Friday Favorites #6 & Link Up On the Edge #203

I have not posted a Friday Favorites since April when we were just a little over a month into quarantine mode. I had such high hopes back then of accomplishing grand things while I was relieved of basically all duties outside of my home. And now here I am, four months into quarantine, and I really have not accomplished much at all. Shame on me. Or whatever. Who really cares? I kind of needed a rest.
While I know things are slowly opening up and people are venturing out with ease and excitement, I plan to continue staying at home by choice for now. There is just too much crazy out there! I keep hearing stories of people getting into screaming matches in public places over the wearing of face masks. I honestly don’t give a f*ck what anybody does with their lives including whether or not they want to wear a mask in public or not. What I do care about is public confrontation that escalates to violent levels. I just can’t handle it.
So I have chosen the best course of action for me…which is staying in the safety of my own home where the only screaming matches are between me and my children. I don’t particularly like these screaming matches either. They send my blood pressure and anxiety flying to the highest levels. But at least in my home, I have my safe spaces readily and quickly available to retreat, meditate, smoke a bit of marijuana, and get myself back to a calming center. Who the hell knows when I will feel comfortable approaching the outside world again? I’ll let you know when it happens.

In the meantime, I have been doing a bit of reading, a lot of watching, and not so much shopping all while lounging around my house in comfortable breezy summertime garb. So I guess let’s get to my recent favorites.
The Ethical Slut, Third Edition: A Practical Guide to Polyamory, Open Relationships, and Other Freedoms in Sex and Love by Janet W. Hardy and Dossie Easton
First published in 1997 as The Ethical Slut: A Guide to Infinite Sexual Possibilities, this book is paramount in the polyamorous community and has long been praised as the quintessential guidebook to consensual non-monogamous relationships. I read the third edition (published in 2017) in just 2 days because it was that good. Not only does it discuss all the various types of loving relationships that people can have with one another, it also includes so much wonderful information on relationships in general. Even if you are monogamous and even if you are completely opposed to polyamory, what better people to offer sound relationship advice than those who successfully manage multiple committed loving relationships. It all comes down to unconditional love and open communication.
A Brief History of Everything by Ken Wilber
Published in 1996, American philosopher Ken Wilber approaches all things in human existence by applying his integral theory which is a systematic philosophy suggesting that all human knowledge and experience are related and build upon previous knowledge and experience since the beginning of humankind. He discusses the evolution of humans, human society and cultures, and human thought and consciousness by applying the simple idea that all evolution must include and transcend that which came before it. We cannot erase history…any of it…because history is the foundation upon which the present is built. While I absolutely despise Mr. Wilber’s smug tone and failed attempts at condescending humor in his writing, the theories he presents are compelling and very appropriate as we are currently watching cultural evolution in process. (Silly side note: My edition of this book features a photo of Ken Wilber’s face. For some strange reason, the look on his face is so offensive and unnerving to me that I have to always place the book face down when I am done reading.)
The Dark Tower Series by Stephen King
I started reading this 8 book series back in September and I had hoped to be finished by now. But alas, I am a rather slow reader, easily distracted by outside noise as well as all the noise inside my head. In any event, I am making progress and I am really enjoying this story. It is dark, disturbing, thought-provoking, and eerily possible in the current environment. I am currently about one third of the way through the fifth book in the series, The Dark Tower V: The Wolves of Calla. The books included in this series are listed below. If you are up for the challenge and enjoy apocalyptic fiction, then I highly recommend giving it a go.
- Book 1-The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger
- Book 2-The Dark Tower II: The Drawing of the Three
- Book 3-The Dark Tower III: The Waste Lands
- Book 4-The Dark Tower IV: Wizard and Glass
- Book 4.5-The Dark Tower: The Wind Through the Keyhole
- Book 5-The Dark Tower V: The Wolves of Calla
- Book 6: The Dark Tower VI: Song of Susannah
- Book 7: The Dark Tower VII: The Dark Tower

Rocketman (2019): I absolutely loved this biographical musical film about the life of Elton John, starring Taron Egerton as Sir Elton John. However, it took me about 4 hours to watch it because I kept pausing so I could research further details about Sir Elton John’s history. (Free on Amazon Prime)
Love & Mercy (2014): Another fascinating biographical movie about Brian Wilson of The Beach Boys starring John Cusack. The film focuses primarily on Wilson’s struggle with mental illness in the 1960’s and the 1980’s. I loved this movie as well. (Hulu)
Victoria Gotti: My Father’s Daughter (2019): This documentary film is narrated by Victoria Gotti with dramatized clips following her stories of her father as told from her personal perspective. I was completely intrigued by her story. If you have any fascination with mob life, I highly recommend this film. (Hulu)
Bad Reputation (2018): This documentary highlights the life and career of Joan Jett from her first taste of success with The Runaways to her present day philanthropic endeavors and thriving rock career. She is an incredibly fascinating and inspiring woman. (Hulu)
Knives Out (2019): This all star cast acts out a modern day game of Clue as a detective investigates the death of the patriarch of an eccentric family that cannot stop fighting. Super cute and fun film. (Free on Amazon Prime)
Book Club (2018): Starring Diane Keaton, Jane Fonda, Candice Bergen, and Mary Steenburgen, this film follows four lifelong friends as they navigate new and old relationships while they are reading Fifty Shades of Grey in their book club. This is the second time I have watched this film and I laughed and cried and thoroughly enjoyed it. It is the perfect movie for a girl’s night in. (Free on Amazon Prime)

Mrs. America (2020): This 9 episode series tells the story about the women’s liberation movement that sought to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment during the culture wars of the 1970’s. It is absolutely inspiring and empowering and so much great information about a very important movement that still lives on today. (Hulu or $1.99 per episode on Amazon Prime)
The Great (2020): This satirical comedic drama focus on the life and times of Russian Empress Catherine the Great, starring Elle Fanning as Catherine. If you are intrigued by royal family drama, this show is for you. But beware, it is raunchy, it is violent, it is bloody, and it is downright comical. I had to keep pausing the episodes to further research information about the Russian Imperial Romonov family. They were some seriously ruthless folks. I am super pleased to say that this series has been renewed for a second season. (Hulu)
Normal People (2020): A romantic drama about a young couple from the same small town in Ireland, this series follows their somewhat confusing relationship from high school to university. I really enjoyed it and the sex scenes were hot, hot, hot. So if you are sensitive to full nudity and intense sexual scenes, you may want to pass on this one. It doesn’t look like the show has been renewed for a second season. (Hulu)

Anything that is lightweight and breezy, comfortable and easy. I have been ditching my bras frequently for bralettes or nothing at all! It has just been too damn hot and humid.
Tell me..what are your recent favorite things? What have you been reading, watching, wearing, eating, buying, singing, doing?

And now your featured favorites from last week.
Reader Favorite (Most Clicked)
Jacqui of Mummabstylish shared her post, Black & White Bonmarche with a Red Top. This combination of black and white mixed animal prints and bright red is super striking and classically stylish. Brilliantly styled, Jacqui!

Favorite Fashion Post
Laura of I do deClaire shared her post, The Prettiest Kimono, and that blog title is no lie. This Caite & Kyla kimono is screaming my name! The colors, the embroidery, the style. I absolutely love everything about this gorgeous kimono and the way Laura has styled it.

Favorite Non-Fashion Post
Cheryl of Cheryl Shops took us on a lovely photographic journey in her post, Big Sur Travel Diary. So many lovely things from outfits to scenery to food and drink, there’s a bit of something for everyone in this post. Plus it is a really nice escape!

Reminder: Have you entered my Organic Aromas Giveaway yet? Just click here to get to the Rafflecopter entry form. The giveaway will remain open for entries until midnight on July 21, 2020. The winner will be announced and notified that day.
Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.
Shop my look…
Outfit Details: Cardigan and Sandals-Target / Bralette-Torrid / Pants-Kohl’s / Necklace-c/o Happiness Boutique / Earrings-Michal Golan

Kellyann Rohr
We venture out when we need things but we’re definitely not looking for things to do – home is safest, especially in FL! Thanks for the movie recs – we are always searching for something to watch! Take care my friend and have a great weekend!
Kellyann, thanks so much! Home is definitely the safest right now. We had a picnic in the park the other day because I had to get out of the house and so did the kids. It was really nice. People stayed in their little groups away from each other. Have a wonderful weekend, my friend!
Jacqui Berry
Ohh lovely to find me featured- thank you so much. Love the little black top – so pretty. Jacqui x
Thanks so much, Jacqui! It was my pleasure to feature you! I hope you have a lovely weekend.
Kathrine Eldridge
I completely understand why you staying home. I need to get out but trying to stay away from the crazies. Lol! Love this floral pants! I just started reading Stamped and am about to start the 2nd season of Dead to Me. Have a great weekend Shelbee!
Kathrine, thanks so much! I need to get out, too, but the struggle is real trying to find places and things to do that allow me to still feel safe from the crazies! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Loved Normal People and Mrs. America. Knives out was good too!! Love those pants. I’m so sick of quarantine.
Curated by Jennifer
Thanks, Jennifer! I am so sick of quarantine, too! But I might be more sick of all the craziness out there right now! I hope you have a great weekend.
I do go out for lunch and for dinner now. Shopping is a hell, I don’t do that anymore. Perhaps we will not do that ever again?? People over here are pretty irritated too. Gerben and I find ourselves taking a step back everywhere we go because others don’t think of anything. Have a great weekend!
Nancy, thanks for stopping by! I am glad that you and Gerben are getting out a little bit. I don’t think I could even relax and enjoy a meal eating in a restaurant right now. Everything just seems so tense and not relaxed. And I do wonder what our future will look like now. This is not going away any time soon especially here in the U.S. I hope you have a fantastic weekend!
I’m so over the public and how this pandemic has brought even more of the crazies out! I can deal with quarantine since I’m a homebody, but I know I certainly can’t deal with todays public and privilege.
I’m gonna have to check out a few of your faves, I need some more to watch/read 🙂 thanks for sharing!
Chanda – http://www.mschanda.com
Chanda, I am right there with you! I am a homebody as well so staying home hasn’t been horrible. But now after 4 months, I feel like I need a bit more in person human interaction. And then I find myself disappointed in humans all over again. It is just too much. There is too much crazy and too much cruelty in the world. I have been meaning to do a post with some of my favorite books of all time. I should get to work on that! Hang in there, my friend! Keep shining your light bright as can be. The world needs as much of it as we can get!
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
Love those pants!! The Great is my next binge!
Thanks so much, Tamar! The Great is so, so good! I watched the whole thing in 2-3 sittings. I couldn’t stop! Have a wonderful weekend!
I feel more comfortable staying at home too and don’t go out very often. It’s crazy how the mask issue has escalated. We watched Knives Out recently and enjoyed it! Have a great weekend!
Jill –Doused in Pink
Jill, thanks so much for stopping by! I feel like all the issues in the world right now have just gone completely bonkers! I hope you enjoy the weekend, my friend!
This is the first week where I’ve properly ventured out – driven 250 miles to see mum and we ate out for the first time. Wearing masks isn’t mandatory here until next Friday.
Thanks for the recommendations! I liked Normal People.
Gail, thanks so much for stopping by today! I am glad that you were able to visit your mum and get out and about for a bit. I hope you have a lovely weekend!
Lucy Bertoldi
Shelbee I love bralettes and yours is so cute- love the way you styled it up (you always have such a cool style that I love!). And your reading and movie list is soo good too- I find I have so little time to read and watch these days! Have a great weekend xx
Lucy, thanks so much! I am all about the fun casual styles this summer. I have time to read more, but I just haven’t been doing it and I really need to. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Patrick Weseman
Love and Mercy is amazing. If you want to read something very interesting, read “Death Row Diary” by Robert Towery. Towery kept a log of his thoughts during his last 35 days before being executed by the state of Arizona in 2012. The last entry in three hours before his execution. It is an amazing read.
Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful weekend.
Thanks so much, Patrick! That sounds like a fascinating book. I will have to check it out, for sure! I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Lauren Renee Sparks
Those pants! Love. Continuing to pray for you in this craziness we are living in!
Lauren, thanks so much for your kindness and your prayers! We all need a little bit more of both in our lives, don’t we? I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Love your outfit, Shelbee, but I especially love how you wear it, with panache xxxx I’m with you about noy wanting to venture out too much. I mostly enjoyed the solitude of lockdown, and whilst it’s over her in New Zealand, I notice that many of us are not wanting to venture out too much anymore. Home does have it’s blessings xxxxxx
Ratnamurti, thanks so much! Panache! I love that. I can get a little sassy with some of my outfits and if you are going to dress sassy, you kind of need to act sassy I suppose or else the sassy look simply won’t work! Haha. Home definitely has lots of blessings, for sure! So I am content staying here. I hope you have a lovely weekend, my friend.
Thanks for the movie suggestions! They all sound pretty fabulous (and I just LOVED Book Club). I had started Mrs. America and was enjoying it but I kind of forgot to pick it back up after the 1 or 2 episodes I watched.
Joanne, thanks for stopping by! So the funny thing about Mrs. America is that I watched the first 2 episodes and then stopped as well. I liked it but I didn’t get sucked into it. That is until I decided to start again at episode 3, then I couldn’t stop! So I highly recommend picking it up again, this is where is stars to get really good for some reason. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Im with you..we are staying at home! I’m living by the moto: stay safe, stay home, save a life. Covid as just exploded here in Ca, and everyone has a cow about wearing masks (even though they are mandated)…it’s all just too much to deal with. So we just stay home 🙂 Also – oooooh la-la on this look! Love the fun print on the pants 🙂
Shauna, thanks so much for the lovely compliment! This outfit was so comfortable for lounging around the house and my husband liked the extra bit of sass! Yeah, I don’t get all the arguing over the damn masks. And now here we are back in the thick of this mess! Stay safe, my friend!
Cheryl Shops
Aww, thank you for the feature, Shelbee! I have been watching the same shows on Hulu (all great!) and the movie Palm Springs is next on my list. Happy Friday!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Cheryl, thanks so much! It was my pleasure to feature you! I haven’t heard of this movie. I will have to look into it! Have a wonderful weekend!
juliet brown
I love those colours on you, they are definitely YOUR colours and you look fab. I enjoyed the tips on reading and watching things etc – as to what I am enjoying, well I am enjoying being a slug – a happy and contented lazy wee slug and I very don’t care about the long to-do lists I envisaged at the start of lock down, I don’t feel the need to go anywhere or dress to impress or anything, it took a while to realize that it is OK to embrace this incredibly lazy side of me as we are meant to do stuff right. Nope – not having it 🙂 and I seriously recommend the do nothing thing to all
Juliet, thanks so much for your kind compliment! And I agree with you completely on embracing the lazy! I have been so incredibly lazy…really just reading, watching movies, and wandering aimlessly around my house, parking my lazy slug butt on the couch for hours on end! I was fighting myself about being lazy as well and had all these grand ideas of things I would accomplish during lockdown. Haha. I have accomplished nothing except for a bit of blogging, reading, and watching movies! But I think I needed a nice long mental break and a break from people. You and I might be rocking this lockdown better than most! Rock on with your lazy self, my friend! And enjoy every minute of it.
I definitely just stay home too! I am in absolutely no rush to get back outside, people are definitely too crazy for me. And there’s just no reason for me to! I always wear a mask when I go out but I definitely would never yell at someone who isn’t! That’s just ridiculous. I do worry sometimes that *I’ll* be yelled out for wearing one, since I live in a place where people are upset about the mask orders. Definitely an interesting time! I do have to return to school in the fall though so I’m very curious to see how that’s going to work. I just like to think of masks as a new fashion accessory, haha.
Thanks for sharing all these recs! I’ll definitely have to check a lot of these out.
Miles of smiles,
Grace, thanks so much for sharing your feelings on it all! I am kind of fearful of getting mocked for wearing a mask as well. It’s like you can’t win either way because people are so passionate about such a silly thing. Since I am a people pleaser to my core (as much as I try not to be), when I find myself in a situation where you simply can’t please half the population, suddenly I feel a serious urge to retreat! So home is where I’ll stay until society can get a grip or this whole thing comes to some sort of an end where I know and understand the rules better! Stay safe, my friend! I will be interested to hear how easing back into college life goes.
Oh and I totally forgot to mention, I love this outfit on you!!
Miles of smiles,
Tee hee, thanks so much, Grace!
Laura Bambrick
Thank you so much for featuring my post! You are so sweet! I loved Book Club and Knives Out too! I had to stop Rocketman a few times too so I’m glad I’m not the only one! Hope you have a wonderful weekend Shelbee!
Laura, thank you so much! It was my pleasure to feature your post! Whenever I watch anything that has any historical content, I am always pausing and looking things up! I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Adorable outfit! It looks great for lounging! And it’s pretty too.
We are staying pretty isolated, but that’s because we don’t want to get sick and die. Being 57 & 64, the thought of getting Covid is pretty terrifying. But I can certainly understand your feelings about the crazy confrontations over masks too. I mean, WTF? Masks are mandatory here, so not a lot of confrontation going on. But even before masks became mandatory, no one was being hateful about it. Las Vegas is pretty much live and let live. But those confrontations make the news, and we’ve had friends in Nashville who have been mocked. I can really see why it makes you uncomfortable and wanting to stay home.
I’m glad you’ve been enjoying The Great. We finished the season and are waiting impatiently for the next. Also on Hulu, we watched all of Fargo (quirky show), and are currently enjoying Futureman – kind of a comedic time travel show.
Michelle, thanks so much for sharing your experience. I don’t really want to get Covid either! In fact, my husband just had to get tested because he has to travel for work (it was negative) and after he told me how horrible the test is, I definitely need to stay inside because I don’t think my anxiety could even handle having to be tested! But yes, it is more the violent confrontations between people over the silliest things that I just don’t want to be anywhere near it. I feel safe at home, as I should, and so I will stay at home! I live in a rather rural area that has been recognized nationally as being the most politically diverse and accepting county in the country so you would think there would be less arguing over things like this around here. But I guess there are jerky people in every community. Stay safe and healthy, my friend!
Melody Jacob
Thank you for the link-up
Thanks for joining us, Melody! Have a lovely weekend!
You are looking gorgeous! Love the outfiit!
Lovely, thanks so much! Have a wonderful weekend!
Great look Shelbee. Love the floral design 🙂
Thanks so much, Claire! Have a great weekend!
Love the look Shelbee and stay safe!
Thank you so much, Grace! Have a fabulous week!
Anna Shirley
This look is just perfect for the quarantine. It has lovely print, coziness, sexiness… everything. I’m happy that we have clear rules here – masks all the time and everywhere (if you don’t exercise or eat/drink), so there is no craziness outside. I prefer to stay home too, as I feel safer here. But I’m craving outdoor activities; I’m missing traveling. I hope that this life will be back sometimes. Have a beautiful day.
Anna, thank you so much for your kind compliment! I am all about comfort these days while trying to stay somewhat stylish. Until the crazy settles down in the outside world, I plan on staying home as much as I possibly can! I hope you have a lovely week ahead of you!