Girl with the Tie Dye Pants & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up on the Edge #659

Happy Friday, y’all! I am keeping it light and bright and easy today with a short post about the best tie dye pants ever. You have seen these twice before, here and here, but I have working them overtime this summer, wearing them at least twice a week in rotation with the other four pairs I have in different colorways. They are from one of my favorite hippy boutiques, Rainbow Zen, and they are the most comfortable trousers I own. They feel more like pajamas than clothing and the brightly colored tie dye always makes me happy.
I paired them with my Girl with the Pearl Earring tee shirt. I found this tee a long while back on clearance at Torrid. Because we had used this 1665 Johannes Vermeer painting, Girl with the Pearl Earring, for a Style Imitating Art prompt, I had to get myself the shirt. If I recall correctly, with sales and rewards, I paid around $8 for it. It has light purple tie dye background which I thought was super fun with these vibrant pants.
Keeping it light and layered for the fickle summer temperatures which can sometimes span 30 degrees throughout the day, I added a thin pink duster, a straw sun hat, and rope sandals. My earrings were handmade by and gifted to me from Michelle of My Bijou Life. Sadly, Michelle just informed me that she is no longer blogging. I am sad to see her leave the blogosphere, but I totally get it. I, too, have been losing my blogging mojo at a rapid rate of speed and I am not exactly sure where it is going to land me yet. I suppose you probably shouldn’t be very surprised if you see me reach a similar blogging conclusion as Michelle.
But I am not there yet. I am still holding onto hope that my passion for blogging will return. And if it doesn’t, I am hoping for some divine guidance to point me in a new direction. Until then, I will keep on getting dressed, taking pictures, and writing a whole bunch of words with very little meaning.

You may be wondering what I have been up to since I have not been spending very much of my time in blogland. Besides all of the room makeovers, I have had a house full of my kids and other people’s kids since school let out for the summer. I have to tell you, these middle schoolers are an irksome bunch with their sassy attitudes, pubescent hormones, and tween aggression. I have yelled in anger more times these past two weeks than I have yelled all year. And the children just stare at me aghast as if I am the one who leaves the trails of dirty clothing, food wrappers, nerf bullets, and dirty dishes for someone else to deal with. My most consistently used phrase of late is a very emphatic and loud “Please. Clean. Up. Your. Shit.”
At the end of the first week of summer vacation, I texted this message to my dear friend Becca…

By the end of the second week, I was reduced to tears from feelings of overwhelming physical and mental exhaustion. The phrase “overworked and underpaid” keeps coming to mind except I don’t get paid at all. It’s more like overworked and never paid! Ah…but I do get paid in love and disrespect, so there’s that. I know all of the parents reading this can relate!
And with that, I will leave you for the weekend. I have to make more rag curtains for my bohemian bedroom, dye my front door curtain, and tie dye three tee shirts with Ralph. Ralph and I also just got ukuleles that we are trying to learn how to play. I am old and not very musical at all, but I am having faith in myself and YouTube that we will learn something, no matter how small it may be! You can teach an old dog new tricks, but you can’t guarantee the old dog will be very good at the new tricks. So I will just be happy with a mediocre musical trick at this stage!

Have a wonderful weekend. Stay cool, calm, and colorful!
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Keeping it on the edge,
Joining these Fabulous Link Parties.
Outfit Details: Hat: Burlington Coat Factory / Duster Cardigan: Target / Tee Shirt-Torrid / Pants-Rainbow Zen / Rope Sandals-Nomadic State of Mind / Earrings-Handmade by Michelle of My Bijou Life

First, I LOVE the tie dye pants. I so wish Rainbow Zen had an online presence. And of course, I so enjoy seeing you wear the earrings. Strangely enough, I have a dear friend who looks so much like the lady in the classic painting on your t-shirt. The t-shirt made me miss her. Between the pandemic, a tragedy she and her husband suffered, and the fact we now live 2000 miles apart, we have lost touch. Anyway, cool outfit. I love it.
I don’t want to thwart in any way your attempt to hang on to your blogging mojo, but in the short time since I’ve stopped, I have found more peace and more creativity. Of course, I don’t have tweens and teenagers to contend with! Your message to Becca made me laugh. So poetic!
Thanks so much, Michelle. I wish Rainbow Zen had more things available online, too. I would be selling the heck out of their stuff here! Haha. You definitely are not thwarting me. This has been a long time coming. I still enjoy getting creative with my clothing but I really have very little desire to take the photos, edit the photos, write the words, etc. I really kind of just want to be doing the things that I am inspired to do without feeling the pressure to share it and write about it, blah, blah, blah. You know what I mean because you have lived it! And OMG these freaking kids! Gah. I am so frazzled 95% of the time! Okay, let’s get on the phone and chat soon!
heartsong normandie
Great photos – love the tie dye! Stopping by from France to say bonjour
Hello! Thanks so much for stopping by! I hope you have a most wonderful weekend!
Love your whole boho inspired outfit! Those pants are so fun and look like they would be super comfortable to wear. Cute hair, too. I enjoy your blog so much, and hope your blogging mojo returns, but I think I know the feeling. It’s hard to stay inspired to put in all the hours necessary to do the parts of blogging that are not creative and inspiring. Enjoy your weekend and thanks for the link up!
Di, thanks so much! I really appreciate that. It is becoming more and more difficult to find a comfortable balance but I do always need some sort of creative outlet which is why I am reluctant to give up blogging completely. So I will just keep on keeping on until I really don’t feel like it anymore. Haha. I hope you have a lovely weekend, my friend!
You can’t stop blogging because you will be missed to much! Period!
But I love that tee! And I can totally understand the kids thing, even if I have none! Perhaps that’s why, lol. Well, diner holiday is going to take a few more weeks so hang in there my friend, lol. Oh I’m bad….
Ha. Thanks so much, my friend! I am still trudging along doing all the blogging things! Who knows where my path will lead me though. We will only find out as long as summer break doesn’t kill me first! LOL
Esmé Slabbert
Thank you very much for hosting and happy weekend to you.
My entries this week = 28+29
Thanks so much, Esmé! I hope you have a lovely weekend as well!
Your True Self
Hi, Shelbee – I’m telling everyone who’s stressed (and that’s a lot) that I love my new Q-Link and they should all get one. When I wear my Q-Link pendant, I feel blissfully serene about everything. Life starts making sense. The peaceful feeling builds up the longer I wear it and stays for awhile after taking it off. But I keep wanting to put it back on. There’s something inside the pendant that has magnetic resonance. It attunes to the resonance of the energy in your body. I don’t really understand it but I sure can feel it. Good luck with your summer. Sounds like your life is full of fun! 😉 -Angie, http://www.yourtrueselfblog.com
Oh wow, Angie, thanks for sharing about your Q-Link! I just read about these pendants and I definitely want to try one! I am passing the link onto my husband as a gift idea for me! Hehe. I hope you are enjoying your summer, my friend. Stay cool and calm!
Love the tie dye pants and how you styled them with the Girl with the Pearl Earring tee! Good luck with all of the kids and summer vacation. As someone who teaches 9th graders I can relate to these struggles!
Thanks so much, Katie! I imagine you must really savor your summer break from all those teenagers! I hope you are enjoying it to the fullest, my friend.
Laura Bambrick
Those pants are so fun! I hope you are enjoying your summer Shelbee!
Thanks so much, Laura! I hope you also are having a wonderful summer!
Great pants! They look cute, and comfy
Thanks so much, Alexandra! I hope all is well with you, my friend!
Love this light breezy outfit and tie dye pants! Particularly the Vermeer tee. I’ve missed seeing you around.
Thanks so much, Gail! I apologize that I haven’t been making my rounds in blogland. Life has just gotten so busy I can barely keep up with producing content. I hope you are well, my friend!
THANK YOU, Shelbee, for featuring my Dollar Tree Flip Flop Welcome Sign this week! 🙂
You are very welcome, Beth! Thanks so much for joining us!
Patrick Weseman
Those pants are cool and fun. You will survive summer with the kids and sending you positive thoughts. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.
Thanks so much, Patrick! I really appreciate that! I hope you are enjoying your summer vacation as well!
I totally get how your creativity could get depleted amidst all the hassle of having your kids there over summer, without school etc. Maybe you could shorten your posts, using less photos? i’m a language person so i come here mostly for your writing, what i mean to say is your outfits are colourful and ‘clear’ enough, maybe you can save yourself the editing if you post less photos. Have a great week!
Barbara, thanks so much! I have been considering cutting down my photos to about 5 but I do like keeping a record of my photoshoots because it is something I think that my inner child craves. I suppose I could just save them elsewhere instead of my blog but all those “elsewhere” places where I save things get lost and forgotten! So I guess my blog is the best place for me to “save” all the things I wear and write, etc. That being said, I also would like to start writing more on Medium again. I don’t use many pictures there. It is mostly all words!
Marsha Banks
These have to be the coolest pants ever! And, of course, you have the perfect tee for them! Luckily, my kids always spent their days at the pool so I only had to deal with the hangriness when they got home.
Please don’t leave the blogosphere…the world would definitely change,
Aw, Marsha, thanks so much! I love these pants so much, I bought 5 pairs of them! My most recent pair is a gorgeous purple tie dye. I need to get those posted here soon. I am trying to find my blogging mojo again. I do love our blogging community and I am not ready to quit yet. But, holy moly, the struggle is real! I have been at this for 8 years and have published over 1,800 posts. That calculates to tens of thousands of photos shared and millions of words written which makes me wonder if it is possible to run out of words in one’s lifetime. I just might be reaching my lifetime limit! LOL