Have a Nipply New Year: #FreeTheNipples & Link Up On the Edge #277

I don’t know if you all are getting tired of my gender equality soapbox and images of my exposed nipples, but they are my nipples and I’ll do what I like with them. My body, my choice, right? At least that’s what I have always been told, but I have learned that this is not always the case. I guess you can always make your own choices about your body, but those choices generally come with a price…sometimes higher than other times.
For example, if I want to walk around topless inside my own home, I can do that without fear of judgment or legal action. And most people wouldn’t think twice about it. But when I tell you that I walk around my house topless in front of my 8 and 10 year old sons, does that change your mind? Believe it or not, there are people who believe it is unhealthy and detrimental to your children if they see their parents’ nude bodies after a certain age. But what is that age? 8, 10, 16, 22? Who gets to decide that anyway? And when did human anatomy become so offensive and a thing that we are told to hide away in shame? I would much rather teach my children a healthy perspective about our miraculous beautiful bodies.
So let’s say I am walking around topless inside my house and I need something from my detached garage. I decide to walk out of my house across my driveway and into my garage without a top. Am I breaking the law now? I am still on my property but my neighbors can see me. Whether it is legal or not, there are definitely people who would immediately call the authorities if they saw my exposed nipples on my front porch. Now my choice about my body has suddenly become criminalized.

Here is the thing about nudity laws…they make it illegal to bare your sexual organs in public. If I recall correctly from middle school health class, sexual organs are the penis and the vagina. Breasts are not in any way required for sexual intercourse just as my hands and mouth are not required. I use all three of these parts in sexual acts and that does not make them sexual organs. If it did then we would all be required to wear gloves and masks in public as well as covering our nipples. Oh wait….I think that last statement just completely defeated my entire argument! We are required to cover our filthy little mouths in public and it is not gender specific either. Well, that’s progress, I suppose.
But seriously, the female breast is not a sexual organ. It is a sexualized organ, for sure. But considering all the sexual kinks and fetishes out there, I am pretty sure you can sexualize any part of the human body if that’s your thing. So why is the female breast always under attack as such a terrible tempting object that must be hidden to keep our puritanical ways in tact? I suppose we should also be required to cover our legs under yards of fabric skirts so as not to tempt the leg men around us. And for the butt guys, we also had better never wear anything that tightly hugs our rear ends. Oh, and the men who are turned on by eyes that sparkle…well, you sparkly-eyed gals out there had better up your sunglass game lest your eyes lead the unsuspecting into the evil temptations of the female body. Cursed women we are as we lead our men astray into the delicious temptations of sexual interactions. Damn these bodies and these breasts. Are you freaking kidding me?!
“The nipple, what you can’t show, is what everyone has. But the jug part that everybody doesn’t [have]…you’re allowed to show. I’ve never understood the way it works.”
Miley Cyrus

I hope you are getting my point. The whole thing is an arbitrary way for our society to keep controlling our bodies. And I really am quite over it. So I guess I am making this campaign my 2022 soapbox mission…#FreeTheNipples!
If you are at all interested in the #FreeTheNipple Movement which aims to equalize topless freedoms between the genders, I am going to list a few enlightening articles below.
- Free the Nipple Movement: Is It Feminism and Why?
- Free the Nipple: A History of a Hidden Movement
- ‘Free the Nipple’ movement: Women can now legally go topless in 6 states
- Free the nipple: Wikipedia
- Free the Nipple States 2021
- The Breast Explanation: What is Free The Nipple, what celebrities are involved, is it illegal to go naked in public, and what counts as graphic content on Facebook?
- U.S. Supreme Court refuses to ‘Free the Nipple’ in topless women case
- Free the Nipple: Inside the Controversy
I also want to highlight that this movement is not about baring our breasts in public, it’s about having the right to bare our breasts in public in the same manner in which men have been permitted to for the past century.

“If it becomes legal to show your nipples in public, do you honestly think all women are going to run around topless? ‘Free the Nipple’ is simply about having the choice.”
Lina Esco, Co-founder of the #FreeTheNipple Movement
Featured Favorites
Reader Favorite (Most Clicked): ME!

(It really made me smile that my last #FreeTheNipples post was the most clicked.)
Fashion Favorite: Nancy’s Fashion Style

Non-Fashion Favorite: Curated by Jennifer

Wishing you all the nippliest new year ever!
Keeping it on the edge,
Joining these Fabulous Link Parties.
Outfit Details: Trench Coat-Hand-me-own from my husband / Lace Panties-Torrid / Shoes-JustFab / Shirt-Charlotte Russe / Stockings and Jewelry-Old

Happy new year Shelbee. You are far braver than me! xx
Thanks, Laurie! Happy New year to you!
Well done my beautiful friend! You were brave enough!
I wish you and your lovely family a very cozy New Years Eve and a magnificent 2022!
Thanks so much, Nancy! I plan to spend the rest of the weekend in my pajamas! In fact, I haven’t gotten dressed since the kids’ last day of school on December 23! Haha. I hope you have a lovely NYE, my friend!
Tamar Strauss-Benjamin
You go girl!! That is such a fun New Years look – love those shoes!!
Thanks so much, Tamar! I really appreciate that. Happy New Year!
Sheila (of Ephemera)
I love that you are so pro-nipple and that you are teaching your sons that the human body is not anything to be ashamed of or that has parts that have to be hidden. It completely makes men the “victims” of women’s bodies to criminalize our parts because THEY can’t seem to control themselves. We are far better to decrim the whole thing and start teaching all children, including boys, that bodies are just…bodies. We are all meat-sacks in the end!
Getting down off my own soap-box! You are gorgeous, Shelbee! Your boobs are beautiful, your pretty pink panties are amazing, and your overall style is incredibly sexy and free. I can tell you feel amazing – and you ARE!
Thanks so much for all the fun posts, although I’m not posting as much. It was so great to “meet” you this past summer. A very Happy New Year to you, your family, your loved ones (and your played-with ones! heh).
Sheila, my gorgeous friend, thank you so much for this lovely comment! I am just over all the silly rules that society places on us and then demands that we feel shame for thinking the rules are silly! Nudity is the natural state of being for all creatures on this planet. We are the only species who intentionally wear clothing! I don’t see any other animal species making such a big deal about nipples. Hahaha.
I have been slowing my pace on blogging very dramatically lately as well. I seem to have lost a bit of my passion and I am trying to ride it out until it returns. I feel like I need to change some things around with my writing and blogging goals but I am too lazy to think about those things right now. The winter blues have set in and the struggle is real. It was so lovely to “meet” you this past summer as well! I will get back around to visiting blog posts. That is my primary goal starting this week! Wishing you a very happy and blessed new year!
Marsha Banks
Oh, Shelbee! You are an intelligent and brave woman! Everything you’ve said here is so true. How sad is it that showing cleavage unnerves me at times? And, you have the courage to show your nipples! It’s funny how you talk about being topless around your boys. My mom was NEVER one to hide her body! I saw it all of the time. I don’t remember if my brother did or not. While I doubt I free my nipples any time soon, I applaud you for doing so!!
Thanks so much for the link up! And have a fabulous New Year!
Marsha, thank you so very much! I sometimes question if my courage is more stupidity! Hahaha. Just kidding. I have always been that girl who needs to push the boundaries on stupid rules…perhaps that takes courage! I actually struggle with showing too much cleavage when I am in actual clothes dress for the day. I have always admired women who confidently show off a bit of cleavage and I am trying to get more comfortable with that myself. I guess baring it all will help me with that! Happy New Year to you, my friend!
Anne M Bray
Well, my nipples are somewhere being studied by UCLA medical students. Maybe not. That was more than 8 years ago. They would be very old specimens by now. Haha.
I am loving being nippleless and breastless. Not so much to be parading around topless though. I am shy that way.
Happy New Year!
Oh my God, Anne, you crack me up! I wonder how long a nipple specimen is good for. Maybe they have only studied one nipple so far and they are saving the other one for later! Either way, you clearly will not be having a very nipply new year…but I do hope you have a super amazing one!
Very nice Shelbee and “NO” I will never get tired of your posts especially when it comes to nipples and the likes of that. I have always loved the way you come up with all these oringinal topics, because they’re never boring. I love your see through blouse, stay up stockings, pink shoes and panties. I think the way someone dresses is totally up to the individual and body parts should definately be seen. The manufactures of clothing would not design seductive under garments if there wasn’t a market for them. You are confident in the way you dress when many others only wish they could be so brave. For myself I have never been afraid of how I dress in public, some may think I’m a exhibitionist but to each their own. I think I have a nice butt and sexy legs when wearing stockings or pantyhose so I like to show them off. You have the perfect body and beautiful boobs and nipples and I’m personally glad to have the privilege of seeing them. Who’s the lucky person that does your photo shooting for you?
Oh wow, Jamie, thank you so much for this wonderful comment! I appreciate your support and validation of what I do in this blog space. I always want to educate and present different perspectives to people in the hopes that we can all better understand one another and be accepting of each other’s differences in lifestyle and other preferences. It is these differences after all that make this world such an interesting place. I don’t know if I perceive myself as brave, but I definitely live my life on my own terms. I really love your attitude and approach to life as well. Keep on shining bright, my friend!
Also…it is my husband who takes most of my photos. Every once in a while, my boyfriend will play photographer as well. And for the less sexy photos, sometimes my kids take the pictures!
Wishing you a very happy new year!
In America, we sexualize boobs so much, that I think we tend to for get that their purpose is to feed babies. And that’s one aspect about the double standard that infuriates me the most – that women get accosted and shamed for breast feeding their babies in public. Women should be able to feed their babies anywhere they’d like!
OMG, Michelle, I get soooo frustrated with the breastfeeding stuff. Seriously, feeding your child in public should not be an issue. Everyone else is permitted to eat in public places without shame…except for babies and the moms breastfeeding them. Come on!
Also, on the topic of sexualizing boobs…I have been sharing these boob posts and putting disclaimers on social media that these photos are a form of protest and making a statement…not an invitation to be hit on…hahahahahahahaha…boobs are so sexualized that it doesn’t even matter what the words I write say…I will be hit on. We really do need to tone down the sexualization of every damn thing!!!!! And this is coming from a woman who really enjoys sex!
I think a lot of men don’t even look at the words. “Words? There were words?” 🤔
I think you are correct! But that’s one of the most irritating things of all!
Happiest New Year wishes!!
Thanks so much, Alexandra! Happy New Year!
Patrick Weseman
Yes you are right and I so agree with you. Happy New Year to you and your family and thanks for hosting this wonderful party.
Thanks so much, Patrick! Happy New Year!
Natalie K
The Lord says not to show our naked boadies to our fathers, brothers or children!! It’s that simple!!!!!
Natalie, thanks so much for sharing your perspective on the topic. However, I do not abide by the ancient tenets of any religious system. I live a life of light and love and authenticity and pride in the human form that I was given. And I will continue to celebrate it in the ways that make me feel good. I will not hide myself away because someone else’s religion dictates that I should. The times they are changing and they always will be! I wish you all the best in the New Year. May it be filled with many blessings, much love, and lots of acceptance!
Absolutely agree 100%. Nipples are just nipples regardless of who they belong to the sexualisation of women’s breasts is all linked to patriachy.
Oh and your outfit is AMAZING. I LOVE those shoes
Molly, thank you so much! I have been receiving such wonderful feedback on this post. Plus some not so wonderful as well…because apparently, patriarchal puritanism still reigns supreme…and many women are still okay abiding by those rules. I guess I am just a rule breaker! Wishing you a very happy New Year!
I am more than happy to join you in the rule breaking relm.
Thanks, Molly! I am grateful for your company!