Friday Favorites #8: Wearing and Watching & Link Up On the Edge #219

I just returned my from my biweekly counseling appointment and it became glaringly clear to me that I really have lost all joy in life’s experiences. Probably because all of the exciting experiences have been taken away during this strange and uncomfortable time. While I am not unfamiliar with feelings of ennui, the duration of this episode is quite troubling. I simply cannot snap out of it. The things that I would normally do to get back to myself are no longer available and I am struggling tremendously to find alternative things to occupy myself and get back to a place of joy.
Please do not misunderstand me though, listlessness and lack of excitement are certainly nothing to fear from a mental health standpoint. I am still happy and content and filled with gratitude for all the wonders that do fill my life. But if this apathetic weariness continues for too much longer, I am not sure where it will leave me.
In the meantime, with my energy lacking and my mind racing, I have been spending lots of time in front of the television. So I guess this would be a good time to share some of things that I have watched recently. I also wanted to share this fun slip dress as Thanksgiving outfit inspiration. When you are stuffing your face with all the wonderful holiday treats, you want to be comfortable with lots of room for belly bloat. A long flowing slip dress seems to be the perfect way to be stylish and comfortable for the fattest holiday of the year!

Now onto the things that have caught my attention in tv land…
On Cable
Season 19 of The Voice started a few weeks ago which is wonderful as it gives me something new and fresh to look forward each week. There is just something about these talent shows that moves me and inspires me year after year. And so I continue to watch. I don’t have any favorites yet as I just appreciate and enjoy the talents and unique qualities of all the artists.
On Amazon
Playing with Fire (2019): My kids begged and pleaded for us to rent this film because they are big fans of John Cena. They saw a few funny clips and then the begging began. As I was investigating the cost of this film rental, I accidentally hit purchase on the HD version at $19.99. Damn, that pissed me off. So I made sure that we all watched the movie. I was more comfortable with $5 per person than buying a $20 movie! But I do have to say that is was rather enjoyable as far as silly family comedies go. I laughed and cried and really did enjoy the movie. Now to get my kids to watch it more than once to reduce that cost per view a little bit more!
Sneaky Pete (2015-2018): This series is about a con man who assumes the identity of his former cell mate upon release from prison and then “reunites” with the cell mate’s estranged family who drag Pete into an even more dangerous lifestyle than the one he was trying to escape. It stars Giovanni Ribisi, whom I love, and he plays the role so well. But I only watched 2 episodes and then never went back to it. I may have to revisit it because it really was quite entertaining.

On Disney Plus
The Greatest Showman (2017): I have been waiting and waiting for this film to be available for a reasonable rental price online. I was so excited when Disney Plus offered it for free with your subscription. I loved it from beginning to end and like most biographical films, it sent me turning to Google over and over again to find more information about P.T. Barnum.
The One and Only Ivan (2020): This film adaptation of the award winning book was such a great feel good story about unlikely friendships and the power of visualization. My kids really enjoyed this movie and while I did as well, I unfortunately fell asleep about half way through. I have not been motivated to finish it.
Hamilton (2020): I was a little nervous about a filmed version of a Broadway play. There is just something so special about watching a play on Broadway that cannot be captured in film. I was also a little concerned about the strange format for telling this story. I wasn’t wholly sold on the whole thing until about 30 minutes in and then I just absolutely loved it. So creative, so talented, and such a wonderful way to share a bit of American history.
Stargirl (2020): A modern day coming of age story about a boy who is inexplicably drawn to the quirky new girl and her unconventional ways. Oh boy, did I relate to so much of this story. While it may be geared toward young adults, I really enjoyed this movie on so many levels.
Maleficent (2014): I have watched this film a few times before and I love it. It is one of my sister’s favorite movies so she often insists that we watch it when we get together with my kids and her grandkids. When I saw the sequel was available on Disney Plus, I watched the original movie yet again. Yes, it is still wonderful even after multiple viewings.
Maleficent: Mistress of Evil (2019): And this may be even better than the first film. The cinematography, the landscape shots, and the costumes are just so spectacular. The story gets even darker and more twisted leading to an even better conclusion. You’ll have to watch to find out!
Weird But True (2017-2020): This National Geographic series features a brother and sister team who explore things that are weird but true, mostly in the realm of science. My kids are generally very interested in topics of a scientific nature so I thought we would give this a try. We watched one episode and while I found it interesting enough, it just did not capture the enthusiasm of my kids. But it is definitely worth checking out if you have young children who enjoy exploring weird science topics.

On Netflix
Have a Good Trip: Adventures in Psychedelics (2020): By far, the best documentary film I have watched in a really long time. It is a compilation of interviews with celebrities and their experiences with psychedelic drug use…good, bad, or indifferent. If you have ever used hallucinogenics, I guarantee that you will laugh your ass off at this film. If you currently use hallucinogenics, I would recommend indulging in some to watch the film as well. If psychedelics aren’t really your thing, I think it is still worth watching.
MILF (2018): This French film follows three 40-something women as they navigate their way through loss and broken hearts while engaging in sexy flings with much younger men. I was hesitant to watch this movie because I don’t understand French well enough to follow and subtitles tend to give me a headache. But within the first few minutes, I was laughing so hard that I couldn’t stop. So I read along with the subtitles and thoroughly enjoyed this film.
Emily in Paris (2020): First recommended by Lizzie in Lace, I was not wholly sold on it until Lizzie shared her post, Recreating 9 Emily in Paris Outfits from My Own Closet. Even if a storyline doesn’t capture my attention, if the wardrobe does I will watch. And yeah, the costume design for this show is so, so good! I just love every bit of quirkiness that Emily brings to Paris. I just finished watching the first season and I was a little put off by the overly negative representation of the French, but eventually I let all that over-analysis go and just enjoyed the show. It really is super cute.
The Witches (1990): We never did get around to watching Hocus Pocus this Halloween, but another Halloween favorite in my house is The Witches starring Angelica Houston. One of my favorite movie lines ever comes from this film…”VITCHES VORK ONLY VITH MAGIC!” I can’t get enough. It cracks me up every time. When we saw the remake was being released, we had to give the original one more go.

On HBO Max
Roald Dahl’s The Witches (2020): With a little tweak to the setting, time frame, and main characters, this remake brought a classic tale into a more modern environment. Otherwise, the film stayed very true to the original storyline. My kids and I agreed that this version was maybe a little less frightening than the original. For a silly little family flick, Anne Hathaway and Octavia Spencer delivered stellar performances. If you are a fan of the original movie, I definitely recommend watching this one as well.
Silicon Valley (2014-2019): This series is a parody of the Silicon Valley culture, giving a look inside the big tech corporations and how smaller start ups struggle to make a name for themselves. I have found the show to be thought-provoking, funny, and a little bit sad at times. I am a few episodes into Season 5 but took a little break for some Sex and the City binging.
Sex and the City (1998-2004): I watched every episode the first time around as well as both movies. I decided that in the midst of the chaos right now, I might like to revisit life as I knew it 20 years ago. It is a really nice escape to a simpler time when I actually thought life was really hard! It is very interesting to watch this series 20 years later though. Things that they got all cringey and weird about with relationships and sex are actually rather quite common things these days. Perhaps it was because this show brought all of that into the mainstream. It is definitely an interesting statement on how cultures shift and change throughout the decades.

National Geographic
The Science of Stupid (2014-2015): This comedy show shares videos of people doing some really dumb shit and then it goes on to explain the science behind the activities and what makes it so stupid. It will also reframe certain actions and explain how they could have been done in less stupid ways. It is funny and really very interesting. I have watched a few different episodes on YouTube. I can’t seem to find it streaming elsewhere.
The ’80’s: The Decade That Made Us (2013): This 10 part documentary series defines the biography of an entire decade. It is narrated by Rob Lowe and features exclusive interviews with more than 40 icons, entertainers, and innovators from that decade. It highlights everything from politics to pop culture and fashion to sports. If you are a child of the 80’s, you must watch it. Actually, I think you should watch it anyway. I watched this series on regular cable television and I cannot seem to find it streaming anywhere. There is also the 90’s version which I would love to see, The ’90’s: The Last Great Decade (2014).
What have you been watching lately? Or reading? Or doing? I would love to hear. I can use some more ideas for passing the time!
Featured Favorites
Reader Favorite (Most Clicked)
Jaymie of Everyday Style by Jaymie Ashcraft shared her Friday Favorites post that features the coziest sherpa pullover and sherpa lined boots. Give me all the warm and cozy things, please!

Fashion Favorite
Michelle of My Bijou Life shared her post, 7 Day Skirt Challenge, and I love every single outfit she styled for this challenge. So many cute bohemian style skirts that make me say, “Ooooh.”

Non-Fashion Favorite
Marielle of Lovin’ Life with Littles shared her post, 15 Simple Ways to Practice Gratitude as a Family. You all know how much I practice gratitude, but my littles are not nearly as grateful as I would like them to be. So I am ready to try some of these fun ways to teach and practice gratitude with my family.
Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Link Parties.
Shop my look…
Outfit Details: Jacket-Fashion Bug (I have had this denim jacket forever. Fashion Blog closed it last store in 2013) / Dress-Old Navy / Tee-Target / Hat-Kohl’s / Boots-Thrifted / Bag-DSW / Earrings-Good Life Gift Shop / Necklace-c/o Rosegal

Oh I’m so sorry you don’t feel happy. Perhaps it also is that you don’t get new pulses because of not going anywhere. Not meeting new people. I do my best to go out for a walk in nature as much as I can. That always helps a bit. I hope you get out of this real soon!
Nancy, thanks so much, my friend. I’ll be fine, it just seems to be dragging on forever with no end in sight. And now with winter bearing down upon us, I will really be locked indoors! I do thrive more when I can get out and meet new people. And hopefully, we will get back to that someday. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Kellyann Rohr
Awwww Shelbee, I understand. Man, it stinks that this is going on for so long – with no apparent end in sight. I have so many thoughts on all of that but in the meantime, I just want you to know that I get it and I share in your concerns.
Thank you for sharing shows you’ve been watching. We have Disney + and I really should watch some of the movies I never saw like Maleficent.
This is such a pretty look on you, so perfect for fall, love the dress with the denim jacket!
Kellyann, thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words. It does help to know I am not alone in this. I was hesitant to share such negativity but I am glad that I did because it is not so evident how NOT alone I am. I think you would really love the Maleficent movies! Let me know if you watch them! Have an amazing weekend, my dear friend.
Lisa DeArmas
I am always looking for something to watch. Thanks for all the recommendations!
Lisa, thanks for reading! I am glad that you enjoyed it. Have a fabulous weekend!
Sorry to hear about how you’re feeling Shelbee. I know a lot of people are feeling the same way. I’m not adversely affected by lockdown, which we’re in again (although not so severe this time), but nonetheless I’m more emotional than usual, crying at the slightest thing, and finding it hard to be motivated. The vaccine will soon be with us so keep the faith – this too will pass.
I like the sound of MILF as I love French films and I must get round to Silicon Valley as I used to work for one of the tech giants so it will bring it all back. I watched all the episodes of SATC about a year ago and yes it was fascinating, and surprisingly out of date in places, showing how fast things can change — Samantha’s exchanges with the trans community in her street springs to mind. And I could never understand why Carrie ever fell for Berger? Burger? The low life who left her a post it!
Gail, thanks so much! I have been crying at the silliest things as well. I find myself resisting the tears and then I decide it is best to just let it flow. I think much of my problem right now is also hormonal, just adding insult to injury. Oh you should definitely check out MILF! It was so funny and totally my kind of movie! I just started watching the season of SATC where Carrie is dating Berger or Burger or whatever his name is. He is such a downer! But she is equally annoying! It is definitely an interesting view on how things can change in just 20 years. Do let me know if you watch MILF or Silicon Valley. I would love to hear your thoughts. I really appreciate all the support and encouragement from this community. I hope your emotions settle down as well as mine!
Taking time out for yourself and with the kids is a healer in itself – hang in there!
What a pretty and useful dress? I love anything that can be styled year round, it’s a great shape and will look gorgeous with layers beneath to cosy it up.
Pamela x
Pamela, thanks so much! This dress really feels like a nightgown! It is perfect for 4 season wear with the proper layers. Time seems to be my enemy right now…I have too much of it! I need to be viewing that as a luxury though. We spend most of our lives running out of time and here I am complaining that I have too much of it!
Kathrine Eldridge
So sorry that you are struggling but I think we all are in some way. Praying for you. Thanks so much for sharing all that you are watching. My hubby and I love the Voice. (I am obsessed with Blake and Gwen.) 🙂 I will need to check some of your suggestions. Love the dress and these pretty fall photos! Thanks for the link up.
Kathrine, thanks so much! I appreciate all the encouragement and the prayers. I need to shift my perspective and realize that boredom and too much time on my hands is actually a luxury! And yes, Gwen and Blake are so fun! I am obsessed with Kelly Clarkson, too. If I could meet one celebrity for coffee, it would be her! I just love how authentic and kind she is. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Who would have thought this would still be going on. The city of Chicago is going on complete lockdown again starting Monday and statewide I think we are a step away. It looks like TV will be our only form of entertainment this winter. I really enjoyed the 80’s documentary and Emily in Paris! Thanks for sharing all of your recommendations!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Jill, thanks so much for stopping by! New York has just implemented a 10 pm curfew starting tonight. Not that it effects me in anyway as I am generally in bed by 7:30! But yes, the television is going to be our best friend this winter!
Chrissy Rowden
Oh Shelbee, how I can relate in some ways! I’m an adventurous spirit, that enjoys the surprise of meeting a new face from time to time. I’ve made friends from chance encounters on the beach. I smile and chat with people at the local markets. And right now it’s just so weird out there. The sea of unidentifiable faces makes me feel like I’m living on another planet. We opened a checking account for our middle child and as the kind banking employee was chatting, I was so distracted by the way the mask moved up and down on her face when she spoke. And she kept reminding me of Marvin the martian. lol. Perhaps she felt the same way when she spoke to me. Anyway, I jumped the mainstream media ship sometime in April and sought out less biased (w less propaganda), independent news sources. It has been enlightening, freeing and frustrating all at once. One thing all this has made me realize is that I had more faith in my security, more hope in future adventures and more love for my comfort than I had faith in God’s love, His future for me, and love for Him. Not sure if I communicated that right or not, but you can probably follow. Anyway, I’ll be praying for us both dear friend. And as for the tele, I am the same about shows like the Voice. They are so inspiring. Thank you for the comprehensive list. What a great idea for a post. 🙂
Chrissy, thank you so much for such a lovely comment. I was just taking a shower and thinking about my current perspective on things (I do my best thinking in the shower. Don’t we all?). And I have reached the conclusion that I am approaching this from the entirely wrong direction. Boredom is a luxury and I need to be grateful for that. I have a roof over my head in a heated home, food on the table, and clothes on my back. I have all the modern amenities that one could hope for and I am surrounded by a very loving family. The isolation is only awful because it is not what we are accustomed to. And I am a very adaptable person, so it is time to start adapting! I have spent the past 8 months in resistance mode and we can see how well that approach has worked! Haha. Keep on sending prayers for all of us, my dear friend, because I am certain we are not the only ones in need of them!
Chrissy Rowden
100% my friend. Gratitude does so much for us. I know this. Oh, how human I am. I think of those who suffered (and still do) in other countries for sharing their faith, etc. And they tell stories of incredible peace and JOY amidst it. And I’m like, oh this is so hard! lol. But yes, I can always find things to be thankful for. And you’re one of them. 😉
Chrissy, you are such a special and amazing human being! I am so fortunate to call you my friend. I have been trying to shift my perspective as well. I just started reading Giants in the Earth which is about Norwegian immigrants in the midwest. It really gives perspective on how very much our “hardships” are nothing compared to others’!
I really need to set up HBO Max. I get it with DirectTV but haven’t figured out how to do it yet! Maybe this weekend!
Curated By Jennifer
Oh my gosh, it took me so long to get HBO Max set up. We have it free with our cell phone service and it was so confusing getting it started. But there are so many great things to watch on it! So you should totally set it up this weekend!
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
So glad you are taking time for you.
So funny to see a summery dress and leaves on the ground!
Thanks so much, Tamar! Most of the leaves are off the trees now and winter is coming! I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
We enjoyed Playing with Fire and actually bought the movie when it was on sale. My oldest and I love the 2 Maleficient movies. Great cinematography and effects. I love this outfit: I think I need more dresses with no defined waist: I think they are more versatile and they won’t hit you at the wrong spot. Perfect fall outfit with the denim jacket and hat. Without the blog, I think I would be spending too much money or I would get bored out of my mind! Very thankful for our outings.
Mireille, thanks so much! Oh my gosh, without the blog, I would be in such a worse place! Literally, outside of my very, very small circle of people, you blogging friends are the only folks I even interact with these days. My saving grace all the way!
Old Navy has a whole bunch of these dresses on clearance for around $10. I know you don’t want to be shopping, but you can’t beat the price. I bought 4 new ones and a pair of pants with some Super Cash I had and I spent hardly anything. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Lucy Bertoldi
It’s a lot Shelbee- living with this overwhelming feeling that you can’t shake off…I’m happy though that you are seeing someone for this. I’m here if you ever want to talk. On another note, you look more than adorable in that cute dress!! I love the hat you paired it with. And the most beautiful part is not your styling, but that amazing sunshine smile- you are a true beauty- I want you to be as happy as what you emanate xx
Aw, Lucy, thank you so much! You totally just made me cry. I cannot express how grateful I am for your support, encouragement, and amazing friendship. You are one special human and I am so blessed that our paths have crossed.
What a perfect Thanksgiving outfit; looking nice and dressed up and still leaving plenty of room for the meal. My boys and I went to see Playing with Fire in the movie theater as a homeschooling field trip when it first came out and we just loved it! Didn’t hurt that we were pretty much the only ones in the theater mid-week/midday either.
Joanne, thanks so much! I totally just laughed out loud when I tried to imagine sitting in a movie theatre right now! Haha. I much prefer watching movies at home. It really was a fun film!
Patrick Weseman
Looking very nice. Love the the look.
I haven’t been watching really much of anything as work has started to consume me. I did watch the 80’s, The Decade That Made Us on DVR but a lot of my time is dealing with students. I am only supposed to have ZOOM time with students for 40 minutes per class (120 minutes daily 3 hours a day) and the other 35 minutes they are supposed to do asynchronous work. Even in their other classes, they come over to my ZOOM to do their asynchronous work from their other classes.
With my gang, my ZOOM has become a halfway house because of whatever issues they have and I am on ZOOM with them six to seven hours or longer straight. One day, during the official lunch period I had to run to the post office to mail a packet of work to a kid and a parent blew up my work email wondering where I was and then complained to admin that I wasn’t helping her kid through lunch.
Plus, we have meetings and I have to make wellness calls and all of the other things and I am usually fried at the end of the day and have been reading (basically looking at) an old book called The Billboard Book of Number 1 Hits.
Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful weekend.
Patrick, thanks so much for stopping by. I cannot even imagine the demands that are being made of you. It sounds exhausting and frustrating. And unfortunately, I do think this is how the education process is going to remain for quite some time. From the other side of it, as a parent, I am equally exhausted and frustrated as I had never intended on homeschooling my kids. I am grateful that we have the means to continue on with education and I am grateful for the teachers making the necessary adjustments to accommodate as many students as they can. I am so sorry that parents are lashing out at you. I have been frustrated to the point of screaming like a lunatic but I would never ever take it out on a teacher or even a school district admin of any sort. Hang in there, my friend. I hope this passes soon for all of us!
Jessica A Jannenga
First, let me say, LOve your outfit! The perfect shade for Thanskgiving and Fall! I need to try it with a tee as well. The hat is especially cute on you and I always love to see the changing leaves I can relate my friend! I am going off a pain med as you know, and each day feels like Groundhog Day! Lots of tv and computer in bed! My mind is numb!
I like some of the suggestions, I watched the Queens Gambit and I have Acorn to check out my English mystery shows.
jess xx
Thanks so much, Jess! I hope that you are getting through this titration period well enough. I know how hard it is. My mind has become totally numb as well. I go from racing thoughts to I just can’t think anymore and that’s when zoning out on tv helps! I hope you have a great weekend, my friend.
What an absolutely perfect outfit for fall! Loving this dress and the jean jacket completes the outfit perfectly!
I’ve only watched one season of The Voice (the last one) and had no idea it’s back on. I don’t watch a whole lot but music, talent and dancing shows are some that keep me somewhat focused. I’ll be sure to check out the voice.
Thanks for hosting the linkup today!
Ellibelle’s Corner
Ellie, thanks so much! I am really happy with this outfit, too, and I can’t wait to have somewhere to go so I can wear it in public! Speaking of The Voice, I haven’t watched this week’s episodes. I may go do that now! Have a wonderful weekend!
So sorry you are feeling sad, you are definatly not alone. I think the uncertainly of Covid is effecting all of us in different ways an to a different extent. I’m glad you have someone to talk to and all the channels on tv to distract you! Thanks for sharing the shows you are watching, it’s a great list with something for everyone. On another note, your outfit is adorable, perfect fall layers and I love your hat, you wear hats so well! Take care and thanks for sharing!
Di, thank you so very much! Yes, the struggle is real for all of us. This current state of things is effecting everyone. It is nice to know that I am not alone. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Cheryl Shops
Hang in there, lady! Thank you for all the streaming recommendations (you’re making me want to rewatch SATC as that was one of my favorite shows ever), and I love your ’90s throwback outfit—this was like my uniform in the summer of ’94!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Cheryl, thank you so much for your encouragement and kind words! Oh my gosh, SATC was one of my fave shows back then as well. It is an entirely different thing watching it 20 years later. I seriously do recommend going through it again if you are feeling the least bit compelled. I can’t get over how much has changed in life and in my own beliefs since that show first aired. And a tee shirt under a slip dress was totally my uniform in the summer of ’94 as well! I remember specifically a dark green slip dress like this one that had a tiny white floral print. I wore it to the Jersey Shore with a white cap sleeve tee and white sneakers! And I was about 60 pounds thinner back then so it was wicked cute! I hope you have a fabulous weekend, my friend.
Apathetic weariness – what an apt phrase. It sums up a strange world wide situation, perfectly. You are such a Deep and fearless writer, Shelbee. Have you ever thought about putting some of your posts into books and selling on Amazon?
Ratnamurti, thank you so very much! Oh, I have thought about book writing so many times and then I cower in fear at the idea! I don’t even know where to begin. I think probably some small goal setting is in order. My therapist has been ready to go with some goal setting techniques and such and I just keep going into her office with nothing but a whole lot of negativity! Gah. I need to do something! I really appreciate all of your kindness and support, my friend!
Wow, what a great list of TV choices! Thanks for that! I, too, love the Witches with Angelica Houston–it is so funny! I keep meaning to watch Emily in Paris, so I’m glad to hear that the wardrobe is fun to watch! I don’t think you are alone in feeling totally out of sorts right now. But everyone’s experience is different so that in no way diminishes how YOU feel. I recognize we won’t return to “normal” but anything past this continuing COVID experience will feel better. I guess we just have to feel fortunate that some of us haven’t lost anybody and take faith in that. Give yourself grace as we work through this, my friend.
Your outfit totally WORKS on you! You look adorable and as usual, your photos are gorgeous! Love the “fattest holiday” reference! Lol!
xx Darlene
Darlene, thank you so much for this wonderful comment. I really appreciate all the love and support that I am receiving from my blogger friends. It really means the world to me and I am forever grateful. I think you just hit the nail on the head that I have to give myself some grace. I believe that is where I have stumbled the most…cutting myself a break. You would probably be astonished at the way I speak to myself inside my head. I have toyed with sharing that insanity but it is rather embarrassing. However, it may help someone else along the way. I am still contemplating all that!
Let me know if you watch any of these shows! I would love to hear your take on them. I hope you have a lovely weekend, my friend.
Hi Shelbee. I’m so sorry you’re going through a rough patch right now. I’ll send prayers your way. Thank you very much for featuring my gratitude post. I feel like gratitude in any circumstance really does make a difference and I want that for my kids too. As you mentioned you practice a lot of gratitude, I’m sure that’s helping you through these hard times. And how fun to be able to escape into a good show for a while! We do Friday Night Family Movie Night, so I’m glad to get some of your recommendations. My daughter and I loved the Stargirl book (I read it when I was her age and now she’s read it), so we’re looking forward to watching that one especially! Sounds like it won’t disappoint!
PS- I forgot to say how much I love this look with the denim and hat! It’s ideal for fall, and what a genius way to plan for the “fattest holiday of the year!” 🙂
Haha, thanks! When it’s time to get your fat on, you have to get into your fat clothes! I hope you have a blessed weekend, Marielle!
Marielle, thank you so very much for your kind and supportive words and your prayers! I will take any kind of positivity I can get right now! I just need a little shift in perspective back to gratitude. Not that I ever lost gratitude, I have just been beating myself up a bit too much lately. We used to do Friday Night Movies with the boys, but now they just want to play with their best friend who lives next door. And Friday nights are the one night we let them go until they drop! They always ask for a sleepover and my response is, “Sure. You can hang out and play in your jammies together, then when it’s time to go to sleep, she can walk next door and sleep in her bed and you can walk upstairs and sleep in yours!” And then she scoots right back over here in the morning! As for Stargirl the movie, it will not disappoint! It is so, so good. Now I want to read the book!
What a cute dress! i like the 90s vibe with it layered over the tee too! 🙂 Sorry to hear you are having such a tough time with everything lately – I hope it all gets easier for you! I think we are lucky, the travel restrictions are lifted so we are able to see friends and family and we’ve started slowly visiting playgrounds again, now there have been no cases for over 60 days I’m starting to feel safer. We’d been exploring local trails and bike paths for the kids to walk/ run / scoot / bike along instead and they have been loving it 🙂
Haven’t found much time for TV watching but maybe we will get to see some Christmas movies over December – I really hope so! 🙂 We usually let the boys have a bit more screen time then to watch all the Christmas classics
Hope that you are having a great weekend 🙂 It’s a hot one here!
Mica, thanks so much! I really appreciate all of your support and encouragement. I will get through this trying time just like everyone else will! We have gone back into stricter lockdown as of yesterday which is okay with me for now. We will be getting our Christmas decorations out this weekend so hopefully that will bring some much needed cheer into my home! I hope you and the boys are enjoying the outdoor time at playgrounds! It is getting much too cold here now for that. I hope you have a lovely weekend, my friend.
Cindy Handy
You look adorable in that dress! and, as so often happens, I have almost the identical pair of ankle boots ** My husband and I went back and recorded all seasons of the old TV show ” J*A*G* (on Direct TV). If you haven’t seen it, then something else to watch! (The 1st season isn’t the best, but it does an introduction to some characters. Most of the “permanent” characters show up at the end of the 1st season or in Season 2). But be aware that this show is ADDICTING!! …. Keep the faith ~ we’ll get through it. ** … from “your Texas stalker mom”
Aw, Cindy, thanks so much! These ankle boots were such a great thrift shop find! They are sherpa lined and perfect for our cold winters here. I remember that show JAG! I think I watched a few episodes of it when it first aired. I will have to check it out again! I haven’t lost all faith yet and I have been finding much comfort in some of your soul food recipes! I made the pumpkin carrot lasagna this week and it is so, so delicious! I hope you have a wonderful weekend, my friend. As always, I really appreciate the encouragement and support.
Awww, the fashion favorite spot was such a nice surprise! Especially on a day when fibromyalgia kicked my ass and kept me in bed all day. (I think I accidentally ingested one of my problem foods when we ate out yesterday.)
I love your Fall inspired slip dress outfit. Super cute and pretty!
And I’m sorry you are struggling so much. I wish I had some words of wisdom.
We are going to check out some of the shows you’ve mentioned. We have watched all of Sneaky Pete. The characters just keep better. And the situations remain…, crazy and intense.
Hugs, my friend.
Michelle, thanks so much, my friend! Normally, I would sit in these icky feelings knowing that I always cycle back around. But being locked down in my house for so long is making me lose sight of anything beyond the current ickiness. Tough times for everyone, I know. I am so sorry to hear that you had a awful day with fibromyalgia pain. I wish I had some helpful words of wisdom as well! But I am glad the feature cheered you up a little bit! I am definitely going to revisit Sneaky Pete once I finish up one of these other series that I have gotten sucked into! I hope you have a great weekend and find some pain relief as well.
Laura Bambrick
I’m going to have to check a few of these movies and shows out! I’ve been watching more television these past few months too and I have a feeling that will increase as the cold weather sets in if the rates don’t begin to decrease. I love your outfit! That hat is super cute on you!
Laura, thanks so much! It is funny because my husband used to wonder how people watch so much television. We are not big television folks around here. But now I am starting to get it! When there’s nothing else to do and nowhere to go, what better escape than a good movie or tv series!
Gata Collins
This dress is so cute! It is a perfect outfit for a picnic!
Review Gloves
Thank you, Gata! I really appreciate your kind words!
Michele Morin
Sorry to hear that you are struggling.
Be kind to yourself.
BTW, your hat is stunning!
Michele, thanks so much! I have been quite unkind myself lately but I am starting to come around. I hope you have an amazing week!
Lauren Renee Sparks
Sweet friend, I am praying for a return to joy for you. This year has sucked the life out of most of us, I think. And I have struggled with this too. So I’m praying this for myself too.
Lauren, thank you so very much, I really appreciate that. I feel like we all have to reach out for each other to hold onto so we don’t all sink this year! I am praying for all of us who are struggling right now as well.
Jacqui Berry
I adore this style, I could wear this in a heartbeat. Jacqui x
Thank you, Jacqui! I loved how this dress photographed and so I was naughty and went and ordered it in a navy blue floral print as well! I couldn’t resist. It was on clearance for around $10!