Awesome Archie is Taking Over for Radical Ralphie

Radical Ralphie has refused to get dressed for a photoshoot since January. In fact, he even refused to be part of our Easter family photos yesterday. But his big brother, Awesome Archie, is turning into a willing participant. We had fun with hair dye last weekend. And yesterday, we were able to take some fun photos in the park showcasing Archie’s vibrant blue hair which contrasted perfectly against his light gray camouflage flannel hoodie.
Hair Dye Day

Archie does not have the same extensive wardrobe as Ralphie. He is definitely a sweatpants and hoodies kind of lad. As he is quickly outgrowing much of his wardrobe, perhaps I will be able to persuade him to add some funky new pieces to his style game. He definitely has a unique personality which will work well with uncommon fashion sense.
Always quick to deliver a joke or a sarcastic remark, you can’t help but like this kid. He is goofy and weird and awkward and lovable and kind and caring. All of the things that any parent would appreciate as their child hits those bumbling years of late childhood just before they enter the even more perplexing years of adolescent puberty. Archie will be 9 in just a few short weeks and we need to figure out how we are going to celebrate. It might be challenging to get even more creative than Radical Ralphie’s Coronovirus Birthday Party last month.
Archie is smart in so many ways and a diligent rule follower, often much to his momma’s dismay since I am very much a rule questioner and rule breaker! He has a tendency to worry about some of the most trivial things which can drive me crazy. But in his worry, he is always looking out for his little brother who is endlessly fearless, often reckless, and needs someone to look out for his safety often.

Archie loves art and drawing and grows more and more proficient with pencil and marker drawings each week. He is very dedicated to advancing his skills at karate and judo and his improvement is apparent with every class. He is an avid gamer and gets very excited about Halo, Call of Duty, and Mortal Combat. He is fascinated by all things military and loves hearing Daddy’s war stories and watching shows about military history.
Archie is very much like both of his parents in his relaxed personality that allows him to go with the flow. He is adaptable and easy going and transitions into new things with ease and little effort. It is a quality that works well in military life and one that has made the transition into lockdown mode not all that difficult. He speaks his mind, but hides his emotions. He doesn’t like to show sadness, but has discovered ways to soothe himself and will retreat to quiet isolation when necessary. But it doesn’t take him long at all to return to a state of equilibrium.

I love watching this kid evolve into an interesting and responsible boy with lots of facets and compelling characteristics. He is responsible and honest and friendly and very likable. Now to get him to put his trash into a garbage receptacle and it might be smooth sailing. But probably not. We still have a lot of years of growing and evolving together. Plus puberty is still on the horizon and who knows what that will bring with it.

How have your kids’ personalities evolved over time? Also, if you have “parenting through puberty” tips to share, I would love to hear them!
Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.
Shop Archie’s look…
Outfit Details: Camo Hoodie and Minecraft Socks-Target / Tee Shirt-Walmart / Sweatpants-Old Navy / Sneakers-Amazon (Exact)

Hell Archie! So nice to get to know you better! And how cool you are with your blue hair! Lots of greetings from the Netherlands!
Aw, thanks so much, Nancy! I think you would really like Archie! He speaks fluent sarcasm just like you do!
I had noticed you hair last week and Archie’s is quite fun! My nephew did some blue streaks in his hair last summer. He actually kind of makes me think of Archie in personality. My parenting hasn’t changed much in the pre teen and teen years but my oldest hasn’t hit too many hard bumps yet. I do talk to him a lot and try to get him to talk too. Glad school work is starting again after a week’s break because he is getting bored and spending too much time in his room the past few days.
Mireille, thanks so much for sharing your parenting experience. You have boys in every age bracket right now! I think Archie is a lot like me and likes to express himself in out of the ordinary ways like coloring is hair blue. Although it is much more mainstream now, when I dyed my hair crazy colors back in the late 80’s, I was just viewed as a freak! Cheers to self expression and back to school work!
Awww what a sweetheart! So fun getting to know him. Loved hearing about his love for art 🙂 And love his awesome blue hair!
Thanks so much, Lizzie! He is a really unique kid, for sure!
Such a cutie!
Effortlessly Sophisticated
Aw, thanks so much, Jennifer!
What a beautiful person Archie is, Shelbee. He sounds very self contained and as though he relies on his own inner-ness to deal with things (self sufficient). Which is quite like an introvert. Is this so with Archie? He also looks very kind, which is such a wonderful attribute. Love the hair cut and dye job, too.
Thank you so much, Ratnamurti! I don’t think Archie is very introverted in general. He loves to socialize with friends and has always gotten very excited when we host or attend parties. I think he just gets introverted when it comes to discussing feelings. And Ralph is even worse with feelings-talk! But they are both good kids and I am blessed to have them.
His hair came out awesome. I love the color!!
Xx, Nailil
Thanks so much, Nailil! I love the way he expresses himself with his funky hair, too!
jodie filogomo
I just love how you are showcasing the boys. And don’t worry…I went through a phase where I didn’t want my photo taken either…and look at me now, LOL
Thanks, Jodie! You know there was a period of about 10-15 years where I don’t think a picture of me exists. I hated having my photo taken. I am still not that fond of it!
Patrick Weseman
You got two kid models in your house. Very cool.
You never know about kids. The fun part is watching them grow and find there way. Something I learned with my kiddos. Watching them develop was a long and sometimes painful but interesting. I am glad that I got to witness my kids growing up.
Patrick, thank you so much for that beautiful insight on raising kids. It really is a long and sometimes painful process, isn’t it? But then they turn into pretty cool adult humans that we can actually be friends with. At least, that’s my goal.
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
I thought I noticed a new blonde streak on you! Archie looks awesome!!
Thanks, Tamar! I was all gray roots but now that I freshened up the roots and brightened up the streak, it is all more vibrant!
I love Awesome Archie’s blue hair! Such a lovely shade! And he sounds like a really cool young man. So sweet that he looks out for his little brother – which given Radical Ralphie’s fearless personality might be a full time job!
Thanks, Michelle! It is indeed a full time job to make sure Ralphie does cause complete destruction! We bleached Archie’s first so that we could get the blue as vibrant as possible!
Dee | Grammy's Grid
Cool hair and comfy clothes, sounds like me 🙂
Thanks, Dee! It is the perfect combination for anyone!
Alika young
Wow I have blue hair! The boys look awesome! Good for you for letting them have it. Love from Japan!
Thanks so much, Alika! When I was a kid, my mom always let me color my hair and have crazy hairstyles and wear even crazier clothes because it was how expressed myself. So I can’t help but encourage the same in my kids!
Anne M Bray
A wonderful portrait of Archie. Ah, I have NO parenting tips, and was a wretched teenager as well. My poor parents!
I want to hook you up with my second cousin, Kim. She’s got two teenagers and a third almost there. I’m sure she’s got LOTS of tips! She’s also a military mom, her husband is in the Coast Guard. Will do so, after she gets over COVID-19, poor thing.
Thanks so much, Anne! I would love to connect with your cousin! That would be very cool. And I am sorry to hear that she has been struck with the COVID. Will send lots of positive healing energy out there for her!
Leslie Susan Clingan
Very fun to get to know your sons. Are they allowed to have their hair colored when they are in school? I had noticed your little strand of blonde. Now I know how they came to be. A long time ago, I got highlights, then moved to Panama where I was in the sun all the time. My highlights turn bright Lucille Ball orange. When I came back to the U.S. for my first visit home, my mom walked right past me because she didn’t recognize me with a head full of red hair!
Thanks so much, Leslie! My kids are allowed to have colored in school although I usually make them wait until summer vacation to add color to their hair. But since they are not in school right now, we went for it. Actually, we had colored their hair last summer and right before school started, I attempted to bleach the color back out of it. This ended in a huge mom fail and they went from having bright red and bright blue hair to both somehow having Easter egg pink hair…which is now memorialized in their school photos because I could not get the color out! Ha. Oh well. It makes for good stories and memories down the line. And how funny that your mom didn’t recognize you with your sun bleached hair!
jess jannenga
Very fashionable young boys! Nice to meet Archie! It is wonderful to hear about his personality ! I really love the hair color. The vibrant blue looks fun and artsy! So he has a creative side too, that really cool. The blue with the grey camo looks quite stylish. and I see you are experimenting too- love the blonde streak! I think we are going with the flow more – as what else can you do?
take care,
Jess xx
thanks for linking!
Jess, thank you so much for those super kind words about my little monster! He is a very creative kid, for sure. He just bought himself a 3D doodle pen with his gift money from Christmas. It arrived yesterday and he spent hours toying with the thing trying to master his 3D doodling skills! I can’t wait to see what he creates. I am glad you are going with the flow…that’s sort of how I always lived my life anyway so I guess this transition hasn’t been too difficult for me. Although, I am getting severe cabin fever as the weather has been less than cooperative for getting some fresh air.
Dee | Grammy's Grid
Visiting again to say Thanks so much for linking up with me at my #UnlimitedMonthlyLinkParty 11, open April 1 to 26. All entries shared on social media if share buttons installed. I’d like to invite you to check out my other current link parties too!
Thanks for hosting, Dee!
Emma Peach
Archie’s hair looks great, and I love your blonde streak too! Isobel will be eleven in a few months so I’m bracing myself for puberty too! She’s a very sociable child but is coping really well with being stuck at home. Thanks for linking up!
Emma xxx
Thanks so much, Emma! His hair has faded a ton after just a few washes! But I guess that is typical with those bright colors. My kids are doing well being at home, too. It’s me who is struggling with having them home all day!