Harley & Link Up On the Edge #166

Who’s ready for some more old poetry from yours truly? And a little look at me then and now?
When Jeff and I first met in September of 2008, he had a Harley. And my God, was it sexy. This big burly soldier would come riding up to my apartment on his motorcycle and I would come running out in my sassiest motorcycle gear, hop on the back, and off we would go. I felt a bit like Stephanie Zinone (played by Michelle Pfeiffer) in Grease 2 the first time she jumps on the back of Michael Carrington’s (played by Maxwell Caufield) motorcycle and he whisks her off into her best romantic fantasy. Yep, every time I got on that bike and wrapped my arms and legs around my soldier, I was Stephanie Zinone, without the pink jacket, of course.

We have since retired the motorcycle in the interest of buying groceries when the children were babies. The bike payment simply could not be maintained with 2 young children and living 300 miles away from each other. For those of you who may not know, my husband moved to Northern New York in December of 2011, when Archie was just 7 months old. He had deployment orders so we decided that I would stay in Pennsylvania near family and friends. We lived this way for almost 2 years and let me tell you, the financial struggle was real. And the Harley had to go. With tears in his eyes and pain in my heart, we relinquished this beautiful piece of equipment in the best interest of our growing family. But we have pictures and poetry to memorialize sweet Harley.

July 9, 2009
Legs wrapped around you
Thighs tremble with the vibrations coursing through your body
Ecstasy seeps into my bones
Wind blazing by
The weeds bow their hellos as we pass
The trees sway their greetings as we fly by
Heaven creeps into my soul
The open road
The asphalt sending its messages through every bump on the highway
“Keep on keeping on,” it hums
Wildflowers frame the pavement
And no one else exists
Except me with you and Harley
Photos of me now are above…but I once was a motorcycle chick. These photos were taken only 2 weeks after I wrote this poem.

So yes, I was a biker girl in my former life. Do you have a persona that once existed during your years of youthful bliss before children and responsibility moved to the forefront crushing all of your carefree whimsical dreams?
Now your featured favorites from last week.
Jill of Doused in Pink shared her post, How to Wear a Long Cardigan. The title of the post fails to mention what a magnificent long cardigan it is. So if you missed it, do go have a look!

Darlene of Aquamarina Style shared her post, Rugby Style Stripe Sweater Outfit for Work. While I do love the bold stripes on Darlene’s sweater, it is her green motorcycle jacket that has really caught my attention. If only I had a boldly colored jacket when I was riding on the back of Harley!

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.
Shop my looks…
Outfit 1 (Now)
Outfit 2 (Then)

Oh yes, I was once a totally different person. Lost, insecure and sad. But you were as beautiful then as you are now! I can understand why Jeff fell for you!
Aw, Nancy, you are too sweet! Thank you. I was lost and insecure and sad, too, way back when! I am so glad that we both made our way out of that place and we are now empowered, strong, happy, and magnificent women!
Kathrine Eldridge
First of all, I am huge fan of Grease 2 so love that reference. Thanks for sharing this cool poem and I love seeing you on the bike. In love with your layered look and thanks for the link up!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! Grease and Grease 2 are two of my favorite movies of all time! Man, how I wanted to be Michelle Pfeiffer when I was younger!
Julie | This Main Line Life
Those pics of you on the Harley are great. It must have been really tough living apart those few years… I guess that’s an on-going thing for military families. It’s got to be hard.
Thank you so much, Julie! I think you get used to the separations and it helps you to remain independent individuals which is a good life skill to have. Lots of communication is required as well and my husband and I have thrived at this military lifestyle while many couples don’t make it. It was definitely a challenge especially when the kids were so young. I didn’t count on being a “single parent” but I suppose nobody really counts on that. I hope you have a fantastic weekend!
It’s fun to look back at who we were before we had kids! What a great poem! I love seeing these biker girl photos of you! Thank you so much for the feature! You made my day!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks so much, Jill! The crazy orange hair kind of makes me cringe, but the body minus 20 pounds makes me smile! Have a great weekend, my friend!
Jacqui Berry
I’m sure when the children are older, you’ll have plenty of time to re-acquaint yourselves with Harley! Great photos Shelbee. Jacqui
There’s an old photo on my blog today – hope you’ll get a chance to join the #linkup and see it! Jacqui x
Thanks so much, Jacqui! I think we need to start a savings fund to buy a new Harley! It might be a while until that is in the budget! These kids are costly. I will be over to check out your post shortly. Have a great weekend!
Anna at Muttonstyle
It doesn’t surprise me at all that you were a biker. You will be again. thus is just a hiatus
Thanks, Anna! Yeah, I can definitely picture us taking lots of motorcycle road trips in retirement! Have a fantastic weekend.
Wow! Biker chick! I never knew. Well I was a Navy chick right out of high school and had that gig for 5 years.
Alice, thanks for reading! And how cool is that…you were a Navy girl! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Nora Minassian
How fun are those biker pics of you Shelbee! Haha we all have old photos to look back on and cherish our past.
Aw, thanks so much, Nora! The hair color debacle is cracking me up! Have a wonderful weekend!
Rachael Thomas
I love the photos with the Harley! My dad used to have one while I was growing up, and it would be so fun to ride on the back! Ah, the good old days!
Rachael http://www.threadsforthomasblog.com
Thanks so much, Rachael! Oh it was so fun just hopping on and we drive for hours! We once drove from Maine to Pennsylvania on the Harley. What a crazy experience that was!
My husband’s dirt bag didn’t last long after we were married. No wreckless driving down crazy paths! I can totally picture you as a Harley bike girl!
Haha, Mireille! The last time I was on the Harley was when I was just pregnant with my first son, but I didn’t know I was pregnant yet. Then my mother-in-law forbid me from going on it after that! Lol.
Joyce Marie Nicholas
Loved the poem and post. My ex husband and I had a BMW motorcycle. You caught the ride in your piece. The moment is gone but glad it happened. Joyce The Autonomous Traveler
Joyce, thank you so very much! I haven’t been on a motorcycle in 9 years, but re-reading my own poem brought me right back to that exhilarating place!
Lauren Renee Sparks
Enjoyed your blast from the past! laurensparks.net
Thank you so much, Lauren! Have a great weekend!
Hey, motorcycle chick! LOVE your Harley story. What a fun memory and the poem captures it beautifully. Many guys have had to give up their cherished machines in the interest of family–I guess it’s part of the circle of life! Lol! You look super cute in that beret, my friend!
Thanks for featuring my photo! So sweet! Not my best photo, for sure, but the only one that showed the sweater and moto jacket. And I agree that the jacket is the best part of this outfit! It’s a favorite. That was nice of you to include it.
Have a great weekend,
xx Darlene
Darlene, thank you so much! Yeah, I definitely know of lots of people who have had to give up their precious machines because family obligations took priority. And I totally love your green jacket! I have a leather one and a suede one in that shade of green, but I don’t wear them nearly as often as I should. And that picture is just fine! I did choose it though for that exact reason…it shows both your sweater and jacket. I hope you have a wonderful weekend, my friend.
Love how you styled the mini skirt! I have a similar colored one (mine is made out of corduroy). Haven’t worn it in a long time but love it and will probably keep it forever.
Great poem, wonderful pictures and such great memories! I can only imagine how hard it must have been living apart for so long!
Ellibelle’s Corner
Ellibelle, thanks so much! I just got this skirt on Monday when I was out thrifting with my sister. I actually scored quite a few really cute secondhand pieces. A little corduroy skirt sounds adorable, too! You know that old saying, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger?” Well, yeah, that’s true! I hope you have a fantastic weekend!
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
Love that jacket and shoes!
Thanks so much, Tamar! Have a great weekend!
Donna Walmsley
You haven’t changed a bit, Shelbee!! Love this sexiness of the poem and the vibe of your current outfit!! Thrift finds never cease to amaze!! I think you’ve retained the essential sassiness of you – kids or no kids – and in lots of ways so have I!! It must’ve been very hard living apart and having to sell the beloved bike but who knows there may be one in the future, my guy rides one and they are definitely fun!! Thank you for sharing!
Donna 🧚🏻♀️🙏🐝
Donna, thank you so much! I try to keep my sassiness in tact! It is part of who I am. But sometimes momming can put on a damper on things! Living apart was difficult but it only made us stronger together. And I do hope my husband gets a motorcycle again! It is good for the soul.
Laura Bambrick
I think my past life was pretty boring! I can’t believe you lived apart with a child so long! My husband worked apart from us for a year and a half but that was before kids and it was SO hard! I have so much respect for you!
Aw, Laura, thank you so much! I doubt you were boring!!! You know what helped in the beginning when we lived separately was just surrendering to it. We have no control over what the military demands of my husband and he loved the Army long before he loved me, so in just accepting it, I was able to thrive straight on through it! And I am better and stronger because if it. So I honestly have no regrets. And now is he around. All. The. Time. Hahaha
Such a shame you had to sell the bike – things change so much when you have kids! 🙂
Hope that you are having a great weekend! I went out to a fashion show last night, it was a lot of fun 🙂
Thanks, Mica! Yeah, kids definitely change a lot of things! A fashion show sounds like great fun. I am going to an art show today! Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Amy Christensen
I have been trying to talk my hubby into getting a Harley. He had one when he was younger, before we met, unfortunately. I grew up around dirt bikes, as both of my brothers raced. I have long since had a love affair with motorcycles, but never actually owned one. Love the poem and both of your looks. It is expensive to own a bike and real life doesn’t always let us have our dreams, but at least we can imagine. – Amy
Amy, thanks so much for sharing your love for motorcycles. I really did love that feeling of freedom riding on the back of Jeff’s bike. Hopefully, some day you and I will get these husbands of ours back on motorcycles! I hope your weekend is going well.
Patrick Weseman
You were beautiful back in the day and still beautiful now. Very nice. Oh, I was totally different back in the day. Can’t really go into it in a pubilc space-HEEHEE. It suprises and shocks a lot of people and people don’t really believe it. With age, it matures you. Anyway, thanks for hosting and I hope that you are having a wonderful weekend.
Aw, Patrick, thank you so much! Now if I could get myself back to that same weight from back then! About 20 pounds to go! You tease me with your hints of Patrick-way-back-when! You might need to email me some photos. I hope your weekend is going well.
I loved seeing photos of who you were before kids; beautiful then and now!
Aw, Tiana, thanks so much! I hope your week is off to a great start!
I had never been on a motorcycle until I met my husband at the ripe old age of 52. Now, I am that biker chick. LOL! Yeah, I’m approaching life backwards – doing the things most people do as young adults in my 50’s.
Really cute outfit!
Michelle, good for you! That is the best way to approach life, in my opinion! You inspire me! Thanks for stopping by and have a great week!