Conscientious Kindness Can Save Our Planet & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #86

I am not going pretend that I am terribly diligent in my conscientious efforts to go green. But just like everyone else, I am a work in progress. Little by little, I make adjustments as they occur to me. I am not perfect and I am somewhat lazy, but I do my best to exercise some amount of regard for the state of our planet. I recycle what I can. I don’t litter. We turn off the lights when we are not using them. We don’t leave the water running unnecessarily. When I decided to address this topic, I was going to focus on how thrift shopping for clothing is a great way to exercise concern for the planet. But then as I began researching, I found article after article with so many easy tweaks that anyone can make to their lifestyle in an effort to preserve our environment. So I decided to share a list of some tips with you as my weekly effort to spread kindness.

15 Easy Ways to Help Save Our Planet
1. Shop Second-hand. Thrift shopping for previously owned shoes and apparel reduces used garments from piling up in landfills. It also decreases the need for the production of more clothing, the process of which requires a lot of energy and emits pollutants into the air especially in the production of synthetic fibers. Many thrift stores also support charities so while helping to improve the environment, you will also be benefiting useful charitable organizations.

2. If it’s not dirty, don’t wash it. If you wear layers of clothing like I do, generally the top layer barely touches your skin, like cardigans or sweatshirts. So if you haven’t spilled anything on your clothes and they don’t stink, don’t wash them until they need it.

3. Clean the dryer filter. A dirty lint filter in your dryer can cost up to 30% more energy to run the drying cycle. Better yet, hang your clothes to dry.

4. Don’t let the water run. When you are brushing your teeth or shaving, turn off the water faucet until you need it. And if you have young boys who play with the backyard hose, for the love of the planet, double check to make sure it’s turned off when they come back inside.

5. Bottle your own water. Invest in a super cool stainless steel water bottle and a water filter for your faucet. Ditch the plastic bottles from the store and bottle your own with filtered water from your faucet.
6. Recycle. Everything you can. Plastic containers, plastic bags, paper, newspapers, magazines, textbooks, cardboard, aluminum, glass, styrofoam, metal, batteries, etc.
7. Shop with reusable grocery bags.
8. Choose recycled products. When purchasing paper napkins, plates, cups, and utensils, look for ones that are made from recycled materials.
9. Shop local. By buying local produce and other foods, you contribute to the conservation of fuel and the reduction of pollution that come with transporting these products long distances.
10. Reuse packaging and wrapping materials. That gift your received in a pretty little paper bag, save the bag, and use it the next time you have a gift to give. The same with tissue paper and other packaging materials.
11. Compost. If you already recycle, you have substantially reduced the amount of trash going to landfills. But composting your biodegradable food products will ease up on landfills even more.
12. No Litter. Obviously, make sure your trash finds its way to the proper disposal receptacle. But also pick up litter when you see it and put it in a trash can.
13. Use a laptop. If you are in the market for a new computer, consider switching to a laptop of you have been using a desktop. A laptop uses about half the energy of a desktop.
14. Walk or ride a bicycle when you can. If you don’t need to start your car and drive it, then don’t. It’s better for the environment and for your own health.
15. Plant a tree. And then plant another one. And if you are so compelled, plant some more.
This list is not complete by any means and I certainly do not do all of these things myself. But I am working on it. One of the things I really need to investigate more is the process of composting. I am fascinated by this process and just need to get my act together.
What practices do you engage in that benefit our planet? I would love for to share them in the comments below…because we can all do a little better and be a little kinder to our planet. After all, it continues to sustain us despite the way we abuse it. We should show it lots more love and appreciation.
And now your featured favorites from last week.
Ana of Mrs. American Made shared her post, Colors of a Flag. Remaining true to her “Made in America” roots, Ana has styled the prettiest blue and white outfit for walking to a downtown craft fair where she captured her beautiful images amidst red flowers and red furniture. This is the perfect outfit for end of summer activities.

Julie of This Main Line Life shared her post, Beach Vacation: The Tuckernuck Top Came Just In Time. Julie is a beach beauty in this pretty top paired with white shorts. But the real show stealer might be her encounter with the hermit crabs. You need to pop on over to her blog and read about it! I guarantee you will chuckle.

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

Kellyann Rohr
You look lovely while sharing an equally lovely message! Simple, things we can all do make a big difference in the long run. I am loving those shoes Shelbee – they are funky and look so comfy!
Thank you so much, Kellyann! The little things really do add up and if each of us just changed one little thing, it would literally make a world of difference. If you ever read some of the statistics on these topics, they are astonishing…how much we waste. And I am just as guilty as the next person. I definitely need to get better about a lot of these things.
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
Great tips! I agree you can’t go 0-60 on these things, little by little we can change our ways.
Thank you so much, Tamar! And little by little is the method I will continue with…thanks for validating that! Have a fabulous day, my friend!
Julie Caron
Thanks so much for featuring me this week. I really appreciate it. As usual, I love your post. You always put together posts on really thoughtful topics. I’m on the same page as you on this one. Far from perfect, but I do try to put effort into using more ecologically safe practices. One other thing we do is try to limit meat consumption and leather usage. I’m not perfect in that area either and do still eat some meat and use some leather goods etc, but I try. The meat industry unfortunately takes a terrible toll on the environment (and the animals and the farm workers, in many cases).
Julie, thank you so much for your kind words. I did read some about the meat industry when I researching this topic. And honestly, it so totally grosses me out that I have to just ignore it. I know that is not good practice either. I could totally stop eating meat and it wouldn’t phase me all that much, but I would never get my husband on board with that lifestyle. So for now, I am a bury my head in the sand kind of girl on that one. Thank you though for mentioning it here because it is definitely an important topic!
Kathrine Eldridge
Thanks for sharing these important tips! I adore your patchwork jeans and those shoes are fabulous. Thanks for the link up Shelbee!
Thank you so much, Kathrine! I hope you are having an amazing week!
Great post about how to save our planet.
The problem with Americans is we like low cost items so everything is shipped from China, India, Vietnam, and that’s why our factories are closed. Our carbon footprint is big because we want cheaper products.
Donate your household items and during a kitchen renovation, donate your cabinets or repurpose them, don’t destroy them.
As an interior designer I inform my clients on how to live a healthier lifestyle and always go green!
Robin, thanks so much for sharing this bit of information about renovations. I am sure so many just dispose of everything with no thought of how it can be recycled and reused. And I agree, we are lazy and want everything for cheap! We all need to make small changes to make big differences.
jacqueline berry
Good information Shelbee – well done and thanks for sharing. Loving the shoes Hun. Jacqui Mummabstylish
Thanks so much, Jacqui! I hope you are having a fabulous week, my friend.
Maria | passion fruit, paws and peonies
I really do feel it’s time everyone stepped up to make changes for the sake of the planet. The state of our seas and beaches for example are shameful, with plastic everywhere! Like you, I could and will try to do more. We owe it to our grandchildren. I’m loving your trainers Shelbee xxx
Thanks so much, Maria! I agree completely…if we all just make a few small changes, it will make a huge impact.
Lisa D
Ok, Im digging those shoes!!!! They are adorable!
Im a thrift store shopper. I do not think alot about “saving the planet” but I do agree with it. I recycle and don’t litter.
I probably waste a lot of water as I wash clothes almost every day and shower nightly. I would love to be able to hang up my clothes and rewear them more often but I work in an office where people smoke all over me with not remorse what so ever. I hate it. (Talk about save the planet huh).
As far as dishes, I love to drink from a stainless steel cup or mug and alway use glass dishes when I can. It just makes everything tastes better to me.
This was a great post.
Lisa, thanks so much for your kind compliment and sharing about your green ways! People actually smoke in your office? I can’t get over that! Oh, that would drive me crazy! I have two young boys so I am doing laundry all the time as well. Definitely not conserving water on that front. But I hang most of my own clothing to dry. You are doing more than most in preserving the environment. If we all just did one more thing, I think it would make a huge impact!
jodie filogomo
I had no idea that a laptop used less energy. I’m such a creature of habit, and I use my desktop all the time.
But I do try to do the other things. We’ve gotten great about taking bags into the grocery store, yet we still forget with other errands (like Bed, Bath & Beyond). But little by little….
PS…Love those shoes!!
Jodie, I had no idea about the laptop business either. But I have never even owned a desktop so I by accident have been environmentally conscientious! I need to start using reusable bags though. Although we do recycle the grocery bags so at least I do that much. And I agree…little by little we will make the changes until they become habit. And the shoes….they are the shoes I emailed you about! Aren’t they just adorable?
I love coming to your site and seeing a woman full of self esteem. You are an example for us all!
Mitch, thank you so much! That means so much from coming from another blogger whom I admire as much as I do you! You rock, my friend!
Lauren Sparks
Good things to work on. Thanks for the inspiration! laurensparks.net
Thanks so much, Lauren! I will certainly be working on these things myself! We can all do better.
Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
You always share such good messages on here! That bralette is so cute with the button down and those shoes!!! Love!
Thanks so much, Carrie! I try to keep it interesting with my outfit choices and my content! It is a struggle sometimes though, as I am sure you are well aware!
Patrick Weseman
Very nice tips. Here in the San Francisco Bay Area, we have to use reusable bags-it is the law. I am a public transit person-I do own a car but I try to use public transit whenever I can. The traffic here is horrible and I see cars just sitting on the roads and freeways spewing whatever they spew. I am lucky that I can get most places I need to via the bus or BART (our subway). I also carry my own water bottle and I have stopped using plastic straws.
You are looking like a sassy schoolgirl on the playground (with respect). Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.
Patrick, thanks so much for your compliment about my sassy schoolgirl-ness! Ha. And you totally rock, my friend! I have been using metal straws for my own drinks, but my kids still use plastic ones. I need to put an end to that! Where I live, it is a bit too rural and things are spread out really far so I do have to drive a lot of places. And there is not much by way of public transportation either. But we walk to school when the weather permits. I guess if we all just make some small changes, it can make a huge difference!
The only thing I have to do yet is to plant a tree! Yeah!
Nancy, you rock! I admire you for your earthy conscientiousness! Now go plant some trees, my friend!
You look adorable in the crop top and pig tails! My last post was about my continued love of blogging and I sort of spread the love on a few of my treasured items that are handmade and sold by friends that are local business owners. Their shop sells tons of vintage and secondhand items. I’m obviously a biased vintage and secondhand promoter lol!!!
Thanks so much! I definitely need to make a bigger shift toward second hand and vintage shopping! I admire that you are so dedicated to it! I just took a job working at my local consignment shop, so I am sure it is going to make a huge difference in the way I shop. Shopping small local businesses is super important, too.
What a great idea – I love how you compiled a list of easy things to do to go green. Some of them were a surprise – like use a laptop!
And, that Old Navy shirt is adorable. Salvation Army? Wow!
Thanks so much, Laurie! I find some really great pieces at my local Salvation Army! And I had no idea about the laptop vs. desktop business either until I started researching. Fortunately for me, I have been using a laptop for years. In fact, I don’t think I have ever owned a desktop. So by accident, I have been environmentally conscientious. Now I need to up my game a little on a more purposeful level.
These are such great tips! I do most of them already but there’s a few I didn’t think of! Thanks, Shelbee!
Liz, thanks so much for checking them out! And thank you for doing your part in protecting the environment!
Jessica A Jannenga
Hi Shelbee
I am like you, working on being consciencous and I do practice some of these things. I hate to see trash outside – even on the Greenways I walk, and will throw it out when i see it. We recycle here, and I do buy secondhand. i have enjoyed thrift shopping this summer and know the waste from clothing is immense.
All great tips! you look lovely in yellow and those jeans look like they are soft and comfy!
jess xx
Thanks so much, Jess! Trash on the ground absolutely drives me insane. And when I actually witness someone dropping trash on the ground, I feel like my head will explode. It really is not a difficult thing to get your trash into a receptacle. Rant over. Now I do need to start shopping second hand more often. Actually, I just accepted a job working for the local consignment shop so I am sure I will be shopping there more just because I will be spending a lot of time there!
Cheryl Shops
As a Californian, most of these things are kind of mandatory for us 😉 but I will say, composting is amazing—we create so much less garbage, and we only take it out once a week, although we probably go through 2 composting pails a week. I feel so wasteful when I travel to other places that don’t compost!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Cheryl, thank you so much for sharing this information about compost! I am bumping it up on my list of things to learn!
Christina Morley
Great reminders! We try to be eco friendly at our house by recycling and using minimum electricity. We don’t own a tumble dryer and hang all of our laundry outside (we get lots of sunshine here) or inside the garage when the weather is really bad. Also, when we wait for the shower to heat up, we hold a bucket underneath to catch all the water that would have gone down the drain and use that water in my washing machine. 🙂
Oh wow, Christina, good for you! Having no tumble dryer at all definitely eliminates the temptation to use it! And that is serious dedication that you catch the heating up water to use in the washing machine. I admire you for that. I don’t know if I could be that diligent! But I will definitely take your tips into consideration and start making some changes around here. Thanks for sharing!
Awesome post! I love eco-friendly living tips and I think saving the planet is such an important cause xx
Tianna, thanks so much for stopping by! You definitely are much more conscientious about these things than I am and I need to be taking tips from you!
These are a nice reminder to be more mindful with our planet and Mother Nature! I am not as diligent as I can be but I do try to do my best too. This one should have been a no brainier but somehow I failed in knowing that a desktop consumes more energy than a laptop! Doh! I should plant more but currently my heart is overtaken by succulents! I will plant something I know it! I like your button down blouse. It looks really good on you and I am loving the lighter shade. I hope your day is going well so far and happy Tuesday!
Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com
Maureen, thank you so much for stopping by! Honestly, I didn’t know that about a laptop vs. a desktop either. But I have used a laptop for years so at least I accidentally was being conscientious in that way! Ha. And while your succulents may not be trees, I think they still help the environment, don’t they? Don’t all plants contribute to the air quality, etc.? Anyway, it just takes little steps at a time and we can start making improvements! Thanks for doing your part.
Great message Shelbee, thank you for the nudge! And, I an’t stop looking at your sneaks!!!! Love!
Thanks so much, Cherie! I think I needed to nudge myself as well! And aren’t these shoes so fun?! I just love them so much! I will hop on over and add this post to your link up!
Karren Haller
Thank you for hosting each week!!
Have a great week!
Thank you, Karren! I hope you have a fantastic week!
These are such great tips! I am a big recycler and I am trying to teach my kids to conserve water and energy too!
Laura, that is so great that are you are teaching the kids. I think I need to explain the purpose of all of this to my kids! They know we recycle but I don’t think they know the reasons behind it all. And they are huge water wasters! Thanks for that reminder. Lessons for the kids coming soon in my house!
Suzy Turner
Such a brilliant post, Shelbee! Hubby and I have been trying to help out as much as we can over the past few years. We religiously recycle as much as physically possible, we re-use water whenever we can, we take our own shopping bags, etc. I love that you’re encouraging us all to do more!
And you look FAB whilst doing it!
Suzy xxx
Suzy, thanks so much! I feel like I can do so much more, but then my laziness tends to get in my way. I need to conquer this laziness! I am so glad that you and your husband and doing what you can!
Emma Peach
Great advice Shelbee! I do most of these things, including saving packaging for reuse which drives my husband crazy! I have a cupboard full of padded envelopes and bubble wrap! Love your shoes!
Emma xxx
Thank you, Emma! I love that you have a cupboard dedicated to saving wrapping and packing items! So funny. But good for you! If we all do just a little bit, it will make a huge difference.
Elizabeth Ramsey
Love these! All these little things add up if lots of people do them! This year the husband and I have really been trying to say no to the straw. Little thing but slowly, with enough people doing it, giving a straw to everyone won’t be “automatic” anymore!
Thanks so much, Betsy! I have started using stainless steel straws for myself, but I need to transition my kids to them as well. They still like the colorful plastic ones. I need to get some reusable ones for kids! Thanks for the reminder.
I really loved this post and wanted to comment earlier, but school started this week, and it’s been a cluster-fu*k of epic proportions. I know teachers have a difficult job, but so do I, and when a school loses THREE kindergartners on the first day, it does little to inspire confidence. Don’t get me started on that.
That being said, this post is near and dear to my heart. I am a compulsive recycler, and already do many of the things on your list, but I didn’t know about the laptop! As I sit here typing on my recycled desktop, I remind myself that when it goes, I will get a laptop. Also, I’ve donated my last two desktop computers to the association for the blind. If you donate them, the association refits them in Braille, so the blind can be online as well as us sighted folk.
My brother owns a business, so whenever he upgrades his computers, I get a new desktop, and donate three or four computers on his behalf. That’s how I found out about the Association for the blind. As an added bonus, they come to your home to pick it up. The program is run by our state Division for the Visually Impaired, so it may be different in your area. He also donates to the local Senior Center so they can have newer computers too.
Senior Centers are a wonderful place to donate to. They get all my books and games. The local church runs a food/clothing bank, so they get all of my clothing, although now I’ve been considering Poshmarking some of it, as my favorite charity is myself. The local animal shelter gets all my used pillows, quilts and bedding, and believe me, they go through a lot of it. They also always need mops and Chlorox.
Its a lot of running around, but at least the stuff doesn’t go into landfills, and gets to people who really could use it.
Susan, thank you for sharing this wealth of information! I never would have thought of donating used bedding to animal shelters! Such a great idea as I imagine many people donate that stuff to thrift shops and they end up being discarded eventually anyway because many people wouldn’t buy bedding from a thrift shop. And the computer stuff is so fascinating and what a wonderful charity and resource. You rock, my friend! And I am sorry to hear about your clusterf*ck of a week. I have had a day like that today….kids’ physicals for school, school supplies getting dropped off and paperwork in order for school, and meeting teachers, etc. It has been a crazy day. Plus I just started working 3 new jobs! I am tired and a bit crazy right now. Bring on the school year!
Ana Bogusky
Oh, wow! I always love your posts, too, but as you know, this one is near and dear to my heart as it refers to many of the things I work on and try to get people to do. I know it isn’t easy to be “green” and there is no “perfect” solution, but baby steps and every little bit helps. I love the way you have outlined it here for folks to give it a try. Another great reference is EarthHero.com – they are an e-commerce site but their blog is great and offers great information and advice. You might want to check it out and link to it.
And, of course, thank you so very much for featuring my post. It has been tricky getting outfit shots now that I have gone back to school, and I was not super consistent with my posts last semester. I plan to be better about that now so I have a number of photos queued up already. I appreciate the vote of confidence. 🙂
Thank you, also, and most importantly for always spreading the kindness!! xoxo
Ana, thank you so much for this wonderful comment! I guess we are all works in progress but as long as we are taking steps in the right direction even small progress is still progress! I am checking out that site now and adding the link right here, too…” rel=”noopener” target=”_blank”>EarthHero. I love their tagline…”Choices make Changes.” How true is that?! We make choices every single day, every moment of every day. Isn’t it time we started making more conscientious choices?! I appreciate what you do and what you stand for and I admire your dedication to this cause. Thank you!
Lanae Bond
Excellent tips how to take care of our environment. Buying second hand and donating items are two of my favourite things to help the environment. Love your outfit by the way!
Lanae, thank you so much! If we all just do a little bit more of these kinds of things, it will make a huge difference!
Great recycling advice! How super cute are you looking?! 😀
Thanks so much, Alicia! This was a fun and sassy outfit to strut around in!
Terri Gardner
Shelbee, first of all, thank you for linking up with this wonderful post. That is a great list I know you have a lot of readers and a lot of folks read this and that is so cool. We are very good about everything (except Michael does say I leave the lights on too much-I tend to refute that :-)) except for #14. We live in rural Missouri and can’t get anywhere without a car. Honestly, Midwestern cities in general and not as bike and pedestrian friendly as the east coast. Kansas City (as in the main city core) is getting better but still has a long ways to go).
Kudos for this great post,
Yours in all things green,
Terri, thank you so much for your kind words and for always sharing your green message as well! And of course, I could be better at a lot, too. We have been trying to figure out why we use more energy than our neighbors every time we receive those energy comparisons in the mail. I think it’s the laundry that is killing us!