to offer on that topic, too!

Nora of Jacket Society shared three fabulous outfits in her post, Chic Summer Looks in Coral and White. I love this adorable wrap dress and the white embroidered kimono is so dreamy. But you all knew I would swoon over the kimono! If you are looking for beautiful, classic, on-trend wardrobe pieces, do stop by and see what Nora has to offer!

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

Maria | passion fruit, paws and peonies
I have really loved reading this post Shelbee. You have expressed how I feel about Debbie (and you too lovely Shelbee) so well. I have ‘met’ so many incredible and inspiring women through blogging and they enrich my life with their personal stories, that as you have put it so well Shelbee, are ‘real, honest, authentic, raw, and genuine without shame or apology’ xx
Maria, thank you so very much for this thoughtful and validating comment. I agree with you completely about the amazing people in this blogging community. There are so many incredible bloggers who inspire and empower each other every day, yourself included, by sharing our experiences and supporting one another. I do love this job!
Tamar Strauss-Benjamin
So cute with the boots and shorts!
Thank you, Tamar! Have a fabulous day!
Carol Tsacoyeanes
So inspiring Shelbee!💕
Thanks so much, Carol!
Kimonos! Yay! First, I love Debbie’s outfit, in particular, the peplum hem black tank. Wondering if she cuffed the sleeves on her kimono, or if they just go that way? Second, I could only get 2 pics of your kimono on my iPad, the rest wouldn’t load for me. That being said, cute outfit, Shelbee! Are you wearing jeans shorts, or a jean skirt? Either way, you look fabulous, as usual. Third, I used to question my own sanity, until I realized my instincts are true, it’s just that everyone else is batshit crazy. Took fifty years to figure that out, but what an epiphany! Now that I’ve realized that, everything else is manageable, not to mention, what a sense of freedom it gave me! I wasted a lot of time feeling inferior, not smart enough, or able enough. I still get those feelings, but now I recognize them for what they are, and I don’t allow them to hurt me any more. It’s a process.
Susan, thank you so much for sharing your experience in self-awareness. It really does help validate my own experience. Even though I am self-aware enough to “know” that I am not insane, I do still question it sometimes when other people’s crazy starts to take over! It does take half our lives to figure it out, but I guess the saving grace is that we do figure it out. There are some people who unfortunately never reach the point of self-awareness.
It doesn’t look like Debbie’s kimono sleeves are cuffed. I think they are just scrunched up a little from the way her arms are placed. And her peplum tank top is totally adorable! I am wearing really short cut off jean shorts…a skirt that short would totally be showing off my you know what! And it looks the photos are loading properly now. I don’t have any idea what the picture problem was but I couldn’t even pin them to Pinterest or anything. It must have been something going on at my host’s server or something, but it appears to be working fine now. Thanks so much for letting me know (and if the photos are still not loading for you, please do let me know)!
As always, I really appreciate your very thoughtful comments! Have a fantastic day, my friend.
Deborah Stinedurf
Nope, it’s not cuffed…that’s just the way it’s made! 🙂
Pam Greer
I love your kimono and I love how you got your fashion inspiration! I’ve never worn booties with shorts yet, but the look is so cute!
Thanks so much, Pam! I am definitely really liking the booties with shorts look…it is so very boho! You should totally try it!
Kathrine Eldridge
Yes to another kimono! The colors on this one are gorgeous. I don’t blame you for the copied look. Thanks for the link up Shelbee!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! I am sure there will be many more kimonos showing up on my blog this summer! And I was just discussing the colors in this kimono…I would have never thought to combine these colors but they are so rich and beautiful together, aren’t they?
I love it when we’re so inspired by our fellow bloggers that we post images of similar outfits. And this outfit is simply gorgeous, Shelbee! I, too, just adore Debbie which makes this all the more special!
Beautiful post, as always <3 <3
Suzy xx
Suzy, thank you so much! It is so much fun to share what inspires me. And I never exactly copy another’s outfit…mostly because that wouldn’t be much fun. I just take the inspiration and create my own personal look…but then I do need to give credit and spread kindness along the way!
I always love how you take inspiration from others Shelbee!! And Debbie is definitely one to inspire!! I always admire not only her style but words, and she (like you) speak from the heart!!
I’m totally going to do this pairing soon!!
Aw, Jodie, thanks so much! It is so much fun to take the inspiration and create our own individual looks from there. And you know I love to give credit and spread kindness so my “inspired by” posts are some of my favorites to write! I can’t wait to see what you create with this combination! Your dress and cowboy boots look is amazing, so I am certain your kimono, shorts, and booties look will be equally fabulous!
I love honesty and wisdom like you (and Debbie) share! I’m glad you took inspiration from her in this outfit, because it’s fabulous.
Pumps and Push-Ups
Brooke, thank you so very much! Your words are so kind and mean so much to me! Have a fantastic day.
Chrissy Rowden
Awww, Shelbee! You are fabulous at remembering to feature those bloggers who inspire you, and you do it well! I know we are inspired by each other and I want to take notes from you on featuring it when we do! 🙂 And you and Debbie both look great – I love both of your styles and you know how much I love a great kimono!!! I’m having to ban myself from investing in anymore right now! And as far as the self-discovery, this is unending is it not? After all, we never stop changing, which is a good thing! At least I know for me, I still struggle with being selfish but I’m no where near as selfish as I used to be at 20 – kids will take care of a lot of that – ha! As for the sanity vs. insanity, yeah, I’ve been there before so you’re not alone and officially validated. 😉 Lots of love Shelbee!!
Chrissy, thank you so much for that “official validation” and for sharing your experience and journey to self-awareness. It really does need to be an ongoing process because we change, the world around us changes, and everything is in a constant state of flux. If we refuse to grow and evolve along with it, we will be stuck and lost. And kids definitely change our perceptions on everything. I have been trying to ban myself from adding more kimonos, but alas, it is a weakness and I lack self-control. One of the many things about myself that I am always trying to improve!
Cheryl Tucker
I love Debbie’s blog and you are right she is as inspirational and informative as she is stylish! Love your kimonos and had two delivered to my door yesterday that I can’t wait to style! Great post Shelbee and have a great day!
Cheryl, thank you so very much! I agree with you completely. And of course, I cannot wait to see your new kimonos! Have a wonderful day.
Linda Cassidy
My outfit today appears to be inspired by you in your last post. Cool dress LOL. Love the kimono today
Yes, Linda! I just saw it. It is such a great dress. The last time I wore mine, I paired it with sneakers, too. And I live close enough to Canada that I should be donning it this week to honor my northern neighbors! And that coffee cup, though! Eh, I love it!
Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
I just love this entire outfit, especially the burgundy booties and how they pick up the colors in your kimono!!
Thank you so much, Carrie! I was very pleased at how perfectly the booties did match since the kimono is new and the boots are a few years old.
Deborah Stinedurf
My friend, this is such a beautiful post. I was simultaneously blushing and teared up. And you know that I feel exactly the same way about you. I am absolutely certain if we met irl we would hit the ground running and never look back! Yes, your description of self-awareness is spot on. Like most things though it is an ongoing work in progress. I’m so much better at going at things head on than I was even a few weeks ago, but I still have some messy business to attend to that I’ve been dancing around for awhile now…I’ll get there though because now I know better.
It always makes me happy when I realize that my words mean as much (or more) than my outfits. This post made my day and I appreciate it more than you know!
Debbie xoxo
Debbie, now I am the one blushing and tearing up! Yes, definitely keep at the hard work of self-awareness and living your best life. While it is difficult at times, it is so worth it in the end. You and I are so on the same page on so many things…it always make me happy when my words deliver a greater impact than my clothing, too! One of these days, I will make my way to the Pittsburgh area…and I will certainly let you know when that happens!
Patrick weseman
Looking nice and looking like summer as hit there. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you are having a wonderful week.
Thanks so much, Patrick! Yes, the weather has been beautiful. I just hope it continues in this mid-70’s range but it looks we will experience temperatures in the 90’s by the weekend. That is just too darn hot for me! Have a wonderful day, my friend.
Jessica A Jannenga
wonderful about getting inspiration from Debbie. It is great to be inspired from other bloggers. I enjoy reading both of your blogs. Love the colors in this kimono and the plum color is very striking on you.
Have a great day!
jess xx
Jess, thank you so much! Other bloggers, including you, inspire me daily! It is one of the reasons I continue on this blogging journey!
Pretty look ❤
Thanks so much, Kinga!
Nora Minassian
You guys are both rocking those kimonos. It’s always great to get inspired by strong women and Debbie is sure one of those women.
Nora, thank you so much! I do love connecting with amazing woman and finding inspiration in all they represent! I hope your day is fabulous!
Nora Minassian
Sorry Shelbee I was so taken by your and Debbie’s outfits that I forgot to thank you for choosing my look as the featured look this week. I really appreciate it 🙂
It was my pleasure, Nora! You always share such beautiful style!
Never apologize for a kimono- they’re so fun to wear! 🙂
Le Stylo Rouge
Ashley, thanks so much! That might be a blog post in the making…”Never apologize for a kimono”!
Nancy Baten
Oh what a beautiful homage to Debbie! And to yourself because you write as interesting and genuine from the hart as Debbie does. And what a great outfit. I immediately thought: where is the festival! Cool!
Nancy, thanks so much! I appreciate that so much. I do love my festival-inspired outfits, too! Have a great day, my friend.
Aww, love yours and Debbie’s Kimono’s 🙂 Great looks. Thanks for hosting.
Claire, thank you so very much! Have a wonderful day!
Tiina L
Lovely outfit.
And I get what you’re saying, about some experiences changing you, or your view of life in general. And other people making you doubt your sanity, too. I used to think I was totally neurotic, and I tried so hard to fit in (with my family, with some so-called friends, at school…), but at some point it just gets so exhausting. And then you just say ‘F**k it, I’m done’. And you stop trying to play nice and trying to fit in and just stop caring about how people see you. And that’s very liberating. In my case, it took way too long, but I finally figured out that I’m probably the least neurotic person in my totally messed-up, dysfunctional family, and some so-called friends are just not worth my time. Some people will never see you as their equal, never mind what you do or don’t do. And you also realize that some people are just mean or bigoted or narcissistic, for reasons that have nothing to do with you (or anybody else, for that matter) and there’s absolutely nothing you can do about it, other than stop wasting your time on them.
Now, I’m not saying any of this is easy, but it’s only after you realize that whatever other people do or say or think, you can’t change them, or how they treat you. You can only choose if you’re OK with that or not. A word of warning, though: this wisdom, as liberating as it is, comes with a price: it can make you cynical (but I can live with that…)
Tiina, I am so glad that you joined in on this discussion! You always provide me such wonderful insight and perspective (and validation, too)! I agree with you completely that it is so liberating once we can reach that place where it no longer matters what others think of you. I guess that is true self-acceptance and self-love…standing firm and confident without apology in your own truth. And we absolutely cannot change others or what they think. We can only change ourselves and how we respond to other people. It is the whole idea of accepting responsibility and acknowledging the truths of the world. It is very empowering once we reach that place, but can be frightening, too. I can see how it also creates cynicism. One of my very favorite pieces of advice that I have received from a dear counselor friend is this…in any situation in life, you have three choices…you can accept it, change it, or leave it. And the decision is always in your hands. You are an amazing, brilliant woman, my friend…even in your cynicism!
Well maybe the kimonos are your style signifier!
They just may be, Lorena! Thanks so much for stopping by. Have a fantastic day!
jacqui berry
This is a really nice kimono Shelbee, I love the colours and the velour edging. I need more of these in my life I think. Jacqui Mummabstylish
Thanks so much, Jacqui! I do love a good velvet kimono…they are great for all year round. And I agree…you should start adding more kimonos to your life. One can never have too many kimonos, I think! Have a fantastic day, my friend.
Lauren Sparks
I always love your positive and fun messages!
Thank you so much, Lauren! I have to keep injecting positivity into this crazy world…it seems to be my calling! Have a wonderful day!
Cheryl Shops
I love this series, when you create a look inspired by one of your favorite bloggers (and love Fashion Fairy Dust as well)! Also, as far as I’m concerned, you never have to apologize about wearing a kimono! 😉
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Cheryl, thank you so much! I do love writing these “inspired by” posts, too. When I first started them, I was trying to post them on a specific day of the week, but then I felt like I was forcing inspiration! Now I just post them whenever the inspiration strikes me. It works much better for me. I am so glad you enjoy the series! And I must stop apologizing for all the kimonos…because you are going to probably see many more here on the blog! Have a fantastic day, my friend.
Love her blog, and your outfit looks so great SHelbee!!! HAve a great week!
Thanks so much, Stephanie! I hope your week is going well!
Lisa Richardson
You my friend ARE the KIMONO QUEEN!!! Another great look!
Thanks so much, Lisa! I do love my kimonos!
YEAH to Kimonos, they are a piece that just transforms any look, love it!
Thanks so much, Cherie! I agree completely…a kimono has amazing transformative effect on any outfit and I would wear one every day if I could! Wait…I guess I totally could wear one every day because there is no one who can stop me!
I just adore that kimono! You look absolutely fabulous!
Thanks so much, Laura!
Kathy Robinson
Your comments resonate so strongly with me that I feel like you know me! I soooooo validate you! Thanks for sharing.
Kathy, thank you so much for the validation! I am so glad that my experiences and my writing are relatable and hopefully helpful to others. I appreciate your comment so much!
Kathy Robinson
You totally rocked that kimono!
Thanks so much, Kathy!
Amy Christensen
I love Debbie’s style and you did a wonderful job mimicking her post. You both are beautiful and talented ladies with loads of good things to say. Keep it up, chica! – Amy
Amy, thank you so much! To be classified in the same good company as Debbie is an honor, for sure!
Bojana Krienke
I love how you speak your truth. It’s difficult because once you are aware of it silently you have a choice to change or to ignore it, but once you speak it out loud, like in a blog, you’ve made the choice to acknowledge and change as a result of this new discovery. There is so much more depth to any of us ladies who style outfits that make us feel pretty. Thank you for sharing but also celebrating other women.
Bo, thank you for this amazing comment! There is definitely so much more behind all the pretty outfits! We must uplift, empower, and inspire each other…otherwise, what’s the point really? And I agree completely that once we state it out loud and on our blogs, then we must own it. For me, that is the best way to live anyhow!
Marilee Gramith
That burn out velvet kimono is very special. Such vibrant and warm colors and very sexy with boots!
Isn’t it interesting how the fashion doesn’t continue to be the most interesting aspect of the fashion bloggers you love most. It’s perhaps the “creative relief” from all the really compelling aspects living real lives.
Thanks so much, Jude! And while I do love fashion…clearly…you really do need to bring more to the table than just good fashion to keep me interested. And Debbie most definitely does that as do all of my favorite fashion bloggers. Real women living real lives with real thoughts and real experiences…I think that’s what we all desire to see. We can look at pretty fashion photos in any glossy magazine. I think we turn to blogs more often for that creative content from real people.