End of Summer Style & Link Up On the Edge #209

It seems as if summer has flown by nearly unwitnessed. I guess that is what happens when I rarely leave my house. But for some strange reason, even in the midst of summer flying by, this past week felt like an eternity. To be honest, I am beat. So I am going to keep today’s post short and hopefully sweet enough for y’all.
Jeff and the boys are headed to Pennsylvania for the Labor Day weekend and I am taking full advantage of 3 days alone in my house. No kids, no other adults, just me and my solitude. Peace and quiet and lots of weed. You know I am going to cherish every single moment! I am hopeful that I will be refreshed on Monday and ready to tackle the chaos that will be the beginning of this school year.

Lord, give us all the strength we need to manage the cluster fuck that will certainly frustrate anyone who works in a school system or has a child in a school system this year. May we all have patience and perseverance as well as the ability to adapt to this new way of educating and learning.
By the way, is it appropriate to use curse words like “cluster fuck” when praying? I guess whomever I pray to doesn’t really care. They are just words after all…a random sequence of letters assigned arbitrary meanings. But don’t let me go off on that tangent…or this post will very quickly become not short and sweet at all!

Quick bit about the outfit…I have been discovering these accidental combinations of dresses and kimonos happening inside my closet this summer. It seems like sartorial magic in a way when I walk into the mess that is my closet and spot two unrelated items from different brands and different seasons and they coordinate in the most wonderful way. Like my Festival Style that I shared two weeks ago. And now this ancient Old Navy boho dress with this not so ancient purple Torrid kimono.
I also have been focusing on shopping my closet this summer. It is better for the environment, the bank account, and the square footage of my house. I cannot fit any more things, so I must work with what I’ve got. Thankfully, I have lots of fun stuff to fuel my creativity! By the way, have you checked out my newest listings on Poshmark?

What have you been up to lately? Any fun weekend plans? How is the back to school transition going for you?
And now the featured favorites from last week.
Reader Favorite (Most Clicked)
Gail of Is This Mutton? shared her post, Friday Favourites-August Edition. Similar to my Friday Favorites posts, Gail shares what she has been reading, watching, and listening to as well as a monthly recap of other fun activities. So if you need something new to discover, do go check it out!

Fashion Favorite
Jill of Doused in Pink shared her post, How to Transition Your Summer Dresses Into Fall. I am absolutely in love with this adorable boho dress and the way Jill styled it for cooler weather. So cute!

Non-Fashion Favorite
Nylse of LifeNotes shared an important and powerful post, What I as A Black Woman Would Love to Hear. Framing the issue of racial injustices in the context of her religion, I have to say that I am moved and inspired by Nylse’s words. We can all do and be better. But don’t just visit her blog post, please also click the link to the full article, 10 Things Black Brothers and Sisters Most Need to Hear from the Church.

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.
Shop my look…
Outfit Details: Dress-Old Navy / Kimono and Hair Scrunchie-Torrid / Sandals-Payless / Jewelry-Old

Kellyann Rohr
Enjoy your relaxing weekend Shelbee! It’s funny to see your kimono, I was just thinking yesterday that I haven’t been able to wear my kimonos nearly as much this year since we hardly get out! I feel cheated – ha!! I do love a kimono and which way and this festival style is perfect!
Thanks so much, Kellyann! I always saved my kimonos for going out occasions, but I figured that was silly so I have been wearing them with everything inside my house even over my nighties. They are the perfect lightweight layering piece for inside the air conditioning in summer. And they hide the fact that I often am braless when I am hanging around my house! So get at your pretty kimonos and wear them with your jammies! Have a fabulous weekend, my friend.
Kathrine Eldridge
Enjoy your weekend of solitude my friend! Love this dress paired with this kimono! I like it when things magically work together. 🙂 Heading to my sister’s cottage for the weekend and good luck with your kids and school.
Kathrine, thanks so much! It really makes me happy when these magical combinations happen. It’s the little things that count, I guess! Ha. I hope you have a lovely weekend at your sister’s cottage!
I love the purple and grey together! Have a good Labour Day!
Curated by Jennifer
Thank you so much, Jennifer! I hope you have a wonderful weekend as well!
Catherine, Not Dressed As Lamb
Good work on shopping your own wardrobe, Shelbee! There’s nothing better than finding items you’ve forgotten about and find you still love. Love your pretty dress and kimono combo, it’s too chilly in the UK to wear dresses now (boooo) so I envy the fact that you can wear them still!
Thank you for hosting my lovely
Catherine x
Thanks so much, Catherine! I don’t think we have too many more days when I will be able to dress in summer clothes. Fall comes really early where I live! I have just finished organizing all the resale clothing in my basement (I listed over 200 items on Poshmark) and now I have to tackle the closet room next, so no more new stuff until I get that mess organized! Except, of course, when brand collabs happen, then I will share new stuff. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Rosemary Davis
Enjoy your Labor Day weekend!
Your dress and kimono are beautiful!
I love wearing a kimono but regrettably haven’t had many opportunities this summer. But, I am looking forward to adding that third layer for fall!
Rosemary, thank you so much! I have been wearing kimonos all summer long but I am excited to start wearing some velvet ones for fall. I look forward to seeing some of your kimono styles this fall as well. Have a wonderful weekend!
This has to be one of my most favorite outfits on you! The colors are gorgeous! Thank you so much for the feature this week! Enjoy your alone time this weekend!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks so much, Jill! I definitely felt so girly and cheerful in this outfit! I hope you are having a lovely weekend as well.
Lucy Bertoldi
NO- Summer don’t go!! I’m also trying to set up my Poshmark but keep delaying cox all i hear is how time consuming it is…but I have so much stuff I could sell. Is Poshmark good for you- how is it? xx
Lucy, thanks for stopping by! I have made about $250 since this recent clean out. I don’t have anything that is high end so that was just all from little purchases of items around $5-15. You just have to be somewhat active on the site to get more exposure and sell more items. So it is time consuming, but it is nice when you start selling stuff, too. Let me know if you have any other questions about reselling on Poshmark.
This kimono over dress outfit look like it was made to be together! I love it when new ideas spark from the mix of items already in our closets. Enjoy your quiet weekend!
Di, thanks so much! I was so excited over this accidental combination because of how perfectly the two pieces coordinated. And yes, shopping my closet can be just as fun as shopping for new clothes. I hope you are having a lovely weekend!
Jacqui Berry
Cracking little outfit again Shelbee, the colours are superb and look great on you! Thanks for hosting the #linkup Jacqui x
Thanks, Jacqui! I was really loving these colors, too. They made me feel very bright and cheerful! I hope you are enjoying the weekend.
This outfits looks fabulous on you and loving these colors! So perfect for this time of the year!! And loving those sandals!
Yes, school is definitely going to be a challenge this year. I am glad my kids (teens) are old enough to manage this online learning thing, but I’ve already received so many emails from the schools in my inbox even though school didn’t even start yet, that it’s beginning to stress me out. Just hope it won’t be online for the whole year, as it’s my son’s last year in high school…..
Sounds like you have a nice and relaxing weekend planned. Enjoy the solitude!
Ellibelle’s Corner
Ellie, thanks so much! These colors made me feel so cheerful all day long. My kids start school on Wednesday and we haven’t received very much information at all yet except that the fist day will be virtual learning. I have no idea yet where we are supposed to login for virtual learning for day one. And now it is the holiday weekend so we won’t even receive anything until Tuesday. I am almost expecting them to delay the start of school at this point. I hope that your son gets to at least enjoy the second half the school year in a more traditional way! Good luck to all!
eva @ StyleMyThrift.com
lovely colors!!! that purple/lavendar/fuschia is gorgeous….
xo eva
Thanks so much, Eva! These colors made me happy all day while I was wearing this!
Well that was a lovely surprise being a favorite! That dress and kimono were made for each other. Good on ya for shopping your closet. That’s what I’m going to try to do this month. Nothing new is being bought! (Except if I find anything in a thrift shop….). Have a great weekend
Thanks so much, Gail! Isn’t it an amazing accidental combination? I have been so good at not shopping lately, but I caved in yesterday and bought a few new things on summer clearance. I hope you are having a great weekend!
Cheryl Shops
Enjoy your long weekend of solitude—with back to school/remote learning, sounds like you’re going to need it! Also loving this pretty boho look on you!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Cheryl, thank you so much! I am definitely enjoying my quiet weekend!
I love love love this outfit! So pretty! I’ve been at Torrid looking for kimonos. I saw nothing as pretty as that one. I did buy a couple of items at 60% and 70% off – a top and skirt. My first purchases from Torrid.
Clusterfuck is totally okay when praying. 😀
Ha, thanks, Michelle! I only ever shop clearance at Torrid so I have been able to find some really cute kimonos there for cheap over the years. But I haven’t shopped anywhere really since last year so I don’t know what’s out. Watch your Torrid store for their buy one, get one free clearance events. My local store has even had buy one, get two free on clearance sales as well. You can’t beat it! Especially when the world is a giant clusterfuck! Hahaha.
Laura Bambrick
This combo was a beautiful accident waiting to be paired together! It’s fantastic! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Thanks so much, Laura! Brilliant wardrobe accidents make me so happy!
Lauren Renee Sparks
You bring up an interesting point. My teenage daughter started a conversation last week about why curse words are curse words and who decides what’s vulgar and what’s not. I admitted to her that I find some words vulgar and some common cuss words not so much. And some of them depend on the context!
Lauren, thanks so much for commenting on that part! I have been forever fascinated with words and their meanings and how they get assigned their levels of vulgarity. Especially interesting is researching when a word became known as a vulgar word or how slang words come into being. I could go on and go…I am such a word nerd!
That dress and kimono pair so perfectly together! I like the casual look of dresses and kimonos, it’s something I’ve been trying to wear more, although with winter it hasn’t been the best time lately, haha! I’m glad it’s warming up!
Enjoy your quiet time to yourself – i can’t imagine having the house to myself for so long! the times hubby takes the kids to the park by himself I can be so productive for that hour, haha!
Hope that you are having a lovely weekend 🙂
Mica, thanks so much! Oh yes your weather is warming up now as ours is cooling down. I will have to swap my kimonos for heavy cardigans soon while I enjoy seeing how you style yours! Oh my goodness, it has been an amazing weekend. I was torn between taking advantage and being productive or taking advantage and being completely unproductive. I chose the latter and it was glorious! The boys will be home some time tonight so I am enjoying my last few hours.
Shauna Crymble
You have the cutest smile ever! I love the combination of maxi dress and cardigan!
Shauna, thank you so much! You are too kind. Dresses and kimonos have been my summer staples this year. It’s like wearing pajamas!
Aidan Brogan
The combination of these colors are beautiful!
Thanks so much, Aiden! I was really loving these colors myself. I hope you are enjoying the weekend.
Patrick Weseman
Looking so very nice. I hope that you are enjoying your time alone. Thanks for hosting and hope you are having a wonderful weekend.
Thanks so much, Patrick! I did enjoy my weekend alone but it is about to come to an end. The boys will all be home in a few hours. I hope you are having a great weekend as well!
Claire Justine
Love your outfit, great colours 🙂 So me too. Thanks so much for hosting and always stopping by.
Claire, thanks so much! I hope that your week is off to a great start!
You look especially pretty in this outfit! Love that color on you!
Thanks so much, Mireille! I felt very bright and cheerful all day in these colors!
Emma Peach
Beautiful dress and kimono! I hope you enjoyed the peace and quiet!
Emma xxx
Thanks, Emma! Oh, you have no idea! I really did enjoy it very much. Have a great day!
jess jannenga
I hope you enjoyed your days of quiet and peace. It is funny, when it is just my hubby and I sometimes I feel the house is too quiet, but the dogs liven up the place too! I love these purple tones with your coloring and hair and that you find things mixing magically in the closet! I need to make the move to change it out to Fall, but I will do that a bit at a time, as that is exhausting.
thanks for linking friend!
jess xx
Thanks so much, Jess! I had a wonderful weekend alone, but it was rather quiet around here which is a bit weird. I love playing in my closet and finding magical combinations! I haven’t switched over my closet either. It is all just piled in heaps in there! I will get to it eventually as well. Have a fabulous week, my friend!
Hahahaa I laughed at both “Peace, quiet and lots of weed” as well as the “clusterfuck” comments and I agree with that second one because school this year is indeed a mess, especially for parents with elementary-aged kids. Besides your state of mind, you look stunning in this boho look. What a pretty dress and kimono, Michelle!
I featured this outfit on my blog, yesterday. Come take a peak. =)
Welcome by and join my Thursday Moda linkup this week. Enjoy the weekend!!
Thanks so much, Ada! You know, I have to keep my sense of humor in the middle of this clusterfuck! Without that, I would be doomed! Heading over now to read your post. Thanks so much for featuring me.
What a beautiful and colorful outfit – the kimono was a great choice.
AND YES, you may use “cluster fuck” when praying 😉
Thanks, Lorena! I really liked the colors in this outfit. They cheered me all day! And I figured when we talk to our higher power that it is okay to talk however we’d like! Haha.