It’s Time For You To Love Your Legs with Zaful
Our legs. Many of us seem to have issues with our legs. They are too fat. They are too skinny. They are wrinkly. They are pale. They are splotchy. They jiggle. They touch. They have visible veins. They are ashy. And this is a big one… I have heard this from a multitude of women… “I hate my knees and I need to cover them.” I hate my knees. When asked what they hate about their knees, none have been able to provide an answer other than “I don’t know. I just don’t like they way they look.”
*This is a sponsored post by Zaful. As always, all thoughts and opinions are my own.
Let me tell you this about my legs. They jiggle. They are dimply. My thighs touch. If I stand with my legs together, my calves touch, too. Heck, my ankles even touch. I have knobby knees. I always have. My legs are thick. And they are pale. I remember as a competitive swimmer in my younger years comparing my legs to my fellow teammates. I would sit on the bleachers next to a teammate and think, “My God! My calves are the same size as her thighs. I must be a giant.” But I have learned something since then that I want to share with you.
Changing the way we perceive our legs is instrumental in arriving at a place of self-love. And I have changed my perspective for sure. All of those things I have just said about my legs are 100% true. But this is also true of my legs…they are thick legs. They are long legs. They are solid legs. They are strong legs. They have carried me far in this life. And they will continue to carry me into the next stages of my life. Right up until the very end. I can rely on my legs.
When my shoulders failed during my swimming career, my legs propelled me forward. When wonderful opportunities presented themselves to me, my legs allowed me to run towards them. When I found myself in bad situations, my legs allowed me to walk away. My legs have been with me since the beginning. And I am predicting that they will be with me until the end. Forty-three years into this life, these legs still allow me to stand tall, stand on my own, and keep moving forward and climbing higher. And because of this, I will not hide my legs because they may “look” unappealing. I will showcase my legs as the trophies of persistence, perseverance, and strength that they represent. They may jiggle when I walk and they may double in size when I sit down. But they are mine and I will cherish them.
Enough about my legs. Let’s talk about your legs. They are the only legs you have. You need them. You need them to stand. You need them to walk. You need them to run. And when life knocks you to your knees, you need them to crawl. They may be bruised, they may be battered, they may be scarred. They may even be weak at times, but they continue to carry you through life as only legs can. They may need assistance every now and again and that’s okay because they will get tired. They will need rest. But they are resilient. They are strong. They are tough. And they will recover and heal. They are quite literally pillars of strength. They hold you up. They have carried you this far in life. They will continue to carry you on. And I don’t care what they may look like to others, they are fabulous and beautiful because of what they have accomplished and what they represent. So if you change your perspective to one of appreciation, you will begin to love your legs. Showcase them. Stand up straight. Stand up tall. Show off your amazing legs.
And if, for any reason, your legs have reached a point where they need permanent assistance, you should love them anyway. Without condition. Because they are a huge part of who you are, who you were, and who you will become. Love all of yourself…including your legs.
So I challenge you all with this…look at your legs. And find at least one thing that you love about them. Share it in the comments. Because putting the words down will reinforce them in your mind. Then be bold, be brave, be strong…and show off your brilliant legs. They deserve it!
In fact, let’s start sharing photos of our fabulous legs on Instagram using #LovingMyLegs. All of our legs are fabulous and they deserve to be loved. Now show me some leg!
Outfit Details
Dress: Black Flounce Ruffles Round Neck Sleeveless Dress c/o Zaful.
If you want to be bold and try a super short dress that shows off your amazing legs, check out what Zaful has to offer. They have some adorable Black Mini Dresses. If black is not your color, how about a sexy White See-Through Dress. Their selection of Pink Mini Dresses is pretty spectacular, too.
Earrings: Rhinestone Tassel Dangle Earrings c/o Zaful.
Everything else I am wearing has been in my closet for quite some time.
If you need more inspiration to help you in the journey to loving your legs, this Huffington Post article is fabulous: 25 Women Bare Their Gloriously Unretouched Thighs — And Describe Them In One Word.
(Thanks to my children, this video kept coming to mind as I contemplated the content for this post.)
Loving my legs on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

anne m bray
I love my legs too! I think you know that already. 😉
Great post, as always.
Anne, when I was writing this, I kept thinking, “But of course, Anne loves her legs and she will tell me!” It is just another thing that I adore about you, my friend. You are ever so confidently you! You rock! And your legs are freaking fabulous.
I think you have lovely legs Shelby and you are rocking that dress too. I use to cover my legs up all the time because I was ashamed of them. To me they looked like big turkey drumstick lol, but hey after I started getting compliments on them how big and pretty they are I started embracing them. I love em lol! Thanks so much for sharing your post, I loved reading it 🙂
Yes, Trina! I am loving that you are loving your legs! And thank you for the lovely comment. Life is too short to be ashamed of our bodies!
You are so welcome and you’re right! 🙂
Thank you for this post. It was insightful and empowering. A couple of years ago while attending a conference with fellow teachers a former colleague commented on my leggings and tunic outfit ” Wow Robin, you have tiny little legs!” I am just 5’2″ and chubby with a big bust, and really the only things little about me are my hands and feet so hearing her say that about my legs made my day. I think it has given me more confidence to show them off since.
Robin, thank you so much for sharing your story! It’s amazing what one little comment from a friend, an acquaintance, or even a stranger can make in our lives. We often don’t even realize what our words can mean and how far they stretch and the impact they have (in both negative and positive ways). I am so glad that this comment gave you confidence to show off your wonderful, beautiful legs!
Shelbee, your topic is so timely for me because I’ve been reviewing some recently taken photos and it’s been hard not to be self-critical of my body. Intellectually I know is a good and healthy body (for the most part) and that I’m likely the only one to be accepting of the lumps, bumps, and rolls as just a part of me and not a reflection of something bad. Bravo to you and your message!
Rena, thank you for sharing this and I am so glad I posted at just the right time for you! Actually, right after I drafted this post but before I published it (Yesterday at some point), I shared a photo on my social media of myself wearing very short shorts…and I thought “Oh my, my legs look really dimply. I probably could have gotten a better angle to minimize those lumps.” But then I reconsidered and thought I may be a hypocrite…so there they are…out there…my pale bare legs…shamelessly…lumps, dimples, and all.
Haha, great post Shelbee!
Thanks, Nancy!
Great post Shelbee! My legs are rather pale and veiny BUT they are pretty shapely! 🙂
Thanks, Judy! And I am glad that you recognize the good in your legs!
Shelbee – thank you for writing this post. I don’t get the whole knee thing. So many in my over 50 age group won’t show their knees. My goodness, I would die in the Texas heat if I couldn’t wear my shorts. And I’m even wearing my shorts a little shorter this summer – spider veins and all. We get so focused on our imperfections that we forget to appreciate all our bodies do for us.
Cathy, thank you for your take on this topic! And I hear you…especially now that my body is entering the beginning stages of menopause…I get hot…really hot…and there is no way I am going to suffer just because someone else might find my legs or knees or arms or feet unappealing. I also don’t pay much heed to the idea that I can’t wear short shorts or dresses just because I am in my 40’s. Let’s just keep spreading the message to all women that it’s okay to wear what we want and show what we want!
Great post on self body image. It is crazy what we say to ourselves internally sometimes. I know that I personally have gotten super critical of my body in pictures I see of myself. I often dont feel bad about my body at all until I see the picture.
In college I remember a guy friend telling me that I had “cylinder legs”, like no real shape to them at all. At that point in my life, I was in the best shape of my life, so i never took it to heart and I knew it wasnt totally true. Now when I see my knees blending into my thighs and upper shins, I sometimes hear a little voice that says, oh no, he was right!
But you know what, f it!!! Cylinders are a shape and I feel shapely and curving in “most” of the right places, and THAT is ok with me. (Except…..my arms haha).
Yes! To all of this, Aimee! You have come a long way in just a short time, my friend. I am proud of you and you are beautiful and fabulous and amazing just as you are!
Love you.
Lisa Smith
Thank you for this blog. I really needed to hear this! I WILL find something about my legs today that I love. You are an inspiration!
Lisa, I am so glad that I was able to give you the little push that you needed to start loving your wonderful legs! Thank you so much for your continuous support!
What a wonderful post! Our legs do so much for us and we often insult them. You look more than terrific in this flouncy dress, and showing your amazing legs. Thanks for linking up, xo
Patti, thank you for such a great comment! This quote right here is my favorite…”Our legs do so much for us and we often insult them.” We must stop insulting them and start praising them! Have a fabulous week, my friend!
jodie filogomo
Amen to this Shelbee!!
I know part of my issue growing up was the fact that I am so pale. But finally (after 50 years) I’m trying to embrace my pale skin, and let my legs be free!! It’s so much easier than worrying about self tanners and such!
Thanks for this!!
Thank you, Jodie! I can’t be bothered with self tanners. Especially since I make a giant mess with hair dye! I can’t imagine the mess that would result from me trying to apply a self tanner. It wouldn’t be good. So I just embrace my beautiful, healthy, untanned skin!
You go girl! I, like many others, am not a fan of my legs….mainly my thighs. I played soccer for many years so they are a bit thicker than I’d like. But you know, that’s just the way I was made and I appreciate your post shedding a positive light on such a touchy subject. you looks fabulous as always!
Liz, thank you for sharing a comment on this post! You have wonderful legs and think of how much they have accomplished as a soccer player! Thick legs carry so much strength in them and often have a story that is worth telling! So thank you for telling yours.
Rock it!! You look awesome!
Thanks so much, Tamar!
Julie @ Running in a Skirt
I love this!! We need to stop beating ourselves up. And I think you legs look fabulous! xoxo
Julie, thank you so much! And yes, we do need to stop beating ourselves up. But then we need go one step further and start celebrating appreciating and celebrating our bodies! We don’t ever get a new one so we must love the ones we have!
Laura @ Walking in Memphis in High Heels
Love this post, and seriously, you have amazing legs!!!
Laura, thank you so much! My legs are my best asset even though they juggle when I walk! (I think they are supposed to jiggle anyway.)
I am happy with my legs! Guess the best part of my body! Thank you for this great article!
I love to hear that, Dani! Thanks so much for stopping by and saying it with pride!
Mary Colleen
I’ve been using the same thoughts as a reminder about my skin. I’ve always had skin issues but I remind myself that this is the only body I’ve got and its fought through so much and I am very thankful. Love this post. I also appreciate it as a younger person. I know that bodies age, but it makes me sad when women stop thinking of their bodies as pretty just because they’ve aged!
Mary, thank you so much for sharing this comment! We really do need to love every part of ourselves even with our perceived flaws! I am so glad that you have been able to change your perspective to the positive and have achieved a place of self love. It is ever so important in this often cruel and hateful and judging world. Good for you, my friend!
I absolutely love those shoes
Thanks so much, Molly! They are from Target!
Great post Shelbee, you have inspire me to show more leg 🙂 Thanks for sharing at The Wednesday blog hop
Thank you, Claire! I am glad I could inspire you! Share those leg photos on IG and use #LovingMyLegs!
Great legs Shelbee, I’m getting mine out this weekend, with a bit of spray tan of course. x Jacqui
Good for you, Jacqui! Show off those beauties every chance you get! Thanks so much for stopping by and for the lovely comment.
Moumita De Sarkar
Few blemishes left dark spots on my legs a year back. Wearing a short dress became a matter of embarrassment for me.I missed my spotless and fair legs. I am trying to get rid of those spots. But none is perfect. So I have started wearing short dresses again.
And you should wear short dresses again, Moumita! I applaud your courage in accepting imperfections in yourself and in others. It is our imperfections, after all, that make us perfectly unique and wonderfully beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing your experience with me!
Kristi Gilbert
Powerful post, Shelbee. Tears are filling my eyes. In college, I was staying with my boyfriend’s parents for a few weeks and while looking for a piece of paper in a drawer in my room I stumbled upon his prayer cards. On the very top card, he had written, “God, I pray Kristi’s legs get thinner.” It crushed me and in my head confirmed what I had feared – that my legs were fat. Those were the days of the Nair commercials whose jingle was, “We wear short shorts.” Those cookie cutter thin legs were the epitome of what I thought my legs were supposed to look like. I’m thankful that there are more examples of diverse, beautiful legs these days like Venus and Serena Williams, Olympic gymnasts, even a principal ballerina in my city has strong, powerful, beautiful legs.
Thank you for taking the time to share your perspective and especially the beautiful photos of all of you! Though I’m guessing your heart is your crowning jewel. I will find something positive about my legs today!
Kristi, thank you so very much for this extraordinary comment. Tears are now filling my eyes. It is amazing how the thoughtless words of others can impact us so strongly and for such a long time. And of course, society and media never help those negative messages that have already been delivered to us. I am so glad that you are finding ways to appreciate your body and your beauty. For if our hearts and souls are beautiful, it absolutely will reflect outward! I cannot express enough gratitude for sharing your personal experience with me. And I am so glad you will find something positive about your legs today!
Cute LBD. It shows your tattoo very nicely. Thanks for linking up to the Top of the World Style linkup party.
Thanks, Nicole! I guess the warmer weather is really the only time my tattoo gets any exposure!
Great post, as usual, Shelbee! My legs don’t bother me, but I absolutely hate my arms! But your advice still applies! Maybe it’s time to embrace the jiggly arms!
Thanks, Maggie! And yes, absolutely, it is time to love your arms as well!
Ida P. Krause
Cute outfit. – Great advice. As I’m getting older now and getting those “spider veins” I’m thinking my legs aren’t as pretty as they use to be so now I should just realize they are beautiful just the way they are.
Yes, you absolutely should just love your legs the way they are…spider veins and all! Those wonderful legs have carried you through life and will continue to do so! Thanks so much for stopping by!
Alex @ The Cheerful Closet
Once I became a runner, I started seeing my legs in a completely different light! Great post. Thanks for linking up with Thursday Moda!
That change in perspective makes such a huge difference, doesn’t it, Alex? I am glad you can appreciate your legs! Thanks so much for stopping by.
Way to show off your legs in such stylish fashion! This is such a fun and flirty look. As always, I enjoyed reading your thoughts on the subject and reminder we should think of our legs and all they do for us. Yes, how they keep us moving forward. I do love my legs now, but I can remember growing up not being a fan of them. All my friends were skinny twigs and I hated how my thighs touched. Even though I was not overweight and just built differently, it was hard for me to believe I wasn’t this fat cow standing beside them. I am very appreciative of my muscles now and the fact I have strong legs.
Thanks for linking up with Fabulous Friday!
Jennie, thank you so much for sharing your experience with me. I think we all have these complicated relationships with our bodies that change and evolve throughout our entire lives. But the part that really breaks my heart is that many of us had this dislike of our bodies from very young ages and it takes us until we are in our 30’s and 40’s to finally learn to love ourselves and appreciate our bodies. I love this community of women who blog because we do come together and try to send a different message out into the world for women of all ages. It really is time for us to love ourselves and our bodies!
Lisa Richardson
Thanks for the leg encouragement, Shelbee! I’m working on accepting them and loving them. You have beautiful legs!
I am so glad you stopped by to read this post, Lisa! You also have beautiful legs, I’m sure…because they are strong and wonderful and part of you!