Ayr Skin Care Review: Pure Moisture Nourishing Face Cream

I have been wanting to share this new face cream that I have been using recently to combat the damage that the icy cold North Country winters bring upon my skin. I was experiencing incredibly dry skin on my face with lots of redness cropping up in response to the dry, cold air. I have been applying a small amount of the Ayr Skin Care Pure Moisture Nourishing Face Cream to my face every night after cleansing for the past week.
*This is not a sponsored post. I was gifted this product for review on social media and I have fulfilled that obligation. I just wanted to share the product with you all here in case you don’t follow me on Facebook. If you don’t follow me on Facebook though, you should! Also, I receive no commissions on any sales generated from this post.

But before I go into the details about my experience with this face cream, I have to say that I am not a huge skin care fanatic and I do not practice a diligent skin care routine mostly because I have serious sensory issues with applying creams and oils to my skin. I basically cannot tolerate any of them. And even worse, the added perfumes create aromas that have a tendency to make me gag. So I am a very hard sell when it comes to products like this.
I also have combination skin that tends to go from dry to oily very quickly upon use of any new hydrating face cream. This deters me from putting moisturizers on my face. But let’s face it, I am not getting any younger and we all know that hydration and moisturizing is the key to healthy skin as our body’s natural production of all things that keep skin supple and youthful begins to betray us. And so I thought I would give this new product a try.

I am not sure if you can see how dry my skin is on my cheeks.
After a week of nightly application, I will admit that I am sold. The Pure Moisture Nourishing Face Cream is not heavy or greasy and the aroma is actually really quite pleasing. It has a sort of fruity citrusy scent that makes me breathe deeply like a refreshing breath of spring air. Hey, if we can’t get spring to arrive soon, at least we can use products that smell like it!
The dryness and redness on my cheeks has nearly disappeared completely in just one week. I have also been applying a bit of the cream to the backs of my hands. Oh, how my hands suffer in the winter. And it is very soothing for chapped and cracked hands as well. It is rare for me to find anything sensitive enough to apply to my hands without a burning sensation coming on fast and furious. I have experienced nothing but a soothing relief from Pure Moisture.

I don’t know if you can see the improvement in the dryness on my skin. But I promise my skin is mush softer and more supple after using this product.
Also, the product comes in the prettiest teal packaging which just happens to match my bathroom decor. The pretty swirl design on the box was inspired by the Ayr hand swirled soap which can be purchased on their website. The Pure Moisture Cream also uses an airless pump packaging which I love because you are not contaminating the entire jar of cream with the oils from your fingers. It pumps out just the amount you need for each application.

To reiterate, after just one week of daily moisturizing with the Ayr Skin Care Pure Moisture Nourishing Face Cream, my face (and hands) feel soft, supple, silky, and smooth. And a little bit more protected from the cold winter air.
If you would like to see what all the hype is about, you can order yours here. But be sure to use code HEALTHYSKIN20 at checkout to receive 20% off your order.

What kind of skin care regimen do you practice?
Keeping it on the edge,
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Sounds great! I also have a very dry skin and it’s getting worse now, after so long cold and wind and rain and all that. It looks like your skin has approved! Very good!
Thanks so much, Nancy! Yeah, my skin has been suffering badly this winter! I hope you find something that relieves your dry skin as well.
Melody Jacob
This looks like a nice product to try
Yeah, I really like, Melody! Thanks for stopping by!
Missy May
Sounds like a goodie! Nothing like a product that works. Thanks for the honest review, Shelbee.
Thank you, Missy! I appreciate your stopping by!
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
Sounds like a great product!
Thanks for reading, Tamar! I am really enjoying this product. My skin feels great without getting oily. And it smells so good, too.
jodie filogomo
I haven’t heard of this brand before Shelbee? I’m working SO hard on trying to keep out the bad chemicals lately. I’ll have to check out this one.
Thanks for stopping by, Jodie! I had only just started seeing some things about this product line recently, so when they reached out to collaborate, I was super interested in giving it a try. The ingredient list is all natural and organic with no chemicals or all that icky stuff you so often see. I am really enjoying it and the way my skin is so hydrated without getting greasy.
I’ve never heard of this brand before. Since my skin is still detoxing, my routine is quite simple- silver gel, bio oil (morning), black seed oil (night), moisturizer and eye cream.
Effortlessly Sophisticated
Jennifer, thanks for checking out this post. I don’t like to put too much of anything on my face but this cream is really quite nice. I am really liking the sound of your all natural skin care routine as well.
I am really bad about not doing anything for my face at all. I only wash it after working out and it seems to be working so far for me with no breaking out and not major pbs. Might be also because I do not wear makeup and never really have? I do like reading about what others use.
Mireille, thanks for reading! I never really did anything on my face either except wash it with soap and water in the shower. I never really even washed my face before bed until very recently. I also have always been super happy with my skin…I guess I have been blessed with good genes and I stay out of the sun. But only recently, at 45, am I noticing that I need a little extra something for my face.
My skin has been quite temperamental this winter, red and dry in places. I’ve been experimenting with a few different products. This brand sounds interesting and has done a great job for you so far.
Thanks for reading, Gail! It seems like every year my skin gets more and more sensitive to the weather. I like when I find useful products to combat the dryness.
It’s awesome that you found something that works and that you can tolerate scent-wise. Scents are a problem for me as well, so I can relate to the challenge. I’ll peek in at their website.
Thanks, Michelle! Isn’t it crazy how certain scents can really irritate you?! But I really do like this product. I am going to be sad when it runs out.
Anna Shirley
I didn’t see this brand in Europe or in Asia. I have sensitive skin, so it is not so easy for me to find good skincare. Good that you find something you like.
Thanks so much, Anna! Yeah, I think Ayr Skin Care might only ship to the U.S. I hope you are able to find a skin care product that works for you.