Easter Weekend Highlights & Link Up On the Edge #292
I am wildly behind on all things in my life right now so I am going to share some highlights from spring break and Easter weekend and then I need to prepare for another night away this weekend. On Satruday, we are taking the kids to the Strong Museum of Play in Rochester, New York. I am excited to see the National Toy Hall of Fame and the boys (old and young) are really excited to check out the World Video Game Hall of Fame. I will share about that experience in the next week or two. For now, here are some holiday highlights…
The first few days of spring break we spent just chilling at home. My in-laws arrived on Wednesday afternoon and we ordered pizza for dinner. I had stopped that morning at Starch which is a bakery that was recently opened by my kids’ former art teacher. She and her husband opened about a year ago but I didn’t get the chance to check it out until now. I figured in preparation of visitors, why not get some sweet treats for after dinner. So I went in to see what was good on the menu and choose a few things to bring home for dessert.
Well, when I looked at the menu, everything was good!
So I did a thing that I have always wanted to do. I ordered the entire bakery menu. Yes, I did. One of each, please and thank you. And I am glad I did it because it was all so freaking delicious!

On Thursday, we decided to make up for Ralph’s weather-related birthday cancellation at Zero Latency in Watertown, New York’s Salmon Run Mall. Fortunately, the kids who attended his party a few weeks ago and didn’t get to play were available on the day we decided to go so we met at the mall for a game of virtual reality and a food court lunch!
Once again, the staff at Zero Latency was over the top wonderful. They are so good with the kids, patiently explaining the rules of the game, getting them properly into their gear, and keeping them safe while ensuring that everyone is having a great time. Seriously, if you or your kids are into virtual reality games, I highly recommend Zero Latency for parties or just to do something different on a rainy day. Every single experience I have had with this company so far has been extraordinary. They have locations in 24 countries including 11 cities in 9 U.S. states.

Friday evening, Jeff and I headed to Syracuse for the night for our date which I talked about in yesterday’s post. When we arrived home on Saturday, we began some of the food preparations for Easter dinner on Sunday. Jeff and his mom were having a cooking good time in the kitchen. And since my kitchen is so small, I was kind of off the hook as the cook!

We invited our wonderful friend-neighbors, Dani and Fong, for Easter dinner as well and everyone felt happy and full by the time we finished eating. I never even took a photo of all the food, just the foodless table and the very non-photogenic desserts. We were laughing so hard at the dessert pictures, by the way.
Jeff made pineapple upside down cake (my mother’s recipe that he has mastered), my mother-in-law made pineapple fluff, and I made rice pudding (also my mother’s recipe that my sister and I have perfected over the years). But when we took the pictures of the desserts, the pineapple fluff looks like mashed potatoes and the rice pudding looks pureed cauliflower. Not very appetizing at all. Until you put it in your mouth. Heh.

You probably already know that I am not a religious person at all. But I did grow up in a very Christian household with a very Christian mother. And while I don’t follow the religious traditions of worship, I do still have an appreciation for the sacred traditions that I grew up with. So when my mother-in-law presented me with a palm frond from her church services, I had an overwhelming sense of nostalgia that felt like a big warm comforting hug. I remember my mother turning all the palm fronds in our church into crosses. The whole congregation would seek her out to do her magic folding of the frond and turn it into her very favorite religious symbol.
When the palm hit my palm, I felt an intense urge to turn it into a cross. Just as if my mother was sitting there with me, instructing me step by step on each fold. I then felt her presence around me all weekend long. She is not a very good instructor from the afterlife, however, because after two or three failed attempts to get it right, I had to look online for an easy palm folding tutorial.
Using the tutorial, I had successfully made two palm crosses in minutes exactly the way my mother used to. Then I stuck them up behind this plaster saint that also belonged to my mother. I put them up there because the cats kept stealing them and I wanted to protect my delicate little palm crosses! In the morning, I discovered that one had fallen to the floor but the other remained on the wall. I took that as a sign that my mother-in-law was supposed to keep one of the palm crosses…I think it was my mom communicating with me!

I wanted to take a photograph of my Easter outfit but we never got around to it. I started the day in this outfit but changed when it came time to start cooking. I did take a selfie which can give you some idea. I was wearing these jeans on the bottom half with my leopard print slippers until I splashed ham juice all over my pant legs. I was even wearing an apron that covered below my shins and I still made a giant mess. Ugh. It wasn’t too long before I was comfortably attired in my favorite fleece leggings and hoodie, barefoot and braless and completely carefree (except for working the ham juice stain out of my jeans).

Throughout the course of the weekend, we also taught Ralph how to play Rummy. He picked up on it really quickly and then proceeded to destroy us all. We had a great time and I just loved watching this father-son bonding moment. The coordinating Grateful Dead tee shirts make my heart so happy and full, too.

What kind of special moments did you have during spring break?
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Exactly what family holiday weekends should be Shelbee and what memories are made of. Lovely photos of the boys bonding!
Thanks so much, Pamela! It was a really special weekend, for sure!
Suzy Turner
It looks like you all had such a wonderful time together. I miss these kinds of events, surrounded by family members. We aren’t religious at all, and never have been, but I can completely understand you getting that feeling to make those crosses for your mother. So lovely, Shelbee. And I love the photos of your hubby and son playing cards!
Suzy xx
Suzy, thank you so much, my friend. As non-religious as I am, religion has been very prominently woven into the fabric of my being. It is one of my favorite topics to explore and study and discuss. I think I have mentioned to you before that I studied religion in college. I have my Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and English Literature with a Minor in Religion Studies. It is a lifelong passion, for sure! I hope you have a lovely weekend!
What a lovely time you had with your family. The pineapple cake looks delicious! And now I know what your neighbours look like!
Thanks so much, Nancy! The pineapple cake is the best thing ever made! I shared pictures of Dani before on the blog but never Fong. It was first time appearance here for her!
It sounds like a fun spring break and Easter celebration. I remember getting those palm crosses in church when I was younger. I think your mom was definitely present with you all weekend!
Jill – Doused in Pink
And, thank you so much for the feature! Such a nice surprise to start my day!
Jill – Doused in Pink
You are very welcome, Jill! Happy Friday!
Thanks so much, Jill! Mom definitely spent Easter with us this year! Then I sent her off to my sister because she was getting too much in my business! LOL In a few days, however, I am sure my sis will try to send her back to me. But then she usually gets the hint and goes away until we need her again.
Kathrine Eldridge
Sounds and looks like you had a lovely weekend! Those treats look delcious. God is always so good so I’m loving the story about your palm crosses. We are surrounded by angels my friend. Thansk for the link up!
Kathrine, thank you so much! I am so glad that you honed on in the palm cross story! It made me feel so good all weekend to feel my mom around. But then she started bugging me a little! Haha. I was texting with my sister and she was complaining about doing her taxes so I told her I would send mom to help! And I did. And now I haven’t felt her around me since then. I do appreciate cooperative angels! I hope you have a blessed weekend, my friend.
Mica - Away From The Blue
Glad you had such a lovely Easter weekend with family – and the bakery treats looked delicious! 🙂 We spent Easter with my family on the coast as usual, it was a lot of fun and we even had an Easter egg hunt!
Thanks for the link up! Hope you are having a good week 🙂
Thank you so much, Mica! It sounds like you had a lovely Easter as well! We are long past the days of egg hunts but I do remember how much fun the kids had when they were younger. I hope you have a fabulous weekend!
Those cookies look delicious! I am not religious either even though I grew up Catholic. My mom is super religious and would blackmail my sister and I to go to church.
Curated by Jennifer
It was all so good, Jennifer! I just laughed out loud that your mom had to blackmail you to go to church! My mother definitely fought with us to go every week, too. And I am no stranger to bribing my kids to get them to do stuff!
Tanya @ Mom's Small Victories
Aw, how sweet and what a fun weekend! I’m a boy mom X 3, they sure make life fun, sweet and unpredictable! Thanks for hosting the linkup this week!
Tanya, thanks so much! I really appreciate that. These boys definitely keep me on my toes. And they keep me feeling alive and young as well! I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Debbie Stinedurf
Sounds like the perfect family weekend my friend! The bakery treats look absolutely yummy & I have no doubt the desserts tasted better than they photographed…lol! xo
Thanks so much, Debbie! I hope you had a wonderful holiday weekend as well filled with lots of love, laughter, and good eats!
Loved this update!! I’m glad to hear that you had a good Easter! Ours was… definitely an interesting one this year! Also, all of those sweet treats look delicious!! That’s probably the one thing I miss with my eating restrictions. I can taste them through the computer screen haha!
Thanks so much, Lizzie! I hope your “interesting” holiday was still a good one! I don’t think I mentioned in my post that many of the bakery items are gluten free. I believe that is kind of their speciality. But not everything is and I didn’t have her separate them because I didn’t care as I was going to eat it all anyway! Honestly, I couldn’t tell the gluten free or healthier ones from the “regular” ones!
Looks like a fun-filled and joyful weekend! Nice that you got to feel close to your mom – and learned to navigate the palm frond tutorial. Frankly all of those deserts look tasty to me.
Thanks so much, Michelle! It was a really great spring break, for sure.
Lauren Renee Sparks
The toy hall of fame sounds fun! And those baked goods – I think my pants got tighter just looking at them!
Hahaha, Lauren, you just made me giggle! Thank you. If you ever get the chance to visit Rochester, New York, it is an amazing city with so much culture and awesome museums! The Play Museum was literally the happiest place I have ever been in my life! Today, we are heading to the Science Museum and Planetarium before going home. I am going to share next week about it all!
Nice job on the palm cross! I would need a tutorial too. No idea how to make those, but I think they are neat. Also, you guys are way funner parents than we are. So many fun things! And museums I’ve never heard of that sound awesome. I like how I always learn new things here.
Aw, April, thank you so much! The palm crosses are really easy to make (with the tutorial, of course)! I hope my kids remember and appreciate what fun parents we are! Haha.
First off those bakery treats look amazing! How fun to order one of everything. I used to fold my plam fronts into crosses too! It sounds like you had a wonderful time with family and friends.
Thanks so much, Joanne! It was super fun to order one of everything! I think I might do that more often now. Haha. The palm crosses are so much prettier than the plain old palm fronds, aren’t they?!
Oh, those bakery goods and home made desserts look so yummy! Happy to hear you had a wonderful celebration with your friends and family. The Zero Latency party looks like fun. Enjoy your weekend and thanks for sharing!
Aw, thanks so much, Di! We definitely had a really lovely spring break! And now I am ready for all of our fun summer plans! I hope you are enjoying the weekend, my friend.
Laura Bambrick
It looks like you had so much fun over your Easter weekend! And enjoyed a lot of really good food! Those pasteries look amazing!
Thanks so much, Laura! We did have a really wonderful week!
Marsha Banks
What fun that must have been to order everything on the menu!!! I’m sure they really appreciated it, and the goodies were appreciated once you got them home! We had a very relaxed Easter. We had burgers, brats and hot dogs on the grill with chips and potato salad…nothing like what my Mom used to do! I did bake a Texas sheet cake and make pistachio pudding layered dessert (I used lemon pudding instead). While I have a very deep faith, my religion has been sorely tested the last few years. I do miss going to church as I love the liturgy and the calm it brings me. Thanks, my friend, for the link up!!
Marsha, thank you so much for sharing about your Easter holiday! I love that you were able to grill. We don’t even get the grill out until the end of May because, well, ya, know, snow! We have more coming midweek despite the fact that it is a beautiful weekend in the mid-70s. Your layered dessert sounds amazing…either with pistachio or lemon…I really like both flavors. And I hear you about having one’s religion tested. I guess mine was tested in my 20s…I was taking all these religion studies classes in college when my father passed away from lung cancer (a few months before one of my religion professors lost his wife to breast cancer)…his teaching shifted right in line with the shift in my religious beliefs and it ended being really mutually beneficial for both of us as we went through our significant losses together. As you know, I could discuss religion all day long! I love hearing how others came to their belief systems and they work for them. I hope you are having a fabulous weekend!
Jessica A Jannenga
Hi Shelbee
Yes,Palm Sunday and the palms made into crosses. We did that as well. I enjoy seeing the pictures and laughed as you mentioned the dessert photos “weren’t up to snuff”. As long as it takes good, thats what counts!
I enjoyed seeing your kids and what they got a chance to do. Oh and that bakery, yes please!
Thanks so much, Jess! The palm crosses really gave me a big ole dose of Easter nostalgia! As for food photos, I hate taking them because they never look as appetizing as professional food photos do. But you are right, as long as they taste good, who really cares what it looks like?!
Patrick Weseman
Looks like a very nice Easter. I think that is St.Joan of Arc. Just guessing though. Thanks for hosting this great party.
Ooh, thanks, Patrick! It could be Joan of Arc. I guess I could go look up some Joan statues and see if she matches this one!
So many blessings evident in this post — it’s always soul-nourishing to spend time with friends and family. When all is said and done, it’s the little things (like sharing meals and playing cards around the kitchen table) that really count.
Thank you for participating in Talent-Sharing Tuesdays Link-Up 17.
Thanks so much, Carol! It really was a blessed weekend filled with so much love and joy in the little things. We only get the moments we are in and so we have to make great memories from them in order to make them last!
It looks like everyone had a nice time. Treasure the moments you have together.
Ridge Haven Homestead
Thanks so much, Laurie! It was a very special weekend and we filled it with lots of wonderful memories.