Faith Over Fear with Bellelily & Link Up On the Edge #211

In our current environment, I have definitely been feeling emotions that lean way more toward the side of fear than they do toward faith. Fear of the world. Fear of people. Fear of judgment. Fear of failure. Fear of negativity. So much fear. And while it is so easy to get caught in the fear trap, we cannot stay in that place for too long.
Fear leads to anxiety and stress which lead to all sorts of other issues in one’s life. I can literally feel the fear-induced anxiety wreaking havoc on my body from daily nausea and queasiness to frequent headaches and sleep issues. And it has all been triggered by these strange times we are living in and fear of the unknown.
While it is important to recognize and identify when and why we are fearful, it is equally important to shift perspective so we don’t get caught in that web for too long. But how the heck do you shift from fear that seems to be shutting your body down to a more positive faith-based perspective?
Well, I am glad you asked. But you already know where I am going with this…you mitigate the fear through faith.
I am not necessarily talking about faith in the religious sense, although that definitely has the same benefits as faith in general. I lean more toward the spiritual than I do toward a specific and structured religion. As such, it is the world and the universe and everything beyond my control in which I have faith. I have to or else the fear will become too great to bear.

Here’s the interesting thing about faith. We all have it on some level. In its most basic form, we have faith in so many things. Faith that the sun will rise and set. Faith that we will wake each day as healthy as we were the day before. Faith that the car driving behind us will not rear end us. Faith that our children are safe in school. Faith that the chair won’t collapse when we sit down. Faith that people will be loving and caring and kind. Sometimes we may not even realize how much we exercise faith on a daily basis.
But when fear rears its ugly head, we are very aware of it. It is important to acknowledge that fear is not a bad emotion. Fear warns us of danger. Fear lets us know that something isn’t quite right. Fear is good and protective as long as we recognize it and use for that purpose. Fear should force you to look deeper and ask more questions. Fear should ignite a desire to investigate what exactly is causing you fear and why. Fear can literally save our lives. But if it is not properly controlled with faith, fear can also systematically destroy our lives.
Maintaining healthy levels of both fear and faith are essential for good mental health. Being able to recognize our fears and evaluate them is a skill that will allow us to eventually choose faith over fear. While some may scoff at the idea that we have a choice in the matter, I can honestly say from personal practice, we absolutely do have the power to consciously choose faith over fear. We really, really do.
Now it may not be the easiest thing ever to shift your mindset from fear to faith, but it is certainly not an impossible thing. In fact, with lots of practice it really does get easier. For me having faith over fear means letting go of the things outside of my control and leaving it to the higher powers to handle. Out of my control is out of my control and there is no sense in wasting time or energy trying to get control over things that we are not meant to control. There may not be a more fruitless endeavor in life than that.

Faith is the practice of letting go of that control. Releasing what does not belong to us. And man, we humans really like to control things, don’t we? But we cannot. We should not even try to control all things. We have to have faith in the world around us and everything in it and of it and even outside of it. Otherwise, we may be wasting the finite time that we have here living in fear and missing all the good stuff.
I remember way back when Archie was just an infant and we lived alone in Pennsylvania while Jeff was stationed in New York. I was giving the baby a bath one night. He was about 8 months old. I was sitting on the floor next to the tub washing him and when I went to stand up I slipped and fell. Nothing bad happened at all. I didn’t even hurt myself. But my mind went into this insane spiral of the worst fears any new mother could experience.
My goodness, what if I had fallen and cracked my head? Or worse. And there was my baby sitting in the tub, unable to even get himself out. It would be days before anyone would even check in on us. What would they find? A drowned baby and his mother with her skull smashed on the bathroom tiles?
Seriously, these are the thoughts that went racing through my head in that one brief moment until it triggered a terrible anxiety attack. As soon as the anxiety hit, I realized that I simply cannot allow my brain to go to those places. Of course, awful, tragic things can and do happen. But we must recognize that tragedy is not a normal state of affairs. And that is where faith kicks in for me.
So I do not ever ignore fear when I feel it. Rather I recognize it and investigate it. If the fear carries little or no weight, I find it super easy to shift straightaway to a place of faith. Faith that all things happen as they should. Faith that we are exactly where we are because that is exactly where we are supposed to be…in good times or bad ones. Faith that even the things we cannot control will still turn out okay.

Of course, when I saw this Faith Over Fear Arrow T-Shirt from Bellelily, I was immediately drawn to the powerful message. When I shop for statement tees, my one requirement is that the graphic speaks to me and applies to my life. Living in a time when we are surrounded by so many things that can spark fear, honing our faith-based skills is more important than ever.
Sometimes it is difficult to shift from fear to faith, but I promise that it really does get easier with practice. And when you can shift quickly back to a positive state of mind, it really is the most amazing feeling as the weight goes flying off your shoulders. Trust me, try it.
Now that fall weather is setting in, I am all about my new collection of statement tees and cozy scarves from Bellelily. I paired my Faith Over Fear tee with my super cozy Feelily Unisex Christmas Gift Plaid Tartan Tassel Cashmere Scarf and thrifted dress pants, blazer, and snakeskin bag. By the way, this scarf is so incredibly soft! I am so excited for fall weather and all the cozy things.
If you are looking for high quality statement tees that uplift and share inspiring messages, be sure to check out what Bellelily has to offer. Use my special code SOE10 for 10% off orders over $40.
Where do you fall on the Faith-Fear continuum? Do you find shifting perspective to be an easy task or is this something you struggle with?
And now the featured favorites from last week
Reader Favorite (Most Clicked)
Joanne of Slices of Life shared her post, Let’s Look at School Pictures. This was so much fun! Joanne shared a look back at her own school pictures including this wonderful photograph of her and her husband at junior prom.

Fashion Favorite
Carrie of Curly Crafty Mom shared her post, Styling Statement Tees for the Fall. Y’all know I am on a serious graphic tee/statement tee kick right now and Carrie shared two really great stylings in this post. I love both looks so much!

Non-Fashion Favorite
Marielle of Lovin’ Life with Littles shared her post, 3 Powerful Steps When You Feel Totally Overwhelmed. This post could not have come at a better time as many of us are probably struggling with a sense of overwhelm. I know I am with this transition into hybrid learning for my kids. I was not cut out for homeschooling, but Marielle’s tips are proving quite useful for me!

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.
Shop my look from Bellelily…
Outfit Details: Faith Over Fear Tee and Plaid Cashmere Scarf-c/o Bellelily / Blazer, Pants, and Handbag-Thrifted / Shoes-Adrienne Vittadini (DSW) / Necklace and Earrings-Charming Charlie

Kellyann Rohr
Love this outfit Shelbee – anytime a graphic tee is paired with strands of pearls I am all in! Can’t get enough.
I think you are so right about the message here and especially not ignoring or pushing aside the fear but honestly unpacking it and investigating it. Such good advice!
I used to have a fear of driving off a bridge (accidentally of course) when my kids were little and trying to imagine how I’d get us all out – me from my seat belt and them from their car seats. It was horrible. And anxiety producing – thank goodness we don’t live in a beach town where driving across the bridge would be an every day occurrence.
Kellyann, thanks so much! I do love to load on the pearls with a cute statement tee! As for fear, it is such a powerful emotion that can completely immobilize us and deter us but it also is a very strong driving force, too, isn’t it? Like a fear of failure could leave you unable to proceed or it can push you to succeed beyond your wildest dreams. It really all comes down to what we decide to do with our fear…after we investigate and understand its source. My mother had a similar fear as you driving across bridges. She would make me so anxious when I got older…the way she would clutch the wheel and she would want to close her eyes until she got the other side! Hahaha.
Also, I had this strange PTSD reaction about 7 years ago when a crazy driver rammed the side of the car in front of me, flipping it across the Pennsylvania Turnpike. It looked nearly intentional, it was so weird and very scary. My kids were 2 and newborn but were not in the car with me at the time. For about 6 months following the incident, I was terrified to drive on any highway, completely untrusting of all the drivers and fearful that my children would get smashed in the backseat. That was pretty horrible anxiety! Eventually, I regained my faith in other people and realized that those crazy things do not happen often.
In any event, have a wonderful weekend, my friend!
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
That whole outfit is sharp!!!
Love the message today, too!
Thanks so much, Tamar! This was a fun outfit to style and a fun post to write. You know how I like to get all philosophical! Have a fabulous weekend!
Deborah Stinedurf
I’m not an organized religion girl either, but I so agree with you about faith in the universe, the source energy, your inner voice, God…whatever you want to label it. Believing that there is a higher order to things is super important to a healthy sane existence as a human being. I love the tee & you know that I also agree with you on graphic tees; they have to speak to me in some way & this one is a definite winner. You look absolutely amazing my friend, I love everything about this from head to toe! xo
Debbie, thank you so much! I am loving how this statement tee not only spoke to me but is igniting a super fun discussion on the topic of faith and fear! I swear when I am able to switch my mindset over to faith, the ease of stress and anxiety is instantaneous…almost like magic. Faith is really kind of like magic, isn’t it?! And I know you believe in magic! We all need a little bit of it to get through this crazy life. And sometimes it just takes a cute graphic tee to remind us! Have a wonderful weekend, my friend!
I really love this outfit. Black and burgundy go so well together!
Curated by Jennifer
Jennifer, thanks so much! This is one of my favorite fall color combinations.
Kathrine Eldridge
Love the tee and the color palette of this look! So perfect for fall. Sometimes we live in the And Space. It’s best to move towards faith but we have to acknowledge the fear. When I recognize both and realize it’s okay to feel both I feel a sense of peace because the good is always there. Hope that makes sense. Thanks for the link up my friend!
Thank you, Kathrine! That totally makes sense. A lot of sense. The two things, faith and fear, are not mutually exclusive. They can exist together at the same time within us. It is just important that we find that balance and lean on faith to get through the fear. Don’t you just love when a statement tee sparks a great philosophical conversation?! Have a wonderful weekend, my friend!
WOW What a beautiful written post Michelle and I agree with you on so many things. By nature I am a person who worries a lot but I rarely get that full-on feeling of anxiety, though sometimes I do. We cannot control some things but we can control the way we react to things. Loved reading this!
Been loving these graphic tees by BELLELILLY. You wear them so well. Love that you dressed this one up. What a gorgeous, cozy scarf. And those pumps – to die for!!
Ada, thanks so much, my friend! OMG, these Bellelily tees are so great! I can’t get over the quality for the price either. They wash great and they are all super soft. As far as fear and anxiety, I go through phases. I think they are very related to bipolar mood swings as well because when I swing into a depressed state, the anxiety and self doubt and fear can be super strong and overwhelming. When I swing up, it’s super easy to remain in a place of faith. And you are right, we can’t control everything, but we can control our reactions. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Jed Jurchenko
Thanks for hosting and for the reminder to choose faith over fear. One of my daughters has that shirt. It’s such a powerful reminder and slogan to trust Him.
Wishing you a happy Friday!
Jed, thanks so much for stopping by! I do love a good statement tee that carries a powerful message. Plus it is good inspiration for writing topics! I hope you have a blessed weekend!
Jacqui Berry
It’s a great look for Autumn, i like the colour of your trousers Shelbee. Thanks for hosting. Jacqui x
Thanks so much, Jacqui! I hope you are having a lovely weekend!
Shelbee! I love these thoughts about faith over fear. I totally agree from my experience also that we can choose faith over fear. It’s an empowering reality. Thank you for sharing! Thank you also for featuring my tips for when we’re overwhelmed…I hope they can help more people because of it. AND thank you so much for the really kind and thoughtful comments you’ve been leaving on my site. I really appreciate it. Happy Friday Friend!
PS- This is a GREAT look!
Marielle, thank you so much for stopping by and joining the discussion! This is one of my favorite blog comment discussions so far! It really is an empowering reality when we learn that we can control our own perspectives and mindsets. And choosing faith over fear definitely makes life a lot more rewarding! It was my pleasure to feature your inspiring post! You share such wonderful and insightful ideas! I hope your weekend is going well.
I feel like you were inside me head with this post! It’s taken me years to develop this faith over fear type of mindset as I too can easily picture the worst case scenario and let my thoughts spiral out of control if I’m not careful. I’m actually surprised at how well I have been doing with this pandemic but I think early on I realized this is one of those things that really is out of my control. I can hope and I can pray and I can wish but all I can keep doing is living my best life and keep the fear from taking over. Thanks for featuring my school photos post!
Joanne, thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on the topic! Yeah, if we let fear take control, it will totally disable us and take all the joy out of life. The first time I learned to give over the fear to faith was in an addictions class for my masters in mental health counseling. We had to attend AA meetings as part of the class and learned the 12 steps of AA. When I realized how applicable those first few steps are to anything in life not just addictions, I started applying them. The more I did it, the easier it became and now I can easily shift from a place of worry to a place of faith and my goodness what a difference it makes in quality of life! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend.
Lauren Sparks
I love, love, love how you dressed up this tee. And you had some very profound things to say about the expression. I had never really thought about how much faith we exhibit every day whether we believe in God or not!
Lauren, thanks so much! We really do have to approach life and this crazy world from a place of faith, otherwise I think it would be way too scary! Can you imagine if we lost all faith in everything…in people, in nature, in God or whatever higher power one believes in, we would never be able to shake the fear and that is not living! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend!
Love how you styled this tee! Love the juxtaposition of the pearls, the cool leggings… just two thumbs up! I definitely think that acknowledging fear and where it comes from helps alleviate part of it. My faith definitely helps me overcome the rest of it most of the time! We are interesting creatures, aren’t we that even though some fear are unfounded that they can cripple us and make us lose our joy. We can always use our minds to conquer it and faith comes in as well as the support of friends and family.
Mireille, my friend, thanks so much for joining the discussion. I am really enjoying all the wonderful feedback on this topic. For me, it definitely took years of practice to turn my fears and worries directly over to faith and higher powers. But it has become so easy now that it only takes a simple reminder to myself and poof, I can let that stuff go to the wind! We humans are very complicated creatures, indeed! I hope your weekend has been fantastic so far!
Love the way you styled this statement tee for fall. The words are a powerful positive message to spread! Thank you for sharing this thoughtful post. It is nice to have a reminder during this universally difficult time to take care of our mental health.
Di, thank you so very much! I do love to make a powerful and positive statement every now and then. It keeps the positive energy flowing through me which is so important when the world starts to bring me down. And it has been a challenging half year for all of us so any little bits that can uplift us are essential! I hope your weekend is going well!
jodie filogomo
You know what I’m thinking??? The pearls….and I know some people who will be wearing them soon, LOL!!!
Love this,
Thanks, Jodie! I am looking forward to going full on pearl accessories for that upcoming project! I even have some booties that are trimmed in pearls!
Cheryl Shops
I’m not a big organized religion person either, but the message of your T-shirt resonates with me too. Surrendering control—and having faith that everything will work out—is one of the biggest things that we as humans struggle with! Choosing love over fear shouldn’t always be so hard. Deep thoughts for a Friday morning 😉
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Cheryl, thanks so much for joining the discussion! This little tee shirt and post have sparked a good one! We humans really do struggle with the idea that we don’t have much control in this life. Accepting that and having faith in the journey really does make the ride a lot more enjoyable! I hope you are enjoying your weekend!
Okay – serious shoe envy here. I always look forward to reading your blog, and I love this post!! We CAN choose to be a certain way. Our first lockdown I was worried silly about that and that person. Now I accept that things happen. (I’m still mega careful, use masks, social distance, my hands have burns from lots of from antiseptic wiping) I chose to be this way, because I realised that nothing at all was within my own control – except how I chose to be. The Powers That Be are looking after a greater scheme than I could ever imagine. I have taken hundreds of people through past life regression and the-life-between-lives, over the years, and one thing above all stood out – the only real choice than we have overall, is how we choose to be, our attitude. It does more for our lives journeys than anything else.
Ratnamurti, thank you so much for joining this discussion! Everyone is sharing such wonderful perspectives on this topic. I agree with you totally, the only choice we really do have is how we react to life. We can approach it all sad and weary and trudge through the days feeling like a victim of circumstances. Or we can shift our mindset to a place of gratitude and healthy acceptance. I accept that I am just one person and therefore the worries and burdens of the world are not mine to carry. My role is to be as kind and loving as possible, to help where and when I can, to rest where and when I need to, and to just try to keep my own light burning as my own little contribution to the larger beacon that illuminates our existence. It really is about embracing and appreciating the journey because we all have the same end. I hope you are having a lovely weekend, my friend.
There is a friend of mine who claims that I am fearless. Decidedly not true. However, I think he’s mixing up the fact that I cannot bear to live with fear and so I always end up analyzing it and then walking straight toward my fear. I always force myself to face it. That said, there are things which we should fear, like this virus. And imo in order to keep ourselves safe, it’s important to differentiate legitimate fears and those with which our minds like to jack us up.
I think for some people this catastrophe is punching holes in their underlying worldview, which is making people behave in crazy ways. There is nothing more threatening Pretending the virus is hoax is one of those maladaptions. Rather than modifying their underlying worldview, they persist in believing reality is like it was pre-Covid. Or there are those who believe the virus conspiracy theories, because it works better in their worldview that a person planned this rather than sometimes really bad shit just happens randomly.
For me, I’ve always sought solace in the knowledge that the universe was doing its thing long before I got here, and will continue long after I’m gone. I don’t know why this really nihilistic viewpoint helps, but it does.
Michelle, you have just shown yet another reason why we get along so well! I have also been called fearless in my life and I laugh at it because I am afraid of so many things. But like you, I do tend to face my fears head on as well. Within reason, of course, and where it is necessary. For example, I see no need ever to immerse myself in a bathtub filled with spiders to overcome my fear of spiders. I’ll just stay afraid, thank you very much. Although I have a friend in Bolivia whose back yard crawls with tarantulas and she did have to undergo exposure therapy to overcome her fear so that she could leave her house! Anyway, arachnophobia isn’t really the fear we were discussing!
While I do love a good conspiracy theory about most anything (sorry, they really do entertain me), we can’t dismiss valid issues by calling them conspiracies. That is simply hiding from fear rather than investigating and unraveling it. I agree with you that the universe has been doing its thing long before us and will continue to do so long after we are gone. I am not completely nihilistic because I do believe we have some purpose while we are here and we can leave something meaningful behind when we go. But on the very large scale, yeah, it is all pretty meaningless!
I hope you are having a lovely weekend, my friend.
I think you and I have some very similar approaches in dealing with life.
Ha! No, no need to be immersed in spiders! I can see where your Bolivian friend would need to be desensitized though. Strangely, I find spiders fascinating. I like to look at them, but I still do not want them crawling on me. That thought gives me shivers. LOL!
As for conspiracy theories, there are some entertaining ones. I’ll admit to understanding why some arise better than others. I am confounded by the flat earthers and those that believe the virus is caused by 5G.
I do agree that we can make a difference while we here. My nihilism doesn’t preclude that. 😀
Oh my gosh, I am cracking up at the spider stuff! I have this horrendous fear of spiders in my shower! I am so vulnerable in there…all wet and naked and blind without my glasses! There was the tiniest one on the shower wall this morning and I damn near had a heart attack! Haha.
We need to talk about these flat earthers, too! My word, they fascinate me. And I hadn’t heard the one about the virus being caused by 5G but I do really like the ones that involve vaccines as the government’s way of microchipping all of us! That’s a fun one! Even more fun is the idea that we actually have freedoms not controlled by the government even without microchips. Haha, silly humans!
Well that was a fun discussion! We need to have more of those.
First off, I have to say that you are ROCKIN’ that outfit!! You look amazing, Shelbee! I totally agree about having faith in the final outcome. If it’s truly about the journey, then we have to have faith that we will reach that outcome, whatever it may be. As you say, we have to release the fact that we do not have control!! Too many of us get hung up in trying to have control over everything when we absolutely do not. Thanks for the thoughtful post and the inspiration from that look!!
xx Darlene
Darlene, thank you so very much! This little tee shirt and this post have led into one of the best comment discussions yet on my blog. I love it! I truly believe that it is the journey not the destination or outcome so it makes sense to me to give over control of the outcome. There are too many things that factor into literally every single thing in our lives. We cannot expect to be able to control it all. And the more I let go of that, the happier this journey is! I really appreciate your thoughts on this topic! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend!
Amy Ann Arnold
This has definitely been a time when fear can easily take over. Faith has been important for me.
Amy Ann
Straight A Style
Amy Ann, thank you so much for commenting. I am really enjoying the discussion on this topic. Fear is such a strong emotion that it takes something a bit stronger to overcome it…like faith. It is so important to hand over our worries to something bigger than us. I hope you are having a wonderful weekend with those sweet girls of yours!
Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
Thank you so much for the feature, Shelbee! And, I love your tee you’re wearing. I def. try to have faith over fear in these times. And, I just try to take it day by day. It’s hard!
Carrie, thank you so much! Some days are definitely harder than others, but we just keep getting through! We don’t have much choice really and so I rely on my cute little graphic tees to remind me to keep a positive perspective! Ha. I hope you are enjoying the weekend.
Jean | Delightful Repast
Shelbee, I haven’t been able to keep up with my usual blog visits these past few months; I’ve been a bit overwhelmed at times. But this this evening, for some reason, you popped into my head and wouldn’t leave, so here I am. Glad to find you facing these uncertain times with a well-thought-out positive attitude. Thank you for hosting. I put up my two most recent posts, one of which is a giveaway to cheer us all up. Your outfits look splendid, and I really love those shoes with the skinny little strap.
Jean, thank you so much. I am glad that you stopped by. These uncertain times have certainly brought a whole different level of chaos to my life and I have floundered and stumbled quite often over the past 6 months. But I am still here writing about the struggles and finding ways to remain bright and positive. Some days that is really difficult, but some days just surviving the day has got to be enough! I look forward to checking out your new posts, my friend. Enjoy the rest of the weekend!
Such a powerful post Shelbee and think it’s important that you take the time to investigate your fears further as opposed to ignoring them. I have learned to embrace faith which I find goes hand in hand with love. Have a wonderful weekend and thank you for sharing!
Grace, thank you so much for sharing your beautiful words about faith and fear. Fear is a survival mechanism in many cases, but more often than not what we are afraid of need not be so scary…if we take the time to investigate it. I love that this cute tee shirt has sparked such a wonderfully meaningful discussion in the comments. I hope you are having a lovely weekend, my friend.
Laura Bambrick
That is a wonderful tee! I just love how you wore it too! With those fabulous shoes and printed pants, this is definitely one of my favorite outfits on you! It is a wonderful saying and worth the reminder to us all!
Aw, Laura, thank you so much for this lovely comment! I love these colors for fall and an uplifting statement on my tee always makes for a better day! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend.
Wow did I need to read this post tonight! First off, I love the look. That top is my kind of graphic tee! And I totally agree on your perspective on faith over fear. I’m currently dealing with a health setback, and boy.. some days are hard. But I keep my faith, and hope..because if you don’t have hope, what else is there? I recently painted a rock and wrote FAITH on it! I carry it with me daily! 🙂
Oh my goodness, Shauna, I am so sorry to hear that you are dealing with health issues! I hope everything is okay. Keeping the faith and having hope that all things happen as they should is so important for easing stress and anxiety. And we know that stress and anxiety are never good for our health so it is so important to mitigate anxiety. I have found the best way to do that is by having faith and turning that shit over to whatever higher power you look to! I love that you are carrying a Faith rock with you! I am sending you lots of positive and healing energy as well, my friend.
I love a graphic tee that speaks to you and this one is so good! Love your styling! The pearls are fabulous! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thank you, Jill! I really love when a graphic tee sparks philosophical discussions like this one has! It is super fun. I hope you are having a great weekend.
That is such a fun tee and a great message! My pastor was talking about it at church just the other week 🙂 I really like the black and burgundy combo too, so perfect for autumn!
Hope you are having a lovely weekend 🙂
Mica, thanks so much! We are definitely in a time when it feels like sometimes faith is all we have to get us through the day! This is one of my favorite color combinations as well. I hope you are having a lovely weekend.
Patrick Weseman
I have been living by faith a lot lately. Thanks for this. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you had a wonderful weekend.
Patrick, thanks for stopping by. I think a lot of us have been relying on faith a lot more recently! How the heck else do we get through these crazy times?
Dee | Grammy's Grid
Thanks so much for linking up with me at my #UnlimitedMonthlyLinkParty 16.
Dee, thanks so much! Have a fabulous day!
Firstly burgundy and black look great on you. I love it when you gnaw on a philosophical topic because it means I take a moment to consider my own stance. I’m currently in a good place after my vacation and going with the flow on everything. This is quite unusual because I’ve recognized I like to be in control of everything. But I’m not afraid of Covid, another lockdown or other people any more. I’m no longer stressing about the govt’s incompetence in dealing with it all; I’m in the “what will be, will be” frame of mind. I wonder how long it will last 😉
Gail, thanks so much for this wonderful comment! I love that you enjoy my philosophical gnawing (I might have to use that term from now on)! I am right at the place you are…what will be, will be. We have no control over any of this crazy!
Jessica A Jannenga
Love this color combo! I need a bit more burgundy and olive in my closet.. love it with the black tee. I need to take things day to day or it gets overwhelming. I do say prayers at night and hope that things will change for the better. I love the black blazer too, just bought a faux leather blazer and look forward to styling it more.
Hope you are well!
jess xx
Jess, thanks so much! My hopes and fears have been in a constant battle with each other lately, it seems! The good days cycle into bad ones with too much frequency. I hope eventually I can adjust to this new way of life. But fun fashion always makes things seem a little brighter! I love your leather blazer! It is super cool. I hope your week is off to a great start.
Karen Friday
Love the photos and the shirt! I agree, faith is a good emotion to warn us of things like danger. But simply put, I like how you said when it comes to our faith, spiritually, faith is letting go of control. Because we really never had it in the first place. Visiting from “Inspire Me Monday”
Karen, thank you so much! My stress levels in life have decreased exponentially once I learned how to give over control of the things which I never controlled in the first place. I wish that was an easier thing for all of us to do! I hope you have a blessed holiday season!