For Goodness Sake, It’s Teddy Blake! & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #271

Do you all know Teddy Blake? Well, do not fret if you don’t because I am about to introduce you to this affordable luxury leather brand in handbags. Using the finest Italian leathers and high end hardware, Teddy Blake has created a line of quality handbags that are elegant and durable and meant to last a lifetime. They are based in New York but their handbags are crafted by skilled artisans in Italy and sold exclusively online in order to keep the cost affordable. The attention to detail and exceptional craftsmanship is evident in every aspect of Teddy Blake bags from the precise stitching to the quality hardware and luxurious leather.
Let me share my history with Teddy Blake in case you were wondering. It’s not a long one. Teddy Blake first came onto my radar a few years ago when I worked at Solitary Consignment, a local consignment shop that specializes in women’s clothing and high end designer handbags. As much as I love all things fashion, designer handbags have never really been my thing. But I learned a lot about luxury handbag brands working at the consignment shop. We carried a large inventory of Coach, Kate Spade, Michael Kors, Dooney & Bourke, Burberry, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, and Teddy Blake bags. Since I was required to research each piece that came into the shop in order to properly price it, I began learning a lot about different designer handbags. And of all the designer bags that came through the shop, I always liked the Teddy Blake bags the best. But even at consignment shop prices, designer handbags are still a bit out of my normal handbag budget and so I never made the investment.
However, in the last year or so, I have started developing a strong desire for a quality leather bag that could fit my laptop and laptop accessories for traveling as well as the few other items that a woman carries in her handbag. My problem with bigger purchases is making the final decision on the one item out of all the millions of items available that I think is best suited for me. I usually end up not making the final decision and so I buy nothing. But quite frankly, I am tiring of my old black Coach diaper bag that has been my computer bag for over 20 years. I was long overdue for a bag update.
So when Teddy Blake asked if I would like to try a leather bag of my choice, I knew it was my opportunity to up my handbag game and get my laptop into something new and special!

I took my time scrolling through all of the gorgeous designs offered by Teddy Blake, leaving not a single one unclicked, until I finally settled on the 14” Vanessa Palmelatto in this lush shade of dark green. I wanted to make sure that the structured style of a Teddy Blake bag would fit with my bohemian aesthetic and the earthy shade of green seemed to be the exact boho element that I needed. Although I was very drawn to some of the bold and bright colors as well as the pastels that are trending for spring and summer. Perhaps my next Teddy Blake will be one of those colors!
When my new bag arrived so beautifully packaged I couldn’t open the box quick enough. And what a delight when the sweet aroma of new leather hit my nostrils as I slid my new purse out from its dust bag. I literally couldn’t stop myself from sniffing the leather over and over again. There is something really special about that scent and it gets me every time I acquire any new leather good. So if you see me walking around with my new bag and you catch me sniffing it, now you know why. I just can’t help myself!

Now you know not only do Teddy Blake bags look great, they smell great, too! Actually, they feel great as well with the comfort of round elegant handles and an adjustable shoulder strap that can be detached. My Vanessa bag is a 14” tote bag handcrafted from scratch resilient palmelatto crust leather (a semi-rigid textured calfskin leather). It features a semi-structured silhouette with a roomy suede interior that boasts two large pockets separated by a middle zipper pocket. All Teddy Blake bags come with a signature dust bag and an adorable logo charm.
I haven’t actually used my new Teddy Blake bag yet because it is still mud season here and I am afraid to get her dirty. But as soon as the mud dries up, you can bet your Teddy Blake that I’ll be using mine daily!

To showcase my new bag for the first time, I needed something bohemian since that was the whole aesthetic I was shooting for from the start. I layered a black tunic dress over wide legged denim and then added all of my favorite boho pieces from a velvet floral kimono to a floppy felt hat and cowgirl boots and my fabulous new Susan Shaw necklace that I shared yesterday with the Thrifty Six.
I really felt pretty magnificent in this outfit from the easy flowy style to the rich earthy tones of black, green, and red. Since we are currently sitting in yet another snowstorm in the northeast United States, this is about as close as I can get to my favorite spring and summer festival styles!
But even in the midst of the what seems like the longest winter ever yet again, my days are brightened and my spirits cheered by my stunning new Teddy Blake handbag and by all of your sweet comments! Let me know how you are faring in this strange spring weather and also let me know your favorite Teddy Blake designs!

Featured Favorites
Reader Favorite (Most Clicked): Amy of Amy’s Creative Pursuits

Fashion Favorite: Jill of Doused in Pink

Other Favorite: Sally of Within a World of My Own

Keeping it on the edge,
Joining these Fabulous Link Parties.
Outfit Details: Bag-c/o Teddy Blake / Dress-c/o Fashom / Kimono-Torrid / Jeans-Charlotte Russe / Boots-c/o Country Outfitter / Necklace-Susan Shaw from Traveling Chic Boutique, Asheville / Hat and Earrings-Old

Kathrine Eldridge
Love your new Teddy Blake bag Shelbee! The color is gorgoues and I adore the boho look you paired it with. I also love the smell of their leather. Don’t worry about getting it dirty. They really stay in good condition because of the amazing leather. Thanks so much for the link up!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! Did you treat your bag first? I have leather spray and I feel like I should use it but I get just as nervous about that damaging the leather as I do about the dirt! This is another reason I buy preloved so frequently…I’m not as concerned with getting second hand things dirty!
Suzy Turner
You look absolutely fabulous in your boho outfit, Shelbee (those boots!!!!), and I’m not the slightest bit surprised that you chose a green Teddy Blake handbag (me too!). It certainly is a beautiful bag and perfect for your needs! Love it!
Suzy xx
Thank you so very much, Suzy! I was not surprised at all to see that you also chose a green Teddy Blake bag! I loved your outfit for showcasing your bag as well. And now my Teddy Blake wishlist just keeps growing longer!
I’ve heard many good things about Teddy Blake!
Curated by Jennifer
They are a great quality product, Jennifer, but I don’t know how to do all the background research on sustainability and such so I can only rely on what their website says. All I can say is they smell sustainable! It is just all natural leather aroma with no icky chemical stink that most things seem to have on them these days!
Mica - Away From The Blue
That’s a beautiful bag and I love yoru kimono – such a nice topper for your outfit 🙂
Thanks for the link up! Hope you had a nice weekend and a good Easter 🙂
Thank you, Mica! I am so sad about this kimono right now. It tore at one of the seams when I washed it. I should be able to stitch it back together but it looks like some of the velvet frayed at the tear. At least it’s under the armpit so my shoddy repair work won’t be too visible!
I’m a huge fan of Teddy Blake bags! Love the color and shape of yours! Thank you so much for the feature this week! What a nice surprise to start my day!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks so much, Jill! I am so happy with my Teddy Blake choice and I am very glad to have surprised you with a feature!
That is a beautiful bag! It goes so well with your outfit too.
Thank you, Joanne! It smells just as lovely as it looks! Haha.
A dead classy bag that will stand the test of time. Excellent choice but certainly not ‘stuffy’.
Thanks so much, Pamela! Yes, a stuffy bag would never do with my personality or wardrobe! I went for the most relaxed of their bags to suit my style. I really like their really big tote bags, too, but they don’t have any pockets which I kind of need. My Teddy Blake wishlist just keeps growing longer!
Bojana Krienke
Teddy Blake bags seem to be everywhere! I love the hunter green one you choose, what a lovely color. I searched high and low for a quailty backpack that could fit my work laptop and some of the work items I carry home each and every day. I completely understand having to find the right one that it’s going to be worn out quickly. Hope you had a lovely Easter weekend with the family.
Thanks so much, Bo! Teddy Blake bags really are popping everywhere, aren’t they?! The new colors for spring are so gorgeous! I was really tempted to go for bright red or orange or yellow but first I needed something practical. I am so glad I went with the green. It is even prettier in real life than the photos show. We had a great weekend with family and friends. I hope you had a lovely holiday as well!
jess jannenga
Hi Shelbee!
Oh I love your bag! The apple chain is so cute too on it. I think the green is perfect for year round and with your boho aesthetic! Love the boots ans hat! I didn’t know you knew of TB from your consignment store. I am hoping to go to this consignment/thrift store near me, called Uptown Cheapskate soon. I love that you chose this bag to fit your laptop, it is quite roomy! I just posted my bag onTB as well, and love the smell of new leather! 🙂 Our weather here has been unseasonably cold this year, but now it is warming up some.
Have a wonderful week!
jess xx
Thanks so much, Jess! I love the name of your consignment shop! I hope you find some fabulous things there. I just spotted a really gorgeous red floral maxi dress in the consignment shop window here. I need to pop in and see what size it is before it’s gone! Maybe I’ll check for some TB bags while I’m there, too. Hehe. Our weather was warming up but now it’s snowing like crazy again! I hope you have a fabulous week, my friend.
Christina Morley
I’m so glad they reached out to you and that you could pick what you wanted! That’s awesome! And I love what you chose. Such lovely photos and colors. Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful week!
Thanks so much, Tina! I love brands like this that offer quality products that I can stand behind and they are wonderful and so easy to work with! Their commitment to quality obviously runs deep! I hope you have a fabulous week as well, my friend.
Anita Ojeda
I LOVE the smell of new, well-tanned leather! I can always smell the cheap stuff (it stinks), so I totally understand your love of new leather! And after 20 years? Yep, you were due for an upgrade! I have a thing for nice leather bags (and backpacks/fanny packs for running and hiking) and coats/vests.
Thanks, Anita! Oh, the really cheap leather has the worst odor, doesn’t it?! I was definitely due for the upgrade especially since I bought that original Coach diaper bag on my post-divorce shopping splurge in 2000! I also bought myself some Tiffany’s jewelry on that shopping trip as symbol of my freedom but recently sold those off because I never wore them and didn’t want the reminders of the past anymore…the same for the old bag, too! Ha.
What a gorgeous bag! Absoutely love Teddy Blake <3 The size is perfect and the color is just gorgeous! I feel like it can work with so many other colors! Great review!
Lizzie, thank you so much! It is such a great size for all my needs and the color is simply scrumptious! This was fun to shoot and write about, too!
Laura Bambrick
I love Teddy Blake bags, too! They are so high quality! You picked a gorgeous one. I haven’t tried that style yet. It’s a great color.
Thanks so much, Laura! I am really happy with my pick and now my Teddy Blake wishlist keeps growing longer!
Cheryl Shops
I feel like I’ve been seeing this brand everywhere—they really do make lovely bags!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Thanks, Cheryl! I am so pleased with this one!
Renee Open
Hey Chicky Poodle Doodle! How goes it!!
LOVE the black over coat! Gorgeous!
We should catch up soon – been SO busy lately <3
Hi beautiful! Let’s definitely catch up soon…so much to catch up on! I have been insanely busy as well so I totally get it! Message me when you can! Love you.
Dee | Grammy's Grid
I like the bag, cute color! You can’t beat a quality made leather bag. That’s one thing I splurge on, can’t have enough of them 🙂 Anyway, nothing to linkup today, just visiting links. If you or anyone else has posts about genealogy, we’d love to have you linkup at our genealogy themed party.
Thanks so much, Dee! This is my first real quality bag so I am very excited! I might have an old post on genealogy…I will have to go find it and link it up. Thanks for the heads up!
I have not heard of this brand before, but this bag looks lovely, useful, and luxurious. Love the bell bottoms too. I can not be more happy to kiss skinny jeans good-bye.
Thanks so much, April! I didn’t really hate skinny jeans all that much but I am definitely preferring wide legged denim and bell bottoms right now! I hope you have a fabulous day.
Marsha Banks
Shelbee, I don’t know what I love more…your jeans, your velvet kimono, or your bag!!! Chef’s kiss!!!! I love the color of that bag. Once upon a time, I told my husband I would know when I’d finally achieved adulthood when I had a pair of green shoes!! Can you imagine? This Teddy Blake bag would definitely make me feel like I’d achieved something pretty doggone wonderful!!
Thanks, my friend, for the link up!
Aw, Marsha, thank you so much! I love that green shoes were the thing that marked adulthood for you! I need more green shoes in my life, I think. And you definitely need a Teddy Blake bag!
Great to hear your back story on Teddy Blake. And good choice for a laptop bag. I also chose green, but much smaller as I may not need a laptop bag for much longer. Lovely styling!
Thanks so much, Gail! Oooh, I love to hear that you might be making that transition away from needing to carry a laptop around! I wish you all the best, my friend!
The bags are all so very pretty aren’t they. Such beautiful colours and your green one is fabulous.
Aw, thanks so much, Nancy! I am loving all of the colors they have! It was so hard to choose!
I have been admiring all the Teddy Blake bags to be hitting so many lucky bloggers lately. Stunning! And your choice goes very well with your Bohemian vibe. Super cute outfit, btw! Like you, Teddy Blake is a bit out of my price range, but if I found one at a good price in a consignment shop…..
Thanks so much, Michelle! I am really pleased with my Teddy Blake choice! It is such a great bag and I think it is going to prove to be very versatile with my wardrobe.
Patrick Weseman
Looking so very nice. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.
Thanks much, Patrick! I hope you are having a wonderful week as well!
That’s a beautiful, green handbag. Thanks for hosting the link-up.
Thank you for participating in Talent-sharing Tuesdays Link-Up 16.
Thank you so much, Carol! I appreciate that! Have a wonderful day.
Lauren Renee Sparks
That bag is gorgeous! I have been so tempted by Teddy Blake but not bitten the bullet yet. I may have to go shopping now! I love a good bag. It may be my biggest fashion weakness.
Thanks so much, Lauren! It really is a fabulous bag! They were having some pretty great spring sales going on!
Rosemary Davis
You have convinced me! I need a green bag.
Haha, that is fabulous, Rosemary! Green should be considered a neutral, in my opinion. It is like the most common earthy color on the plant after blue!