Forever Fierce Meet Up at Chico’s in New York City
As you probably already know, I attended the Forever Fierce Meet Up in New York City this weekend with the most amazing group of fiercely fabulous women! At the end of this post, I am going to try really hard to shout out to each of the attendees, but please forgive me if I forget to add your name! And please do add it in the comments if I have forgotten it.
My weekend began on Friday when I headed to Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, to spend the night at my sister’s house. Being a ball of nerves as I packed up my things for the weekend, I had to wrap myself in some mom-love for my traveling day. I dug out my favorite tunic that my mother made for me many years ago. It was the last garment that she ever crafted for me before her death and I cherish it with all my heart. I have styled it on the blog before here and here.
*This is a sponsored post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
When I posted a photo of my traveling outfit on social media, my sister spotted it and apparently it pulled at her heart strings a bit. And she reacted by posting this image in response:
She is clothed with strength & dignity & she laughs without fear of the future. -Proverbs 31:25
Thank you, sis, for helping me find my strength! Your support always overwhelms me and I would never be where I am if you hadn’t pushed me here!
My drive to Pennsylvania should take about 4 hours, but with the small defective bladder that I have been cursed with, I usually need to add an extra hour onto travel time for multiple bathroom stops. And at one point during my drive, as I reached the point of complete discomfort, the universe saw an opportunity to taunt me as it strategically placed a trailer carrying not one, but two, port-a-potties directly in front of me on the highway…16 miles from the next rest stop! But that’s okay, I can take a joke. Even when it is made at my own expense. And in case you were wondering, I made it to that rest stop with dry pants. So joke’s on you, universe!
I spent a relaxing evening with my sister and her family the night before the big event. And the next morning, as if all of the wonderful things decided to make it the most magnificent day, this pretty hot air balloon flew directly over my sister’s front yard while we were enjoying our morning coffee.
As the time to get dressed drew closer, I was quite stressed that my Chico’s outfit consisted of layers of suede and knit perfectly appropriate to showcase their new Fall line. But alas, Mother Nature has decided that it is not quite Fall. With temperatures spiking well into the 80’s, I had to come up with something else…at least for traveling into the city. So I settled on a Summer dress with my Chico’s ruana and belt.
I did switch into my complete Chico’s outfit once I arrived at the store on the Upper West Side. I will share more detailed photos of how I styled that outfit in a later post. But I am glad I opted for lighter layers for traveling because during transit I really did become quite the mess!

But mess or not in 80 degrees of heat and humidity, we rocked the day in the fiercest way! Because we are Forever Fierce!

Eugenia Hargrove of The Age of Grace worked so hard on coordinating this event. Without her, it never would have happened. So thank you so very much, Eugenia! You are so appreciated and so beautiful in every way!
Catherine Grace O’Connell is the driving force behind Forever Fierce: The Midlife Revolution. Without her, this entire initiative would not exist! I feel so fortunate to have met this amazing and empowering woman this weekend. Her energy is intoxicating and so inspiring! Her soul shines as bright as her beautiful smile!
The models representing Chico’s were all so gorgeous inside and out!
Eugenia Hargrove of The Age of Grace
Dawn Bell Solich of Plumage 59
Cherie Peake James of Style Nudge
Catherine Grace O’Connell of Catherine Grace O
Tracey Crockett of Chic. Classy. Spicy.
Kimberly Kepler Higgins of Kandidly Kim
Janette Mercer-Braddock
Michele Wojciechowicz Clark of seechele_styles
It was so wonderful spending the day with you all and joining forces to show the world how fabulous we midlife women can be!
It was also so empowering and inspiring to meet all of the other fascinating women who attended the event as well.
Lydia Gobena of Birabiro
Elle Berman of The Elle Diaries
Caytha Jentis of The Other F Word
Angie Bellant of Your True Self Blog
Ginger Green Acevedo
Sandra Mimran Smith of BOOSTwear
Netta Young-Johnson
Nancy C. Donahue of NancyDonahue.com
Victoria Flynn
Catherine Lartigue of Atypical 60
Pat Iturbe
Diana Gabriel of Diana Gabriel NYC and @dianagabrielnyc
Channing Hargrove of Channing in the City
And a huge thank you to Kenya Pickles Jones and James who were our marvelous photographers for the day. They were both so patient and kind with us, but still managing to keep us in line! Their creativity and eye for detail was superb! I am so excited to see the final outcome of their work!

I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to be a part of this event. And I feel like I am a more enriched person just from being in the presence of so many inspiring and empowering women! I thank you all for the most memorable of days!
Stay tuned, my friends, for more to come about this Forever Fierce Meet Up and my Chico’s style.
Keeping it on the edge,
I also need to send out a thank you to all those who sponsored this event and filled our goodie bags with some marvelous things!
Chico’s: Luna Stretch Reversible Bracelet
The Hall Center: Radiant Again & Forever by Dr. Prudence Hall
Montagne Jeunesse 7th Heaven: Charcoal Masque
Simply Venom: Day and Night Cream
BOOSTwear: Pink Balloons
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups

Michele clark
Love ❤️
Aw, thanks, Michele! It was just so much! And so great to meet you in real life! Lunch dates are in order next time I make my way to PA/NJ!
Cathe Lartigue
Yo. I’m working on a post about the event too! I love your account of the entweekend!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thanks so much, Cathe! I can’t wait to read your post! I am still bummed that I lost you in the chaos and didn’t get to chat more! We are definitely going to have to schedule a lunch date soon! I will keep you posted on my PA travels.
Bettye L. Rainwater
I can’t wait to hear more about the event! Were you like meet’n’greeters? Did you have to speak? Ha, I don’t mean “talk to people,” but I see one woman with a microphone and didn’t know if you had to speak to a group.
That picture is hysterical with the porta-potties. Yes, the universe has quite a sense of humor!
Hope you’re all recovered by now.
Bettye, thanks so much for stopping by! We talked in a circle just introducing ourselves and sharing our stories. Nothing very nerve-wracking at all! It was such an amazing group of women who all have beautiful stories of empowerment. I think most of the other bloggers will be sharing their experiences on their blogs as well, so you should try to check out their pages, too, so you can read about their personal experiences at the event! I am spending today recovering and gearing up for anther busy week.
Tamar Strauss-Benjamin
So much fun!!
It definitely was, Tamar! Thanks so much for reading.
Love your post. Thanks for including me 🙂 hope to see you again
Thanks, Kim! Of course I included you, you were a huge part of my day and my experience! Such a fun time.
It was so great meeting you in person! I’ll be working on your size soon.
Sandra, it was amazing to meet you! As you were talking about your product, you were quite literally talking right to me! I have been searching for such a thing for years! I am so excited to try it out.
Fantastic! All of you ladies look incredibly well styled and COMFORTABLE!
Val, thank you so much! It was such a fun day and everyone looked amazing in their outfits! Although we may have looked comfortable, I am pretty sure we were all dying of heat stroke!
Cheryl Tuckerr
It sounds like you had a wonderful time and I love this post where you tell the story! I was watching on IG and you looked fabulous for the whole trip as you do today! You go fierce lady!
Cheryl, thank you so very much! I appreciate your support so much. It was such a fabulous time. Maybe one day, we will be both at the same meet up! Would love to meet you in real life.
I was thinking about you on Saturday!! I knew you’d rock it! I am dying over the port a potties on the highway when you had to go – sometimes you just have to laugh (just not too hard when you have to pee!).
So happy it went well!!!
Kellyann, thank you so much for thinking of me! It was such a fabulous time. And yes, you have to be careful of laughter and coughing with a full bladder!
Amy Christensen
What fun! Can’t wait to hear more. – Amy
It was a blast, Amy! Thanks so much for stopping by. There is lots more popping from everyone on Instagram and Facebook right now!
Sounds like it was a great event! Thanks for sharing!
It was absolutely the most amazing day, Andrea! Thanks so much for stopping by and reading about it.
Dawn Solich
Your writing takes me on the journey with you. Thanks for taking us along!
Dawn, thank you so much! I appreciate that more than you know. It was so wonderful to meet you. You are so inspiring and just so kind and friendly and your sense of humor is fabulous! I feel blessed to say that I know you in real life!
Patrick Weseman
Looks like you had a wonderful time.
It really was quite the fabulous day, Patrick! Thanks for stopping by an dreading about it!
Eugenia Russell Hargrove
One word, Wow! The Chico’s NYC MeetUp, a fantastic recap of the event. The tremendous support from ladies that I never met and the new friendships formed. I bet the future includes another opportunity to be together and encourage and empower one another.
Eugenia, I sure do hope we have more opportunities for events like this! It was such an amazing day and I feel so blessed to have met you all! Thank you again for all of the hard work that you put into this event. You truly are a fierce and fabulous woman!
Oh wow! I would be so exited too! Looks all so fabulous! I am really glad that you enjoyed it!
Nancy, thank you so much! It was such an amazing day to be surrounded by so many inspiring women!
Alicia O'Brien
Oh what a great opportunity for you! Love that proverb your sister sent you, how lovely x
The photo with the portaloos is so funny 😀
Alicia, thank you so much! Isn’t that proverb just fabulous? She completely brought tears to my eyes with that one. And yes, the universe is filled with funnies with its portaloos and far away rest stops! Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a great day!
What an exciting opportunity for you! Putting yourself out there is never easy. I love Michelle and Kim…so exciting you got to meet!
Thanks so much, Shelly! It was definitely an intimidating venture, but so worth it in the end! Michele and Kim are so fabulous in real life! As were all the ladies who attended!
Emma Peach
I love blogger meet ups! This looks like such a fabulous event! When I went to the 3040 Blogger meet up in London last year it was a lot warmer than I’d anticipated and I was a bag of sweaty nerves when I arrived! But when you’re with your tribe it’s all good…and a glass or two of fizz always helps 😉
Emma xxx
Oh it was so fabulous, Emma! And the nerves definitely eased once we all met and realized that we are all just a bundle of sweaty nerves experiencing the same exact thing! And they were the most wonderful women to meet! It was such a great time, for sure. I do love meeting other bloggers in real life. Thanks so much for stopping by and for the wonderful comment. How great that you went to the 3040 Blogger Meet Up!
It looks like you had a fabulous time, Shelbee! I’m still chuckling at the porta potties though he he he lol!!
Suzy xx
It was amazing, Suzy! And those porta-potties! Oh my. The funniest part about that photo though was I didn’t even notice the sign until after I took the picture! Thanks so much for stopping by! Have a fabulous day.
What an amazing opportunity and I love the message your sister posted.
Thanks so much, Lorena! It was so fabulous! And my sister always has just the right words at the exactly the right time.
A fantastic day Shelbee. I was at the same event as Emma. We met up and are now friends. Nothing better than a blogger meet! I ave also named your post as favourite this week xx
Thanks so much, Laurie! Blogger meet ups are so much fun. It is so amazing to meet the fabulous people behind the blog! And I am so honored that you have featured my post this week. I will be over soon to check it out! Thank you!