Celebrating Six Years of Blogging with Ever Pretty & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #237

Six years ago today, I hit publish on my very first blog post. I was so intimidated by the idea of sharing my thoughts in writing with an audience that I didn’t know. In fact, I didn’t think I really would ever have an audience at all. But I wanted to share my journey and my life experiences in a creative way that may inspire others who are walking similar paths. Not wanting to get too deep into the really uncomfortable topics that I often like to approach, my first post was about Church and Church Appropriate Attire.
If you have been reading along with me over the last six years, you might find that first blog topic a bit weird since I really am not much of a church goer (as I explain in that very first post). But I guess that’s all the more reason to share my stories because they are different from your stories. And it is through sharing our stories that we form human connections which lead us to new experiences. And new experiences are the very things that foster personal growth and evolution.
I have always been a writer. It has always been my best creative outlet as well as my best coping mechanism for processing the hard things in life. When I made the commitment to start this blog, I made an even bigger commitment to myself to always be kind and loving and understanding and accepting in my blog space as well as in my life. Authenticity has been my consistent goal at every turn and I have to tell you that being 100% authentic 100% of the time is actually really hard work. Making sure that my actions when no one is looking are properly aligned with my ideologies and belief systems that I spew out into the world takes constant diligence and frequent introspection. Striving for complete authenticity keeps you honest with yourself and reaps some pretty amazing rewards. But great rewards often come with great struggle and a whole lot of personal development.
As I read over that very first blog post from August 24, 2015, I did get a little cringey as we all do when we look back at ourselves from years ago. But I also can very clearly see the growth in myself that has happened in that rather short time. I am learning that while we are all responsible for our own personal growth, we also all contribute to the personal growth of every single person we encounter in this life. We are defined within the contexts of our relationships. We are fluid and flexible beings and if we can allow ourselves to remain open and honest with ourselves and the world, we can create even more opportunities for ourselves to grow and evolve.

I am not the same person I was six years ago when I published that rather benign post about church and church appropriate attire. I am not even the same person I was last week. Because literally every single life experience that I travel through, regardless of how wonderful or how awful that experience may be, makes me a stronger and better human. I have processed a lot of uncomfortable emotions and discovered some powerful insights in this space over the past six years. It is intimidating work to allow yourself to be openly and honestly vulnerable. But I suppose our strength really does come from our vulnerabilities as well as our ability to share them.
I think it is where humans connect the strongest…in their vulnerable spaces. It can be a very rewarding situation when you meet other people in those places. We learn from each other and we enrich each other. Regardless of the time spent in connection with any human, I really do feel that there is purpose in each and every encounter. And the reasons are much bigger and more complicated than the capabilities of human comprehension. We exist within an intricate system of connected energy that I think is meant to carry us along through the great unknown. We are meant to be connected. We are meant to enrich one another. We are meant to depend on one another for a vast amount of our basic human needs. Whether they are physical, mental, emotional, or sexual needs, people absolutely need other people for survival as well as for living your most fulfilled life.
I am often frightened of people and new experiences often scare the hell out of me. But facing those fears is the only way to live a fuller life. And I want to live this life as fully as possible. Like really live it. Because I don’t know what’s on the other side.

In six years of blogging, I have published nearly 1,400 posts in this space with another 80 articles published on Medium. I hope to continue sharing my journey here for at least another 1,400 posts. And I really need to get at least that many published on Medium as well. By the way, for those of you who are unfamiliar with the Medium platform, I highly recommend it if you love to write and want to generate some extra income. To become a Medium member, you can click on my referral link above to sign up. They charge a $5 monthly fee to read as many articles as you’d like and each month the fees are combined and the top writers are paid from those funds. Also by using my referral link, I do earn a small commission and each clap and comment on an article also helps to monetize my writing efforts.
I want to thank you all for joining me on my journey. Whether you have read one post or all of them, I appreciate your support and friendship more than you know. Through you, I am able to continue growing and becoming the person I am supposed to be.
Let me talk about my outfit for a moment. This white chiffon bridal dress is another gorgeous piece from Ever Pretty. It reminds me of Marilyn Monroe’s iconic white dress and I was tempted to style it in a similar way as Marilyn. But then I had an ah-ha moment that I am Shelbee not Marilyn and I should style the dress the way Shelbee would for an anniversary blog post. I absolutely love the silhouette of this dress and the handkerchief hem adds the perfect bit of drama to a simple easy to wear dress. Since I am Shelbee on the Edge I had to add the right amount of edge to this flirty white dress with lots of black elements. I have to say that I was very pleased with how this outfit turned out and look forward to occasion to wear it. I have previously styled my other Ever Pretty dresses for women in these posts:
Feeling Ever Pretty: One Little White Dress Styled Three Ways & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #232
I have another one coming tomorrow and the final one I still need to photograph so stay tuned for that as well. Ever Pretty is offering my readers 25% off all orders over $50 so now is the perfect time to rethink your dress game. Just use code Blogger25 at checkout to receive your discount. Hopefully, I have once again inspired you to look at wedding dresses and other special occasion gowns in a very different way. And also to recognize that every day is a special occasion to wear whatever makes your soul happy.

Before we get to the link party stuff, the winner for my recent Trendhim giveaway is…
a Rafflecopter giveawayCongratulations, Tamar! I will email you within the next few days with details.
Featured Favorites
Reader Favorite (Most Cliked)
Tina of Amanda’s Books and More shared her post, View from My Home and a Linky. I am always so inspired by Tina’s views from her home. Her landscape and sunset photos consistently take my breath away.
Fashion Favorite
Katie of Hello Katie Girl shared her post, Flower Power. And um, hello, this is the happiest outfit on earth so of course it’s my fashion favorite!

Non-Fashion Favorite
Kellyann of This Blonde’s Shopping Bag shared her post, Managing Anxiety. As a woman with anxiety disorder, I found this post super helpful. Kellyann is a very wise and experienced woman and I will gladly take her words of wisdom to heart and integrate them into my own arsenal of coping mechanisms.
Keeping it on the edge,
Joining these Fabulous Link Parties.
Outfit Details: Dress-c/o Ever Pretty / All other things were shopped from my closet

Amy Johnson
Such a cute look!
Thanks so much, Amy!
Happy, happy 6 years of blogging! I have so enjoyed getting to know you via the blog space and always appreciate your honest and authentic approach. That DOES take work!
Totally spot on with the Marilyn Monroe vibes- but I love the tough elements you added to give this dress even more character!
Le Stylo Rouge
Thanks so much, Ashley! I have really enjoyed getting to know you as well and I applaud you on how real and genuine you keep it in your space, too. It does take work! Lots of work. What we do is very personal and I think that often gets overlooked by outsiders as well. Keep shining bright in all of your fabulous authenticity, my friend!
Congratulations on your 6 year blog anniversary, Shelbee! That’s awesome! I think we both started our blogs not too far apart, as I think I started mine in June of 2016 (I have to go back and look).
I can relate to what you said about being afraid of sharing your thoughts to the world this way. I was the very same way too. In fact, I kept my blog private the first few months after starting it, before working up the courage to make it public. It’s all thanks to Salazar that this happened, and why I even have a blog to begin with!
But what you said here in your post is so deep and it really reads well as it’s on similar lines to what I often think about. We as human beings are learning and growing every single moment of every single day. We have good days and not so good days. We get hurt and we get rejected. That’s the reality of meeting new people, both in person and online. My blogging experience has mostly been positive, but there have been times that I have been really hurt and wanted to give it up. But I’m glad that I didn’t because the flip side of that “coin” is that I’ve met so many warm and welcoming people, like you. I’m so thankful to be included in your circle of blog friends in this community as I always take away something positive after reading one of your posts. It really means a lot to me. It helps me to shape my own story, if you will, on my own blog. Outwardly, I mainly just write goofy quips about my art or my outfits that I post on there. But for those who can “read in between the lines”, I tell my own story in a more subtle way. I talk about my pain and hurt, just enough to give people a “taste” without going into too much detail. And while it may not be the greatest story ever told, it’s still my story and I’m happy to tell it to whomever will listen.
Again, congrats on your blog anniversary, Shelbee. I’m glad to be a small part of your story here on your blog. Keep on! 🙂
Mike, thank you so very much for this beautiful comment! This blogging journey has been filled with so many positive experiences and I feel so blessed to have crossed paths with you and all the amazing men and women I have made connections with through this platform. Even the negative blog experiences turned out to be fruitfully advantageous to my personal growth process. I find value in every person’s story. I think we are all so unique in the experiences we have lived as well as how those experiences shape us. Two people can share the same experience and they will react differently and it will affect their lives in different ways. I really do believe that we exist within the context of our relationships with others and that our experiences are the very things that create our lives. Without experiences, we would kind of just be nothingness! Keep sharing your story because it is an important one for it has created you! And you, my friend, are a very special and kind human being. The world needs more like you!
Happy Anniversary Beautiful! I love what you do with your blog!
Aw, Mitch, thank you so very much! I really appreciate that. I am so blessed to have crossed paths with so many amazing and interesting and inspiring folks like yourself! You know that I also love what you do in your blog space. Keep shining bright, my friend!
Happy Blogversary! I’ve always loved your authenticity and look forward to continuing to follow along! Your dress is gorgeous! Love your styling and the contrast between edgy and feminine!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks so much, Jill! After living an inauthentic life in my 20’s, I have always found being authentic to be rather easy. Until it wasn’t anymore. True authenticity and walking your own talk is actually really hard work that requires much attention and diligence which merely grows my respect for authentic and genuine people! Thank you for being one of those people and making this community such a special and rewarding place.
Happy Blogiversary! I’ve asked myself on occasion “Why blog?” and the answer I’ve come up with is connections. I want to loosely belong to a community. And as an introvert this is as close as I am going to get to it. (Regular face to face stuff just isn’t my jam.) And I’ve met so many lovely people this way. People I would never have had a chance to meet due to distance. So I appreciate this post!
And I love this edgy outfit. Fabulous! The heels are amazing. So pretty.
Michelle, thanks so much! Making meaningful connections with like minded people was definitely a driving reason for me as well. And like you, face to face communications exhaust me! I do like some face to face and I need it but not as frequently as I need my alone time. The friends and connections that I have made through blogging are literally priceless! It is a place where friendships really can develop organically and eventually, after doing it for 6 years, you realize you have a whole pile of really great friends right at your fingertips. This community has surrounded me with love and support from the beginning and I can’t help but feel blessed and grateful for it! I cannot wait to meet you in real life! Which is going to happen…soon.
Cool Esse
Happy 6 year blogiversary!
Thank you so much, my friend!
Christina Morley
Congrats on the six years of blogging and so many posts and articles written! Such big achievements. I love all the photos and different backgrounds. So fun! And then I want to squeal for joy about being a featured favorite. Your words are so encouraging and that people were clicking is too! Thank you!
Thanks so much, Tina! It’s funny when you just start and you struggle along one post at a time and suddenly you look and realize you’ve written over 1,000. It really is an achievement that I hadn’t considered as such. Thank you for that. It was my pleasure to feature your post, too. I feel so blessed to have crossed paths with so many amazing bloggers on this journey.
Congratulations, Shelbee! It has been a joy and a honor to read your blog and to get to know you. It seems that we’ve been on a similar timeline as I also celebrated 6 years this month. You look amazingly gorgeous in these photos and the photos are incredible as well.
Thanks so much, Rena! I did know that you and I began our blogs in the same month of the same year! And I think it was just the following year that we met in person. Oh remember how nerve racking those blogger meet ups could be way back in the beginning?! Now you are all just old comfortable friends! I am so grateful to have met so many amazing people on this journey. Your friendship has be a very important one to me and I have no doubt that our journeys will continue on in some connected way or another!
Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
I have been blogging for quite some time, too! I can’t even remember how many years, but it may be 11-12 years! I started after my daughter was born. So crazy how time flies! I too am nervous of new experiences and I actually have one I have been thinking about recently and if I want to do/try it or not! Lol! This flowy white dress is SO pretty and the black jacket adds a nice little edge to it!
Thanks so much, Carrie! Yes, you were already a very established blogger when I came onto the scene! And I am fairly certain I have been following along with you for at least 6 years. Maybe 5, that first year was still a learning curve and not much branching out yet. But you are so right, time flies so quickly! I love getting to know all of you in this community. We have shared our joys and our heartaches. We have watched each other’s children grow. It is a very personal thing that we do here. It was weird for me at first connecting with people online but now it’s just the way of the world and I consider all of you my “work friends”. I value each and every person in this community and feel so grateful to be able to journey along with you all.
Sheila (of Ephemera)
Happy Blog-o-versary, Michelle! Six years is a long freakin’ time! I’m a fan of your blog because of your writing (just pics bore me) and I like that your “voice” is very true to you. Thanks for the info on Medium, what a great idea for a way for writers to get exposure.
I LOVE this “tough” look! The jacket and the SHOES (I am making grabby hands at the screen, lol) are amazing and just pop off that white handkerchief dress. I might have added a grommet belt just for a little extra pizzazz when the jacket’s not on, but that’s my own “soft goth” thing, lol.
Here’s to many more years of putting ourselves out there! Thank you so much for the link-party!
Sheila, my friend, thank you so much for this kind and very validating comment! I lived a former lifetime not being true to my authentic self. I tried (or maybe I was forced by some outside power) to fit into a specific mold. My authentic self nearly died back then until I woke up one day and basically ran for my life (in figurative terms). The reclaiming of myself took years of introspective work that was exhausting, scary, and very overwhelming. When you put that kind of hard work into something, you aren’t so willing any more to compromise it. And so I began this blog with all of that at the forefront of my mind. I want to represent who I am from every angle of my humanness. It warms my heart to know that my words do carry the power that I hope they do.
FYI, these shoes are insanely cute but not very comfortable at all. I hate when that happens! I do like the idea of a belt on this dress and I considered it but I had done that whole black corset belt for a goth look with the white lace wedding dress! But I definitely need to give that a try with this dress next time!
First of all, I love these photos!! The juxtaposition of you in a flowy white dress in front of that dilapidated factory is stunning and brilliant! As are the ones with just the dress with the greenery and flowers!! Secondly, congrats on your six-year journey! My 5th will be coming up in October. Yikes! As you say, putting your words, your thoughts, out there for strangers is SO intimidating. I’m still not as open as you–the writer–but my posts have come a long way. It’s a documented journey that tells a great deal about us, isn’t it? Thanks for sharing your thoughts and insight.
xx Darlene
Thanks so much, Darlene! I do always love the stark contrast of feminine with edginess and dressy against a background of “ruin porn”. They always ending up being some of my favorite shoots! Six years (or five in your case) seems like it flew by but it also feels like a lifetime ago because I have evolved so much during these early midlife years that I barely recognize the woman who wrote about church and church appropriate attire. It is really wonderful that we have documented our journeys here. I hope that we each have some kind of lasting legacy because of it. Because we took those risks and put ourselves out there into the dangerous unknown. That in and of itself speaks volumes about who we are! I am so grateful to have met you and so many other inspiring and kind and wonderful people on this journey. My life has been nothing but enriched because of this little blog space.
Nora Minassian
Congrats Shelbee, that is a lot of posts!! Keep doing what you are doing girl!!! I love this black and white look on you. Love the mix of the soft white dress with the rock and roll feel of the leather jacket.
Thanks so much, Nora! It has been a growth experience for sure and I am so grateful to be able to travel alongside all of the amazing and inspiring people in this community.
Marsha Banks
Happy Blogoversary! I cannot believe it’s only been six years. You’ve always inspired me to be kind, first and foremost, and thoughtful. It is truly frightening to begin a blog, but I’ve found bloggers are among the kindest people in the world. One of the reasons I began was to find others who would connect with me. I hope to be at this for years, too, and I imagine I will also cringe when I look back…at least, I hope I cringe because I’ve gotten better! I would have never thought this was a wedding dress. I love the edgy styling. You look stunning.
Wow, Marsha, thank you so very much! This blog has been such a huge part of my midlife journey that I literally cannot even imagine how I would have processed all the stuff that I have processed in the past 6 years without this forum. I have set out on a mission to always lead with love and kindness as soon as my feet hit the floor in the morning. It is a lifelong commitment that is so important to me and my feelings of purpose. I am so grateful to have met you on this journey and super excited to see where your blogging road leads you as well. It is an amazing community that has significantly impacted the trajectory of my life. I have made some of my best friends here and that is absolutely priceless!
Also, I read your first post (thanks for linking it here!). Awesome post! To be honest, while I believe in God and pray to Him, I have a “love/hate” relationship when it comes to church and especially church people. While this doesn’t apply to everyone, some of the meanest people I’ve ever met were church people, one person in particular…
So I admit that I’m not really a church goer either anymore. Strange as this may sound, but I feel like I have better relationships and community with people on my job than I did when I went to church. Isn’t that weird?
Thanks, Mike! I have a love-hate relationship with church as well. But you know, for some it really works to bring them a sense of meaning and purpose and I think that is wonderful. We all need something to get us through the day! But yes, there are some really mean church going folks who hide behind their religion as they spew hatred out. But I do think those people are the minority. I like to hold on to the idea that most people are kind and loving whether they are religious or not. I don’t think it’s weird at all that you feel a stronger sense of friendship and community outside of church. There is much diversity in church going personalities that can lead to all kinds of conflict in that environment if people allow it. But hopefully most people go to church, get their fill of the Holy Spirit, maybe spend some time in shared community with fellow churchgoers, and then head home to their regular lives until the next week. So I guess weird is a relative term! Haha.
Mike A.
You’re absolutely right, Shelbee. Out of say 100 people, 10 of them are not nice in church. And I will admit that I have encountered both kinds in my church going experience. The really good and the really evil. One person in particular told me once that I was worthless and that I shouldn’t be going to “her church”, but will turn around and say how much she loves God. But then I met truly awesome people there that helped me out when I was really struggling, like when I needed groceries and they would help me buy what I needed. I guess just like in other venues, there are good people and not so good people. We have to not pay as much attention to the negative ones and do our best to connect with those that are “the real deal”. Not everyone is a “church troll”! 🙂
Oh wow, Mike, I am sorry to hear that some church trolls (haha, great term) have been so completely unkind to you. But you are right, there are good and bad people in every venue and around every turn. When people speak badly about us it is more of a reflection on them than it is on the people they speak badly about. Our brains unfortunately seem to be wired to hold onto the negative for much longer than we do the positive. Reversing that is so important and I struggle with it daily. But I am a work in progress juste like everyone else, I suppose. I am making an effort to remember the good things people do and say and disregard the bad!
Tamar Strauss-Benjamin
Happy blog-bday! So glad it led out paths to cross!
Thanks so much, Tamar! I also am so grateful for our crossing paths! By the way, congratulations on winning the giveaway! I will email you soon. I am playing catch up from a crazy past two weeks.
Happy six year blog anniversary!! You have created an awesome platform and community that you should be so proud of. I always look forward to your posts 🙂 Blogging is definitely scary….I actually started a secret blog before the one I have now LOL! But it’s also so empowering and it’s an amazing way to feel connected to help others in ways that you wouldn’t even imagine. I love that you are so authentic and that you are so open in your posts. I’m looking forward to seeing what comes next for you!! Congrats! <3
Lizzie, thank you so much! I just got a little teary over this comment. I have always felt a special bond with you over our similar vulnerabilities that we have shared. And that is the real beauty of this whole community. Finding those connections in our vulnerable places. I have really enjoyed getting to know you and watching you flourish in the most beautiful way on your journey! You have always inspired me and will continue to do so. I am so grateful for you and all of the wonderful people who came into my circle through this blog.There is some serious power in that!
Patrick Weseman
Congrats on six years of blogging. You have done a really good job and all of your material has been outstanding. Please continue on and thanks for all you have done for bloggers.
Looking very nice. You make the black fishnets work with a white dress and white shoes. (God, I am getting to be a terrible fashion critic here). It looks great on you.
Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week and hope for at least six more years of blogging.
Patrick, thanks so much, my friend! I have really enjoyed journeying beside you on this platform! I definitely feel a bit of a kindred spirit with you. I need to catch up with you privately soon…Jeff and I have been venturing further into this alternative lifestyle stuff and it is weird and scary and fascinating and fun! I love how your eye for fashion has improved and you are absolutely not a terrible fashion critic! Haha. I’ll keep going for another 6 years as long as you all keep reading!
Congratulations!! I didn’t even say that to you this afternoon! What a journey, you have changed so much in those six years! Evolved in so many ways. (Do I say that correctly? So here’s to many more years my dear friend!
You said it absolutely perfectly, my friend! Thank you so much! You are one of my most special blessings that have come out of this blogging journey! I am overflowing with gratitude for our wonderful friendship!
Deborah Stinedurf
First of all, let me just say that you look an absolutely stunning & powerful goth goddess in this outfit…it is
AH-MAZE-ING my friend!
Secondly, I couldn’t agree more on the constant work & vigilance it take to be truly authentic. It’s not that we’re fake, it’s just that falling into old patterns of behavior or feeling pressured into an expected role makes it challenging. We have to be always aware of who we really are & then act accordingly.
Happy Blogiversary! I’m so happy you started so that you & I were able to find each other in this great big world! xo
Debbie, my friend, thank you so very much for everything you have done to inspire and motivate me on my journey to becoming my best self! I have so much gratitude for all of the blessings that have come out of this blogging journey. These friendships are based in real organic connections which is so cool. True badassery is really exhausting work, isn’t it? It requires exposing our vulnerabilities and doing this very personal work in a very public manner. It’s scary shit but the rewards are so great! I am so glad that we have met along the way as well. Some day we will make a real life meet up happen!
Happy anniversary! I have always enjoyed your posts and your openness. I think you tackle even difficult subjects with honesty and have helped me grow and change quite a bit as well. You look fabulous and that whole outfit is very “Shelbee!”
Oh wow, Joanne, I cannot thank you enough for this extremely validating comment! It is so nice to know when the things we write or say have a real impact on others. I kind of just throw my words out into internet land and hope they reach someone in a meaningful way. Very rarely do we get to know that we made an actual difference. So I really appreciate that more than you know! I am so blessed to have crossed paths with you on this journey because you have inspired me in more ways than one as well!
Congratulations Shelbee! We strated at around the same time and I remember yor first posts. We’ve both come a long way haven’t we? Here’s to many more years xx
Thanks so much, Laurie! I absolutely remember your first posts, too, because we did start right around the same time and connected pretty early on. We have definitely both come a long way and are just 6 years more wonderful and brilliant than we were in the blog beginning! Cheers to lots more blogging years for the both of us!
Amy Christensen
Happy anniversary, Shelbee. I started my blog to get me writing consistently and it certainly has. It has also helped me grow in the area of fashion. Like you, I want my blog and my writing to encourage and generate joy, not arguments and division. The world is made up of so many different people and we all have the same desires, needs and wants…to belong, to be loved and to matter. Love your blog, sweetie! Keep it up! – Amy
Amy, thank you so very much for this lovely comment. My heart is seriously overwhelmed right now with all of the comments on this post. It has been a wonderful journey so far and I have been blessed with so many wonderful connections. I really appreciate your blog mission as well…to encourage and generate joy…Yes! You are speaking my language there. There absolutely are enough arguments and division in the world, we certainly do not need to contribute to that! Keep shining your light into the world, my friend!
Congratulations 🎈 on your six years. You always look amazing.
Thank you so much, my friend! I really appreciate that and your continued support!
What a lovely little white dress on you !I love the black with it, such a classic combo! 🙂
congrats on 6 years of blogging too! it’s wonderful you are enjoying this creative outlet for your writing 🙂
Thank you for the link up!
Hope your week is going well! It’s a cold one here for the last few days of winter!
Thanks so much, Mica! I was really happy with this outfit! And I do enjoy this creative outlet very much. It really has gotten me through a lot of stuff! Stay warm in this cold snap! We are back to a mini heat wave here again.
Kathrine Eldridge
Congrats on your blog anniversary! Can’t believe your first post was about church attire. Lol! You’ve come a long way baby! I love connecting with you on your blog and adore your no holds barred point of view. Thank you for all the inspiraiton and keep it coming. Love the edgy feminine vibes of this look and thanks for the link up!
Kathrine, thanks so much! I crack up every time I go back to the beginning of my blog and see that first post! But hey, I was going to church at that time so it seemed like an easy benign topic to start with! Haha. I had to build an audience and feel it out first before I got to the no holds barred point! This whole blogging experience has been the most rewarding journey and I am so blessed to have so many wonderfully inspiring women like you as part of my blogging tribe.
jodie filogomo
It is so interesting to look back like this Shelbee, but evolution is a good thing I always say!! And that dress is fabulous. I’m so tempted to get another dress or two because I wear them all the time,
Thanks, Jodie! Evolution is definitely a very good thing! We can’t get stuck and stagnant and stop growing or else…well, I don’t really know what the or else is…but I sure prefer growth and evolution within myself over stuck stagnancy! I don’t think a fashionable woman can have too many dress, my friend, so you should start shopping for yourself if you are feeling compelled!
Michele Morin
Funny that church attire was your first post. We had a guest speaker last Sunday and he seemed unsure of what to wear that would fit in with our congregation. I assured him that we come with all kinds of looks, and whatever he wore would be fine.
Aw, Michele, I love that you reassured the guest speaker that there are times and situations when it really doesn’t matter what you are wearing just as long as you are showing up and doing the good work! I hope his speech was successful and rewarding for you, him, and the rest of your congregation!
Happy Blogversary, Shelbee! Your writing is thoughtful, insightful and sometimes funny too. Your outfits are creative and show that you have a very special personality. You make getting dressed look fun and I’m sure people appreciate that. I sure do. Your blog is unique because of your interpretations – of outfits and life. Enjoy your next six-plus years and thanks for sharing yourself with us the first six – Angie, http://www.yourtrueselfblog.com
Angie, thank you so much. What a lovely comment. My heart is overwhelmed with all the beautiful messages on this post. It has been such a rewarding journey walking beside so many amazing people on this blogging road. I have met so many inspiring women and men who have enriched my life in ways that I cannot even count! I am so grateful that our paths have crossed on the way as well. Keep shining your bright beautiful light into the world, my friend.
This outfit is stunning, Shelbee! Happy Blogiversary! I have also looked back at old posts from years ago and wondered what I was thinking but we all evolve over time! Thank you so much for sharing my post today!
Thanks so much, Katie! It has been a fascinating ride for sure doing this blogging thing! And I have met so many wonderful and inspiring people on the way who I am blessed to consider my friends! I am so glad to have met you on this journey as well! Keep shining bright!
Cheryl Shops
Happy blogiversary! Six years is a huge achievement and definitely something to be proud of. Here’s to many more years of blogging!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Thanks so much, Cheryl! I think 6 years might be the longest that I have ever stuck with a single “job”! It has been a blessing meeting so many wonderful people on this blogging journey. I am super grateful for you and all the other friends I have made here!
I love reading about blogversaries and looking at the first post. It’s amazing how we change in such a short period of time. I think having a blog is a wonderful archive of our lives.
The dress immediately reminded me of Marilyn Monroe. I love how you styled it with the black tights and white sandals.
Thanks so much, Gail! I love that perspective of our blogs as archives of our lives. It’s so true! I used to write in journals all the time and now I just dump all my thoughts and words here and it really is nice to have it to look back upon. I am so grateful to also have made such great friends in this community.
Such a beautiful look and this dress is adorable! Congratulations on six years of blogging and here’s to many more! Happy Blogiversary!
Lovely, thank you so very much!
Kellyann Rohr
Happy 6 years to one of the most authentic and genuine women I know! You bless us all with your honesty and sharing your truth!
Thanks for the feature too – I appreciate it!
Aw, Kellyann, thank you so very much! I am humbled and ever so grateful for all of the wonderful people in this community who have enriched my life!
Happy blogiversary!!! You look amazing!!
Curated By Jennifer
Thanks so much, Jennifer! I really appreciate that!
jess jannenga
Congrats on 6 years of blogging! It does take alot and I commend you on your posts! I need to check out writing for Medium! Love the vibe here with the black and white and some edgy vibe as well! Its been 7 years for me blogging and I am certainly different from when I first posted as well.
Have a great week!
jess xx
Thanks so much, Jess! It has been quite the journey of self evolution for me. I am so grateful for all the amazing people I have met along the way including you, my friend!
So you’ve written over 200 posts every
year! That’s really an achievement in itself. Would you say it took a long time to ‘find your voice’? I just saw your art post, that green looks stunning!
Thanks so much, Barbara! The first few years of blogging I didn’t write nearly as many so in the later years I am certain it is well over 200 posts per year. It is a big number and a lot of words! Haha. And I think I am still finding my voice!
Thank you so much, Shelbee! You summed it all up perfectly! I couldn’t have said it better! Everyone has a story to tell and it’s through those stories that we ourselves can learn from and continue to grow in life. Our very lives totally depend on other people as we need each other in order to survive. I try to give out as much kindness and understanding to others as I can. It may not always be recipricated, but even when it isn’t, I know that I did my part to help make the world a better place. 🙂
Thank you again for allowing me to be a part of your community here on your blog, as well as a part of your story here, Shelbee. It is an honor!
Thank you so very much, Mike, for all of your support and kindness in this blogging world. I walk out into the world every day leading with kindness and unconditional love and it is very often unreciprocated. But that’s okay because emitting kindness and love is my purpose in this life and that is all I am responsible for doing…putting it into the world. What people do with the kindness and love that comes at them is completely up to them! We cross paths with so many people in our lifetimes and each new person offers something that helps me to grow usually by virtue of just sharing their stories and experiences. Keep shining bright and sharing your story, my friend!
Mike A.
You’ve helped me so much in just these past few months since I’ve met you, Shelbee. Your kindness towards me has helped me a great deal and I feel like a stronger person because of you. And that, my friend, is the heart of a true hero. 🙂 Keep on, my friend! ^_^
Oh my word, Mike, thank you so much for that lovely bit of validation. I am touched beyond words and ever so grateful that I have this forum to share my thoughts with the world. I am so glad that you were able to find benefit in what I do here! Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
You are so welcome, Shelbee. Keep on being awesome, keep on being you!
Thanks, Mike! And the same right back at ya!
Congratulations on your sixth blogaversary, Shelbee! I can’t believe how many posts you’ve written over the past six years. You’ve certainly been busy!! I’m excited to see where the future takes you and your blog, and I, for one, am really looking forward to reading more from you!
As for your outfit, well…it’s totally dreamy but with a super cool funky edge! I LOVE IT!! So many people wouldn’t dream of adding black accessories to a white wedding dress, but I think it’s one of the coolest things you can do. Absolutely gorgeous, my friend!
Suzy xx
Suzy, thank you so very much, my friend! I can’t even imagine my life without this blog anymore. It has been such a wonderful way for me to document and journal my own personal growth journey but also the connections that I have made through blogging have been monumental. You all are some of my closest and best friends in this little blogging community of ours! I am so grateful for all the blessings that have come out of the last 6 years. I had to chuckle about your gushiness over my white wedding dress with black accessories…because that is exactly how I styled my actual wedding dress! I wore a little ivory shift dress with black tights, black combat boots, and a black hat with a black veil. Because that’s just how I roll! Ha.
and that’s just one of the many, many things I love about you, Shelbee!!
<3 <3 <3
And I love you right back, my sweet friend!
Mike A.
Hahah, yeah, she would say some pretty horrible stuff to me, much worse than that… I wasn’t the only one as she pretty much insulted everyone (with the exception of those she felt was “worthy”), but I received much of the shade. And you are so right, Shelbee. She really was just showing what a horrible person she was to the world, but like you said, it’s difficult to remember that when you’re on the receiving end of someone’s “venomous words”.
I struggle with that too and it is taking me years to literally erase the hurt and not make this troll the “bane” of my life, which for the longest time, she was. We’re all a “work-in-progress” and every day we must try to see as a new day and not carry the burdens of the previous day into the new day. It is difficult at times to do this (trust me, it really is for me!), but we can do it!
Ha ha, thanks. Yeah, “trolls” are pretty much everywhere. The more cowardly ones hide behind their screens, but some don’t have a problem being jerks to people in person, like my tormentor I mentioned above. We have to ignore them and focus on all of the awesome people that love and respect us!
Very well said, my friend! Navigating life as a human is really hard sometimes! We are all so complicated that you never really know what you’re gonna get from anyone!
Lucy Bertoldi
YOu look incredible!! I am loving those fishnets with the white- so funky and gorgeous!! Happy 6th Anniversary for your blogging- love this blog!! xx
Thanks so much, Lucy! I do like the dramatic contrast between the white dress and black accessories. It resembles my wedding attire! I wore a little white dress with black tights, black combat boots, a black hat, and a black veil.
Congrats on the 6 years of blogging. Ypou look stunning in that outfit and I think I must have a shoe fettish, I love those heels.
Thanks for linking with #pocolo
Thanks so much, Suzanne! I definitely have a shoe obsession so I can relate! Haha.