Because I’m Here and I Can & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up On the Edge #650

Last weekend, I went to see Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret, the new movie based on Judy Blume’s 1970 award winning coming of age novel. It was a fantastic movie that made me laugh, cry, and wax nostalgic. If you are a woman of a certain age who grew up in America, then you probably know this novel and would really enjoy this film. I do love a story that pushes the boundaries of appropriate and apparently discussing our periods and our boobs and sexual desires was and still is highly inappropriate in our puritanical world. A world that seems okay with violence but not at all okay with normal body functions and how they differ by gender. But this post isn’t at all about any of that. I only mentioned the film because it was a great film.
During the previews for this movie, I saw a trailer for another film, Ordinary Angels, starring Hilary Swank as real life hairdresser, Sharon Stevens, “who single-handedly rallied an entire community to help a widowed father save the life of his critically ill young daughter.” It is based on a true story which makes it even more moving. It will be released on October 13, 2023, and I am really excited to see it. I was completely sold on one line from the trailer where Hilary Swank’s character was asked by a friend why she was putting herself through all of this turmoil to help these people who were virtual strangers to her. She replied very passionately with these six simple words, “Because I’m here and I can.”
As soon as the words were spoken, they resonated strongly with me. You see, recently, Jeff and I have offered a very big kindness to someone we know, but don’t know very well. I am not going to share the details because the story is not mine to share. But when I heard the news, I knew I had to offer something, so I offered what I could. And it turned out that what I had to offer was exactly what was needed.
Bu why did I feel so compelled to do anything at all? The only answer I can come up with is because I’m here and I can. I don’t need or want anything in return. I have been on the receiving end of big kindnesses from others so many times in my life that I have vowed to always pay it forward. And paying it forward is all I ever ask of others when they receive a kindness from me. And really the only reason any of us should ever need to compel us to help someone else is because you are there and you can!

I am going to take it one step further, however, and assert that this phrase is so much more than just about helping others. It seems to be a fitting mantra for living our best lives as well. Because I am here and I can. It’s about seizing the moment while you still have moments to seize. It’s about feeling alive and present in your own existence. It’s about me. It’s about you. It’s about us. It’s about them. It’s about everybody finding meaning and purpose in the chaos that surrounds us.
None of us know when our time will run out, so it’s time to start living well now. For me, living well includes helping others to find their way to living well. For we reap what we so, we get we give, and karma is a real thing, y’all.
I will leave you with a few inspiring quotes on the topic of giving…because I’m here and I can.
“No one has ever become poor from giving.”
Anne Frank
“Money is not the only commodity that is fun to give. We can give time, we can give our expertise, we can give our love, or simply give a smile. What does that cost? The point is, none of us can ever run out of something worthwhile to give.”
Steve Goodier
“You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.”
Kahlil Gibran
“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.”
Pablo Picasso
“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”
Leo Buscaglia
Featured Favorites
Reader Favorite (Most Clicked): Jill of Doused in Pink
Fashion Favorite: Marsha of Marsha in the Middle
Other Favorite: Patrick of Adventures in Weseland
What will you do next because you are here and you can?
Keeping it on the edge,
Joining these Fabulous Link Parties.
Outfit Details: Kimono, Leggings, Turtleneck, and Scarf-Torrid / Boots-Roper from Country Outfitter / Choker Necklace-Michal Golan / Shell Necklace-Gift from a friend / Horn Necklace-Traveling Chic Boutique / Shelbee Mala Beads–Zen Spirit Malas / Earrings-Snake Song

Laura @ Our Grand Lives
“Because I am here and I can!” Such an important reminder for us all! Thank you!
Wishing you a great weekend ahead!
Thanks so much, Laura! I really appreciate that. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
I can resonate with that! I often do things for others because I can. For the exact same reasons as you do.
We have two weeks of vacation and I couldn’t feel happier! We need it, lol. Enjoy your weekend!
Aww, thanks, Nancy! I adore you so much, my friend. I hope you have an amazing vacation!
Amy Johnson
What a beautiful post. I love your thoughts on giving and what a great phrase “Because I’m here, I can”. Gorgeous outfit too!
Thanks so much, Amy! That phrase hit me hard and I will carry it forward with me from now on! I hope you have a lovely weekend, my friend!
Thanks for hosting a FUN party every week, Shelbee!
Thanks so much for joining us, Beth! I really appreciate it. Have a wonderful weekend!
“Because I’m here and because I can.” Exactly! I am a big fan of doing what I can to help others, whether it’s a little or a lot. It all counts. And it really makes this world a better place. (I could expound on this topic for a long time, but I’ll leave it short here. Too many thoughts.)
And a really pretty outfit! The wine colored dress is a great back drop for the floral skirt. And the flowered booties are so fun and whimsical.
Thanks so much, Michelle! It is such a powerful statement, isn’t it? Honestly, I am going to carry it forward with me for the rest of my life. It was seriously a moment of awakening as soon as I heard Hilary Swank deliver that line. It hit me in my core in the most profound way! I hope you have the most wonderful weekend, my friend.
Very inspiring and thoughtful post, Shelbee. I remember reading Judy Blume, and look forwad to seeing the movie based on her book. Thanks for sharing and the link up!
Thanks so much, Di! It was such a great movie! I highly recommend it.
Esmé Slabbert
Thank you very much for this awesome weekly linkup. Highly appreciated
Thanks so much for stopping by, Esmé! I hope you have a lovely weekend.
Oh those 6 words are so powerful together aren’t they? I love this message!!
Thank you so much, Joanne! It is definitely a mantra I will carry with me from now on!
First, I have to say I cannot wait to see that movie. My dad confiscated that book when I was reading it in 5th grade because he said it was inappropriate. lol. I completely agree that karma is real, and we need to step in and help others when we see them in need. Even the smallest gesture can make a huge impact on someone that is struggling. Also, thank you so much for the feature! It made my day!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Aw, thanks so much, Jill! I know that I read the book but I have no recollection of my experience reading it. I bet it became more intriguing when your dad took it! My mother never forbade a book, but I do recall getting into A LOT of trouble for listening to Dr. Ruth in 6th grade! I wanted to learn stuff and nobody was teaching me! What a different world we live in now. But maybe not so different after all. I hope you have a fabulous weekend, my friend.
jodie filogomo
What a great post and message Shelbee. We saw the Judy Blume movie too and I thought they did a fabulous job recreating the book. Did you see Judy’s cameo appearance in the movie? We had just watched her documentary on Amazon, and I recognized her.
And the Hilary Swank movie? It’s totally on our list too, and that message is something we should all take to heart.
Jodie, thanks so much! I did not see Judy’s cameo appearance, darn it! But now I do need to go watch her documentary. But first, I am awake wicked early tuning into the king’s coronation! I hope you have a lovely weekend, my friend.
Marsha Banks
This post does not surprise me at all, Shelbee! You have a giving spirit, and it is so apparent to anyone who sees you. I think this truly is a motto we should all adopt. It also seems like something I should tattoo on my wrist to remind me! Thank you for the feature and the link party, but thank you for always writing something I need to hear when I need to hear it.
Aw, Marsha! Thanks so much, my friend. You always leave me comments that make me feel so good and humble. I cannot adequately express you how much I appreciate that. I hope you have the most wonderful weekend!
Emma Peach
Even though i’ve never met in you IRL I know that you are one of the kindest people in the world, that really comes across in your writing. I recently found that Judy Blume book when I was going through a load of stuff at my mum’s (she’s getting ready to sell her house). I’ve never read it but now I think I will. I hope you’re having a wonderful weekend!
Emma xxx
Oh my goodness, Emma, thank you so much! You are very kind as well and that comes through everything you do! I should reread the book because I don’t recall it from my youth. The movie was so good! I hope your week is off to a wonderful start!
Laura Bambrick
I want to see that movie so much! I didn’t know it is actually on the banned books list in places. Crazy! You are such a giving person, I’m glad you were able to reach out and help!
Thanks so much, Laura! You should definitely go see the movie! It was so good!
Wow, such an inspiring post. I really love that quote. All your other quotes on giving are awesome too, thanks.
Thanks so much, Astrid! I really appreciate that. This world definitely needs all the kindness we can give! I hope you are enjoying a wonderful week!
Patrick Weseman
Looking very nice and I need to see that movie. Thanks for the blog love. Thanks for hosting and I hope that everything is well in your world.
Thanks so much, Patrick! Everything is going well. I am ready for school to be finished so we can enjoy lazy summer days. You definitely need to see the movie! It is brilliant on so many levels.