Good Health is a Blessing…Are You Caring for Yours?
We women, especially those of us who blog, are constantly talking about bringing to light women’s topics that have previously been taboo. For example, I have openly discussed my issues with sex drive, menopause, and finding proper breast support in lingerie and loungewear. Many of us have discussed body image issues and being real and authentic and proud of all of our imperfections. Isn’t it time we also granted men this same opportunity?
*This is not a sponsored post. All thoughts and opinions are entirely my own. I have received no compensation in return for this publication.
Hims is a company that is doing just that, opening the discussion around men’s health care and giving men permission to openly discuss things such as their health, their appearance, and their sex drive. So before we head into the second month of 2018, won’t you check out this quick health check list provided to me by Hims and schedule your annual examination soon.
Good health is one of the greatest blessings that we can receive in life. And all too often, it can be ripped out from under us without notice. So while we are blessed with good health, shouldn’t we take the best care of it that we possibly can?
*Jeans: Torrid Premium Stretch Multi Zip Jeggings – Grey Wash
Fo many people, January not only marks the beginning of a new year, but also signifies an opportunity to begin new habits. And many of these habits often include better self-care. How many people make New Year’s resolutions that include more exercise and better diet? But how many of those people actually stick to their resolutions? I am going to suggest that rather than setting goals that you may not actively set out to achieve, why not start small with a standard evaluation of your current state of health? I will be heading to my doctor in a few weeks for a full screening armed with a million questions about menopause. I will be ensuring that all of my tests are up to date including pap smears, mammograms (I did just have that done in October), colonoscopies, and blood work. I think you should all commit to an annual check up as well, if you haven’t already.
*Hat: Nine West from TJ Maxx. Similar here and here.
“To keep the body in good health is a duty…otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.” -Buddha
*Sweater: Jennifer Lopez for Kohl’s. Similar here and here.
“Good health is not something we can buy. However, it can be an extremely valuable savings account.” -Anne Wilson Schaef
*Mittens: Homemade Haven
“All the money in the world cannot buy you back good health. ” -Reba McEntire
*Scarf: Old Navy. Similar here and here.
“Having good health, being able to breathe and be happy, that’s one of the most beautiful gifts.” -Roy Ayers
*Boots: Kenneth Cole Reaction Time For Fun Ankle Booties
“But the real secret to lifelong good health is actually the opposite: Let your body take care of you.” -Deepak Chopra
I do hope you all are enjoying your good health with appreciation and gratitude. And for my friends who may be dealing with health issues, I send you much positive healing energy for a quick and speedy recovery.
What are you doing to maintain your health?
Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with Fabulous Link Ups.

jodie filogomo
I think getting older makes us realize that our health is one of those things you can’t take for granted anymore!!!
Great reminders, Shelbee!!
Jodie, I agree! I agree completely! Thanks so much for stopping by. I hope you are having a fantastic weekend!
Helen C.
Jodie Filogomo, I agree. There is always gonna be ¨minor¨health problems in our lives but the annual checks save us from the really severe ones.
I, personally, try to lead a healthy lifestyle but I think the worst damage in my life is caused by my natural tendency to stress.. I wonder if other people have that too.
Helen, this is such a great comment! I think stress is a huge problem for a lot of people! Years ago, I suffered from really extreme stress and had a ton of health problems as a result. Once I was able to alleviate the stress, get control and relax about things, most of those issues simply disappeared. And they were severe issues…mostly with my bowels…polyps, irritable bowels, all sorts of gut problems. Plus headaches and back aches and neck pain…all gone! And really all I did was get my stress levels under control through meditation and changing perspective on things. I do hope you find ways to lessen your stress as well!
Hugs to you, my friend.
I really like that they have this for men, too! Love this wintery look!
Stylin In St. Louis
Thanks so much, Jacqueline! I was totally impressed by this website, too!
There used to be a saying “if you don’t have your health, you don’t really have anyting. I started my “journey” 11 years ago to change my life and up my game. it included getting healthy, both inside and out. I believe the body is the temple of ones soul.
Great Article, thank you for bringing it up!
Nina, thank you so much for sharing your words of wisdom! It was probably just about 11 years ago for me as well that I started making huge changes for my mental health. And what a world of difference that has made in my life. My physical health is a work in progress. I am not unhealthy, but I can definitely pay more attention to what I put in, on, and around my body.
Definitely our health is our gem.
We should take care of them.
Btw, you look so chic.
Much Love, Jane | The Bandwagon Chic
New Vlog Entry!
Jane, thank you so much! We definitely do need to cherish and care for our health because once that goes, everything else suffers as well. I am grateful every day for my health! Thanks for stopping by and have a fabulous week.
Great post, Shelbee! It is really important we stay on top of our health. So many of us leave things until it’s too late which can be so disastrous. You’re so awesome that you’er encouraging everybody to be healthy <3
Suzy xx
Thank you, Suzy! Now I just need to take all of my own advice, right? Ha. I guess we all do that sometimes. We have these great tips and ideas but then falter in adhering to them ourselves. I don’t know of you noticed but the “body image” link in the first paragraph goes to your perfectly imperfect post! Thanks for inspiring me. Have a great week, my friend.
P.S Thank YOU so much for mentioning my body confidence post, Shelbee!! <3 <3
I actually mentioned you in my post today (fab40s velvet theme)!
Thank you, Suzy, for inspiring me! And thank you for mentioning my post today! Great minds are inspired by other great minds, I suppose!
Great post, Shelbee. After my wrist fracture last year, i’ve become acutely aware of how precious good health is! Thanks for linking up, xo
Patti, thanks so much! It always amazes me how much we take our good health for granted. I often forget to be grateful for my health until I am unhealthy.
Tamar Strauss-Benjamin
So chic out in the snow!
I am learning it’s ok to wave the flag and say “I’m sick” not easy to slow down but important!
Tamar, thanks so much! I hear you on that one! I was just in such a funk of winter blues that I kept trying to fight and push through. Once I just gave into it and gave myself permission to just hide away and rest for a bit, it passed much quicker! It is funny how our bodies let us know what we need, yet we all have such a tendency to ignore it. Thanks for stopping by and have a fabulous week!
Suzanne Smith
I am the worst about going to the doctor! I never really feel bad and I just have been toughing it out through menopause mostly because I don’t have a choice. The one thing I did go to the doctor for was a blood clot in my leg a couple of years ago…it happened because I was taking birth control to off set the symptoms of menopause. Now as a result I can’t take anything with any kind of hormones, not even something natural! I know I need to have an annual checkup and you’ve inspired me to make an appointment! Now I just have to keep it once it’s made! As always, great outfit and great post!
Suzanne, thank you so much for sharing your struggle with me! I am kind of bad with doctor’s appointments as well. I just don’t like taking the time out of my schedule to go whether I am sick or not. But it is so important to get it all checked out. These menopause symptoms are killing me and I just suffer through them. But I am definitely going to get it all checked out to see if there is something that will help. It is ridiculous that I am suffering this way! I am glad that I could inspire you do the same. After all, we can’t be fierce if we are unhealthy!
This is a wonderful post Shelbee! Good health is such a blessing, and when something is off, it can impact so much of our life. I love seeing this guide for men…I’m gonna get my husband right on it. 😉 He’s actually pretty good about yearly checkups and such. He goes to the dermatologist every six months because he had a surface melanoma removed several years ago, and I am so glad he does. I’m with you on the menopause thing! I’m not there yet, but peri-menopause has set in, and it’s a life sucker! I swear, my short term memory has declined so much since around the time I hit 41 (I’m 46 now). Feeling awful came on all of a sudden, and believe it or not, it took multiple doctor visits to multiple different doctors to determine that my hormone levels were so low I was almost in early menopause. I feel much better these days, but my memory is still horrible.
Julie, thanks so much! I hope more men stumble upon this post and check out Hims! It such a great resource doing great things in the field of men’s health. And I definitely need to get my hormone levels checked, too, because the fatigue is killing me! I have all the symptoms of perimenopause, for sure and I don’t know if I can tolerate this for 10 more years!
Lucy At Home
I think it can be really tough for men to open up about this stuff. Women generally find it easier to chat about these things and, as you say, with the blogging age now firmly in swing there are lots of personal accounts on the internet for people to read too. I think it’s great that this company are giving men support in this area too.
And congratulations because someone loved this post so much, they added it to the BlogCrush linky! Feel free to collect your “I’ve been featured” blog badge 🙂 #blogcrush
Lucy, thanks so much for your kind comment! And wow! What an exciting surprise! I will have to add your link up to my weekly link ups page as well so more people can learn of it. I love that concept for a link up! Very creative and all about #SpreadingTheKindness which is one of my personal blog missions! And I do hope my post can reach some men and let them feel the power of being open about taboo topics! Thank you again and have a fabulous week.
I think these two colours look marvellously well together and the boots are a dream come true 🙂
Thanks so much, Lorena! I don’t wear many pastels, but I am realizing that I really do like them!
Alicia O'Brien
Love the mauve and grey combo. I try to eat well, not too much junk. I do need to take time to be away from the house and my people, to reconnect with me. I seem to be the one taking everyone else to the doctors and I get pushed to the back. I really should get all the important stuff checked out at least.
Alicia, thanks so much for the compliment and for sharing your experience. I am the same way as you quite often…when you are responsible for everyone else’s health and well being, you do tend to neglect yourself. But it’s like the idea of putting the oxygen mask on yourself first…if you are not well, then you are not capable of caring for everyone else, right? I have definitely gotten much better with my self-care needs in the past year or so. I hope you do find the time to get yourself checked out soon!
Denyse Whelan
I can relate to this post because even though I thought I was caring for my health I ended up with a cancer diagnosis. It was a rare one inside my mouth and I have since had half my upper mouth removed and other parts of me now form the inside of my mouth. I was always a regular dentist check up person and a doctor’s visit too. However, some cancers have no rhyme nor reason and mine is one of those. I began feeling better emotionally too after the surgery recovery settled and I have been doing outfits of the day pics and they are helping my inner confidence. I am in Australia so mine are outside in the usually blazing summer sun unlike your beautiful ones in the snow! Denyse
Denyse, thank you so much for sharing your story with me. Cancer is a wretched thing that can strike anyone. Healthy or unhealthy, it shows no discrimination. I lost both of my parents to cancer so I very much stay on top of all my checkups for that reason. It scares the hell out of me. I am so sorry that you have had to suffer, but I am also very glad that you are doing well and have found ways to cope emotionally and build your confidence. Fashion has always been a source of therapy for me through my battle with Bipolar Disorder…making yourself look good really does have curative effects for the mind. Thank you for reading and I hope you have a lovely weekend…send me some of your sunshine, please!
looks like you are in great physical health , you look amazing
Thanks, Paul. I appreciate that. Have a great day.