Inspired by Elegance and Mommyhood: Writing Poetry & Link Up On the Edge #163

I used to write poetry all the time when I was younger. I felt it was easier to express myself in the shorter bursts of emotions that lend themselves better to poems than prose. In fact, in one of my elementary school yearbooks, I am quoted as saying that I wanted to be a poet when I grow up. That quickly morphed into the broader classification of writer once I realized how very little contemporary poets are appreciated in this world.

Once upon a time, I had dozens of journals filled with my poetry. But that was all lost in a fire. Not the kind of fire you would suspect by my phrasing, but a fire that I started and threw all of my journals into it, page by blessed page, because I was reprimanded, chastised, and judged in the harshest way by the man I was about to marry. Needless to say, that marriage didn’t last, but too late is too late and the poetry of my youth was nothing more than an ashy memory. And as memories do, they fade away until there is simply nothing left.

And then I never really felt inspired after that to write poetry. I began journaling again in the aftermath of the fiery end but it was always in prose form. Journaling eventually led to blogging and now my life is filled with piles of notebooks that contain only the erratic scribblings of a distracted and overwhelmed mind. And only a fraction of these incomprehensible scrawlings ever takes form in digital print.

But my friend Ada of Elegance and Mommyhood has been sharing a lot of her poetry lately on her blog and it planted a seed. It inspired me to try my hand at it once again. With some other outside sources offering inspiration, I have been able to create a few pieces.

However, there is something scary about sharing one’s poetry. More so than our prose writings. Poetry is more raw, more emotional, more transparent even though it may appear on its surface to be cryptic and subject to interpretation. Poetry sort of exposes everything for the vultures to find and feed on with criticism and judgment. But I am not one to cower in fear for long…so with great trepidation, I am going to face that fear and share a poem. One that was inspired by my time at Hickory Fest this Summer. I don’t know why this is so much more intimidating to share than all of the other raw and corny details that I share on the daily. But here goes nothing…all I ask is that you please be gentle in your critiques and remarks.

There is something about poetry that rhymes that makes it seem so juvenile and naive to me. I feel uncomfortable. It doesn’t suit me. But I wrote a rhyming poem anyway.
I Thought I’d Known You Before
I ventured down the highway
Looking for something new
But everywhere I’ve headed
I kept running into youI’ve logged a million miles
Seeking someone I didn’t know
Hoping to be uplifted
But ending up so lowI thought I’d known you before
I thought I’d know you still
I thought I’d know you forever
But I guess I never willStaring down the winding road
Into the stained glass sky
Heading in the right direction
Where I met those broken eyesI’ve met you time and time again
I’ve tried to learn your rules
But I woke up in my own bed
Feeling like a foolI thought I’d known you before
I thought I’d know you still
I thought I’d know you forever
But I guess I never willI look into the mirror
The haunted eyes are there
Glaring back in wonder
At my vacant stareI thought I’d known you before
August 2019
I thought I’d know you still
I thought I’d know you forever
But I guess I never will

As I was preparing this post, I did stumble upon some poetry and creative prose that I had penned about 10 years ago. I browsed through it and it is not completely mortifying. Maybe it is worth sharing here. If you are interested, do let me know in the comments and perhaps it can become a weekly occurrence. Sometimes it is refreshing to change things up a bit, tap into a lost art form, revisit a previous passion. You never know where it will lead.
Perhaps you are interested in delving more deeply into your creativity. You can find helpful advice for improving your craft at https://www.singularsound.com/blogs/news/4-beatbuddy-tips. Or maybe you are able to just pick up where you left off. You can turn your favorite creative hobbies and passions into a career or simply enjoy them as part of your self-care routine. Regardless of where you take your artistic expression, the key is to enjoy and appreciate the creative process.

And now your featured favorites from last week.
Johanna of Johanna Grange shared a powerful message about body positivity in her post, Show Your Stripes. So many of us in the blogging world make it a point to inspire others to feel great about themselves, but then we forget to take our own advice. Johanna is making strides in her own self awareness and I think many of us can follow her lead. I know I sure I can.

Lauren of Lauren Sparks also shared a very powerful post, Why I Re-Love the Word Tolerance. She brought up some issues with the word tolerance that I often took issue with myself. This post is enlightening, informative, and plain old powerful from a standpoint of love.

Are you a fan of poetry? Do you prefer rhyming poems or free verse? Do you ever write poetry yourself? Would you share it publicly?
Feeling poetic on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.
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Good morning friend 🌞!! I am so glad I “inspired” you to write poetry again. I just knew this poem would be beautiful and special because you are a fantastic writer overall. Thank you for digging inside your emotions and sharing this little artistic piece with us. Like you I have lost entire notebooks of my poems which sucks. But it helps that I have published some of them and I have my 3 books in printed form.
Love seeing you write poetry, especially that it has a rhyme which makes it more difficult. I find rhyming in Albanian to be easier. I love the repeated verses. They are powerful, Shelbee.
The whole message behind this is strong! In life we think we know some people and never really do! Honestly this poem could totally be lyrics to a song. With that said A) I encourage you to keep sharing poems on the blog from time to time – old or new – and B) I encourage you to keep writing poetry. 👍👍👍
Last but not least I like this Fall look. Love the edginess. Plus it is very you and that is most definitely a compliment!! 💓💓💓
Happy TGIF!! Hugs, Ada. 💗
Aw, thanks so much, Ada! I am so grateful to you for reigniting this passion in me. I really appreciate it. I think I may start sharing poems on my Friday link ups. It is a nice way to change it up a bit and add something new to my content. Stay tuned for more poems to come. Have the most wonderful weekend, my friend!
Such a pity that we don’t save our writings isn’t it. I still regret I didn’t save mine. Didn’t burn them though, just threw it away. What a fool. Have a great weekend dear.
We are total fools, aren’t we?! Now that I memorialize everything in writing on the internet, I suppose it’s all here to stay! Have a fantastic weekend!
Kathrine Eldridge
Thanks so much for sharing this poem! It’s wonderful and so beautiful. So glad you are jumping into this passion of yours. Love this fun, layered look and thanks for the link up!
Kathrine, thank you so very much! It is nice to rediscover an old passion made new again. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Michele Morin
Thanks for sharing your poem–it’s always a little vulnerable for me when I put poetry out there, but I think it’s definitely worth the risk.
Michele, thanks so much! I am not sure why sharing poetry is so much more intimidating. I need to stop by and read some of yours. Have a great weekend.
Love your fun cowgirl boots Shelbee and your poem – wow! You’re so talented Shelbee. It’s refreshing to see how your hard work and consistency pays off in a myriad of ways. Also, thanks for featuring Lauren Sparks’ post. I just read it and loved it. Keep up the good work Shelbee!
Thanks so much, Chrissy! I am going to try to tap into this poetry thing some more, I think. And wasn’t Lauren’s post so amazing?! I am so glad that you enjoyed it. Have a great weekend, my friend.
Julie | This Main Line Life
Shelbee, your poetry is beautiful. You should definitely keep sharing. I’m so sorry you ended up in a place before where you felt you had to burn your work… and I’m glad you got away from that toxic relationship. You definitely seem to be in a really positive place now and it’s great that you can write again.
Julie, thanks so much! It is nice to get back to writing things that are genuinely inspired. And yes, my life has been so much better now that I have learned to eliminate all the toxic relationships. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Barbara Chapman
Hello Shelbee!!! Have a fun weekend and I hope they win for you. 🙂 Finally getting back around to visit parties… Back working as an aide in local school district so time is limited, ugh! Creating a Downton Abbey inspired dress for this weekend for IOOF event ~ We Interrupt this Program… is the title and the yellow beaded dress is the beginning of the project.
Have a great week and thank you for the party! Share Your Style will be back next week over my way (Wednesdays).
Happy fall to you,
Barb 🙂
Barb, thanks so much! It is great to have you back at it again. And that sounds like a super fun event…I will definitely check out your party next week! Have the most wonderful weekend!
Shelbee, I love that poem! I used to write poems a loooong time ago, now I barely have any time but I read poems occasionally now.
Your look is fabulous as well. It’s definitely out of my personal comfort zone but you look fanastic in it!
Thank you for sharing that wonderful poem!
Ellibelle’s Corner
Ellibelle, thank you so much that! I really appreciate your kind and encouraging words. And I say you should try to step out of your comfort zone and see what happens! Sometimes great things happen there. Have a wonderful weekend.
Grace Liang
I’m so glad to see you write poetry again, and that you faced your fears and shared a poem you rote! Love it! 🙂
Thanks so much, Grace! I am feeling more confident about sharing because the feedback is encouraging. I hope you are enjoying your travels.
Patrick Weseman
Wow, what a wonderful post. You write very wonderful poems and I feel bad for you about the treatment from that first marriage, so very wrong. Just so sad, how others treat each other just because they don’t understand the passions of others. It is interesting because I had the same issue come up this week. My daughter got a great opportunity for an internship and was able to transfer her job from the Bay Area to Portland. Her grandfather on her mom’s side (my ex) said to her, you are such a loser like your dad for following her dreams. I think people are afraid of others when they follow their dreams and passions and go against the norm.
Looking great. Love the look. You could hang here in the Bay anytime. Have fun this weekend and thanks for hosting.
Patrick, thank you so much for this lovely compliment. I am so sorry that your daughter (and you ) were met with that kind of reaction from her grandfather. Such nasty words. But good for her for following her dreams even in the face of criticism. And good for you for supporting her decision. Have a great weekend.
Kelsey Bang
fun layering! hope you have a great weekend!
Thanks so much, Kelsey! Have a wonderful weekend.
You are such a talented writer! I think that poetry is under appreciated in today’s society but I still see value in it. Your poem is beautiful, raw and emotional. And I love your writing for the same reason. You are always honest and never hold back. Poetry, like any other art form, seems to be shaped by our lives and circumstances that come with it…. a little like song writing. You’d probably be good at that too 🙂
Lizzie, thank so much! I cannot even tell you how much I appreciate those very validating words. I wish I could write song lyrics, but I feel like I would fail since I am not musical. But I agree…all writing in whatever form has to come from our experiences and from deep within our soul to carry a bigger impact. If y’all keep reading, I will keep writing.
Cheryl Shops
Thank you for sharing your poetry, Shelbee, in such a bravely vulnerable way. I survived my divorce by working my ass off; writing poetry sounds slightly healthier. 😉
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Thank you, Cheryl! I wrote a lot post divorce but it wasn’t poetry then since he was the one who led me to burning what I did write. But I guess the key for both of us is that we survived!
Laura Bambrick
I don’t write poetry, but I do like reading it on occasion. You did a wonderful job! Hope you have a great weekend!
Laura, thanks so much! It was nice to tap into that lost side of my writing. I am glad that appreciate it on occasion. Have a great weekend!
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
What a cute early fall outfit!
Thank you, Tamar! Have a wonderful weekend.
OMG! Thank you so much for the feature! And I love your poem. Keep writing them. laurensparks.net
Thanks so much, Lauren! I will keep writing them now that I have found my inspiration again.
Amy Christensen
Wow! I love it! Keep writing!!! – Amy
Thanks so much, Amy! I really appreciate that!
I think your poem is amazing. I think it would make a good song!
And I absolutely love your outfit!
Leelo, thank you so much! I had kind of sing-song rhythm in my head when I wrote it, too. But I know nothing about song writing!
This is a beautiful poetry Shelbee. It’s a true work of heart and I enjoyed reading it. I am so glad that you are writing poetry again and I am sorry for that man who had you destroy your creations. I also used to write poetry but not sure why I stopped. Now you got me scratching my head as to why I did stop!
Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com
Maureen, thank you so much for your very kind comment as always! I hope I ignited some creative spark for you to get back to writing poetry as well! I would love to read it!
Hi – Excellent poem! I used to write poetry – all of my life until I had kids. I performed my poetry around the midwest and in a performance art group for 25 years. After my children were grown, my interest turned in a new direction and here I am a fashion and lifestyle blogger for women over 60. I’ve been thinking of treating my blog a little more poetically. You are putting a light to that spark. So my answer to you is that I think it is a great idea to post a poem on your blog once a week or so. Wishing you luck – Angie, http://www.yourtrueselfblog.com
Angie, thank you so much for sharing your story and your love of poetry! When I used to write tons of poetry in my teens and early 20’s, I always wanted to perform it at open mic nights but I never got the courage to do it. I am so glad that I was able to light a little spark to bring you back to your poetic roots! I will keep sharing mine. Have the most wonderful day!
I just love how we encourage one another on fashion and writing! Your look is perfect for Fall! Thanks for linking up with the Style Six!
Thanks so much, Laura! It is such an amazing community. I can’t imagine my life without it!
I like your red jacket! 🙂
My cousin is a part time poet, he does more carpentry now, but he’s published a few books and I admire his way with words, I’m no good with them!
Hope that you had a great weekend 🙂 Thank you so much for joining the #weekdayWearLinkUp 🙂 I just posted this week’s linkup, I’d love you to join again! 🙂
Thank you, Mica! I do love weaving my words into something beautiful. How awesome that your cousin has published books of poetry. I am still so overwhelmed by the idea of writing enough for a book. Although I have definitely written enough for multiple books by this point in life. I have linked up! Thanks for hosting.
Me too! i used to write Lots and lots of poetry in elem and highschool.
thanks for linking up!
Thanks for reading, Sarah! You should get some of that poetry out and revisit it! It is an interesting thing to look back upon it.