Find It In You To #SpreadTheKindness/Link Up #3
*After finding myself completely overwhelmed this past week trying to catch up with blogging things and then being slammed by illness, my dear friend Amy offered to write a post for me to help out. Thanks so much, Amy, for always being so supportive and willing to help out!
Find It In You To #SpreadTheKindness
Guest post by Amy Langa of 5 Memory Lane
End the rage. End the holiday madness. Stop the angst. Slow down. It’s all about perspective and expectation management.
I decided to make a list of reminders of how to be thankful or kind, even when life seems like it is coming at you all at once. Especially at this time of year. And to remember to spread the kindness, through random or little acts of appreciation. They do and can make a difference. Many are also reminders to give ourselves the same care as we give others. Several were moments I witnessed on my recent trip to L.A. with Shelbee. Many done by Shelbee herself.
*Side note: None of these are meant to be Christmas exclusive. Use for however you celebrate this holiday season.
Missed a flight: But then sat next to an awesome lady and had a magnificent conversation for the long 5 hour flight.
Got the stomach bug: But rested for 2 days and remembered not to get so run down. And how nice it feels when you are healthy. (And that kids are germ spreaders).
Stood in long lines. Had a lot to get done. Started to feel anxious: Let someone go ahead of you that has young kids. Or has one item. Or just because.
Feeling overwhelmed: Make a conscious effort to slow down. Waaaaay down.
Can’t get into the spirit: Find a Pandora music station that pulls you back in.
Gained some weight and can’t accept it: Move around and get some fresh air. Walk the mall.
In a holiday funk: Buy new shoes. Or a new scarf. For you. Retail therapy is real.
Feeling stressed about money: Tell someone you love their makeup or their shirt. Forget about money being what gifts are about.
Kids driving you mad: Cuddle up with hot chocolate and watch some traditional holiday movies together.
Know you won’t be able to sleep tonight: Drive around and look at the Christmas lights.
Mid-day tiredness and blues: Make some hot tea, grab and blanket and a book, and recharge.
Don’t have a holiday party to go to: Pull that black dress out anyway and meet a friend for lunch.
Don’t agree with a post online: Move on.
Someone tailgates you and then passes you in a fury: Pay for the coffee for the person behind you in the drive-through.
Can’t think of what to get someone: Buy a bottle of wine for them and just show up at the their house to see them.
Heard someone lost a family member. Or know this is their first holiday season without someone: Call them and see how they are doing. Seems texting and messaging are even replacing this gesture.
Want a puppy but can’t afford it or can’t have on where you live: Donate supplies to your local SPCA.
Feeling lonely: Go see a movie and pay for someone else’s ticket.
And when in doubt, make cookies. Lots and lots of cookies.
Spread the Kindness. Smile. Laugh. Spread Love.
Happiness is a state of mind,
5 Memory Lane
Here are your favorites from the #SpreadTheKindness Link Up 2 weeks ago!
Thanks to everyone who joined the link up and thanks for continuing to spread your kindness!
Andrea of Here I Am – Andrea looks stunning in her blue and black Casual Outfit with Skirt.
Carrie of Curly Crafty Mom looks gorgeous in her anniversary outfit of Ruffled Tunic with Velvet Leggings.
Also linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups Where I Link Up

jodie filogomo
Amy…what kindness you have in your heart—not only to help out Shelbee, but to have these fantastic ideas that are nothing but truth!
Funny, because I always say the good thing about being sick, is realizing how good I feel when I’m not—and you basically said that!!
Love your post & fabulous outfit to boot!!
Thanks for spreading the kindness—everyone needs it!
Amy really is a super special woman and I am so grateful and honored to call her my friend! She is so giving of herself and her time and her support! Thanks so much for reading, Jodie, and for always having such kind and lovely words to share!
Michelle, what a brilliant idea to have Amy be your guest blogger and Amy, you did a fabulous job. I love all of your suggestions for dialing up the kindness.
Thanks so much, Rena! It was all Amy’s idea! She messaged me, “Do you want me to write a post for you?” And I immediately replied, “Yes, please!” And it was done! So now one of two things needs to happen…Amy needs to guest post more often on my blog. Or Amy needs to start her own blog!
I say yes to both!
Tina von Tinaspinkfriday
Such an amazing post. Yes let’s slow down 🙂
Thank you, Tina! It is an important message and I am so thankful that Amy shared it!
Hope all is calming down for you Shelbee! I’m in a very similar situation here in Uk. Enjoyed reading these quotes though ! xx
It is starting to calm down or at least things are becoming more structured! Thanks so much for the well wishes, Laurie. I hope you are finding some calm as well!
Kathrine Eldridge
Thanks so much for spreading the kindness with Amy! Her look is so chic! I hope things start to calm down for you Shelbee and thanks so much for the link up!
Kathrine, thank you kindly! This are starting to get more organized for me! And yes, doesn’t Amy look fabulous?! (I taught everything she knows. (insert winky face)!)
Celia M. - HighHeeledLife.com
Feel better Shelbee … Amy these are all wonderful suggestions … great self care!
Thank you, Celia! I thought you might enjoy this post! Self-care is so important. Especially during this crazy time of year when the holidays and sickness seem to hit all once!
Amy Christensen
Shelbee and Amy! Loved this post! Shelbee you are so blessed to have a friend that steps in when you are down and Amy you are obviously a dear! Thanks for sharing the cute outfit and the great ideas on spreading kindness. This makes me want to be more intentional about it! Have a great day and Shelbee I hope you are feeling better. – AMy
Thanks so much, Amy, for these very sweet words! I am so blessed and Amy is definitely an absolute dear! I would only be halfway to here if it weren’t for her continuous support and assistance! Keep spreading the kindness!
Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
Aww! Thank you so much for featuring me this week!! Sometimes we need a break from the holiday bustle and I don’t blame you for having Amy guest post! Her post is so appropriate for right now… I have felt many of these thing and it’s funny how it really is easy to remedy some of them by just thinking or doing something to cheer yourself up or to destress. I love Amy’s outfit, that sweater is so cozy and I love that purple color paired with the booties!
Carrie, it was my pleasure to feature you! Thank you for keeping us all inspired! I love Amy’s post so much, too. I think I may have to ask her to post regularly!
Patrick Weseman
We all need to spread the kindness. Thanks for doing it today.
Thank you, Patrick! Yes, we definitely do need to keep spreading kindness!
Ana Bogusky
What a great idea to have someone collaborate like that, SHelbee. Hope you feel better soon! And, Amy, nice to see your post and I love the color of that great poncho sweater. Happy holidays!
Thanks so much, Ana! I think I may have Amy post more often!
Paula @ Sincerely, Paula
Your friend Amy is a smart woman! Terrific post!
Thanks for hosting..hope you’re feeling better 🙂
She really is very smart, indeed! Thanks for reading, Paula!
Susan Kanoff
Absolutely love this post—timely with mine this week too. Check it out 🙂 #KINDNESSMATTERS
XO Susan
Susan Kanoff
Oops, forgot the link! http://www.themidlifefashionista.com
Thanks so much, Susan! I will be checking it out for sure!
Emma Peach
Some lovely ideas on how to ease the stress and spread the love. We all get so caught up in the madness of Christmas, frantically rushing around, buying stuff like crazy while trying to keep up with work/blogging. Sometimes we forget the important things. Sending you calm vibes Shelbee 🙂
Emma xxx
Calm vibes are good, Emma! Thank you so very much! I wish you a very joyous and calm holiday season as well!
Yay, Amy for helping a friend out! I loved reading all these ways to be kind. I know I’m certainly trying to be kinder each day because I feel like the world really needs it.
Hope you are feeling better!
Thanks so much for stopping by, Vicky! I am trying so hard every minute to exhibit kindness! This world has gotten so crazy and mean lately that the kind people out there really need to step it up! Thank you for doing your part to #SpreadTheKindness!
Amy has so many great ideas to spread kindness and pull yourself out of a funk! I need to be better at making a conscious effort to do at least one thing everyday!
Self-care is so important, Jill, and yet we so easily overlook it! I am glad Amy shared these reminders with us, too. Thanks so much for stopping by!
What a great friend! Get better soon Shelbee!
She most definitely is, Julia! Thanks so much for visiting and sending well wishes my way!
Mary Murnane
Such a fun post full of wonderful reminders! Things we all need to be mindful of year round.
Most definitely, Mary! Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment!
jess jannenga
Enjoyed reading these thoughtful ideas. Good attitude and Spirit! Love the purple poncho, very pretty on you!
jess xx
Jess, thanks so much for reading! Amy is a smart woman! I am going to ask her to write more posts for me!
That’S so sweet of your friend! Would love if you can link up to http://the-wardrobe-stylist.com/2016/12/11/favourite-diy-christmas-decorations/
She is very sweet, Rania! Thanks so much for reading! I will be by to link up, for sure.
Great reminders! You look fabulous in purple!
Ruth, thanks so much for reading! I wish you a very happy holiday season!
Thank you everyone for your kind words and thanks Shelbee for allowing me to post on your blog! It was therapeutic to put some thoughts together and then “on the big screen” that went beyond this crazy daily struggle/joy of parenting young kids. I am trying to exercise more self-care, which for me, gets even better when I spread the kindness! PS: I plan to wear more plum/purple 🙂
Thank you, Aimee, for writing a post for me when I was feeling overwhelmed! It was a tremendous help, a huge relief, and a fabulous post! And yes, wear more purple! And pink. Pink looks amazing on you!