Everyday Luxe | April Stylish Monday Link Up

“True luxury is being able to own your time – to be able to take a walk, sit on your porch, read the paper, not take the call, not be compelled by obligation.”
Ashton Kutcher
Luxe is a word that I don’t think I have ever used in my entire life. Certainly, I have used variations of this word like luxurious and luxury as well as deluxe but I was never really certain what the base root of these words, luxe, really meant and so I have always just abstained from incorporating this word into my life.
Until it was presented as this month’s Stylish Monday theme. And you know that I like to incorporate some kind of lesson into my style posts. So here we go with a brief history lesson on the etymology of the word luxe and how the ladies of Stylish Monday have interpreted the word into our everyday styles.
Today, the word luxe as an adjective means simply luxurious or expensive and of high quality. As a noun, it is simply the shortened version of the word luxury which we all know to mean is a state of great comforts and unnecessary extravagant living. All of these variations of the word luxe are derived from the mid 16th century French word luxus which means simply abundance.
But…if you look at the Latin root of this word which predates the French, you will find an entirely different meaning. Latin had two similar overlapping words…luxus which means luxury or excess and luxuria which means rankness or offensiveness. These two words eventually transitioned into the French words luxe and luxure which maintained the original Latin distinctions.

“The future is the most expensive luxury in the world.”
Thornton Wilder

The French word luxe developed into the word that we understand today as luxury, meaning wealth or indulgence. The French phrase de luxe (of luxury) became the English word deluxe while the French word luxure meant something a little less innocent. Luxure in French is defined as “unrestrained sexual pursuits and became a synonym of lasciviousness or wantonness and is associated with words like debauchery and perversity.”
By the Elizabethan era (1558-1603), the English word luxury was associated with adultery, lechery, and lust. Over time, however, the meaning of the word eventually drifted away from its exclusively sensual definition and came to mean a sumptuous environment in reference to food, clothing, and overall lifestyle. In contemporary language, the words luxe and luxury have come to mean simply nonessential or indulgent, something a little bit extra but not necessary. The beginnings of the word luxe are rooted in physical pleasures and have morphed to include material indulgences but the meaning has remained rooted in pleasures of the senses for the past 500 years.
And so for this post, I am focusing on the material indulgence that is luxurious style. We live in an era where luxuries are abundant and easily obtained especially when it comes to fashion. Certainly 500 years ago, most luxuries were available only to the rich upper classes especially when it came to opulent and ornamented clothing. But with the advent and growth of the fast fashion industry over the last 40 years, luxurious wardrobe pieces have become more readily available to all economic classes.

“Every luxury must be paid for, and everything is a luxury, starting with being in this world.“
Cesare Pavese

Since fast fashion is not a great thing for our environment, second hand shopping is a great way to add some luxurious items to your wardrobe for a fraction of the original cost while also doing something beneficial for the environment.
For this style prompt, I focused on fabrics and prints that have always indicated luxury to me…sequins, leather, leopard print, and statement making footwear. I combined some thrifted pieces (skirt and jacket) with some older things in my wardrobe (sweatshirt and jewelry) as well as a brand new pair of over the knee lace up boots. Brand new shoes are my favorite luxury!
Coincidentally, I have been focused on certain luxuries in my life this past year and recognizing them with so much gratitude and thankfulness. I think in this era of overabundance and nearly universal availability of certain luxuries we tend to lose perspective in our desire for more indulgences, more luxuries, more material things.

I have been hyper focused on maintaining a perspective of gratitude as I complain to myself how bored I am while we continue life in this semi-lockdown mode. I am finding it easier every day to pull myself out of the mindset that boredom is bad. Boredom is probably one of my greatest luxuries right now as I sit comfortably in my humble home with all of my necessities and way more luxuries than any one person really needs.
What does luxe and luxury mean to you?
Stylish Monday is a monthly series published in collaboration with a group of 14 international fashion and lifestyle bloggers. It is another opportunity to be creative with our personal style as we join together each month with a style prompt or theme. We also host a link party where anyone is welcome to add their personal style posts. Scroll to the bottom of the post for the party.
Ada of Elegance and Mommyhood

“What is Everyday Luxe?! It can be interpreted many different ways, I think depending on your lifestyle and your profession, too. In my opinion it’s pieces that are timeless, well-made and classic! Take a pair of leopard flats for example. I have always owned a pair of nice (not cheap) leopard flats. This new Sam Edelman calf-hair pair replaced my White House Black Market ones. I also think every woman needs a nice neutral knit dress and this cable-knit Zara dress is the one. Ditto on a beautiful blazer: go for a black, or another neutral color; think of a classic pattern like herringbone or glen plaid print which are classy and timeless.”
Amy of Amy’s Creative Pursuits

“For me, Everyday Luxe is something you would wear at home or a casual outing that is comfortable yet has some small luxurious elements to make you feel confident and beautiful.”
Emma of Style Splash

“When I think of everyday luxe, soft textures and bold prints immediately come to mind. Velvet is my ultimate luxe fabric and these trousers are so comfortable (the elasticated waistband helps!). Paired with a bright retro print shirt and I’m feeling groovy and comfy!”
Gwen of Gwen Lives Well

“Everyday luxe to me means adding a little something that changes the whole feel of an outfit and my mood. And for me, that’s shoes! Just by picking a pair of fab shoes, my mood brightens, my step is livelier, and my outfit is elevated.”
Julie of Fashion Trends and Friends

“Everyday Luxe for me is taking an average relatively plain item like a t-shirt, a jean jacket, a pair of sweatpants but knocking it up a level or two by adding elements of interest like rhinestones, sequins or glitter!”
Nancy of Nancy’s Fashion Style

“Everyday luxe for me means that I am able to work out! Well, not every day, some weeks I do though, but at least five days a week. What makes it a luxury for me then? I have a hereditary lung disease and working out is so very important for my health. The fact that I can work out is a luxe. Most lung patients don’t have the energy for it. And I can still work out at the gym at my physiotherapist twice a week; and I have a gym at home. That is everyday luxe to me!”
Nicole of High Latitude Style

“For me everyday luxe means that I wear what I love even when the piece would be considered Sunday’s Best by my Mom’s or Granny’s generation. An example is this teal silk skirt. However, I pair it with typical everyday wear like this cardigan with bold colors abstract huge floral print that I probably wore more often as a top than cardigan.”
And me…

“Everyday Luxe to me means combining luxurious fabrics and prints into an everyday outfit. A combination of leather, leopard print, sequins, and laced up suede seemed like a perfect pairing for this theme.”

“In today’s life, luxury is time and space.”
Harmon Okinyo

Featured Favorite
Tina of Tina’s Pink Friday shared her post last month featuring this wonderfully colorful striped outfit in [Blog Parade February 21] Ü30Bloggers & Friends Show Their Colors. It was perfect for our Pops of Color theme!

“Mere life is a luxury, and the color of the grass, of the flowers, of the sky, the wind in the trees, the outlines of the horizon, the forms of clouds, all give a pleasure as exquisite as the sweetest music to the ear famishing for it.”
Mark Twain
Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.
Outfit Details: Jacket and Skirt-Thrifted / Sweatshirt-Kohl’s (cropped by me) / Boots-JustFab / Tights-c/o Sheertex / Necklace-c/o Happiness Boutique / Earrings-Shelbee’s Shoppe / Sunglasses-Kate Spade

Gwen Gottlieb
Fab post, Shelbee. I love the information here – I learned something today! I also love the quotes you’ve included here. Both perfect for this piece. As always, your fashion sense is spot on.
Gwen, thanks so much! I actually struggled a little with this theme and ended up using photos that I had already shot before the theme was announced. And then I picked up a pair of gorgeous sequined leggings that would have been perfect…except it was too late! I will have to share those another time. I am looking forward to reading all of your fabulous posts today. Have a wonderful week ahead.
Shelbee, I couldn’t agree more — we do have an abundance of time on our hands, time when we do tend to get bored right now. But it really is a blessing, isn’t it? It’s something I really have started to understand over the past year.
I think you’ve totally nailed the luxe outfit. Those boots are an amazing statement too! You look fantastic!
Suzy xx
Thanks so much, Suzy! I had to get my brain around boredom being a luxury as well. It was starting to kill me until I realized what a blessing it is to have the opportunity to be bored. So now I just embrace it with so much gratitude! This was a challenging style prompt, but I had fun with it! And I simply could not resist these boots the moment I spotted them! I hope you have a marvelous week, my friend.
I really love your boots!!! And of course the leopard print!
Curated By Jennifer
Thanks so much, Jennifer! I could not resist these boots when I saw them! Have a great week, my friend.
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
Now those are some boots!! Rock it!!
Haha, thanks, Tamar! I do love these beauties!
Amy Johnson
Wow! I had no idea Luxurious meant all that. Such interesting history. Thanks for sharing. Love your fun, everyday luxe outfit!
Thanks so much, Amy! I am always on the ready to dive into some history lesson when my writing is feeling uninspired! This was a fun theme! Have a fabulous week, my friend.
Great post, Shelbee! Love the browns and blacks, and how fun are these boots!!
Having the luxury of staying at home and setting my own hours for everything I do is my most favorite and priceless luxury!
Ellibelle’s Corner
Thanks so much, Ellie! It really is a luxury to be able to set our own hours. The one thing I really learned this past year is to appreciate all of these little things! It has made this time so much easier to cope with as well. Just a little shift in perspective is all it takes. I hope you have a fabulous week ahead!
Those boots are so you! Fantastic. The hole outfit is so lovely. It looks great on you. Today I had the luxe of receiving a box full of clothing that I ordered….. and also the luxe of returninh almost everything…… gosh hate that.
Thank you, Nancy! I could not resist these boots the moment I spotted them! And I just had the luxury of a new pair of boots arriving yesterday…they are blue and green tie dyed!!!!! I cannot wait to style them and show them on the blog. What a bummer that most of your new things had to be returned. I hate when that happens, too! Oh well, I guess you’ll just have to shop more!
Thanks for the history lesson! I too have often associated leather with luxury as I can remember saving up for nearly a year (if not longer) for a leather bomber jacket in high school. I wore that thing out and it was well worth every penny I spent on it; I only wished I had kept it!
Thank you, Joanne, for sharing about your leather bomber jacket! I remember saving forever back in high school for a black suede fringed moto jacket from a local leather store. I, too, wore the thing out and wished I had kept it! It would make a really cool vintage addition to my closet, but likely it wouldn’t fit me these days! Eeek…I just called my clothing from high school “vintage”! Ha. Because it would be. How disturbing is that?!
Nicole from High Latitude Style
Great post!. Love the quotes! Great photos and background. Perfect for this great look.
Thank you, Nicole! I do love to share a little history lesson in my posts sometimes! It keeps me interested and hopefully provides a little something different for you all reading! This was a fun theme and I loved your post, too! Have a fabulous day.
Julie Augustyn
Such a fun lesson in how the words and meanings came to be compared to how we think of them now. I love your interpretation of Everyday Luxe! Your style is always fun and interesting! You never disappoint! I truly enjoyed reading how each of us defined Everyday Luxe as well as styled a luxe look! Another fun collaboration!
Julie, thank you so much! I really struggled with this theme and so I had to take the route of a history lesson on words! Haha But it was fun. I love learning these sorts of things and, of course, transitioning what I learn into some sartorial interpretation. That’s totally my jam! I enjoyed all the different interpretations of this theme as well! It was super fun!
That jackey is beutiful! Have a wonderful week!
Thanks so much, Lizzie! I hope your week is going well!
Patrick Weseman
Looking so very nice. Love the look.
Thanks so much, Patrick! Have a fabulous day, my friend.
“Mere life is a luxury….” I love it! Those boots are the bomb! You’ve got it down, gf! Save the planet by thrifting, then when it comes to something truly luxurious, you can indulge without near as much guilt, and maybe even none at all!
Helena, thanks so much! It really comes down to our perspective on things, I think! The fact that I wake up healthy, safe, and loved every morning is probably one of life’s greatest luxuries! And I like your thought process on thrifting as a means to save the planet and indulge in some of our more luxurious fancies!
This is a fabulous outfit and your new boots are especially awesome! I enjoyed the history of the word luxe. It was interesting that there were originally two words. It’s funny, if you while I couldn’t have articulated why, I’ve always felt the word luxury transmitted an emotion of disapproval with it. So maybe that disapproval I feel is attached to the word isn’t something simply conjured from musings.
Thanks so much, Michelle! Oh my gosh, I always had a weird emotional response to the word luxury as well. It feels kind of dirty in some way! But my idea of luxury definitely differs dramatically from what others may perceive as a luxury. For example, I recently referred to my damp, dank, unfinished basement as a luxury because I have a little spot set up down there where I smoke my weed. My one friend often expresses his mild jealousy that I have basement to smoke in during the cold winter months when he has to go outside to smoke. It occurred to me in that moment that my basement is a huge luxury for my lifestyle! And while I would love a beautifully decorated finished basement, that is not going to ever happen in this house! Which is for the best, I suppose, because I probably would not want to smoke in a beautifully decorated and furnished finished basement! It always comes down to our perspective, I think!
Kathrine Eldridge
You look is amazing Shelbee! Dying over those boots and the cool leopard top. This is one of my fave look on you!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! I simply could not resist these boots from the moment I spotted them! And this leopard top once had a banded waistband until I chopped it off during a phase when I was obsessed with cropped tops! I paid $4 for it on clearance from Kohl’s about 5 years ago and I chopped it up maybe 2 years ago and then never wore it. It was perfect for this outfit so I am glad that I held onto it! I hope you have a fabulous day!
Karren Haller
Shelbee, the boots are amazing, and what a great vintage posts, so much to take in with your new look, I love it!
Thank you for stoping by omhgww each week. Hoping you have a great week!
Karren, thanks so much, my friend! I feel like I am getting some of zing back now that spring is here! Have a wonderful week!