Feel the Love & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #67
I am without outfit photos and without a photographer this week so I had to resort to the old tripod and remote method which never, ever results in the same quality photos for some reason. Plus I can never get quite as comfortable as I do when I have someone on the other side of the camera making me smile and laugh. My, how things have changed from the beginning of my blog when I was only comfortable taking selfies. But I am choosing to ignore the poor quality of my photos and focus on the fact that I am channeling and feeling the love these days. All the love. I’m in love with life, with my family and friends, with the world, with myself. I am in love with love. And it has been sustaining me and slowly lifting me out of a minor funk. Proof that love really does make the world go round.
*This is not a sponsored post.
About this funk…I have been struggling so much with motivation and inspiration and direction lately. I don’t know if it is this wretched weather that just refuses to budge and turn warm. It seriously still will not stop snowing. How much can a person take before it takes a toll on mood and motivation? I don’t know if it is the effects of my crazy menopausal hormones. I am seeing the doctor next week about this issue. Hopefully, we will find some magical cure. I don’t know if I am having a midlife crisis. Because I have been feeling all out of sorts in so many ways lately that I am not even sure how to articulate it. My funk could be a combination of all of those things, I suppose. But I am fighting through it with every ounce of strength and will that I possess and trying to stay focused on love and kindness. Making sure that I am surrounding myself with it every day. Making sure that I am sharing it everywhere I go. Smiling right on through my own confused and erratic emotions.
I recently have written about topics such as people helping people, keeping perspective, the power of beneficence, the importance of communication and self-care, love and vulnerability, yet I flounder on all fronts. And in the spirit of keeping perspective, as I am fumbling though it all, at least I am fumbling and falling forward. Picking myself up each time I hit the ground, brushing off the dust that sometimes blinds me, regaining my sense of direction, and loving myself through it. Always loving myself through it even when I am not feeling all that loving or worthy of love.
The power of positive thinking and positive self-talk really do work wonders. Repeating those personal mantras of empowerment and strength. Wearing your heart on your sleeve, your feelings on your sweater, your emotions on your jewelry, can work the same as any sticky note hanging on the bathroom mirror, scribbled with the words, “You are beautiful. You are worthy.” When the funk sets in and it feels like your muse has died, that is the time to dig deep and find something, anything, no matter how silly it may look or seem, that will uplift you. Eventually you start to feel like you can wiggle your foot loose from the quicksand that holds you before it swallows you whole.
*Sweater: Old Navy Feel the Love Crewneck Sweater.
*Necklace: Queen Bitter Gold Large Link Chain And Gold LOVE Pendant Necklace.
So please bear with me, my friends, while I drape myself in positive messages and love myself through this drudgery of never-ending winter and erratic misbehaving hormones. My muse will awaken soon as I am sure she cannot possibly be dead…she is probably just as tired as I am and needed a nice long rest. Hopefully, she is still loving herself through this beautiful mess, too, so we can come out together on the other side ready to change the world.
Keep sight of the love. Feel the love. Know the love. And all of its healing powers. Surely, it will save the day.
The featured favorites from last week…
Jodie, Nancy, and Charlotte of Jodie’s Touch of Style are at it again with some of the most beautiful outfit creations in bold, bright patterns and pops of yellow that are beckoning Spring to finally arrive! Layer an amazing mural behind these fabulous women and you have some blogger magic going on in this post, Styling Yellow Items in Many Different Ways & Ageless Style Link Up. Do check it out!

Elsie of Polished Whimsy shared a round up of Spring Transition Outfits that should not be missed! Elsie has impeccable style and so many inspiring ideas to try this Spring!

Jess of Elegantly Dressed and Stylish shared her post, Turning Heads Linkup – Lilac Spring Outfit and Poshmark Deals, and this outfit left me swooning! The combination of olive and lilac is so unexpected and so very dreamy that I need to try to replicate this in some way.

*Boots: MIA Rosebud Booties.
How do you pull yourself out of funks like these? I am open to any and all suggestions! Perhaps a nice pot of crybaby soup would serve me well right now!
Feeling the love on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

Those white boots look perfect up against the snow and the green! Have a great week Shelbee
Laurie xx
Laurie, thanks so much! But I am so done with this snow! Have a great week, my friend.
Tamar Strauss-Benjamin
That top is so great!! Love the stitching.
Thank you, Tamar! I couldn’t resist it when I found it on clearance!
Feeling the love for sure Shelbee, super top too, I really need to buy myself a jumper with words on, they are so meaningful. Jacqui Mummabstylish
Thanks so much, Jacqui! Graphic tees and sweaters really are like putting positive messages on sticky notes on your mirror! They uplift you every time you look in the mirror!
Deborah Stinedurf
So sorry you’re having a rough time right now my friend…it happens to the best of us. I seriously do think that a lot of it has to do with the weather. I’m so damn tired of being cooped up inside. I despise the cold and don’t go out much when it is. I just want it to warm up so I can make my backyard beautiful again and spend my time just being out there. You’re probably right about the midlife hormones too…they suck! It’s so hard to explain to someone that hasn’t gone through it, but I get you completely. Just keep doing what you’re doing and power through it; you’ll come out better on the other side. FYI, I wrote my perspective post today and gave you a shoutout my friend! xo
Debbie, thanks so much for your kind and uplifting words. It is nice to know that there are people who can relate to this craziness I am feeling. I do think it is a combination of all of it…the weather and the hormones. I am going to head over right now to check out your post…I need to catch up on all of your posts…I haven’t been reading enough of my favorite blogs lately…because..life. Thanks for the shout out and I can’t wait to read about your perspective! Here’s to another day of powering through!
Maria | passion fruit, paws and peonies
Your posts are really helping me at the moment Shelbee. I’m having a tearful day, but reading your words have made me take a deep breath. None of us are alone. There are beautiful and supportive people everywhere – spreading the happiness xxx
Maria, I am glad that my words are helpful but I am also so sorry to hear that you are having a rough time right now. We are definitely not alone on this crazy life journey nor should we be alone. It is so important to find the supportive and loving people out there and surround yourself with them. While there are moments in life when you have to rely on yourself, there are so many more moments when it is essential to allow others to help uplift you. I will be thinking of you and praying for you and sending you all the positive energy that I can, my friend. Stay strong, so bold, stay fierce. And let the tears flow when necessary. It is very cleansing. You will get through this.
Much love and many hugs,
Ohhh I cried a lot last night too and over the last few days I have cried more and some times I have bottled up both my feelings and tears inside. It happens to the best of us! Prayers, my friend!
Oh Ada, I have been fighting back tears for the past few days myself. And for no articulable reason. It has to be the hormones, right? Or a serious midlife crisis! Love you, my friend!
Maria | passion fruit, paws and peonies
Thank you ladies! Life can certainly be testing can’t it. But isn’t it amazing how strong we can all be – picking ourselves up and supporting others too! Love back to you Shelbee and lovely Ada xx
It is quite the ride, for sure, Maria! And I am so grateful for all of you wonderful amazing supportive women in my life. And I am equally grateful for the strength we find buried deep within ourselves when we need it most!
Nancy Baten
I think it’s time you get some sunshine…..and a bit of rest! Haha, but some sunshine can do a lot of good!
Sunshine would really help, I think, Nancy! But there is still none in sight in the 10 day forecast. Just lots of rain and snow. But I have been allowing myself lots of rest lately. I never even got dressed on Sunday and last night I was asleep before 8 p.m.! Thanks so much, my friend. Have a fabulous day!
Pam Greer
You did a great job on the photos. I remember feeling that crazy sort of feeling when I was going through menopause. Just know that you will get through it and on the other side is wonderful. No more emotional roller coasters.
Pam, thank you so much! I actually took a giant sigh of relief when I read your comment…knowing that other women have gone before me on this crazy hormonal journey and have survived it is very encouraging. I can’t thank you enough for giving me that little peace of mind that I am not totally crazy!
Kellyann Rohr
Positive self talk is so important and unfortunately when we need it most we forget about it. Worse yet, we keep the funk or struggle to ourselves and that keeps those who love us from helping us. I can’t imagine what it’s like to live in the never ending Winter that has affected so many this year but I’m sure it plays a role. Even though it’s daily sunshine for me I get in funks too – so much plays a role, those dang hormones are so hard to figure out. I hope you’ll keep us posted as to what your doctor says. I went last year and was told there was no blood work they could do to help me figure out my hormones because they fluctuate so much. This was frustrating to me, so I’m always interested to hear about other experiences.
Kellyann, thank you so much for this comment! It is always helpful to know that we are not alone in all of these life struggles. No matter how mundane they may seem, they still affect us so strongly. I will definitely let you know what my doctor says! Because if we can help each other with the crazy hormone stuff…we need to do just that. I am sure I will have many posts on the topic coming soon! Have a great week, my friend.
Kathrine Eldridge
Love this cool tee! When I am in a funk, journaling helps. Right down all your worries and stresses and gives it to God. Thanks for the link up!
Kathrine, thank you so much for that piece of advice! I haven’t journaled in so long as I generally use my blog as a journal, but I guess there are some things that still need to remain private. I do reveal a lot on my blog, but not until I am ready…so journaling is a really great idea for me right now. And giving it up to God always works, too!
Well Shelbee, even when you’re in a funk you produce great content. I love that you’re so open about life – your life. When I’m in a funk it takes so much energy to remember TRUTH and be positive, so I can imagine you’re feeling tired! And I’m interested in hearing how your doc visit goes and am confident you’ll update us. 😊. You look great, this outfit is fun and well put together and I didn’t even notice that your pics were tripod. And boy am I with you about the tripod struggle. How does Jennie at Pocketful of Polka Dots do it???????
Chrissy, thank you so very, very much for that validation! It really is exhausting putting it all out there as we process our sh*t! But I don’t think I would have it any other way. It is so helpful to know that others relate to me. That is half the battle, I think. And I don’t have any idea how Jennie’s photos are so gorgeous with a tripod and remote. Mine get all crooked and the light is bad and they get fuzzy or I am too far away from the camera. I am a mess of a self-photographer, that’s for sure! Have a wonderful week, my friend!
Linda Cassidy
It’s funny, I still prefer taking my own pictures with the tripod vs a photographer. Your pictures still look great here and I love the boots
Thanks so much, Linda! I can never get anything right trying to take photos myself. The lighting, the angles, it all gets messed up! And I don’t use an actual photographer…just my husband or friends on the other side of the camera! Have a great week, my friend.
Cheryl Tucker
I know exactly what you are talking about here. I get up everyday feeling like I am ready for battle. I just keep telling myself the weather will turn around soon. Meanwhile I surround myself with the things I love, my family, and friends, my dogs, art as in my blog, cooking and things like that. And yes wrapping myself in things that lift my mood is on that list! I think your pictures are great!
Cheryl, thank you so much for this comment! It is so helpful to know that I am not alone in this struggle and that what I am experiencing is relatable. I just keep thinking that when the weather finally turns to abundant sunshine I will feel so much better! I am accepting that the battle of the hormones is going to be a long fight, but I could better deal with it while basking in sunshine. Have a great week, my friend.
jodie filogomo
I have to imagine that we all go through this at times Shelbee….and at least you’re going for some outside help. It’s frustrating when you know certain things but can’t feel them inside….
Just look at how great your photos are by yourself. I’ve never done them this way, and mine would be a mess!!
Sending hugs and love (and thanks for the feature—you are the best!!)
Jodie, thank you so much! I am certain we all go through these funks and sharing all the ugliness is sometimes a little overwhelming…but in the interest of keeping it real and trying to help others…share I will! But man, what a ride this life is! I feel blessed though to have so many amazing people on my side through it all.
I want this tee! Love the mantra on it
Thanks, Michelle! I just picked it up on sale at Old Navy. They should still have some available!
I think you did an awesome job with self photography. You look great and love those jeans and shirt 🙂
Trina, thank you so much! I really appreciate that. Have a fantastic day!
Elizabeth Ramsey
Hang in there, Shelbee! I truly do think the weather is playing a huge part in your funk. We are experiencing the never-ending winter here as well. Brighter, warmer days MUST be ahead!?!
Elizabeth | http://nattygal.com
Elizabeth, thanks so much! I agree with you that the weather is certainly taking a toll on my mood. Sunshine and warmer weather have to arrive soon. It can’t stay perpetually winter forever, can it?! I hope you have a fabulous day, my friend.
Michele Morin
Blessings to you and your tired muse and your crazy hormones.
Thank you for persevering.
Michele, thank you so much for that! I will continue to persevere, for sure, as this too shall pass…as all things do. I hope you have a fantastic week!
That shirt is so positive,and cute. I love the message behind it.
Thanks so much, Courtney! You are such a doll!
Jessica A Jannenga
Hi Shelbee
Thank you for the feature! Glad you liked my outfit’s color combination! i very much know what you are saying. There are days i ask myself, what am I doing, is it worthwhile, should i be doing more? I feel anxious and at times depressed over staying inside for so long. The cold is unrelenting and I too, feel i need sunshine to make me feel better! I just enjoy being outside sitting , where being cooped up can feel like a drag after awhile. I do the positive self talk as well, as it helps to get in the right mindframe.
hoping for better weather, and that he feel better soon. i love your sweater!
jess xx
Jess, thanks so much for this comment! It is always so helpful to know that I am not totally alone in this weird midlife funk and effected by the crazy weather! Positive self talk and sharing my experiences helps me tremendously. And I am so grateful that I have so many amazing blogger friends who are there to relate and uplift me. Thanks for inspiring me! Here’s to warmer weather and sunshine…hopefully it will be coming soon, which will help both of us, for sure.
Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
I am excited for 3 days in the 70’s this week, after almost 3 weeks of gloomy rainy days and cold temps! Then it gets cold again by this weekend, but it’ll still be 3 glorious days of sunny and warm temps. It is easy to get in a funk when the weather is dull or just sometimes it happens for no reason. It happens a lot for me when I get burned out or I’m just doing too much. I just love this top, it is so upbeat and the stitching is a cute detail on it! I also really need some white boots. Maybe I can find some at the outlets when I go soon!
Oh Carrie, I am so jealous of your weather forecast! Our 10 day forecast is all rain and snow. Rain and snow. Rain and snow. Total funk-ville! At least it stays light out until 8 p.m., so that kind of helps. Except when I just want to crawl into bed and sleep through all the rain and snow. But you are right, overworking ourselves can lead to down moods as well. And hormones. And sometimes for no reason at all. I just have to remember to grant myself the time to be down and just feel down, then it passes a little more quickly if I don’t fight against it. Thanks so much for stopping and sharing your insight on the topic! Enjoy your 3 days of beautiful weather, my friend.
Patrick Weseman
The Beatles once sung All You Need is Love and that is where I am at these days. Trying to get by and get out of a strange mood I am. I know the cause of it and it is my workplace. Seven more weeks to go and I am a ghost after almost 22 years, the cool is that they don’t know it. Even though I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, I know there were will be some dark days before I get there but I know love will get me there. Sending you positive thoughts.
Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have an amazing rest of the week.
Patrick, I love your attitude about love! Keep loving life and yourself and the good people around you! It really is all you need sometimes and it really can save the day. I am so glad that you are nearing the end of your time in a place that makes you unhappy. Life is way too freaking short to be stuck in places like that. You will prevail and thrive once you have moved on it from it all. Thanks for sharing and for always supporting me as well, my friend!
I get you. Some days are really hard to get through especially when things plus emotions compound together. When that happens I feel like a volcano ready to erupt. I don’t have any remedies or magic potions to help you but I know these are some things that help me that may be of help to you. Getting outside for fresh air, talking it out with my hubs or friend or picking up a book and reading. Running also helps as I feel like I can clear my mind. I hope your funk goes away sooner than later but in the meantime, hang in there. Sending you lots of hugs your way!
Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com
Maureen, thanks so much for your tips. Fresh air definitely helps. I sat at the playground for an hour with the kids today after school and it was very refreshing and revitalizing. But then back in the house for 20 minutes and the children are fighting, I am cursing, and we are back at square one of funk-ville! Gah. The cycle never ends! This will pass though as all things do. At least I have wonderful friends who feel the same pain and we stick together, right? Thanks for that! Sending you lots of positive and relaxing vibes as well, my friend.
Oooo I love those white boots! You did really great for using a tripod! I’m awful at taking my own photos lol!
Thanks so much, Liz! You should have seen the photos before editing! I was teeny tiny and positioned at a 45 degree angle! All the zooming and straightening makes them all fuzzy and blurry.
Lisa Richardson
Oh you precious girl! The struggle is real friend and we all have it!!! I totally get the winter thing. We lived in Minneapolis for three loooonnnng winters. Oh my gosh…it would still be snowing the beginning of May. I seriously couldn’t believe it. So throw some menopause hormones in the mix and I’d imagine it’s a perfect storm. I’ve got those too, but they didn’t start until we left the tundra. They wax and wane just like the moon. To quote my mom, “this too shall pass”…of course I wasn’t so sure when I woke up a sweaty mess last night. HA! I love your shirt and almost wondered if you’d made it. It’s perfect! Keep on friend…we are all working our way through this midlife mess that we’re in. Beautiful at times and not so much at others. XOXO
Lisa, this comment is perfect! Thanks so much! Bad weather, hormones, and young children are the perfect combination for wreaking havoc on one’s life! But of course, this will all pass as all things do. And what a mess midlife is, right? Such a crazy journey. I was not prepared. But I am so glad to have so many wonderful supportive friends on the ride with me!
Osy osehie
Stay positive and strong Shelbee, you are on the right track by soaking yourself with self love and positivity. I am currently pulling out of bad mood myself and unfortunately I didn’t jump on the positive side early enough like you are doing.
And your pictures look great dear.
Osy, thank you so much! Strength is definitely something I have and I will certainly pull through this as I do all things. I do hope that you are well on your way to the positive side. Sometimes, we are our own worst enemies and fight too hard against ourselves. But at least we are both in tune enough to get back on track. Sending lots of hugs and positive vibes your way as well, my friend.
Cheryl Shops
Aww, Shelbee, we love you! Hang in there—this funk too shall pass!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Cheryl, thanks so much! I know it will! But man, it’s a doozy.
That’s such a pretty red sweater 😉 and your pictures look fine Michelle ! I have help 1% of the time.
Thank you, Lorena! I just have way more fun when someone else is taking my photos! There’s more to laugh at and it’s better to laugh with someone anyway! Have a fabulous day, my friend.
Love your cute bright sweater and those fab white booties!
Thanks so much, Laura!
Lazy Daisy Jones
Shelbee my lovely girl I think your photos are brilliant! Much better than I could achieve…superb find in Old Navy too. when i visit the states we always pop into Old Navy for mens tshirts, he loves them and the prices are usually brilliant!
Be well and take care of yourself
Ashley, thanks so much for your kind words! Old Navy always has great finds! Where do you visit when you travel to the States?
Well, the way you have written here I’d say you are not in a funk at all. At least your writing is not. Quite the contrary. You are the fabulous, funny, witty, strong, bold writer you always have been, Shelbee. Speaking of funks, I have been in a funk myself over the last 5-6 days and I think it will take till the weekend when I am actually off, to get myself completely out of it. But, like you, I will pick myself up (I always do), get reminded of everything good in my life, laugh at myself and be happy. Vivian alone makes me so happy each day. Oh and I hear you on Winter, as if 6 long and super cold months weren’t enough, in some areas we got up to 4 inches of snow last night. Thank God by now it has melted. Your outfit is a great reflection of this beautiful and thoughtful post. I love the message your words and t-shirt convey and such a cute necklace too. Also, great photos still, my friend! I always snap my own photos with a timer on my camera. You did great!
Ada, my friend, I am so sorry to hear that you are experiencing a funk, too. It is just the worst. That overall bleh feeling. I am hoping I am out of mine by next week, too. But a busy week and ugly weather are not going to be helpful in achieving that goal. But we will persevere as we always! Much love and many hugs to you!
Your photos are great!! Love the tee too. I think it’s a normal part of life to have times when we feel out of sorts and times when we feel like we are in sync. I’ve come to the conclusion that the low times are followed by times of growth. Hang in there Shelbee, things will turn around. XO
Thanks, Cherie! Yes, growth definitely occurs from struggles like these. I am anxious to see what I pull out of this one! And I am so grateful to you and all of my other wonderful blogging friends as we support each other and pull one another through the tough times that make up this crazy midlife ride. Have a wonderful day!
ok you look amazingly hot and sexy in those jeans, the white boots and top , beautiful
Paul, thanks so much for the compliment. I needed a little boost in my self-esteem, so I really do appreciate your timing!
of course, and I would definitely buy you a cup of coffee or two
I do like my coffee!
coffee and pie with you, sounds good
That would be a long trip for a coffee date!
that would be a long trip for a coffee 🙂 I must re-evaluate ,but continue spreading your beautiful kindness and love to all
It is always good to reevaluate these things, Paul! I will do my best to continue on my kind and loving journey!
Bethany from CuteCapsuleLife
I love your tee, necklace and boots! You look great! This crazy weather has me in a funk too lately – I hope we get some real spring soon.
Bethany | http://www.CuteCapsuleLife.com | Simply Share Friday Linkup
Bethany, thanks so much! We need to implement some sort of tribal sunshine dance or something! At this point, it can’t hurt, right? Have a fabulous day, my friend, and stay warm!
Bettye Rainwater
I think you’re doing pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty good with your tripod and remote! Don’t be so hard on yourself! You’re out there and doing it! Now, why I can’t turn those words around onto ME when *I* struggle with my tripod selfies, I don’t know, but…
Listen, everything passes. The good and the bad. The happy and the sad (rhyme unintentional). The winter and the spring. Whatever you’re experiencing and feeling right now will soon float away…and something else will take its place. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other and you’ll get somewhere 🙂 Or do like me and climb back into bed until you WANT to get up and get somewhere. I’m a great believer in the restorative powers of BED.
PS – love that embroidered Old Navy top, so cute!
Bettye, thank you so, so much for this amazing and uplifting comment! I am getting better at using the restorative powers of bed! Sometimes, it’s hard for me to let all the stuff that needs doing hang for a few days while I rejuvenate. This Sunday, however, I never got dressed and I laid around all down watching movies and dozing in and out of sleep. It was glorious…once I let go of the guilt of it all and gave myself permission to relax! Now you do need to get out there and start practicing those selfies with a tripod! Thanks for all of your support. It is this wonderful community of women who really keep going!
Marie Moody
Hmmm Getting out of a funk? Well, I usually play with Charlie! He’s my dog (2 yr. old black lab that I gave his forever home too last summer. He’s adorable and always makes me laugh. Now if that doesn’t work then it’s time to go SHOPPINGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!! hahahaha And I always go to places that have a sale!!! No sale? I don’t go cuz saving more money makes me feel more better! ~snicker~ SMILE PRETTY!!!! Have a great day and good luck! You can do it!!! 🙂
Marie, thanks so much! Shopping usually lifts my mood, too! And always sale shopping. I hate paying full price for anything! I did go shopping a little bit this week, so that definitely helped! And I went for a manicure last night, too. I am feeling much better mood wise, but still a bit uninspired for writing topics. But my muse will return soon, I am sure of it. Have a great day, my friend, and enjoy that fur baby of yours!
Helen C.
I empathize and, please, don’t worry about your mood affecting the blog! If anything, it makes it real and familiar. I also have been feeling really down lately, mainly because our dog had a foot accident and he will be having surgery soon (you knwo how I love my dogs!) and that affects me emotionally in a way that I never had though it would. I don’t really share it with many people because people normally don’t want to hear bad things. Consequently, I am really grateful that you share your feelings and moods; it makes me think I am not the only one.
Good luck with your doctor appointment! I hope you find a solution soon!!!
Helen, thank you so much for that. And I am so sorry to hear about your pup baby. Poor thing. Of course, it is effecting you because it’s your baby in pain. I hope that surgery resolves the foot issue. Unfortunately, bad things are part of life as much as good things are and we have to be able to talk about them in order to properly process the feelings and be better able to deal with them. So thank you for sharing your struggle with me as well…it makes me know that I am not alone in this struggle either. And how much easier it is to cope knowing you have the support of wonderful friends.
Helen C.
Sending kisses to you, Shelbee!!!!
Right back at you, Helen!
Emma Peach
You did a great job with the photos Shelbee! Sorry to hear you’re having a tough time. I think the weather plays a big part in our moods. I felt great on holiday in the sunshine, but as soon as I got back I felt like crap. I can’t even blame it on jetlag because it’s only a three hour time difference. I went straight down to the wildlife hospital the next day and that lifted my spirits so much. I think the animals help me more than I help them! Hope you feel better and get some much-needed sunshine soon!
Emma xxx
Emma, thanks so much! I am so glad that you have a place that lifts your mood instantly. I need to find something like that, I guess!
Marilee Gramith
Eighty-six empathetic and supportive comments that reveal the loving sisterhood of your followers. I read them all as well as your responses and although I know these women’s words help sustain you, I also know that you’re continuing to muddle through your own funk. It’s a road you travel alone and those friends, steadfastly holding hands in support, are the guard rails. Please count me in that number Shelbee.
In a recent post you talked about feeling cold… that you were piling on blankets in an effort to warm up. I think you should consider having your TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) checked. Some of your symptoms sound consistent with Hashimoto’s Syndrome. I have this low thyroid disorder myself. Just a thought…
Jude, this comment just made me cry! You are so amazing and special and I am so blessed to include you in my list of supportive and caring friends! I do have blood work lined up for the beginning of my cycle and the doctor did say that he would be checking my thyroid. I did have it checked a year and a half ago right before my surgery and the levels were normal. However, that is not to say that something hasn’t changed since then. Thank you so much for the suggestion and recommendation. I will keep you posted on the results!